Tyne Bridge Constituency Labour Party Parliamentary Report David Clelland MP www.david-clelland.org 7 October 2005 New Home for Brown Ale I visited the new Newcastle/Federation Brewery in Dunston to see how things have progressed following the transfer of the operation from the Tyne Brewery in Newcastle to the old Federation site. Several improvements have been made to the plant and more are planned. Newcastle Brown Ale is now in full production. New signage will be going up soon to advertise the new home of Brown Ale to all, especially the thousands who pass by daily on the Western By-pass. Keeping Gateshead Warm BENFEST I attended the North Benwell ‘Benfest’ where local residents had a great day for their summer fair with lots of stalls and activities. I was pleased to bump into Newcastle councillor Jed Bell who as a local Fire Of- ficer was giv- ing a spec- tacular dem- onstration of what not to do if the chip pan I opened the Keep Gateshead Warm ignites and a road-show which provides informa- range of other tion on the help available for insula- fire safety ad- tion of homes against the cold vice. weather in an area where it is esti- mated up to 20% are living in poorly insulated homes. Shaftoe Court Summer Fair I officially opened the Shaftoe Court Summer Fair which was launched in impressive style by a marvellous per- formance from the Newcastle Pipe Band along with Scottish dancing. The residents and staff and their visitors had a great day with refreshments and a massive tombola and raffle with some very impressive prizes. 7 October 2005 However, Iraq continues to domi- Comment On pensions, Tony Blair prom- nate media headlines, with the in- A curious coincidence of focus ised to publish plans next year for creasing violence of the insur- on leadership for all three party reform on the basis of a ‘proper gents. conferences - the Lib Dems, basic state pension and alongside locked in anguish as to whether it - because the state cannot pro- their leader is up to the job, the vide it all - a simple, easy way for Tories with more front runners people to save and reap the re- for the post than the Grand Na- wards of their savings.’ tional, and our own with a re-run of the media speculation about On childcare, he promised - again Constituency the Blair/Brown axis. for the first time ever - ‘affordable, wrap around child- Personally, and given the ten- care between the hours of 8am to dency of the news media to damn 6pm for all who need it.’ the government whoever is Prime Minister, and members of the The Prime Minister also promised Party to damn the leadership to give local communities the whoever it may be, I think the powers they need to hold people shorter the period between the to account.’ He went on to prom- election of the new leader and the ise ‘a uniformed presence’ on the next general election the better. street in every community which might mean more policemen on The Labour Party Conference in the beat or more community sup- Brighton was the first since the port officers as well as an exten- General Election and an opportu- sion of powers to local authorities nity for the Prime Minister to and police to tackle binge- I joined the Mayor of Gateshead at spell out Labour’s plans for the drinking, drug-dealing and organ- the opening of the Bensham/ next Parliament. ised crime. He wanted to see Saltwell residents’ Summer Fair in more competitive sport in Saltwell Park, a great venue for As well as further local govern- schools, more places for young- this year’s event. ment reform, he promised an sters to go and more disciplinary Education White Paper offering powers for headteachers. new ways to give the chance of a first class education for all Brit- Despite the impetuous actions of ain’s children and not only for the an over-zealous steward, all in all, elite. Labour had a good conference - brilliant in contrast with the Further NHS reforms to bring in angst-ridden Lib Dems and the new providers, and to allow more squabbling Tories. patient choice and, for the first I attended the Lobley Hill and time in the history of the NHS, to The PM also took the opportunity Bensham Labour Party Branch offer booked appointments at the to remind delegates of some of meeting where there was a lively patient’s convenience and a the many pluses of a Labour gov- discussion across a range of issues. maximum wait of 18 weeks from ernment, often forgotten in the I visited the new Newcastle/ first appointment with a GP to the rush to find fault. The Minimum Federation Brewery in Dunston operating theatre. Wage, Sure Start, Paid holidays and got the impression that the fu- Later, the Health Secretary as- for all workers, Winter Fuel Al- ture is much more secure for the sured conference that she did not lowances, a million pensioners’ continued presence of brewing on expect more than 1% of the NHS homes insulated, record Child the site. I attended the launch, by budget ever to be in the hands of Benefits, huge increases in Third Minister David Milliband, of the the private sector but, in the sub- World Aid and debt relief...etc. Manifesto of the Association of sequent vote, conference opposed North East Councils. An impres- the government’s plans for fur- Predictions that Iraq would domi- sive document that shows our local ther expansion of the private sec- nate the conference proved incor- councillors are well in touch with tor role. rect as I thought they would. the needs of the region..
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