7,350 PUPILS ARE IN DENVER CATHOLIC SCHOOLS BISHOP TIHEN PRESIDES M INIME OF NOBE HUN M BUSSING OF NEW EHIPE W DM uiiT m s U m iE DilCAlN iP U Ili HM Relil^ous Life Called One of Sacrifice, Not Many Buildings Already Have Been Filled to of Ease Capacity With all the solemn ritual of the work, in this case the work of bring­ A survey of registration at Cath­ creased attendance at many of the Church the Rt. Rev. J. Henry Tihen, ing up God’s children. olic schools in Denver this week indi­ high schools, proving that the value D.D., Bishop of Denver, at a Solemn “ The religious life is one of sacri­ cates an increase of more than 300 of higher education is being more Pontifical Mass at 10 o'clock Thurs­ fice, not of ease. The willingness of pupils over the enrollment of l^ t fully appreciated and sought even day, Sept. 18, blessed the chapel of the religious to bear burdens is one The National Catholic Welfare Conference Newt Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Regieter. year. Definite figures were not avail­ with present financial difficulties. the new Pancratia hall on the Loretto of the chief marks of their charac­ We Have Alto Our Own Exlentive Special Service, the K. 'o f C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the able in all cases, but the registration Many of the schools are already filled Heights campus. The dedication of ter. It has been quite a burden for, Pidet Service and the California Catholic Pratt Service closely approximates 5,100 in the to capacity. the nail itself took place at 2 o’clock the Sisters of Loretto to erect this grade schools, 1,400 in the high Registration at the colleges and in the afternoon with the Rt. Rev. beautiful building for the education schools and academies and 460 in the seminary is just being completed this Bishop again oiBciating. of children, facing the cares and wor­ VOL. XXVI. No. 5. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1930 $2.00 PER YEAR colleges and seminary. With more week. St. Thomas’ seminary expected Tne chapel is the first one in Den­ ries that tney did already. It is of than 400 girls in training at the vari­ to have about 90 students for the ver to be dedicated to Christ the King immense significance in the lives of ous Catholic hospitals of the city the priesthood enrolled finally. Regis and the Bishop stressed the impor­ us all that they have done so. total of students under Catholic in­ college reports 193 college students tance o f Christ the King as an ex­ “ We often erect monuments to struction amounts to more than 7,350 and some 185 in the Idgh school. ample to the children in a short talk great men to show our appreciation this year. This is a record for the Loretto Heights college expected to given at the conclusion of the Mass. of them and it is well to do so. The city, , have 160 pupils or more, \rith about “ In the ceremony you have just lives of the sisters who teach here With “ hard times a knockin’ at 70 at Pancratia hall. St. Mary’s witnessed,” said the Bishop, “ you are a modfl for the young children, the door” this year, the increase in academy registered some 160 this have seen one of the millions of besides the worthy instruction that enrollment shows how hard the Cath­ year, an increase of about ten more religious ideas and thoughts that have they give. With the dedication of olic parents of Denver are striving to than last year. The freshman enroll­ come from the superabundant grace this chapel to Christ the King, there gdve their children.a Catholic educa­ ment was unusually large, some 22 o f God. In every house where re­ will be brought before them every tion. The number of students would students entering the class. ligious life or where; religious work day the example of One who led the probably be even larger if all par­ The Cathedral school leads tho is carried on, you see a place set most perfect life that man ever did. The leaven o f His spirituality apd ents realized the vital necessity of parish schools in enrollment, having aside from the everyday work that is such an education and could really dedicated to God alone. There the goodness will be spread through all 320 in the high school and 346 in of us from His effect on the hun- see what their children are migsing the grades, an increase of nearly 100 religious gather the strength, the wis­ by attending public schools. An en­ dom and the love to carry on their (Continued on Page 8) pupils altogether. There are 137 rc- couraging feature this year is the in­ (Continued on Page 8) Community Center in Danger of Visitors From 23 States knd 2 Again Becoming Proselytizing Agency Foreign Countries to Be Here The North Side Community cen­ The date of the injjorporation of the place as a community center was According to information received Hanna, there will be the Most Rev­ ter, located at West 30th avenue and at tho headquarters of the National Lipan street, a former Methodist February 27 of this year. In accord­ erend Albert T. Daeger, O.F.M, Council of Catholic Women, twenty- church which for years had been a ance with the original plan, a Cath­ D.D., Archbishop of Santa Fe, who three states, Mexico ^nd Australia thorn in the side of the Catholics in olic paid social.worker went to the will be the celebrant at the Pontifical center on April 1. This worker im­ will be represented at the forthcom­ High Ma.ss with which the meeting the Italian colony, gives every indi- ing convention to be held in Denver cbtion, that far from being a non­ mediately began to work out the pro­ opens; the Rt. Rev. J. Henry Tihen. gram which had been authorized and September 28 to October 1. This D.D., Bishop of Denver, who is host sectarian organization, according to number will- be greatly increased a mutual agreement to make it so her efforts met with instant success. to the convention; Rt. Rev. Josepli within the next few days. last spring by a committee of Cath­ Likewise, Catholic laymen were in­ Schrembs, D.D., Bishop of Cleveland, His Grace, the Most Reverend Ed­ olics, Methodists' and Communit/ terested in the project to assist in and chairman of the Department of ward J, Hanna, D.D., Archbishop of Chest officials, it will in the near the boyology work there, and from the Lay (Organizations of the National San Francisco, wil^ address a mass Catholic Welfare Conference; Rt. future be more of a proselytizing outset the popularity of the center His Eminence Cardinal Grar^b proved that form a social standpoint meeting at the City audittorium Sun­ Rev. John J. Mitty, Bishop of Salt agency thpn ever before. Pignatelli di Belmonte, who, follow day evening on “ 'The Ideals of Cath­ According to the a^eement made it would be of immense civic benefit. His Majesty King Albert of Belgium photographed during a visit to Lake, who will officiate at Benedic­ the Latin Cathedral of Baghdad, Irak (Mesopotamia). With His Majesty ing the death of Cardinal Vannutelli, olic Womanhood.” A concert by a tion on Sunday afternoon at Loretto when the place was changed from a The reason that the Methodists en­ became the dean of the Sacred Col­ church to a community center, non- tered into the agreement was recog­ are General Swaggers, Father Innocent, O.C.D., pastor of the Cathedral, and 'vested choir under the direction of Heights college, where the delegates lege of Cardinals. His Eminence is Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph Bosetti sectarian social work among the nized, not so much that they had tired Father Seraphin, O.C.D.— (N.C.W.C.—-Fides.) will assemble following an automo­ 79 years old and was elevated to the will be a feature o f the evening. Italian people was to be its main of their proselytizing activities but bile tour of the city, and Rt. Rev. Sacred College nearly nineteen years Owing to the fact that the Euchar­ and only object. It wa.i; decided that that these activities were not bearing Joseph F. Rummel of Omaha, who ago.— (Wide World.) istic Congress at Omaha will immedi­ a financial drive would be conducted, enough fruit to justify the contin­ host to the Eucharistif Congress.,' the Methodist Church to be reim­ uance of the place under Methodist Contest Winner Starts Fund for ately precede the Catholic women’s The convention will _ close on bursed from the proceeds for the auspices. Whatever the reason, meeting, an unusual number of mem­ Wednesday evening with 'a banquet bers of the hierarchy will be in at­ money it had put into the building however, the removal of the prosely­ at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. Mrs. qnd the surplus to be used in putting tizing agency, was a relief to the Sisters’ Hospital in Alamosa tendance. In addition to Archbishop (Continued on Page 4) the center on a strong basis for com­ Catholics, and they gladly lent their LISTENING IN munity social work. The governih|I hand in the co-operation to make the Alamosa.— Mrs. Fred Esquibel, Fred Higel, W. N. Busing and H. W. Almost tho first letter written from board of directors was to consist of place strictly a social center.
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