II V)?00> .-illΖ α. ewuiUl βοβχκ; ν J lot I PER PORTLAND, MONDAY 1873. TERMS $8.00 ANNUM IN ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18Ô2. VOL. 12. MORNING, MARCH 3, ADVANCE, to Price. And so lie continued, takiue nii„r LOST, FOUND. from THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS TO LEI. WANTS, REAL ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS tuito paragraphs Breckinridge una Price v 1-8-7-3. —^ r-r——- until he had patched up the most by the remarkable Published every day (Sundays excepted) article ever published in the Board. Found. (CIRCULAR NO. 1.) MONDAY MORNING, MAR. 8, 1873 foreign United Geo» R. Davis & Co's with a PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., at States, the whole thing ending semi- FEW G£XTCEM£K can be accommodated WALLET, which the owner can have by callinj of Cumberland. colon. at 1G street, corner A on S.B.KELSEÏ, At 109 Exchange St, A Myrtle lcb25'1m BULLETIN. THE and to assert Portland. Also table boarders. mchld3t 161 Commercial street. Gossip Gleanings. Colonel dusky was disposed his a Year in advauoe and took at the con- Terms: Eight Dollars Let. rights, umbrage frequent To We are te loan money in rami Wanted prepared ■ But it sultations of stockholders. "There's too rooms with boar·! at UD Ames is called the king of Spades. Ν PRESS connected furnished from I· nmonnl dc»ired, on flm State Press much he THE MAI E~STATE of Franklin Sts. SITUATION as Cliambcr or to take can 8ΙΦΟ any The Maine & Heading buzzin' about heah to suit me," Cumberland cor. Girl, Elita· Philadelphia seems to be liis offiee to harrow. TWO tf A of children in a private family by a young Am- clnse mertnge· iu Portland Cape would say. "If there's bnzzin' to be la every TnaRSDay Mornijîo at $2 50 a febUl any piblished erican Girl. Address or Deering. Partie· de 111 if in at $2 00 a betli, Weatbroob, done, buzz myself. Jove 1 I'vtfbeeu year, paid advance, year. teb27dlw "CAPABLE," Portland Pres6 Office. By Booms to Let. eirouHof building can also be accommoda Hundreds of Sout.i Bend mothers are elected mauagin' editah of this papah, an.' of In Rates of Advertising : One inch space, — Jove! front rooms with-or without board, ted irith loan*. IS ΤΠΕ the of re-clirist- by I'm gain' to manage it. It' these li of constitutes a pleasant Lost. COAL AND IRON gravely considering propriety long column, "square." 21 i Free streit. febGdtf GEO. B. DATI8 & ain't 50 tirst week; 75 cents per TWOat CO,, gentlemen satisfied with my manage- $; per square daily Sunday morning, a ΒΒΟΛΥΝ CAPE. The find- euing their darling boys. ment or SI 00 ; continu- Real Estate and Brokers· my resignatiou's at their suhvice but w ek after; three insertions, less, ONer will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at J Mortgage ; after iirst week, 50 cents. To Let. tf I don't want buzzin" ng every other day one A. Merrill & Co's. 139 Middle or at the Kerosent se]>24 any around me. Come. or less, 75 cents; St., musters liavc the ifalf three insertions one Works. *3t So wltli wool are clad, their less nn- a square, after. Go Park Street, of the moet desirable feb2. flheeiK) Henry, boy, go get cawktail." week. $1 00 ; 50 cents per week FOR SALE-A $10,000 Farm loi additional. HOUSE Euquiro tn thc premises. BEST WEEKLY PAPER ! Colonel dusky had non! of the absurd Special Notices, one third COMPANY Uo build their ncst3 oil brakes anil put them- $2 00 per square auiltf WASTED. SJOOOl! Situated in Cumberland So birls Under head of "Amusmements," to prejudice against personal journalism which or less §1 50. selves paiae. week ; three insertions —Tuterville. some of the seoate and per in the "Maine State Co., on line of both Ο rami Trunk stupid newspapers of Advertisements inserted ifcHsct Board, the he a circulation in every part an l Maine Central Railroads. FRANKLIN" B. GO day alfect, "Boys," would »ay, "to- Press" bas large or first of May, by a family of two persons WEN, President, (wliïch DO ior lirst insertion, GENTLEMAN and Lady wishing a quiet home April touch- mo'aii we must on "em the of the State) for §1 per square in town of a Protestant woman who Address, enclosing rot urn stamp, rumors are in circulation open along whole for each inser- A can lind pleasant rooms with board at No. 4 IN tlie Alfred, 'fil South Fourth Street. Interesting and 50 cents per square subsequent understands housework, and is willing to GEO. R. DAVIS & Portland, Philadelphia. line. I'll go for 'em on the second page, and Cotton street, second door from Free street. One or genoral CO., IN MAIXE: the Mad. Nilsson- tion. make useful. To one who is com- ing charming songstress, to for 'em in to two can be accommodated also, herself generally Me. I want Undahwood go the local, Address allau communications single gentlemen liberal and a Address ytfcUSHING CO. janî petent, with good references, wages good feb20 4w DAVID Bonmud. and Smith can go for 'em in the p0RTLAND home will be given. PALMER, Treasurer, telegraph, care oi and Hendahson in the commercial^ and Λ Addess, stating wages requ rod, etc., 'Ή.," 327 Mouth Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Few Good Bents Merrill & Co., Portland, Me. feb2Gtf For us we'll make it hot. It's about Killer, Sale. A Danbury uiau who has just heard of among my BUSINESS CARDS. applied for at once. house on the un- a State Street, occupied by Miss timo o'day for taking cawktail, an 11 want IF MATTOCKS & FOX, This house is built of Because it gives more reading Faithfuli, is anxious to know whom she House Wanted. THEdersigned. thoroughly EDWARD A. the whole fo'ce to go out with me." novSdtf 88 Middle street. brick and stone and has ail modern conveniences. QUOTARD, lia3 killed. J. H. F ® G Ο , Mike came from a 'There ALLEN HAINES. matter tban any oilier; G£.\£BAL SAL.ES ACEMT, Colonel ronntry LET. 1872. was in and he had an idea that STORE TO one for sale a well Portland, Sop, lstli, sepl9-tt the code force, having desirable, situated No. Ο Pine Kcir Y ork An House with modern in the Because it is thoroughly a NEWS Street, enthusiastic drama'.ic critic of a a so mnch as for Attorney aud Counsellor at Block, corner ANY conveniences, says nothing helped newspaper Law, large brick store in the Racklcff Western of the And a it to shoot streets—biwement and part city, can purchaser by ad- St. Lawrence Hônse. popular actress that "when she went out to some one connected with seme A of Middle and Ceurcli dressing · X. Y. Z.. PAPER; finished and adapte ! to jobbing or shot himself. first floor, eleganth Press Office. For Sale or To Let, meet her 1 3ver, she carried the whole of the one, get 1191-9 EXCHANGE ST., dry goods or other similar trade. When it became necessary to reorganize ALLEN HA iNES. 7cb. 24, 1873. ti 40 Booms Gas and Sebago water. Becausc it has a larger Editorial The & audience with her." Apply to Philadelphia Heading Quite an arml'ul. and somew hat condense (Corner of Exchange an.l Federal Sts.,) septlldtf Apply to Ε. H. GILLESPIE, the Ledger force it, St. to man- Lost. sep!3-tf No. 31 Plum force than any other paper in the difficulties of the situation began feb27 ME. tt CITY" HALL, on evening, at the Glorious news for ifest themselves. Ordinarily when a proprie- PORTLAND, To the Honorable Charles W. Friday boarding-house people. Walton* AT Blues' part of a new Waterproof FOR SALE I desires tc- one of the Justices of the Supreme Ju- Masquerade, Elaine; COAL· A\I> IRON The last tor or managing editor dispense Cloak, seams stayed with white tape. Auother was thing discovered is a tree in WM. L. SOUTHARD, dicial Court of the State of Elaine. with services of an it i* a very left in place of the one taken, which the owner can House No. 24 Emery St., bead ol West India the of the employe No. 5 Fcmbrrton square Bono», BeeauscitsMarket, marine, Con juice which will make the a not· in- ΓΪ1ΗΕ undersigned, Nathan Webb, Attorney ot the have by calling at 143 Middle street with the one tak- Cnsbman Street. simple matter to drop him poljWIy Will Buy and Sell on JL United States of America for the District of j en through mistake. feb25 toughest steak tender. him that his services are no longer on and forming Maine, a duly authorized agent of said United States Said house is ono of tlie best locations grcMonal, Legislative othei COMPAXY bis • The bites COMMISSION for this purpose, respectfully represents that the Wanted. j on the street ; tine neighborhood. Consists 01 required. discharged employe 4 aforesaid are desirous of framed House and t(n draws his cause* REAL· ESTATE, LAUD, STOCKS, United States purchasing APOTHECARY CLEUK, one that has JLtwo story ell, containing reports are fuller than any other Mr. Webber, of Albany, can whistle to his lip, pockets the note, salary, a and a certain tract hap finished walls — for the erection of fort two or three Address highly rooms; painted throughout; a one of the other — ALSC battery AN years experience. Apoth paragraph to be inserted in if land situated in the town of Capo Elizabeth, in P. O. Portland. fe~22*2w gas ; good cellar and heated by furnace ; large brick cis- desire to call the attention of heart's content for his wife to but she and ecarv, Box, 1787, paper in return, that he has or B.onn* on iTlorlguse» other of within tne limits of the filtered well drained.
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