I Colorado*8 L a r ^ t Newspaper; Total Press Run, All Editions, Far Above SOOfiOO; Denver Catholic Register, 24j005 DENVER PRIEST HEADS CHAPLAINS IN JUNGLE AREA Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society. Inc., 1943— Permission to Beprodnee, Except Soldiers to Participate on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given A ittt 12 M. Friday Following Issne . Col. Joseph Koch H U M i m M S T c a t h o u c Desefihes Gruelling Life in Canal Zone Several hundred soldiers from the Rev. Fred McCallin, Cathedral the four army camps in and near assistants. T h e Rev. Francis Denver are expected to join the Kappes will lead the men in con­ (By Paul H. Hallett) men of the metropolitan area Sun­ gregational singing. The Arch­ REGSTER Takes Young Man lo Stand Gaff, But Only Com< Three values signalize Loretto day in the men’s annual Commun­ bishop will preach. The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We tn tke Rockies (Denver, Loretto ion in the Cathedral, sponsored by The more than 2,000 men who Have Also the International Nevrs Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller plaint From ‘Sky Pilots’ Is That 24-Hour Heights college, $3.50), written to the Denver council, Knights of Co­ are expected to take part in the Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos._____________ memorialize the half-century of lumbus. The Communion Mass will event will meet in front of the Day Is Far Too Short service the Sisters of Loretto havo be celebrated at 8 o’clock by Arch­ USO-NCCS club at E. 16th avenue VOL. x x x v m . No. 32. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1943. $1 PER YEAR given to Christian -feminine edu­ bishop Urban J. Vehr. Servers and Grant street at 7:30 a.m. and cation in the West. There is, first, will be. the Rev. Arthur Lucy and march from there to the Cathedral Life in the jungle area of the Canal Zone is so gruelling the obvious interest any such oc­ for the Mass. Uniformed groups that only priests -who are young and physically tough can r tY iA the favorite belween-dance refreshments in the new USO-NCCS chib casional history has for the grad­ of firemen and policemen of the Pop U'll'lA V^l/UIViCo 1 ^,1, Grant. Slwwn in the picture are a few of the Junior Hostess do the -work of an army chaplain. Yet the only complaint uate: The names of graduates: city will be joined by the groups of group and the men of the service at the snack bar o f the building, which will be formally dedicated in heard from “ sky pilots” there is that the days are too short. soldiers who attend to form a color­ accounts, more or less detailed, oz ceremonies to be held Saturday afternoon.— (Pal Coffey Photo) ful portion of the procession. The supervisor of U. S. chaplains in the district is L t Col. the members of the faculty, note­ Because of war-time restrictions Joseph R. Koch, a priest of the Archdiocese of Denver who worthy alumnae, and all the im­ there will be no Communion break­ portant figures that have been con­ was assistant in St. Francis de Sales’ parish, Denver, and nected with the institution; chron­ fast, as has been the custom in the for several years pastor of Akron before entering army past. , icles recording the erection of new service more than 15 yeans ago. buildings, the beginning of new Colorado Springs Men*s In his distinguished career Father Editorial Worker policies, the appearance of student Communion Is April 11 Koch spent a long time in the activities, defunct or still existing; The men of the Pike’s Peak Philippines, where he was respon­ On Foreign Duty old pictures. Second, there is tha region will have their annual cor­ sible more than any one other per­ historical value of its careful r^ son for the brilliant success of the porate Communion in St. Mary’s setirciies, extending from 1936, church in the 8 o’clock Ma.ss on 31st international Eucharistic con­ which will be esteemed by any one Brother John J. Renk, S.J., gress in 1937. Sunday. April 11. Archbishop who appreciates the fact that infirmarian for Regis college and Urban J. Vehr will celebrate the An absorbing description of Colorado today would be a worse Regps high school for the past Mass, assisted by the priests of St. chaplain's life in the Canal Zone, Colorado were it not for the in­ three years, pronounced his final Mary’s parish. as presented by Chaplain Koch, is fluence of Loretto-trained girls. vows in the Society of Jesus last given in a dispatch from Richard Lastly, the two, authors, where it Thursday morning, March 25, in After the Mass breakfast will be served to the men in the Antlers Armstrong, International News suited their purpose, have painteii the students’ chapel on the Regis Service staff correspondent. De­ sketches of the most appealing hu­ campus. The vows of the popular hotel. The Archbishop will be present. spite their smiling plaint that they man interest. lay brother, well known to resi­ need a 30-hour day instead of a 24- “ During eight full years of dent students and to the countless Members of the Knights of Co­ lumbus and St. Mary’s Holy Name hour one, the writer says, the U. S. searching through heavy tomes of athletes whose injuries he has army chaplains in the scattered forgotten writers and, prying open cared for, were received by the society who are planning the event jungles of this huge and difficult memory’s treasure chests, belong­ Very Rev. John J. Flanagan, S.J., include the following: Bernard area are doing a magnificent job ing to our senior sisters,” writes president of Regis college and Huschke and John J. Duncan, gen­ of .seeing to it that every service one of the authors and the initia­ I rector of the Jesuit'community. eral chairmen; W. Harley Reming­ man has the qpportunity for reli­ tor of the project. Sister M. Celes- Bom in Milwaukee, Wise., July ton, toastmaster; Lawrence Welte gious devotions and chaplain con­ tine Casey, A.M., director of jour­ 24. 1895, Brother Renk entered and Clement Zecha, chairmen of breakfa.st tickets; Paul McCarville, tact. nalism in the college, “ numerous John Sweeney, Carroll B. Dunn, SERVICES HELD AT samples rich in content came Joe Ash, Fred Howard, George LEAST ONCE A MONTH tumbling out—all mine for the Profitt, and Martin Murphy, gen­ “ We have worked out a sched­ taking. Dates, verified and re- eral committee. ule,” explained Chaplain Koch, verified ; episodic recollectioniL Will Confirm Class “ that insures services even in the meticulous observations, esteemeii most remote jungle position once opinions, obtained through adroit In Camp Carson a month. Protestant and Catholic .interviews,^not to mention valuable a Tmxaw, for- April 11, afternoon. Archbishop chaplains travel in pairs to these First \ gleanings from newspapers turn­ nierlr a member of the Register Vehr will confer Confirmation on positions. Arrangements also have ing yellow with age—all these gave editorial staff, is now on foreign a class of soldiers in Camp Carson. been made for services for those me stories.. ” And her collalrora- of the Jewish faith. Battery duty with the army. He finished tor. Sister M. Edmond Fern, A.M.. commanders have been of great officer training in (jirlisle Bar­ Ph.D., now director of classical Cardinal, Brother of help in arranging affairs, so that racks, Pa., Aug. 27, 1942, and be languages in Webster college, men who wi.sh to do so may attend rame first lieutenant in January. Webster Groves, Mo., prefaces: 2 U .S . Women, Dios services at any time the chaplains He is a medical administrative offi- “ My contribution in helping to can arrive at their position. The /family home is in Ana bring this volume to the reader hein, Calif. His father is an M.D. (Turn to Page S — Column 5) London.— (INS)— H. Era. Car­ Denver Woman’ s “ The chaplain of the jungle area dinal Ermenegildo Pellegjinetti, is a young man. He must be young 67-year-old prefect of the Sacred USO-NCCS Clubs Will Be and he mu.st be tough to cover his Congregation of Seminaries and 2nd Son Will Be territory. Only rarely are any of War Relief Collection to Universities, died in Vatican City them in this work over 40 years following an emergency appendec­ old. Very few beyond that aj^ can tomy. Previous to his being pro­ Dedicated This Saturday ordained Apr. 27 endure the hardships of jungle claimed a Cardinal by Pope Pius travel and the tough hikes and Be Taken Sunday, April 11 XI Dec. 1.3, 1937, be had served maneuvers they must take part in as Apostolic Nuncio to Jugoslavia with their men.” The formal opening o f the USO- the program, which will be held in The Rev. Joseph Sharpe, son of The colonel related the expe­ — Photo by Irvinf All*a Fox for 15 years. It was through the NCCS club in the Knights of Co- both buildings. Mrs. Mary Sharpe of 1383 Sf. Paul rience of one young, bronied and Letters sent out by Archbishop Homo of Refugees, written by Cardinal’s work that a concordat The ceremonies, which will be- Urban J. Vehr this week appeal Brother John J. Rook, S.J. lumbu.s building at 16th and Grant muscled chaplain who returned Courtenay Savage and present^ was drawn up beween the Vatican will include the street, Denver, will be ordamrtha for contributions to the annual col­ with the aid of A e National Cknin- and the USO-NCCS club, women’s frqm an all-day, 60-raile trip to a ■ the novitiate of the Missouri and Jugoslavia in 1935.
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