
1939 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD-HOUSE 2011 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the Pres­ Lonnie A. B. Leslie, Rtisseiivilie. ident will be notified. Vernon V. Goslee, Skidmore. POSTMASTERS NEW MEXICO The Chief Clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations of Enrique V. Garcia, Mesa Rica. postmasters. Rosalie E. Branchr Mora. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, at the OHIO request of the present occupant of the chair, the nominations William A. Ellsworth, Hudson. of postmasters will be confirmed en bloc~ PENNSYLVANIA IN Tini ARMY John C. Amig, Lewistown. The Chief Cferk proceeded to read sundry nominations in the Army. Mr. SHEPPARD. I ask unanimous consent that the Army HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nominations be confirmed en bloc. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the pom­ TUESDAY,. FEBRUAR.Y 28, 1939 inations in the Army are confirmed en bloc. The House met at 12. o'clock noon. That completes the calendar. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered RECESS the following prayer: Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative session, I move that the Heavenly Father, Thou art our refuge;' hidden in the Senate take a recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. pavilion of the Most High, Thou wilt never leave or forsake The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 orclock and 47 min­ us. Lest there be confusion and humiliating memories, we utes p.m.) the Senate took a recess until tomorrow, Wednes­ pray Thee to give depth to feelings,. convert opinions into day, March 1, 1939, at 12 o'clock meridian. convictions, sentiments into principles, and let our failures be in the melting shadows of the past. In the bustle of com­ CONFIRMATIONS merce, in the conflict of affairs, and in the heated ways of Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate February 28 public life, grant that our people may fear God and be saved (legislative day ot February 27), 1939 from the blind allegiance to external things. Oh, make the weak strong and keep the strong from pride and dpmination; UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS it is before Thee that the rights oi the lowliest are most Francis Biddle to be a judge of the United States Circuit respected. We pray that Thy name may be honored and Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. glorified in the marveious strength of our country. Let Thy APPOINTMENTS IN THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES fatherly care and protection be with our President, our Edgar Carl Erickson to be brigadier general, Adjutant Gen­ Speaker, and the Congress. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. eral's Department, National Guard of the United States~ Amen. Benjamin Mitchell Smith to be brigadier general, Adjutant The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and General's Department, National Guard of the United States. approved. - APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY MESSAGE FROM .THE SENATE Claud Dale La Fors to be second lieutenant, Medical Ad­ . A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative ministrative Corps. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed bills of the Bernard Kern to be second lieutenant, Medical Administra­ following titles, in which the concurrence of the .House is tive Corps. requested: Ennis Dallas Sandberg to be second lieutenant, Medfcal S.10. An act for the relief of the Fred Harvey Transporta- Administrative Corps. tion Department; . James Thomas Richards to be second fieutenant, Medical S.11. An act for the relief of Hubert H. Clark and Dr. Administrative Corps. W. C. Copeland; APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY S. 18. An act authorizing payment to ·the San Carlos Maj. Owen Meredith Marshburn to Quartermaster Corps. Apache Indians for the lands ceded by them in the agree­ First Lt. Ferdinand Marion Humphries to Ordnance De­ ment of February 25, 1896, ratified by the act of June 10, partment. 1896, and reopening such lands to mineral entry; First Lt. Jermain Ferdinand Rodenhauser to Ordnance S. 539. An act for the relief of Charles E~ Naghel, special :pepartment. disbursing agent, Department of the Interior, and Kam­ First Lt. James Donald Sams, to Ordnance Department. meyer & Medack, contractors, from disallowance of charges for addtttonal work under a construction contract; PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY S. 643. An act authorizing the payment of necessary ex­ Carlton Culley Starkes to be lieutenant colonel, Medical penses incurred by certain .Indians allotted on the Quinaielt Corps. Reservation, State of Washington; Dean McLaughlin Walker to be major, Medical Corps. S. 754. An act for the relief of J. G. Mayfield; William Congdon Harrison to be captain, Medical Corps. S. 794. An act relating to banking, banks. and trust com­ Joseph Rich to be captain, Medical Corps. panies in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes; Francis Fred Viglione to be captain, Medical Corps. S. 875. An act for the relief of Andrew J. Crockett and George Henry Timke, Jr., to be captain, Dental Corps. Walter Crockett; Clyde Danforth oatman, Jr., to be captain, Dental Corps. S. 876. An act to authorize the purchase of certain lands John Kenneth Allen, to be captain, Veterinary Corps. for the Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation, N.Mex.; Alva Jennings Brasted to be chaplain with the rank of S. 877. An act to add certain public-domain land in Mon­ colonel. tana to the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation; Herbert Adron Rinard to be. chaplain with the rank of S. 884. An act for the relief of disbursing officers and other lieutenant colonel. officers and employees of the United States for disallowances POSTMASTERS and charges on account of airplane travel; INDIANA S. 911. An act for the relief of Roscoe C. Prescott, Howard Blanche L. Anglin, Leesburg. Joslyn, Arthur E. Tuttle, and Robert J. Toulouse; S. 917. An act authorizing the Library of Congress to ac­ MISSOURL quire, by purchase or otherwise, the whole or any part of Hugh M. Price, La Monte. the papers of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Thomas Jess H. Easley, Lebanon. Pinckney, including therewith a group of documents relating 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE _FEBRUARY 28 to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, now in the posses­ their endeavors to smuggle narcotics and other illegal im­ sion of Harry Stone, of New York City; portations into the country. s. 981. An act for expenditure of funds for cooperation The authorized force of employees over whom he has juris­ with the public-school board at Wolf Point, Mont., for com­ diction consists of 1,585, which are divided into the following pleting the construction, extension, equipment, and improve­ groups: ment of a public-school building to be available to Indian Station inspectors and inspectors---------------------------- 513 children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont.; Staff officers------------------------------------------------ 16 S. 1036. An act to authorize the purchase of certain lands Guards' force----------------------------------------------- 583 Laborers--------------- - -~-- - ------------------------------- 364 adjacent to the Turtle Mountain Indian Agency in the State Supervisory officers, clerks, etc------------------------------- 109 of North Dakota; S.1093. An act for the relief of Mike Chetkovich; With this force under his supervision the surveyor boards S. 1104. An act to provide for conveying to the United and takes custody of all vessels and cargoes from foreign States the land, buildings, and improvements comprising the ports, with certification of manifests, crew lists, consular Choctaw and Chickasaw Sanatorium and General Hospital; certificates, and so forth; the discharge and delivery of all S. 1174. An act for the relief of Alex St. Louis and Dr. cargo from foreign ports or received in bond, with complete J.P. Lake; accounting therefor; the discharge, examination, and delivery S.1253. An act for the relief of John B. Dow; of all passengers' baggage f;rom foreign ports or arriving in · S.1476. An act to autho.rize an appropriation to pay non­ bond; the weighing, gaging, and measuring of imported mer­ Indian claimants whose claims have been extinguished under chandise and goods exported with benefit of drawback, and the act of June 7, 1924, but who have been found entitled to returns therefor which form the basis for final computation awards under said act as supplemented by the act of May of duties; the transfer to general-order warehouse of un­ 31, 1933; claimed merchandise and to seizure room of goods illegally S.1477. An act to repeal section 9 of the act of March 3, imported; the lading of goods shipped in bond or exported 1875 <18 Stat. L. 450), as amended; and with benefit of drawback and certifications of same; the S.1523. An act to authorize the payment of burial ex­ measuring of vessels for ascertainment of tonnage tax on penses and expenses in connection with last illness and death foreign vessels and for registry, enrollment, or license of of native employees who die while serving in offices abroad American vessels; the examination of steerage passengers' of executive departments of the United States Government. quarters under Passenger Act of 1882, as amended; the APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO COMMITTEES searching of vessels for contraband and the sealing of ships' stores; the guard of vessels, piers, and other places to prevent Mr. CULLEN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a privileged resolu­ smuggling; aggressive campaigns to prevent and detect the tion, which I send to the Clerk's desk. illegal importation of merchandise and narcotics; the count­ The Clerk read as follows: ing of passengers on local steamers during the excursion House Resolution 108 season. Resolved, That the following-named Members be, and they are It is therefore quite obvious that with this small army of hereby, elected members of the standing committees of the House of Representatives, as follows: men under his jurisdiction a great deal of personal super­ World war Veterans' Legislation: Wilburn Cartwright, Oklahoma; vision is required of the surveyor.
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