![Congressional Record—Senate S6927](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
November 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6927 S. 3540 Mr. KAINE. Mr. President. Today, I calling multiple apartment manage- At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the am pleased to join my colleague from ment companies to find an available name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. Utah, Senator ORRIN HATCH, to intro- unit, she then had to explain to the MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of duce the Fair Housing Improvement company representative what a sup- S. 3540, a bill to provide a coordinated Act of 2018. This legislation would ad- portive housing voucher was. regional response to manage effec- vance our nation in its long pursuit of Rudolph and Jessica each have a dis- tively the endemic violence and hu- achieving equal protection under the ability and rely on public transpor- manitarian crisis in El Salvador, Gua- law and protecting all Americans from tation. It was challenging to find hous- temala, and Honduras. discrimination. This bill would pro- ing near a bus stop and they needed S. 3559 hibit housing discrimination based on time to save for a deposit on a new At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the source of income or veterans status home. My office was able to work with name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. and give millions and families and vet- the property manager to get Rudolph ROBERTS) was added as a cosponsor of erans greater access to affordable hous- and Jessica’s lease extended through S. 3559, a bill to amend the Internal ing and economic mobility. next June. Revenue Code of 1986 to terminate the Many of you know I’m a former civil This story had a happy ending. But it credit for new qualified plug-in electric rights attorney. My practice focused on didn’t have to come to this point. More drive motor vehicles and to provide for fair housing and I witnessed the pain than a dozen states and over 70 local a Federal Highway user fee on alter- experienced by families who were dis- jurisdictions have enacted laws to pro- native fuel vehicles. criminated against as they searched for hibit source of income discrimination S. 3584 a home. Today, veterans who are good in housing, and it’s time Congress did At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the tenants with supportive housing vouch- the same. name of the Senator from Maryland ers can be turned down for an apart- (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- ment or lease renewal because of how By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. sponsor of S. 3584, a bill to amend the they pay their rent. Housing decisions PERDUE, Ms. HEITKAMP, Mr. Higher Education Act of 1965 in order should be based on your merits, not TILLIS, Mr. JONES, and Mr. KEN- to increase usage of the Federal stu- harmful stereotypes about those who NEDY): dent loan income-based repayment receive housing assistance. If you pass S. 3614. A bill to amend the Invest- plan and improve repayment options a screening and background check, you ment Advisers Act of 1940 to require for borrowers, and for other purposes. shouldn’t be denied a place to live be- proxy advisory firms to register as in- S. 3591 cause of your service record or how vestment advisers under that Act, and At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, your rent will be paid. Unfortunately, for other purposes; to the Committee the names of the Senator from Mary- this happens in America every day and on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN), the Senator it is wrong. fairs. from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) and the This legislation has support from or- Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I am Senator from Oregon (Mr. MERKLEY) ganizations focused on affordable hous- joined by Senators PERDUE, HEITKAMP, were added as cosponsors of S. 3591, a ing and helping those who have served TILLIS, and JONES in introducing the bill to extend authorization for the find a place to live, including National bipartisan Corporate Governance Fair- September 11th Victim Compensation Fair Housing Alliance, National Hous- ness Act to ensure investors can con- Fund of 2001 through fiscal year 2090, ing Law Project, National Low Income tinue to rely with confidence on the ad- and for other purposes. Housing Coalition, Paralyzed Veterans vice of proxy advisory firms by requir- S. RES. 606 of America, and Veterans Association ing the Securities and Exchange Com- At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the of Real Estate Professionals. Many of mission (SEC) to regulate all major name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. my colleagues in this chamber strongly proxy advisory firms under the Invest- MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of support the housing vouchers that help ment Advisers Act (IAA). This advice is S. Res. 606, a resolution expressing the 2.2 million veterans and low-income critical for investors as they decide sense of the Senate that the United households live in decent, stable pri- how to vote their shares on important States condemns all forms of violence vate market housing. I’ve said pre- corporate governance matters, such as against children globally and recog- viously that your home is critical to director elections or whether to sell nizes the harmful impacts of violence your identity and central to the life of the company. against children. every American. I want to share a Indeed, the International Brother- AMENDMENT NO. 4054 story about two of my constituents hood of Teamsters has stated that the At the request of Mr. SULLIVAN, his that illustrates the need for this bill. ‘‘independence of the research provided name was added as a cosponsor of Rudolph Nanez is a Navy veteran who by proxy advisors is a critical element amendment No. 4054 proposed to S. 140, lives in Virginia Beach with his wife, of our right, as shareholders, to hold a bill to amend the White Mountain Jessica Youness. Rudolph moved to the the board of directors accountable and Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantifica- United States from Spain as a teenager to cast informed proxy votes on cor- tion Act of 2010 to clarify the use of and earned a high school diploma. He porate governance and proxy voting amounts in the WMAT Settlement joined the Navy and served three years policies.’’ According to the Council of Fund. on active duty, followed by several Institutional Investors, ‘‘ensuring At the request of Mr. NELSON, his years in the reserves. Three years ago, unencumbered shareholder access to name was added as a cosponsor of Rudolph and Jessica faced a housing independent research is a crucial un- amendment No. 4054 proposed to S. 140, crisis and feared they would have to derpinning of effective corporate gov- supra. live on the street after temporarily re- ernance.’’ And the National Associa- At the request of Mr. CARPER, his locating to a hotel. Fortunately, with tion of State Treasurers has empha- name was added as a cosponsor of the assistance of local Virginia non- sized the need to ‘‘maintain the integ- amendment No. 4054 proposed to S. 140, profits, they were able to find a home. rity and efficacy of the relationship be- supra. In September, Rudolph’s wife Jessica tween institutional investors and f contacted my office after they received proxy advisory firms.’’ In short, proxy an abrupt notice that their lease would advisory firms are clearly an essential STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED not be renewed and they had to leave tool for investors. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS their home within 10 days, despite pay- Given the importance that investors By Mr. HATCH (for himself and ing a portion of their rent regularly have placed on continued access to Mr. KAINE): through a supportive housing voucher proxy advisory firms, it is critical that S. 3612. A bill to amend the Fair for veterans, known as HUD-VASH. proxy advisory firms are appropriately Housing Act to prohibit discrimination Jessica was frustrated because, as she regulated and held accountable, and based on source of income or veteran said, it takes time to find an apart- this is the purpose of the bipartisan status; to the Committee on Banking, ment that will accept these vouchers. Corporate Governance Fairness Act. Housing, and Urban Affairs. She couldn’t understand why, after Under our legislation, all major proxy VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:47 Nov 14, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13NO6.037 S13NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 13, 2018 advisory firms would be required to (5) Chairman of the Tibetan Parliament in Whereas Lodi Gyari retired from the posi- register as investment advisers under Exile; tion of Executive Chairman of the Board of the IAA, and therefore have a fiduciary (6) Cabinet Minister for the Department of the International Campaign for Tibet on De- Information and International Relations of duty to their clients. So as to not dis- cember 31, 2014; the Central Tibetan Administration; and Whereas Lodi Gyari has contributed sig- courage new entrants into the proxy (7) Deputy Cabinet Minister for the Depart- nificantly to strengthening the relationship advisory business, our bill provides ment of Religious Affairs and the Depart- between the Tibetan people and the people of smaller proxy advisory firms the ment of Health of the Central Tibetan Ad- the United States; choice to voluntarily register under ministration; Whereas, on October 29, 2018, Lodi Gyari the IAA but does not require them to Whereas, in 1991, His Holiness the Dalai died at the age of 69; Lama appointed Lodi Gyari as Special Envoy do so.
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