SWC 2006-07 Adult

SWC 2006-07 Adult

Name Avg Games League Name Aalbers, Mark 164 90 HF050 Aalderks, Tracy L 130 99 HF260 Abbamonte, Lisa M 139 90 WA220 Abbate, Jim 165 36 SW040 Abbate, Katie 159 99 LS150 Abbate, Larry 189 90 LS031 Abbott, Russ L 155 87 LS050 Abbott, Scott L 153 93 DP251 Abbott, Shane M 161 81 WA030 160 99 DP251 Abboud, Michael J 187 132 PC020 Abdelhadi, Christina A 145 95 SW150 Abel, Jason 183 102 SD061 Abel, Theodore 171 99 SD061 Abell, Bonnie L 133 36 BG270 Abell, Doug G 200 45 WD010 Abell, Gregory E 172 60 WD050 Abell, James A 147 48 BG270 Abraham, Gary 168 90 LS050 Abraham, Keith R 150 89 LS050 Abraham, Lonny L 162 32 SD062 Abraham, Ron A 168 96 LS050 Abrath, Gary L 192 81 BW030 Accolti, Tony P 139 85 SD241 Accomando, Ed A, Sr 200 98 DP240 Accomando, Terri A 152 99 DP240 Acevedo, Alfonso 179 21 DP260 Acevedo, Juan C 182 30 DP020 Acevedo, Omar 176 77 DP020 Acevedo, Thomas 184 75 001 171 93 WD250 Acierto, Greg E 168 45 LL212 Acor, Kim S 119 34 WA240 Acor, Shawn M, Sr 176 78 WA240 Adam, John W 191 65 DP251 Adam, Kathy A 134 84 WV130 Adamczyk, Justine 141 99 SW220 Adamec, Steven E 139 93 EL230 Adams, Aaron A 161 45 PC210 Adams, Arthur A 201 37 LL020 Adams, Carrie L 146 45 SD271 Adams, Jeff 124 48 FB230 Adams, John L 153 96 WH241 151 63 WH050 Adams, Karen G 141 51 FB260 Adams, Matt J 172 27 LL050 Adams, Ronald G 180 87 LL050 Adams, Terry A 136 67 SC141 Adams, Tom R 207 78 002 Adams, William T 186 120 HF011 Adamson, Markus K 162 49 PC211 Adamson, Sabrina R 133 51 PC211 Adderley, Anthony P 161 90 WV271 Addison, John 181 51 GH210 Addison, Maryann 164 51 GH210 Adelizzi, Cher L 156 96 DP151 Adkins, Jerry W 181 102 PC260 Adkins, Susan L 124 102 PC260 Adkins, Theodore E 150 42 FB210 Adler, Bernadette H 154 96 LL140 Adler, Kim A 190 102 SD230 Adler, William, Jr 180 102 SD030 Adomaitis, Matthew 169 75 LL021 Adomaitis, Vince B 150 72 LL021 Adreani, Wayne M 189 93 WD010 Afable, Michael L 185 89 BW030 Agliato, Nick S 163 63 LL060 Agosto, Hector I 157 99 PC021 Aguayo, Hilma M 126 78 PC241 Aguilar, Vicente 165 99 EL230 Aguilera, Laura L 94 75 BG150 Aguiniga, Paul 146 90 WV270 Aguirre, Diego A 214 93 LL260 212 102 LL021 Aguirre, Donnie J 182 96 LB040 Ahlberg, Robert L 162 96 SD241 Ahlstedt, Bill E 153 33 BW270 Ahlstrom, Gregory A 195 93 FB220 Aiardo, Laura E 163 99 SW220 Aievoli, Barbara R 103 53 DP131 Aimaro, Michael L 109 48 LL270 Aimers, Doris 152 99 DP133 Aimone, Heather R 138 99 FB240 Airdo, Helen L 133 69 LL241 Aita, Kelly S 171 87 BG211 Akers, Mark A 190 89 BG040 Akins, George T 175 96 BG020 Alagna, Mark 160 93 LS031 Alanis, Darlene J 149 90 WV271 Alban, Rebecca J 113 71 PC140 Albee, Jeffrey A 199 102 DP050 Albers, Gail R 124 102 WH240 Albert, Keith E 220 102 CS250 Albert, Peter A 202 135 PC020 Alberti, Vicki S 152 28 LL250 Alberto, Adeline 107 63 PC241 Albiniak, Cheryl E 133 90 PC250 Albiniak, Tommy D 152 93 PC250 Alborn, Mark R 159 102 BG211 Alborn, Scott L 173 102 BG211 Albrecht, George W, III 194 72 DP050 187 54 DP210 180 108 HF011 Albrecht, Robert M 151 78 LB251 Albright, John 177 89 LS020 Albright, Matt B 189 102 CS250 Aldana, Fernando 144 54 NV220 Aldridge, Byron L 194 21 SD050 Alejandro, Lisa A 114 45 WV210 Alejandro, Robert 159 48 WV210 Alesi, Christine A 129 84 SW150 129 90 SW220 Alesi, Victor S 188 96 SW050 185 99 SW220 184 42 SW060 Alesia, Joe M 193 78 SD051 Alfaro, Dora C 138 36 WV260 Alfaro, Rolando 188 39 WV260 Alfaro, Roy 174 36 WV260 Alford, Timothy D 165 89 SC261 Alicz, Mark R 208 42 GH220 Aliotto, Rocco L 169 51 SW060 Alkire, Jerry L 163 63 LL060 Allan, John P 169 103 SD230 Alleman, Donna J 132 96 SW130 Allen, Dave J 218 78 SC020 Allen, Fran 158 45 BG270 Allen, Gerald L 177 87 PC030 Allen, James W 209 99 FB040 192 96 FB220 Allen, Janet A 133 87 SD150 Allen, Jeffrey G 184 84 SW050 Allen, Jim 160 78 LL050 Allen, Karrie A 162 39 WV221 160 96 WV250 157 42 WV220 Allen, Liz M 125 78 DP142 Allen, Lucille A 136 87 FW120 Allen, Michael D 205 96 BG260 Allen, Noel J 176 96 FB220 Allen, Scott D 153 93 EL050 Allen, William S 148 96 CS250 Aller, Jim 192 36 WD060 Alley, Esperanza 114 90 LB251 Allgood, Theresa K 125 66 DP132 Allison, Bill 178 93 FB060 Allison, Kathy A 119 91 DP142 Allison, Matt J 192 51 PC211 Allivato, Cindy R 141 48 WV210 Allivato, William H 195 45 WV210 Allport, Judy 147 99 BG241 146 96 BG260 Allred, Blaine 217 48 BG020 160 99 SW060 Almady, Keith 172 69 EL050 Almassey, Daniel C 204 96 SD122 Almdale, Sharon M 156 79 LS150 154 90 LS260 Almodovar, Joe D 127 87 HF250 Alongi, Tina L 164 96 LS120 Alonso, Nan 138 55 DP131 Alonzo, Tina T 102 93 LB250 Altepeter, Ed C 201 78 SC050 196 42 SC031 196 45 SC270 Altepeter, Kim 174 96 SC150 Altergott, Elizabeth C 125 70 LB210 Altergott, Gary R 130 72 LB210 Althoff, Catherine L 133 87 DP131 Altman, Charles S 178 42 HF050 Alvarado III, Peter A 201 105 LS260 Alvarado, Brian C 207 84 LS260 Alvarado, Daniel M 174 95 FB240 Alvarado, Francisca A 133 57 LS260 Alvardo, Guillermo 179 78 SD042 Alvarez, Nicole M 163 21 WD230 Aly, Tarah M 155 102 DP260 Amaro, Dave, Sr 182 96 FB060 Amato, Raymond R 187 102 CS250 Ambroggio, Joe E 161 90 FB060 Ambroiggio, Michael A 187 93 FB060 Ambrose, Joe 175 24 LL241 Amesquita, Vicky 110 39 BG210 Ami, Donald W 168 78 PC021 Ammirati, Kristi A 143 83 WD240 Amodeo, Jackie L 120 93 DP121 Amodeo, Nancy A 150 84 SD130 Amundsen, Don 162 60 PC220 160 96 PC241 Anaman, Deborah F 146 51 GH210 Ancona, Kerry M 137 99 PC140 Andel, Edward J 173 95 WH020 Andermann, Greg D 205 35 NV050 Anders, Brad S 180 96 WV270 Anders, Jason D 209 96 BG020 Anders, Rick 152 60 SD242 Anders, Steve R 156 56 SD242 Andersen, Ian 170 96 LL250 Andersen, John 186 86 SD041 Andersen, Karyn E 123 96 LL250 Andersen, Lynn M 127 82 LL250 Andersen, Stephen B 140 42 FB210 Anderson, Amy S 134 69 SC150 Anderson, Barb A 174 94 GH130 Anderson, Bill A 185 93 LL050 181 93 FB240 Anderson, Carol M 126 90 SD130 Anderson, Christopher J 163 99 LS020 Anderson, Clifford G 183 99 LS020 Anderson, Cori 131 99 FB240 Anderson, Crystal N 171 75 CS221 166 102 CS250 Anderson, David A 173 57 FW040 Anderson, Denise A 176 93 GH040 168 87 GH250 160 90 SD230 Anderson, Doris J 158 90 WA150 Anderson, Eric D 146 36 SD041 Anderson, Gene B 151 99 WD130 Anderson, Greg N 201 96 SD062 197 84 SD050 Anderson, Hal F, Jr 187 81 DP040 Anderson, James A 151 30 LS050 Anderson, Jason R 203 75 BG020 Anderson, Jerry L 177 102 FB040 Anderson, Jim R 189 87 LS050 Anderson, John 204 101 DP260 Anderson, Jonora M 115 75 FW140 Anderson, Keith F 186 90 BG242 Anderson, Kerry L, Sr 183 93 SD050 Anderson, Mary Ellen 164 45 LL270 Anderson, Mary K 170 54 WV130 Anderson, Melanie A 186 69 PC250 181 90 SW230 Anderson, Michael L 194 102 NV050 Anderson, Michael R 190 87 BG040 Anderson, Nancy A 175 102 GH130 Anderson, Peter G 205 93 LS031 Anderson, Peter K 204 87 LL060 202 48 LL270 Anderson, Ronald L 147 83 WV040 Anderson, Ronald S 150 57 FB230 Anderson, Ryan G 184 99 SD062 Anderson, Steven W 202 99 DP030 Anderson, Teresa 179 33 BG212 Anderson, Terry K 195 96 WH020 193 54 FB040 Anderson, Tom L 205 81 SC031 Andler, Colleen L 125 48 SW270 Andrea, Frank F 150 48 SW210 Andrea, Marie A 139 31 SW210 Andrea, Tony L 168 60 PC030 Andresen, Richard J 168 81 002 Andrews, Anthony 195 102 SD030 189 102 WD050 Andrews, Bill M, II 168 96 BG230 Andrews, Dennis W 201 124 DP010 Andrews, Douglas W 209 72 CS250 Andrews, Erin R 107 36 FB240 Andrews, Holly 163 117 DP010 Andrzejewski, Jeff T 142 102 FB030 Andrzejewski, Jon 175 102 FB030 Andrzejewski, Lee E 195 84 FB040 Anelli, Keith W 158 48 FB260 Angelacos, Sue 143 71 SW150 Angelone, Matthew 195 93 WD060 Anich, Cindy 145 51 PC251 Anifer, Richard W, Jr 206 101 LL021 196 54 LL060 Anifer, Richard W, Sr 190 87 LL060 Anliker, Tim R 177 84 SW050 Annis, Jake M 178 96 EL240 Annis, Samantha J 156 93 EL240 Anselmo, Joey 205 96 CS030 Anson, Tony B 188 99 GH260 Anthony, Marlon R 169 105 WH241 Anthony, Simone H 107 77 WH241 Antisdel, Wilford B 116 84 SD062 Antonelli, David J 186 66 SD051 Antonelli, Jennifer 135 27 CS130 Antonelli, Kenneth J 193 84 SD051 Anzelmo, Christine J 133 48 SD271 Anzelmo, Joe J 184 48 SD271 Apostolopoulos, Tom 176 72 SD031 Apple, Mary Ann 107 87 GH130 Applebey, Marilyn A 136 84 EL131 Appleton, Gerry T 192 93 FB040 Aquino, Melissa R 123 66 NV130 Arand, Daniel W 180 90 SC230 Arand, Ron 172 87 SC230 Arand, Tracy M 129 77 SC230 Aranda, Daniel C 200 102 PC260 Arbogast, Roger A 182 96 LS050 Ard, Kelly 181 72 LS240 Arena, Anthony D 199 93 GH030 Arendarczyk, Thomas J 211 57 DP050 Arends, Jolene W 152 96 NV130 Arends, Shari J 133 93 NV130 Arens, Bob 185 66 HF030 Arens, Mark E 193 102 CS250 Arenson, Frank A 178 54 SW050 Arenson, Marc A 161 45 WH242 Armellini, Ilvano 172 84 WH242 Armstrong, Lance 179 90 BG260 Arnberger, Cindy M 143 93 DP120 Arndt, Bob 172 60 DP020 Arneson, Clifford S 188 96 LB030 Arneson, Fawn 162 96 LB030 Arnett, Patricia A 128 72 BG230 Arnold, Chris J 192 99 WV251 Arnold, Fred J 190 39 SD062 Arnold, Phyllis A 130 66 WV251 Arnold, Steve M 154 63 WV251 Arnold, Steve R 185 89 BW030 Aromi, Ronald A 143 99 BW030 Arquette, Leonell 187 75 SD041 Arras, Joseph C 148 72 EL050 Arredondo, Abelardo S 192 105 LS031 Arredondo, Michele A 141 90 WD130 Arrington, Victor 192 93 SW220 Arroyo, Gerardo 197 42 SD050 Arroyo, Jerry 185 84 SD050 Arsinow, Mary C 154 78 WD240 Arteaga, Ramon, Jr 155 95 NV050 Artel, Jeffery R 220 84 BG242 Artery, Gilbert 163 21 WH021 Artinghelli, John 131 78 PC021 Ascher, Thomas A 179 90 SC230 Aschom, Steve R 195 81 PC021 Asdigian, Raffy G 203 69 HF030 Ashby, Connie M 146 93 GH250 Ashby, Gerry L 206 96 WV060 Ashby, Jeffery A 181 102 GH250 Ashby, Kirby A 173 88 GH250 Ashby, Kristina A 126 93 GH250 Ashby, Michael H 167 78 CS030 Ashford,

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