» X » “%/s* A-i’ •«« -vv" - >«£ % WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1968 PAGE FOBTY AveiBge Daily'^Net Press Run manrli^Bt^r lEtt^nlng i|(rald For. The Week Ended The Weather March », lAW The Manchester Association The Hartford County Amateur A midweek service of Bible Clear tonight. Low in teens. Red Feather Service Renewal Parcel iljmrljPHtPr lEttpmng lip rali for the Help of Retarded Chil­ Radio Asaoclation will meet to­ study, prayer, and praise will PINEHURST BRISKET Tomorrow cloudy. High in 40s. About Town be held tonight at 7 ;30 at the a 15,580 dren will meet tomorrow at 8 morrow at 7 pm. at Veterans Are you seeking a new Church of the Naizarene. Goes Out to Bid Mr. and M n. Abraham Match- p.m. at Bunce Center. Norman Memorial Clubhouse, Sunset way of dealing with each Mancheater— A City of Village -Charm att and their son, Billy, who Fendell will discuss a “ Job De­ Ridge, . East Hartford. Rod other within your family? A Lenten Vesper Service will The first parcel of land to be CORNED BEEF have lived at 74 OMper St. for scription for an MAHRC Execu­ Woodbury, club president, will Can you use professional VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 139 (TWENTY .PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1968 (Classified Advertising on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CEMTB be held tonight at 7:30 at Con­ sold in the North End Re­ over two years, returned to Ire­ tive Director.” There will be a talk about the “ Uses for Sdlld- counsel? For help in locating cordia Lutheran Church. development area will go out land Sunday. Both Mr. end Mrs. social time with refreshments.. State Surplus.” The event is the appropriate Eigency, tele­ open to amateurs and their for bid Friday. Matchett were employed at the phone Mrs. Fisher at the Edward Rybcxyk, executive friends. Dinner Suggestion For Dumwell Co. on Pleasant St., The executive board of the The WSCS executive board Red Feather Information and director of the Manchester Re­ and Uielr son was a Orade 4 Newcomer’s Club will meet to­ will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. Referral Service of the development Agency, said he Is WliAt W ill Be, W ill Be student at Washlng^ton School. night at 8 at the home of Mrs. The Rev. Roger Rotvlg, pastor in Susannah Wesley Hall of Greater Hsirtford Commu­ now preparing the bid notice. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. £ ____ David Brenner, 14 Lawton Rd. of Grace Lutheran Church, H ut- South Methodist Church. nity Council. Telephone her The parcel of land which Is to COMPANY CORNCB BEEF Convoy Hit (AP)— Mark and Jeanne fiord, will preach at a Lenten at 521-4620, Ext. 42, Monday, be sold is known as Parcel 7. The First Church of Christ, The pastoral relations commit­ BRISKET CX>RNB3D BEEF Uzelac say their backyard Kennedy Candidaey Deeision Scientist will have a testimony The Stein Club and Steinettes Quiet Hour Service tonight at Tuesday or Thursday morn­ The parcel Is located at Main tee of North Methodist Church beehives stay—their answer meeting tonight at 8 at the will both meet tonight at 8 at 7:80 at Emanuel Lutheran ings. and 'Woodbrldge Sto., and con­ BOILED POTATOES will meet tonight at 8 :45 at the to a $76,000 suit filed church. the VFW Home. Church. sists of about 80,000 square church. BRUSSELS SPROUTS Wednesday by a neighbor. Martha Circle of Emanuel feet. It has a capacity for a CSiarles A. Caballero, 70, building of , 11 apartment units, WITH LEMON BUTTER The Great Decision Group will Church will meet tomorrow at By Enemy retired film studio worker, and is zoned for either apart- meet tonight at 8 at the home 10 a.m. for sewing at the church OR claims the bees have stung and will have its regular meet­ rhents or offices. o f Mrs. D. J. Roberts Jr., 25 SAIGON (AP) — Enemy automatic weapons fire and In- him again and again and de­ ing at 2 p.m. Mrs. Louise Hein­ Rybezyk met with members of ^ NATIVE CABBAGE prive him of the peaceful en­ Expeeted in Week by Aide Raymond Rd. LAST THREE DAYS richs will lead devotions. Host­ the MRA last week and they troops raked a U.S. Army sup- tlicted “ moderate" damage on HORSERADISH SAUCE joyment of his home. esses are Mrs. Mildred Noren, went over a tentative time plan ply convoy from ambush along the vehicles, - a command Mountain Laurel Chapter ‘"The bees were here when Mrs. HuMa Olson and Mrs. schedule for completion of the winding Route 14 in the central spokesman said. ’This Indicated Chorus of Sweet Adelines will RELISH TRAY ,we moved In,” Mrs. Uzelac project. Rybezyk said he Is now highlands but American tanka as many as a third o f the trucks rehearse tomorrow at 8 p.m. Blanche Savory. said”. “ They were an act of working on the final version of p e p p b r i d o e r o l l s and helicopter gunshlps splin- might have been damaged or WASHINGTON (AP)—Sen. Robert F. Kennedy has &MOOR at the Russian American Na­ tered the attackers. destroyed. God." She said the Uzelacs’ the plan, and that is should be tional Center, 211 Wethersfield Sports films bade by students DESSERT two children had been stung stepped to the brink of presidential candidafey and a ready by “ the end of next . The U.S. Command said 48 Tanks and armored personnel Ave., Hartfoid. The event is and members of the faculty of a lew Umes, but “ nothing se­ key aide says he’ll make his decision in a week. week.” HILLS COFFEE North Vietnamese regulars and carriers of the 3rd Vietnamese open to all women Interested in Harvard University will be rious." Kennedy huddled with political advisers in New ANNIVERSARY SALE Copies of the revised plan will Viet Cong guerrillas were killed Armored Cavalry raced past the singing four-part barbershop shown tomorrow at a noon in the short, midday fight nine convoy to attack the ambush York Wednesday night after saying in Washington he style harm(my. luncheon meeting of the Har­ be sent to town officials and town agencies. miles north of Pleiku City site, alter the fight began at is reassessing whether to run against President John- BUY NOW AND SAVE! vard Club of Northern Connect­ Wednesday. ’Twelve Americans i i ; i 6 a.m., and at 11:26 hellcop- ■ ^-------------------------------son. icut at the Shoreham Mjotor were killed, eight were wounded ter gunshlps sailed into the bat- •The New York Democrat said Hotel, Hartford. Big Boy and soldiers of the South Viet- tie. Nixon Saving the New Hampshire primary re­ 1ST. PAHUCK'S DAY namese armored unit escorting Fighter-bombers arrived at sults removed "the major obata»\^ Evarything for a The Childreti’s Lenten Mission Canada’s Hudson Bay Is 900 the convoy suffered light casual­ McCarthy: cle” to challenging Johnsmi— Sm o o r School, sponsored by the Man- miles long and 500 miles wide. 11:69 and within minutes the en­ Viet Strategy ties, the command said. and said the vote demonstrated Big C*M>raI1oii Chester Council of Canuches, will It is said to have a water area emy troops fled. 917 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER The enemy sprayed the 4th In­ Army engineers with the con- DemocraUc concern over John­ meet tomorrow from 8 to 4:80 greater by four times than that fantry Division convoy with ba­ Kennedy Bid son x>olicles. OPEN THURSDAY TO 9 P.M. ARTHUR DRUB p.m. at the Jesse Lee House of of all the Great Lakes combin- zooka-type rockets and heavy (See Page Ten) For Johnson But Sen. Ehigene J. McCarthy, South Methodist Church. ed. who drew an unexx>ectedly high NEW YORK (AP) — Richard May Aid LBJ 42 i>er cent of the New Hamp­ M. Nixon says the reason he is shire Democratic vote, said he won’t pull out o f the race what­ not ready to spell out the details WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Panic in Europe Eugene J. McCarthy said today ever the New Yorker decides to of his plan to end the war in 'that If Sen. Rdbetit F. Kennedy do. Vietnam is because he is reserv­ 4 enters the Democratic presiden­ ” He’s been reassessing his po­ ing his “ big guns” for use tial race, the action might dl' sition all along the way,’ ’ Mc- Carve TMn Slices Prom Two “ Paces” Near Anarchy Seen against President Johnson 11 he vlde opponents of the Vietnam Carthy told newsmen after a wins the Republican presiden­ war and help toward renomlnat- 20-mlnute meeting with Kenne- CARVING ' tial nomination. ing President Johnson. dy. ” I said I Intended to stay In Oarve wWh two "texses" as etiowiL SHoea should be ithdn and cut “ I have to adapt my strategy McCarthy, frosh from a primaries and m the race,” a sUgbt angle. Meiat wtUl clUce better if allowed to set a little so as to win the (presldentltd) strong shearing In New Hamp- Minnesotan added, In Gold Stampede primaries with the least expend­ time before eUoing. Slice altenwitely from two " fo o te r so shire’s primary Tuesday, insist- ^ close aide said Kennedy eUces from each “face” win remain ithe same. iture of ammunition,” Nixon LONDON (AlP) — Europe’s lurt market reported levels of ..j ^m reserving my tig ed he is in the race to stay and " ’HI make his decision by Mar- gold rush skyrocketed today in sales that dealers had never gy„g ygg against Johnson.” has no plan to step aside for Hie deadline for entering Kennedy.
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