*n^T*! ? V re^- t-_,^_^.«i,„J_ -^ X. f^S'"?^'^^^^? - **»v* fi Aubur*>&.?« n Court *fe er Guild Work- --wiliT^l^rt^^Itt^1"^: dresses'»a|'.y*ll'i'•*»- W'iie#lo TV & RADIO missions lot- \%jft$m " Riding- ON Ml .mm*-'*-- meir|tot*tfetfy;^ifiuMo|/-'' * MAWS ' At fc^Bita&HSiSJi.,.* <JfBl'/ ' \ *• 9 KUMWA ' PARAMOUNT %. %3 KMOfTohO-Rl A-S 25 Vr*. fni'iww I4TXL1B SIlStawM. Detective ,-\ A-l ^i_ w hv ~W -F^Xl? 1"' •$*,! Playfufdie - &A^fc JlMttmMtt. T]l«ii*#1R©i^^ M AUDITORIUM «Kwnr*ta» Under a»«aa b»r4 lOftttns. **••,.;..• ,.,.„. r *'• .-& pmtlR- Pacttio—^*an. JOL-Fek 8 Nil irieh - StlbtM IETINGS: * ^^- ;.;;*;, %%;£.%.. ;.;'\ " (Partly Objectionable •- SIOU STATIONEST co. fljttmn <h|t Fe^titege* 'iJwrrent faf*M& B«fftoGuUd (H)th School GW.) S:S« leastpji , $* (For Adulte—SIGN mssaxino} .... .• ,,sr*ifi^A,fHiSAtRl!~'' y^hrlna IPah- Ifieb; MS (Fot>'-AduIt»->SIGK m»f axlne) ,^Jt*Jfeiiae«a^^ o •••• ^ Irt -thiiMdiiy-HBnchMtalic GuW i;tt a^~Vertf Bev. * ^SsT'y^i *.]W«q*^<J4SJ|.- .«. • <•._ ••''i>i' ;•%_ ••r"- ..-• •-..->> 81* MwiiHhir ft* Of the fe&eie Guild (Business team Defeats Woinett) fcfo r>.nv--Bev, Joseph Attend, «$&1B. Sampson WAF's First of a series of basketball games between the CXO. Girls' «$ Team and the Sampson WAFs Chaplain Aj^^Wmm^ was played Jan. 25 on the Colum­ bus .Civic Center Courts with the CYO girls emerging victors by a §|^ewwf-fe^,_^,.._.{_ tuJwffiii^.HMi^lHV Bdwart MlUutuaeo, l*«re*nee Ctaiey, Jalten Wright, score of 30 to 27. , _ ;jmir,:tmm- 'l^fr *ny »«ti». **€«aiia»lr,iMH3iqnrter, Jeff Jwnlew. It wa'Ca close contest all itj Ctt«^ xw, froro left)'Eddy Burro, A] Matoaey, Bldwrd Barter, BUI Fll* way but the C¥Q* raannged to iff we |oi^A»f%^^ atay in the win column paced by •V.:;;,.W.-" V- patrWt, John McOet. \ the excellent ball. handling " J^IMJ^Ip»* v Joyce Sharlck Who netted •»i m«t points for cm^Joan Bayery DolonesL Bu^tejricl Lao als< tolhe CYO score and outstanding; Kf> in defensive play were: Jean •mi"- f •*!***•&• Dmnsrille — Eighth annual .dition of the Danavill. Mln- Moran, Carol Malar, Slain PMg* tofUlpo, Carol Baron* and Carol .- i ; atr«l»i produced and directed by Braxton Middleton, will be Columbo. The team Is coached 'A-Blown «t the High School Auditorium Tuesday, Wednesday A«s«a-Holy Family, aifhth by Helen Smith ef the C.T.O. i crade defeated the fraehmen 'pt la!Bd.tl»ur»«iy' e^efinif Feb. 15, » Holy Fiunlly ,|pfh School In .a atatt. ' • . •*< "0wd-i% ' '> " '• preliminary- gam* to the Holy For the tampson WAFs, Mary The show U Annually aponeored Catholic University Moor* ana J. Randall provided by newvUle Council Knlghte of Family Hlgh-Lakemont came, Wur Friday at the Central High Court dangerous oppositiott In netting. dblumbui, under the atispicea of Gets Murray Papers 12 and II point* wspectiwly,; tsr ^roopv: KOmlber 88, Soy Scouta of to chalk up their sixth straight Mis* Moore garnered a perfect AmerfcaVAB net proceeds of the WaeliinBiiMa P- (HO - The victory without defeat IV record on free throws'Having aV lift pertomweej' «* dlabuned lor Catholic University of America Jk- $* P^^* of Columbus quired **v*n goals out if ah at- charity Tby «he council, will receive the personal papers Civile q-r*i»m.er,. ^eJ»jR»l. 'tempted seven.try*, W#*rani *W be dtvidedH ™p Murray \m preeldent L«ague, Holy Famliys aiihth I!our_jnojre^jamjji,_jriJL_b*, [tft^^Tv^-T^^-nri^iMrt-wai 4.J*i«-Congre«-of-InduatrlaJ-Or- •itaW^thTiqhfrleinHc^e^^ played with two scheduled for conilst „..„._,._.. - .. ,. the Sampson Courts and two at 5.t with end men, gig* and rotyctong JtnlMtions and th» United Ste.1- amx^m :-ii«i«f,i«efe*.tin^;« CXO, Other Rochester and area songi. A background clhieras o* workeriiouneeds tuthere America, by Bisho, It pwaa^a Bryamn teams who are iirt>reatfd (a girls' taAtv basketball competition are- re­ Ui JHv THt_6AlUV-MASt 4lA«w^n»«^fjai;pnw»«i,!i|Or'K«w*««.'l»rTt MwHnwt Hnmrt tfMn«i ' 'vldual perfornjeri. ' ^"veralty . ' quested to contact Hrs. Helen .. Tne second hall. of. fheahow, . The univeriity'sJbepartment of Smith iat BA T40& H«jwr§?1t? hoIo^jM^ajtonof plact, ^hlle ... , . V . .4 *-......,J r,^ ,. .. .-,...). *^ -T -' will be compoaed of novelty .and Archives and Manuscripts al­ si^'«toai;'|uad;' Ar Hyiiclmfs Itspeclalty nunribers; aoiifsr, dances ready contains such labor eol< au*»*le4 foj?;th|p-.pllcer with M>i ' and sSdtt. A. gaUttj? of tadlvldUil lections as the paper* of Terence thai*.wins and twolostee'apiece. artists la in rehearsal to make V. Powderly,-: leader of the f4*^ tflle ahow,, int^e wduds o« Middlf- KnlajhU of Labor from 1873 to ton* 'probAWy the beat ejJt«rtt3* P«nny B*xAti Plumed : 1893J the iKSmM *c*n,Hayei, i*o«i nlerit of the, Mer^i^ ..• ;.. /.>$las t leader: of «Jria> Knlfhts ef At Holy RoMiy Parish . :i#i Lahor, and the personal file* of Cub Pack lot of Holy Rosary "kj •r Family Rosary Johja.Mltehell^hel*-*' 'he Unit- Parish will hold a penny bazaar 1 B*n^fieay t?*«i(& Society, .#««!• ed J&toe .Workeart and a power- aponapttHJILhy the^MnhCuha^ohi- iftli taT~^rce In the.Aliir1caFFa5en « g|e^f|wpiM«tt#«efr*^ltfiS5ir FrJ4ayv|!eh*4J|tF7-p.m. In 1th* men of Lotto*- ation of Labor. school h*n. All are Invited, lb Bt$wt*itk A* ? BrJgMter. General Bertram C. Saturdayjuwrani^ » —Joseph Harrison, commander of tt«.45thi Huekk .Sfe SeletVL _ _ jpWij|L^JWpHl4Ww™---*B(-^lWHfcpj Air .Division at Loring, express­ Sunday, Jan. 30^-Henty 3. SS- it- _ WMF/^nH'-fWimwtw 1150 atUY TOWP ttDG. ed his admiration and apprecia­ chaels. Nativity of Blessed Virgin Legion of Decency Listings Ma^£j|rockiartL •Hfa«"i^iBlBll«BBiPM*aRan^^l^*^BBBflBBBBBBi^i^Bip tion for Father Albert's ^ork j£ CLASS Af --tJao»Jec«on*bla for General Patronag* Sttne-teise-aria" lofBIs work In de­ Monday, Jan. 31 — Joseph L'Ambrose, St. Michael; Abbot and OoiUlto KM* Put Conntir,Jl*t ..Xoataa aal Julia* veloping' friendly relations be th« KtyttOM C0i>» HUMl ant tiraM ,* Itooila'a Bd»p BErecmdaUE-J tween the base and.the gurround- Tuesday, Feb, t~Anthony De- African AdT«ituf» Hl|k and Dtr. .. Stttafc Oa tka Saik illy-., rppr I f jmiM^ Value Snow .r Cool S^ve! Animtl Farai . Htatara ofthaCaep lng'communitles. Romanls; SS. ?eter and Paul; lalUars IVeatellan Slttl««jSll- yltjCMMi whh wch .rtitr of 2-fon or moro of our Father Albert's contribution toi Wednesday, Feb. 2-Willlam B. Atbana Jowl* GeoU Snow Creature Richter, St. Margaret Mary; B«nsal Brlind* Khyber Patrol Thar Soda Waal ' , . rjaa;.--VJ ,m ,-m t00% CINUINI ANTHRACITi the welfare of the base and sur­ Black Knlrht, Urn KHIat Laapaie TkU la anarama ralfhu a Uw Kounl L rounding communities was over Thursday.,. Feb. 3—Anthony M. Black Shield et -Tafcla .Thiaa.JRIn*.Clr«u»- RAVOIS F«Iwofth, Tfaa Tobor, ThaGraat - srovi * ^^ .and abovo *nyajlnt-«quired-of> Hettefc^Mr^mrfly; aawnpanied LBoh Maiktea-Stafr. 1%» - LItUHt Outlaw, Tha Trouble in tha Glea .ljsWMliyiv9flr. him, General Harrison said. by members of Band No. 5 of the Bow.rj Bojr» MMt th« U»ia» It Up Trouble Is Stota -JWU, c . JWJ»aJUajrua»-«a«ar-- v The Rev. Omar St bng^_MndJ5iNocturna3!S3LA9l Adoration! , Society; ... I Brl**doon ' MT HA 111 VAfrMStefr nit* ' ••I5ff_. fsilt rId e J tha Sea -cipal-of AmHnBurenrTflgh school|7.^~FrIdayTFe^l—La^f *; y Wpresenta. -Cuanibal Att«ck — KAtWraon of Karaaa Two Gun» an* • Saan 'jOpw* ^U^j\m£^i§*rJ-*utui*r tives, JRochester chapter St. Bon» Ctttl* Qunn of MonUu OMtttiOB Manhunt Unoonauerad and part-time assistant to the •'--"-'- Great of th« W»ra Vaniihln•niihing PrLPrairie_ , Tha base chaplain, delivered the prin­ avetiture Aluriinl Association, Raid, lT»a Victory at Sea T r Dttactlv*. Th« . RWmbraiidt Wait of Zanalbw ft * H-". -J-.^»^-a«r-#*/r«v *. ,.M. OPEN cipal speech in Father Albert's Devil'a Harbra Jtttara JVom tha'Saa Whlu Chrittmaa }\i s honor. praising Father Albert's ac­ Draciul Wwdlat Xonaaca Yellow Mountain, Tha- THE AHERICftH SPECIALTY CO, lnfc \ .Vrtir.>r<«T«lbAWQvihfy Silrs. • Father St. Onge stressed the complishments at Loring". Dram Beat CLASS A-S — Unobjectionable for Adults <mHwm^tm V? HwaS Dml in tha Jufefla •loneliness of the priesthood" as' In accepting the chalice, Fath- Alda irer, ~eTFs^Berf*EId*:r5~bear the men an^' women of-the base Bamboo Prison Four Waya Oat R«at Window- OUaawara Bssa Bruiasel Gate of Hell- Return to Treaaura lalanf Staetwar* • MASSEVSUNHAV as the only Catholic priest 6n a; and the surrounding communities Beachcomber, The Good Die Yoons, Tha Security Rlak Targe military base, for from for the gift and for the friend­ Green FIra Seven Brldea law Sera* Slrrtrwar* «BV WALTER | KOHL MA »S.O.' fV% MO 6HG0HY St Betrayed Heartbreak Rldpa Brothers > Daaausb * home and family. ship and cooperation accorded Black 13 Heart of the Matter. Tha Hohton'a Choice 8hanshal Story, Tha Table*, Chalra . • Other tributes, to the honored him during his stay In Maine, Black .Widow Slirn of the Paian Seda Fetatalaa King Richard anal Silver Chalice guest carhe from the Rev. Rob­ "Fifty per cent of a chaplain's Bread, Love and Dream* the Cruiadere Steel Care, The NEfD A GOOD J. P. ert C. ILavoie of Fort Fairfield^. Bridges at Toko-IU, The Last Time I Saw Parlt Suddenly SJUfc success is based on the people Ballet la Waltlna Law y» Billy the Kld.The Three.Hours torfair PLUMBER? jMaSrie, master of ceremonies; V whets he serves," Father Albert Country Girl life In tha Balance, A Tonight's tha Night 3I1 SOUTH AVI.
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