California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Business Journal Special Collections & University Archives 12-2005 December 2005 Inland Empire Business Journal Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Inland Empire Business Journal, "December 2005" (2005). Inland Empire Business Journal. 268. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Business Journal by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -..PAID -­ ...Pt'nntl -'"' 'o· I 11111111 111111111 VOLUME 17 . NUMBER 12 $2.00 December 2005 6 39 9 ~ 9 Special a\u'f~foo'Ko~iio: o'i_frt.OOK: ~ ;\lurrieta Sales Tax ~.:.·:~:.~.·r.~.r:~,·~:.~'Z<' _-·:'t.k-~-~·> .. ~, ,-.. :"' ~ ·_. •; _ -.--- _. Receipts Increase ~.ffWf{A~D · JNPUSTRIAL .l 14.7 Percent ~IARKETS . POISED FOR ·, ' Gross sales t,tx rcc·etpl\ m §(}t1h_6JWWTH I~ 2006 261 \.lurnet.l grev. to S2 7 million m the ~- ,' ·. ·.. second quarter of 2!Kl5, a 14 7 per co.:nt 111creasc from a ) c•ar ago. :· ': '-' .: ·_. ·• accordtng to Hdl & Asso<.tates ;i[he Cali.fornia In the three month period !rom Repo1·t : April to June . .l\lurricta once ugam Hall' En1pty o•· Hall' post douhle-dtgtt growth 111 sales tax Full? ro.:ceiph as the ctty benefited from an When 11 comes to opposmg burdens on businesses arc the P g. <:.> mtlux of nev. husmess. "Recent adJit1ons helped boost tax increases, Sen. Bob Dutton (R­ answers." Sen Dutton satd. "It re\enues from home turnishmgs, Rancho Cucamonga) has received wasn't until we held the ltne on tax restaUI ants. .. and offi..:e a perfect score from a watchdog increases and fought hard to elim1 n supply,"rcported lldL, a DtamonJ tax orgamzation that trad.s the vot­ nate some of the needless burdens Bar firm that tracks mun1ctpal sales ing record of legislators on business that \\ e ha\ e seen the ta'\ receipts. :-.turneta rece1pts mthe The Caltfornia Taxpayers· state bcgm an econom1c recmery." s lit 12 months enJed June 10, 2005 Association has defended taxpa) ­ Sen Dutton pomts to the last rn \\ere IS percent higher than the ers for 79 years against tax and fee three state budgets that included no I same penod a ye.1r earlier increases. The group recently general fund tax increases During l!lsev. here, sales tax recctpts m Peter M. Bryan. Ftre c released tis report card v. hich con­ that t1me the deficit shrant.. from Ri\ ers1Jc Count} rose 16.7 percent, Chief, Rancho , firmed Sen Dutton voteJ on the $38 billion to an estimated $4 to $5 Southern California gained 10.5 per­ Cucamonga Fire side of taxpayers and busmesses 14 btllton for tbe upcoming fiscal Page 6 cent ant! the state po~ted a 9.3 per Protection District cent JUmp. out of 14 ttmes years. He also pomts to the work General consumer goods and "The cost of doing bus mess 111 ers' compensation reforms enacted Special buildmg and construclton remained Caltfornia. the level of taxation, just over a year ago that have the tv.o biggest retail sales cate­ and the amount of regulauon are resulted in premium rates decreas­ gones and the two biggest growth highly quantifiable measures that ing by more than 25 percent. Sections categories. businesses evaluate in making These rates increased by triple CONTROLS Gross receipts from buildmg decisions on locating operations," digit prior to the reforms E~D.\l'\GER and constmclton sales were up 49.2 said Larry McCarth). president of Workers· compensation offictals percent from the same quarter a }Car HOME.LA'\D the Cahforma Taxpayers anticipate rates dropping another ago and geneml umsumers goods SEClRIT) 3 10 to 15 percent in 2006 thanks to posteJ a )ear-on-}car mcrcase of Association. 18.1 percent. In hts three years as a State the reforms supported by Sen. As Murriet.t enters the holiday Legtslator (two years in the Dutton. "Music for Guys Who shoppmg pcrwd. cit) officials Assembly and one in the Senate). "When you get out of the way Like Music and the encourage residents to shop locally Sen. Dutton has remained steadfast of business, the) are going to be Women Who Love because one cent on each dollar against any legtslation that will the economic engine of thts state," Them" featuring IIana spent in Murncta rdurns to the com­ raise taxes and/or impose unneed­ Sen. Dutton said. "Smce we held munity to help pay for such things as ed regulation that w1ll limit and the ltne on tax increases and elimi­ Setapen, violin parks and public services such as curtail job growth 111 California. nated burdensome regulations, we The Riverside County police. "Thts state has never had a have seen a marked improvement Sin..:e 2000, Murrieta has Philharmonic contmues 1ts suc­ revenue problem. Some believe in the business cltmate of cessful 2005-2006 Concert Series that raising taxes and imposing California." continued on page 36 cominued on pa~e .J I SURE-HIRE SOLUTIONS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS..... (1100) ··t.4-'·h44 • www... ppl•·ollf'.COill iiPPI e ...... e • f•'lllpor.ll y St.lffiiHI • I uti llllH' Pl.Iet ' lllf' lll • ll'lllpor .u y -To-Hrrf' f • .., 11 B!ISINHSS JOIJRNAI • PAGE 2 Decrmhc:r ~oo.s.. Alternative loan California Alternative loan products may be hazardous to your home ... Arrowhead Regional Mortgage Brokers has established products may be Itself as a leader Ill consumer advo­ Mortgage brokers can provide guidance to protect consumers Medical Center Receives cacy and regulatory reform hazardous to out against (jUestionable By; John Marcell, President California Association of Mortgage Brokers Accreditation your home ... markctmg schemes and calling for and Bill Moore, Prestdent of the Inland Emptre Chapter of the California AssociatiOn of Mortgage Brokers harsh mortgage fraud penalties. the Arrowhead Regional Med1cal Center Mortgage brokers a-.sociation believes that satisfied many things to consider includ1ng o mone} dovv n. intere~t improve their credit 'core, save for monthly e'penses. potential Receives Accreditation customers who cons1der all their on!) or "so-called" no cost loans a down payment or stabiltLe their the length of ume they expect to change in \\ages (up or do\\ n). can provide options arc better than 4uick sales. stay m a home, whether their fam­ consumer. hear the advertp,emenh finances That 1s puttmg the con­ retirement plam11ng. children and a Arrowhead Regional the Health Care Financing guidance Just like REALTORS 1\1, brokers e>eryday ··Live the American sumer first. and that is a broker\ ily will grow and 1s the home large college fund or having on!~ one Med1cal Center has recently AdmmJstratJon of the Federal receive a comm1sswn, betau'e Dream" is the promise. but buyer. competitive advantage. enough for that growth Another spouse at \\Ork. A (jualified mort­ earned accreditation from the Government to accredit hospitals to protect protecting a consumer's financial mw,t be educated to en~ure they do When con.,idering any critical area is personal finance. gage broker \\Ill gu1de buyers ,\merican Osteopathic Assoc1at1on and their cllmcal lahorutories. future is priceless. Brokers 'tay in not put themsehes and their homes loan. prospective buyers have mcludmg a realistic review of continued on page 3 (AOA) Healthcare Facilities "Arrowhead Regwnal consumers busmess through positive \\Ord-of­ Accreditation Program (Hl·AP), at risk Med1cal Center should be recog­ conrtnued from page 2 mouth referrals. They are small Traditional ~0-year fixed ,----- demonstrating that the medJcal n11ed for its comm1tment to pro­ busmesspeople Without multi-mil­ mterest rate mortgages remain the center has met the standards set vidmg 4uallty care to its commu though a process that considers lion dollar advertJsmg budgets and most financ1all) consef\atlve \\a} forth by HrAP to provide high­ nity," sa1d George A Reuther, these 1ssues and helps the buyer lav 1sh branch of1ices. to finance a home Hovv ever. for quality care and compliance with AOA d1rector of the DIVISIOn of make a clear decision. CAMB mortgage brokers certam .:onsumers. alternative loan governmental regulations. I kalthcare Faci11t1es accreditation. By contrast. companies work to provide families the nght products are also a v wble opuon "We have high standards "Accred1tat1on is an important that aggressively market alterna­ loan so that their dream of home­ .'\.1arket forces (only 14 percent of of care here at ARMC and accred­ achievement for a health care tive loan products exclusively to ownership never turns mto a mght­ Californwns .:an afford a median­ itation by HI·AP 1s proof positive fac1llty and one that Arrowhead individuals \~ith had credit. bank­ mare Gettmg a loan can be com priced home) have spav\ned a legit­ that we are meetmg those -.tan­ Regional Med1cal Center should ruptcies or other financial chal­ plicated. and consumers benefit imate need for mterest-only. Lero­ CITIZENS·= dards,'' sa1d ARMC Ch1ef be proud of." lenges may be placing buyers and from a trusted advisor focused on do'' n and adjustable-rate mort­ B U SINESS BANK becutlve Officer June Griffith­ Arro\\ head Regional their homes at risk There is truth educating them and aggressively gages because they may be the Collison. "We seek voluntary Medical Center. a San Bernardino to the adage. "if 1t sound'> too good protecting the1r Interests, their only ''ay a family can afford to The Bank BUJJi.neaa Ban.ka On accreditation because of our com­ County-owned hospital in Colton. to be true, it probably is." famille'> and their future.
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