/ Av«n«e Dally Net Press Run Vor TIm Week Ended The Weather Jane 27, 1000 Sunny, pleasant today, the highest In the low 80s. Fair, 1 5 ,610 tcool, some^fog tonight, low in the upper 60s. Tuesday,. sunny, Uanc^Bter— A CUy of Village Charm wanner. VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 234 TWENTY-TWO PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 6, 1970 (Claaelfied Advertising tm Bsge 18) PRICE TEN CENTS \ Bridgeport Pair Killed Cambodians Suffer Heavy Losses In ShooUout BRIDOEPORT, , C«in. (AP) — Two Bridgeport men But Drive Viet Cong from Village died In a shoot-out on a city street Sunday, after appai;- ently quarreling over a wom­ PHNOM PENH, Cambo­ an who wias present when the dia (AP)-—The Cambodian shootings took place, police army battled its way today said. to full control of the town A Dead at the scene was Na­ of Saansr, 20 miles south of thaniel Brown, 44. He was Phnom Penh, after suffer­ Gilbert shot once in the chest at the ing some of the heaviest (C> comer of Walter and Oreen losses it has reported for (C) Streets, police said. one day of fighting. Robert Oowder, S9, died (C> other Cambodian troops <C) some hoius later In pushed back a threat to Kom- (C) Bridgeport Hospital. Police pbng Thom, 80 miles north of :olr" '67. said he had been shot six tee capital, with tee aid of South revolving times. diplomat Vietnamese warplanes. ed in Summoned to the scene at Cambodian commanders said reporter- 6;4S p.m., police found 98 to find 32 of their men were killed and lerplexlng Crowder in a car In front of 47 wounded during 27 hours of an incl- 68 Oreen St. They said he and irld. Rob- fighting at Saang. 'They claimed Sommer, the imldentified woman, also more than 260 Viet C<mg and Boehm, in the car had returned from Norte Vietnamese were slain, C. Car- a picnic when an argument luzzl. but said powerful enemy forces ionei (0> ensued and Brown became still were In tee area, apparent­ Involved. <C> ly preparing for a counterat­ low (O) The slayings are the 18th tack. rart, Les- and 14th of the year in )e Lulae, Saang was heavily damaged rt Bropka Bridgeport and bring to three during one of tee Cambodian the numbers of persons slain war’s first major actions. It suf­ <C) •port One of the largest sections of wreckage lies under here this weekend. fered more extensive destruc­ a clothesline in the back yard of a farm house after Late Friday Julio Cruz of tion this time under tee pound­ Weather (0) a plane crashed after attempting a landing at Bridgeport was shot in the ing of-tee enemy’s mortars and ronto Airport Sunday. (AP Photofax) chest as he got out of his car recoilless rifles and Cambodian in front of his home. Police and South Vietnamese air '62. True later arrested Ernesto Gon­ strikes. er Cleve- zales, 24, also of Bridgeport, of greats Newsmen arriving In tee town >ay, Ron- 23 Americans Die and charged him with mur­ found tee body of one dead Lovejoy. dering Cruz. llldegarae U.S. trTOps are slhouetted atop their tank by light from tracer bullets during Communist soldier hanging in ly, EUisa night fire shortly before leaving Cambodia. In exercise known as a ‘mad min­ tee central market, strung up Fulbright: by tee heels and with bote knny Csr- 108 Killed as Plane ute’, troops fire their weapons in all direction^. (AP Photofax) hands blown off. Another body (C) Ihow (C) ■» strung up tee same way was cut ■ow (C> Alter Viet and Sign Bombs H it down before tee Journalists ar­ 'Crashes in Canada rived. — Mo- Sd“ Siga A Cambodian battalion com­ TORONTO (AP) — More than W.. M. House of tee federal School Buses New Cong Attacks Expected W a r Policy mander said Intelligence 20 Americans were among 108 Department of Transport, who sources and patrols reported By FRED 8. HOFFMAN package which would pull out once again urge a delay in re­ persons killed Sunday in the is directing tee investigation WASHINGTON (AP) — TTie 1,280 North Vietnamese and Viet AP Miiltary Writer some 19,000 Marines, 17,000 moving further American crash of a Canadian Jetliner into tee crash, confirmed that In Texas appointment of David K. E. Cong remained in a north-south landing in Toronto. WASHINGTON (AlP) — Key Army troops, 10,000 airmen and forces. Bruce as a naace negotiator will there had been a fire but sal$ it U.S. officials expect the North about 3,000 Navy men. ire slightly more than a mile to The Air Canada Super-DC8 had not yet been determined LONGVIEW, Tex. (AP) — Po­ TTiey argue the possible diver­ have no ef^ R on the Paris talks tee west of tee town. He said Vietnamese to launch a strong sion Of some South Vietnamese eport <C) crashed in a field about four lice and Texas Rangers Involved would be a cutback until the Nixon administration their orders were to seize tee whether It occurred before, dur­ battlefield offensive before Sep­ d B (C> mUes north of Toronto Interna­ ing, or. after tee landing at­ searched today for bombers of ground, tactical air and naval troops to Cambodia could weak­ changes its attitude on the Viet­ town, a market center and ad­ Style (0> tember to demonstrate their tional Airport after attempting tempt. who damaged 86, buses of tee fighting power. en the allied position in South nam War, says Sen. J. W. Pul- ministrative headquarters on Hair <C> strength. to land for a stopover on a flight The plane approached tee Long;view schools, which in Sep­ There were indications at Vietnam at a time when Ameri­ bright. the Bassac River, prior to a Weather The move, authorities said, can ground combat strength is "We must let the present gov­ (0) from Montreal to Los Angeles. runway in near-perfect flying tember begin busing Negro pup­ least one regiment of tee 1st push on Phnom Penh. ick .^1 aboard were killed. weather. It rolled a short dis­ ils to formerly all white classes. would be Norte Vietnam’s meth­ Marine Division and possibly diminishing further in tee war ernment of Vietnam re-establish Viet Cong and Norte Viet­ Ot 80 identified victims, 23 tance—some witnesses said it No one was injured. od of saying its streng;te was not the entire division may be zone. itself on tee basis of an election namese troops battled their way which is not controlled or super­ Jver" '53. were from addresses in the bounced off tee runway—and A school official said damage diminished by tee two-month al­ brought out. This, in effect, However, top Pentagon civil­ into Saang early Simday. There s affairs United S^tes. There were 76 teen lifted off again. would average at least' $1,000 lied campaign teat destroyed an would virtually end tee Marine ian officials indicate they are vised by^thls nation or tee ene­ was sporadic heavy firing f - three my,” Fulbright, chairman of an liner. paying passengers, most of While It was over the runway, per vehicle. Some of tee buses estimated 60 per cent of tee ene­ combat role In Vietnam and unlikely to go along with any throughout tee day as govern­ tee Foreign Relations Commit­ - Angeli, them from Quebec and Califor­ tee outside right engine dropped will have to be replaced; dam­ my’s supplies stored in Cambo­ leave tee remaining ground •slowdown partly because of ment troops fought to regain tee, said in an interview Sun­ Richard nia; two infants> 22 vacationing in flames to tee ground. The age to others was limited to dia. fighting to tee U.S. Army. deepening budget pressures to key positions, including tee cen­ r. Stephen cut war costs. * day. tral market area where about 80 Air Canada employes and a plane was trailing flames and broken windows. There was no firm intelli­ Some sources have said they gence estimate ofc what form a Despite top-level U.S. military ’The Arkansas Democrat re­ Norte Vietnamese and 'Viet ihnay Car- crew of nine. smoke and dropping pieces of Police Chief Roy Stone said anticipate U.S. military leaders, new initiative might take. But reluctance to trim American ferred to Bruce, a veteran diplo­ Cong were holed up. (0> An airline spokesman said the there was no indication tee who all along have favored a mat,, as a very fine man. "Pres­ how <C> plane had a capacity of 198 pas­ (Seq Page Twenty-One) bombings Saturday nig^t had military experts suggested tee ground combat power, civilian Cambodian ’ISS fIghter-bomb- how (C> slower withdrawal pace, might ident Nixon couldn’t have CTs pounded tee dllesay during <C) sengers and that on Saturday or racial overtones, but he did not possibility of widespread rocket officials say military leaders re­ picked a better man, but neither the day, and after dark South re Monday ‘Tt would have been wholly discount tee possibility. and mortar attacks against cognize the budget realitl^ and Pat ho nor anyone else can do any­ Vietnamese C47 "Spooky” gun- )rivate-CTe full.” Stone said he knew of no indi­ South Vietnamese cities and are unlikely to press very hard thing in Paris without a change ships went into action with their joking for vidual or group that had pro­ military bases accompanied, for a slower withdrawal. 1st, Ruth It was the first major crash at 5 2 7 Die A P Story In attitude in our government,” 6,000-round-a-mlnute Gatling lale.
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