Welcome to the Portofcromarty firth, invergordon Your GatewaY to the ScottiSh hiGhlandS make the mostofYour visit... looking overthe foreshoretoamoored yachtatPlockton Photo©visitScotland /Paul tomkins coverphotoglen affric©visitScotland /Paul tomkins 2 fàilte Welcome from the Portand the reSidentSofinvergordon it’sanhonour and privilege to welcome you tain and castle Stuart. ride the Strathspey to invergordon, on the shores of the beautiful Steamrailway or explorethe cairngorms cromarty firth. national Park and inverewe gardens…and of the cromarty firthisyour gateway to the course, youcan discoverfor yourselves the majestic Scottish highlands. With over85 truth behind the famous‘nessie’legend. different shoreexcursion options, youare guaranteed to find an authentic highland Whilst aday is neverlong enough in the experiencefrominvergordon. experiencerich, highlands, this guide aims to ensureyou find Scottish historyatthe castles of dunrobin, your ownmemorable experience, so youcan mey, cawdor,eilean donan and Urquhart. Playgolf on Scotland’soldest and most makethe most of your time and will hopefully respectedcourses –royaldornoch, fortrose, want to come back and visit us again. allison mcguire george carson cruise manager,Portorcromarty firth chairman, invergordon tourism alliance Portofcromarty firth | Your gateWaYtothe highlands 3 c’est un honneur et un privilège de vous accueillir àinvergordon, sur les rivages du magnifique cromarty firth le cromarty firthest votreporte d’entrée vers cairngorms et les jardins d’inverewe ... et les la majestueuse région des highlands écossais. passagerspeuvent découvrir la vérité derrière avec plus de 85 options d’excursions, vous êtes la célèbrelégende du «lochness monster», assurédetrouver une expérienceauthentique avec des croisières sur le loch ness. des highlands au départd’invergordon. Bien qu’une journée ne soit jamais assez découvrez la richehistoireécossaise des longue dans la région des highlands, ce guide châteaux de dunrobin, mey, cawdor,eilean donan et Urquhart. Jouezaugolf sur les apour but de vous assurer une expérience parcoursles plus anciens et les plus cotés inoubliable, de faconàceque vous puissiez d’Écosse -royaldornoch, fortrose, tain et profiter au maximum de votretemps et, castle Stuart. Prenezletrain àvapeur de espérons-le, revenir nous rendrevisiteà Strathspeyouexplorez le parc national de nouveau. herzlichwillkommen in invergordon. Wir freuen uns, dass Sie uns hier an der küste des schönencromarty firthbesuchen. der cromarty firthist ihrePfortezuder im cairngorms nationalparkoder den gärten grandiosen region der Scottish highlands. Sie voninverewe… natürlichhaben Sie auch haben die Wahl zwischen 85 verschiedenen gelegenheit,der berühmten nessie-legende exkursionen, wasihnen die gelegenheit gibt, auf den Zahn zu fühlen, indem Sie eine voninvergordon aus die region der highlands in ihrer ganzen vielfaltzugenießen. Bootfahrtüber loch ness machen. erfahren Sie die ereignisreiche schottische ein tagist ja nie lang genug, um die geschichteaus nächster nähe, indem Sie highlands in vollem Umfang zu erforschen; eines der Schlösser vondunrobin, mey, aber der vorliegende leitfaden wirdihnen cawdor,eilean donan bzw.die Burgruine dabei helfen, ihreeigenen unvergesslichen vonUrquhartcastle besichtigen. Je nach erlebnisse zu finden, indem Sie die ihnen zur vorliebe können Sie aucheine runde golf verfügung stehende Zeit voll ausschöpfen. spielen -auf den golfplätzen royaldornoch, fortrose, tain oder castle Stuart. andere vielleicht bekommen Sie dann sogar alternativen sind eine dampfzugfahrtmit der lust,ihren Besuchbei uns rechtbald zu StrathspeySteam railway oder ein Besuch wiederholen. 4 Bienvenida del Puerto y residentes de invergordon es un honor yunprivilegio de darles las ovayan de exploración al Parque nacional bienvenidas ainvergordon, el puerto que se de las montañas cairngormylos Jardines encuentraenlariberadel firthdecromarty. de inverewe….ytambién podrán descubrir el firthdecromarty es una de la entradas la verdad si mismosque sera la leyenda del principales para conocer alas majestuosas famosonessie, tomando un viaje en crucero alturasdeescocia. de aquí tenemosun por el lago ness. total de 85 excursiones que garantizan la mientras que un solo día no es suficiente autentica experiencia de las alturas desde tiempo para estar en todas las alturas, este invergordon. veránlariqueza de la historia guía pretende asegurarles que podrán escocesa en los castillos de dunrobin, mey, encontrar su propia experiencia memorable, cawdor,eilean donan yUrquhart. Pueden que aun que fuese una visita corta, ojalá jugar al golf en algunas de las más antiguas tenganeldeseo de visitarnos otravez. yrespetadas canchas de escocia -royal hastalapróxima……. dornoch, fortrose, tain ycastle Stuart. tomen el tren avapor del ferrocarrildeStrathspey Èunonore eunprivilegio darvi il benvenutoainvergordon, sulle sponde del meraviglioso cromarty firth. il fiordodicromarty èlaporta di accesso alle oesplorateilparco nazionale cairngorms ei maestose highlands scozzesi. conoltre 85 giardini botanici di inverewe…enaturalmente, diverse escursioni in partenza da invergordon, potretescopriredasoli la verità sulla famosa avetelagaranzia di gustareun’autentica leggenda di loch ness concrocieresul lago. esperienza delle highlands. assaporatelaricca storia scozzese nei castelli di dunrobin, mey, anche se la giornata non èmai lunga cawdor,eilean donan eUrquhart. giocatea abbastanza nelle highlands, questa guida golf su alcuni dei più antichi erinomati campi ha lo scopo di aiutarvi nella scelta di di Scozia –royaldornoch, fortrose, tain, e un’esperienza memorabile, così chepossiate castle Stuart. viaggiate sui treni avapore goderealmeglio la vostragiornata evivenga lungo la ferrovia StrathspeySteam railway la voglia di tornareafarci visita. Portofcromarty firth | Your gateWaYtothe highlands 5 Jus� cruise� i�? with Stagecoach! Get to Inverness We accept Invergordon Euros on to Inverness the bus* *no change *no change €15 givgivenen ffoorrere eurururos.os to Inverness from Invergordon to In Take service 25/25X now available! Contactless payment Start your journey today at stagecoachbus.com Stagecoach offers affordable bus travel to some of the region’s best attractions: Culloden Battlefield, Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle. Enjoy unlimited travel with our great value dayrider tickets. 6 thanK You thank youfor booking your shoreexcursion Booking your excursions in this wayensures with your cruise operator. the local communityreceives the maximum local organisations work alongside your long term value from your visit.itprovides cruise operator and their team using our an industrythat is sustainable forthe future, knowledge and expertise of the area to ensure whichisimportant forlocal businesses in youmaximise your time onshoreand enjoy cultural experiences that expose youtothe rural areas, and offersyou protection if youare true majestyofthe highlands. delayedonyour trip forany reason. Scottish pipersbid cruise passengersfarewell Portofcromarty firth | Your gateWaYtothe highlands 7 8 Youdon’t JUStviSit... WherePassengersBecome WherePassengersBecome champions shopaholics | pages 10 -13 | pages 34 -43 WherePassengersBecome WherePassengersBecome historians tasters | pages 14 -21 | pages 44 -49 WherePassengersBecome WherePassengersBecome spotters adventurers | pages 22 -27 | pages 50 -57 cawdor castle glassStorm, tain Portofcromarty firth | Your gateWaYtothe highlands 9 Where PaSSengerS Become champions The Highlands truly puts the mountain biking the Highland ‘great’ intothe greatoutdoors, Wild Cattrails, conquering making it an ideal placeif Scotland’sMunros, or even youare seeking moreactive off-road driving in a4x4,you on-shorepursuits. Whether will leavethe Highlands feeling it’saround of golf at a energised and exhilarated in Championship golf course, equal measure. 10 invergordon golf clUB invergordon has its own18-hole golf course. the local golf club welcomes all visitorsand if youwould liketoplayaround of golf,all equipment can be provided forasmall fee. the club also offerstea,coffee, or something alittle stronger,souvenirs, toilet and internet facilities. invergordon golf club 01349852715 www.invergordongolf.co.uk roYal dornoch chamPionShiP golf clUB the royaldornochchampionship golf course regularly features in worldtop-10listings and last yearthe thirdoldest golf course in the worldcelebrated its 400th anniversary. visitors arewelcome. tel: 01862 810219 www.royaldornoch.com Portofcromarty firth | Your gateWaYtothe highlands 11 castle stuart golf linkS Scotland, the homeofgolf.historyand diversity makeScottish golf courses famousthroughout theworld. as turnberry is to ayrshireand gleneagles is to Perthshire, castle Stuarthas been conceivedtobefor the highlands –a beacon reaching out to golfersthroughout the world. the centrepiecefor this Scottish destination golf resortiscastle Stuartgolf links, achampionship linkscourse overlooking the moray firthand well-known landmarks that aresynonymous with inverness and the Black isle –kessockBridge and chanonrylighthouse perhaps the most notable. castle Stuartgolf club 01463 796111 www.castlestuartgolf.com Go Wild Highlands • A4A 4-hour-hour open canoeje journeourneywy withith qualified and experienced guide • Stunning scenery, well off the beaten track • Perfectly suited to those new to the pleasures of open canoes and those with previous experience • Fabulous homemade picnic lunch using locally sourcedproduce • Collection and return to ship included in the price 01549
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