QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT April to June, 2014 Agir Pour La Planification Familiale – AgirPF Agreement No. AID-624-A-13-00004 Submitted to USAID/WA by EngenderHealth, Inc. Futures Institute Table of Contents ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................ iii I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 5 II. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES COMPLETED/INITIATED .............................................................. 5 III. DISCUSSION OF CHALLENGES TO IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................... 16 IV. ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE FOLLOWING QUARTER……………………………………………………..13 V. FINANCIAL BRIEF ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………14 VI. OTHER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15 VII. ANNEXES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16 AgirPF Quarterly Performance Report ● April to June 2014 ii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABBEF Association Burkina Bé de Bien-Être Familial ADESCO Appui au Développement et à la Santé Communautaire AMACACH Association des Militaires, Anciens Combattants, Amis et Corps Habillés ATBEF Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Être Familial BASP96 Bureau d’Appui en Santé Publique 96 BUMESP Bureau Mauritanien en Santé et Population BUMIGEB Bureau des Mines et de la Géologie du Burkina CBRS Comité de Bioéthique pour la Recherche en Santé CHU Centre Hospitalier Universitaire CHR Centre Hospitalier Régional CHW Community health worker CKA Consulting Cabinet Koffi Argoze Consulting CM Country Manager CMA Centre Medical avec Antenne Chirurgicale (District Hospital with Surgical Wards) COP Chief of Party CPT Contraceptive Procurement table CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate CNSR Centre National de Santé de la Reproduction CSO Civil Society Organization DAC Direction des Affaires Communes DPLET Direction des Pharmacies, des Laboratoires et des Equipements techniques DQA Data quality assessment DRK Direction Régionale de Koudougou DSF Division de la Santé Familiale ECOWAS Economic Commission of West Africa States EH EngenderHealth FP Family planning HPP Health Policy Project IBC Interventions à Base Communautaire IPPF International Planned Parenthood Federation IRB Institutional Review Board M&E/R Monitoring, Evaluation, & Research MOH Ministry of Health MOU Memorandum of Understanding MSI Marie Stoppes International NGO Non-Governmental Organization ONEA Office Nationale de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PPIUD Post-Partum Intra Uterine Device PSA Professional services agreement RAPID Resources for Analysis of the Population and its Impact on Development RH Reproductive Health AgirPF Quarterly Performance Report ● April to June 2014 iii RHO Regional Health Office (USAID/West Africa) SBCC Social and Behavior Change Communication SEED Supply/Enabling Environment/Demand SOFITEX Société des Fibres et Textiles du Burkina SIFPO Support for International Family Planning Organizations SONABEL Société Nationale Burkinabé d’Electricité SPO Senior Program Officer TD Technical Director URCB Union des Religieux et Coutumiers du Burkina URD Demographic Research Unit USAID/WA U.S. Agency for International Development/West Africa WAAF West Africa Ambassadors’ Fund WAHO West African Health Organization WHO World Health Organization WHS Worker health Service AgirPF Quarterly Performance Report ● April to June 2014 iv I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Agir Pour la Planification Familiale (AgirPF) Project was awarded as a Cooperative Agreement by the USAID/West Africa Regional Health Office to EngenderHealth on July 5, 2013 and was launched in January 2014 in Togo, Burkina Faso and Niger. The purpose of AgirPF Project is to increase access to and use of quality family planning (FP) services in select urban and peri-urban areas of five francophone West African countries: Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire (starting in Year 3), Mauritania, Niger, and Togo. The Project works closely with Ministries of Health (MOHs) and other local partners to support the national action plans for strengthening FP that followed the February 2011 Francophone West Africa Regional Conference on Population, Development, and Family Planning in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The technical approach of AgirPF includes: (i) improving FP service quality; (ii) bringing FP services to underserved communities; (iii) educating and empowering clients and grassroots advocates; (iv) reducing financial barriers; and (v) solving logistics issues and estimating commodity needs. To achieve its strategic objective, AgirPF aims to achieve three results and six sub-results: . Result 1: Delivery of quality FP information, products, and services strengthened and expanded. o Sub-result 1.1: Partners strengthened to implement evidence-based approaches and deliver quality FP services. o Sub-result 1.2: Local leaders, civil society, service providers, municipal government support and promote FP. Result 2: Evidence-based service delivery approaches selected, adapted, and implemented. o Sub-result 2.1: Efficiency and effectiveness enhanced through adaptation and implementation. o Sub-result 2.2: Lessons documented and disseminated from adaptation and implementation. Result 3: Efforts to remove policy barriers and improve contraceptive commodity security coordinated. o Sub-result 3.1: Policy barriers identified and new/revised policies adopted and implemented. o Sub-result 3.2: Contraceptive commodity needs identified and coordinated among partners and country commodity security and logistics management committees. This report represents the fourth quarterly report (April-June 2014) for AgirPF. Key accomplishments during this quarter include: 1. Providing FP refresher training to 35 trainers in Burkina and Niger via Technical Start-up Orientation Workshops; 2. The elaboration of three Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the Ministry of Health in Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo; 3. The completion and signing of two important Professional services agreements (PSA) in Burkina and Togo enabling the baseline studies; 4. The development of Sub-grants with the IPPF Member Associations of Burkina (ABBEF) and Togo (ATBEF); 5. Conducting the Baseline study data collection in Togo and Burkina Faso; (vi) Coordinating efforts to Remove Policy Barriers and Improve Contraceptive Commodity Security; and Presentation of RAPID Togo to 103 high level officials and stakeholders, and development of RAPID Niger with 36 participants (12 women and 24 men) including representatives from the President and Prime Minister Offices, the National Parliament and Niger strategic Ministries. Page 5 of 41 AgirPF Quarterly Performance Report ● April to June 2014 During the reporting period, critical assumptions1 for achieving AgirPF results remained stable. II. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES COMPLETED/INITIATED UNDER EACH PROJECT OBJECTIVE/ COMPONENT Project activities continue to be implemented under the leadership of EngenderHealth in partnership with its core partner, Futures Institute2. Activities implemented during this reporting period are summarized in Table 1 and described in more detail below. Table 1. Major activities and accomplishments in the period April – June 2014 April – June 2014 Activities and accomplishments AgirPF Burkina Mauri Togo Niger Region Faso tania Staffing - Hired one Bookkeeper ■ ■ - Hired a Country Manager for Burkina Faso ■ ■ Management and Coordination activities - Held coordination meetings with partners ■ ■ ■ ■ - Participated in stakeholders and partners meetings ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - Conducted a Finance and Operations Review in Niger and ■ ■ ■ Burkina Faso Offices Project implementation activities R1. Delivery of Quality FP Information, Products, and Services Strengthened and Expanded 1.1.2 Plan activities in coordination with partners - Held Technical Workshop for Trainers skills ■ ■ ■ standardization in Burkina and Niger - Developing a sub-grant with ANBEF ■ - Finalizing sub-grant with ATBEF ■ ■ - Finalizing sub-grant with ABBEF ■ ■ - Sub-grant with AMACACH and CAMEG in progress ■ ■ 1.1.3 Conduct baseline assessments - Baseline study protocol approved by W/IRB and local ■ ■ ■ ■ ethics committees - Baseline study team recruited and trained ■ ■ ■ ■ - Baseline study data collection completed ■ ■ ■ - Baseline data being analyzed ■ 1Critical assumptions are: (1) Social, political and legal environments will remain favorable to implementation of AgirPF’s interventions; (2) Governments will not implement new policies, standards, or protocols that restrict FP services; (3) Commitment and cooperation from the Ministries of Health and partners to implement the proposed strategy is sustained throughout the life of the project; (4) There will be adequate equipment, expendable supplies and contraceptive products in the intervention areas to support the delivery of FP services; and (5) There will be timely and continuous availability of funding to support work plan implementation. 2 Futures Institute has contributed to the design and implementation of planned activities in the area of advocacy and policy in close collaboration with the AgirPF policy advisor. Page 6 of 41 AgirPF Quarterly Performance Report ● April to June 2014 April – June 2014 Activities and accomplishments AgirPF Burkina Mauri Togo Niger Region Faso tania 1.1.6 Building training systems around Centers of Excellence - Center of Excellence identified ■ ■ 1.1.8 Organize industry-based activities, including health fairs -
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