Rock magnetism and opaque ies of these samples included determination of direction and intensity of remanence, thermomagnetic analysis, measure- mineralogy of hyaloclastites from ment of susceptibility, reflected light examination of polished Marie Byrd Land and Ross Island thin sections, and electron-microprobe analysis of some opaque grains. Magnetic properties potentially useful as ground control for aeromagnetic surveys are summarized in table 2. WILLIAM C. McINTosH Results of this study suggest that the level of oxidation of titanomagrtetite grains in volcaniclastic rocks may be an effec- Department of Geology tive criterion for distinguishing between subglacial hyaloclas- University of Colorado tites and deposits of submarine and subaerial origin. Magnetic Boulder, Colorado 80309 iron-titanium oxides in volcanic rocks typically crystallize as single-phase titanomagnetite that is susceptible to subsequent WESLEY E. LEMASURIER oxidation at either high temperatures (related to initial cooling) or low temperatures (intrastratally or during weathering). Ant- Department of Natural and arctic volcaniclastic rocks contain titanomagnetite grains that Physical Sciences, Geology Division are very fine grained (typically <30 micrometers), euhedral, University of Colorado-Denver Denver, Colorado 80202 and commonly skeletal. Petrographic observations, thermo- magnetic analyses, and comparison of Curie temperature mea- surements with microprobe analyses of iron and titanium (table 1) independently show that (1) high-temperature oxi- This article reports some findings of a recently completed dation of titanomagnetite affects only subaerial tuff-breccias, study of rock magnetism and paleomagnetism of antarctic whereas (2) low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetite hyaloclastites (McIntosh 1981). A total of 165 samples of Cen- grains is minimal or entirely absent in both the hyaloclastites ozoic volcaniclastic rocks from 17 sites in Marie Byrd Land and and tuff -breccias. Ross Island were examined (table 1), including 148 samples of High-temperature oxidation. Titanomagnetite grains in the hyaloclastite of probable subglacial origin and 17 samples of subaerial tuff-breccias exhibit high-temperature oxidation tuff-breccias apparently erupted subaerially. Laboratory stud- features similar to those commonly observed in subaerial lava Table 1. Site details and titanomagnetite properties of antarctic volcaniclastic samples Site details Titanomagnetite Age Number of Rock type Site Location Composition (million years) samples Oxidation Tc( OC)d Xe Hyaloclastite 1 Coleman Nunatak, MBL Basanitoid 2.4 to 3.2 10 None 66 .65 2 Coleman Nunatak, MBL Basanitoid 2.4 to 3.2 8 None 70 .65 3 Coleman Nunatak, MBL Basanitoid 2.4 to 3.2 10 None 80 .65 4 Mathewson Point, MBL Basanitoid 1.5 12 Slight LT 70 .75 5 Mathewson Point, MBL Basanitoid 15 15 Slight LT 105 .75 6 Mount Petras, MBL Basanitoid 22(±1) 10 Slight LT 85 .67 7 Castle Rock, RI Basan iteh 1.12 10 None 70 nd 8 Cone Hill, RI Basa n iteb nd 9 None 100 nd 9 Shibuya Peak, MBL Hawailte 4.4(±O.2) 6 None 71 .75 10 Mount Petinos, MBL Hawaiite 0.6(±0.1)f 10 None 100 .71 11 Turks Head (base), RI Hawaiite" nd 5 None 112 nd 12 Tent Island, RI Ben mo rit& nd 8 None 85 .76 13 Brandenberger Bluff, MBL Trachyte 2.6 to 2.8 12 None 455 nd 14 Brandenberger Bluff, MBL Trachyte 2.6 to 2.8 13 None 385 .33 15 Brandenberger Bluff, MBL Trachyte 2.6 to 2.8 10 None 373 .33 Subaerial tuff-breccia 16 Mount Obiglio, MBL Trachyte 0.6 9 HTk 524 nd 17 Turks Head (top), RI Phonolite" nd 8 HT 580 nd aMBL = Marie Byrd Land; RI = Ross Island "Composition estimated petrographically unless noted otherwise. cLT = low-temperature oxidation; HT = high-temperature oxidation. dTC = site mean Curie temperature, determined according to convention of Gromme, Wright, and Peck (1969). ex = compositional parameter, Fe3_TiO4. LeMasurier and Rex (in preparation). 1 LeMasurier and Rex (1981). h chemicai analysis (Kyle 1976). Armstrong (1978). nd = not done. Submicroscopic exsolution. 1981 REVIEW 25 Table 2. Averages of rock magnetic properties of antarctic voicaniclastic samples Remanent intensity Initial susceptibility Rock type Number x 10-3emu/cm 3 (± 0) X 10 3emu/cm3/oe (± 0)b Königsberger ratio(! Basaltic hyaloclastite clasts 58 7.55 (± 6.3) .68 (± .65) 27.9 matrix 23 .64 .30 3.4 Intermediate hyalociastite ciasts 26 9.0 (± 6.5) 1.76(± .90) 13.2 matrix 2 .16 .69 .46 Trachytic hyaloclastite clasts 23 1.90(±1.5) 1.79(± .76) 2.9 matrix 8 .18 .43 .86 Trachytic tuff-breccia clasts 7 1.95(±1.4) 2.55(± 1.66) 1.9 matrix 2 .33 1.24 .42 Phonolitic tuff-breccia clasts 7 6.69 (± 2.4) 2.64 (± .98) 5.5 matrix 1 .27 1.48 .43 a Remanent intensity x .001 electromagnetic units per cubic centimeter. b initial susceptibility x .001 electromagnetic units per cubic centimeter per oersted. c konigsberger ratio Remanent intensity/Susceptibility x local field. flows and indicate slow cooling in the presence of high-oxygen Samples of subaerial tuff-breccia also lack evidence of fugacity (Ade-Hall, Khan, and Wilson 1968). Titanomagnetite advanced low-temperature oxidation. Titanomagnetite grains in antarctic hyaloclastites, on the other hand, lacks high-tem- in these samples have undergone high-temperature oxidation perature oxidation, as does titanomagnetite in nearly all sea- and therefore have been resistant to further oxidation (Kono, floor basalts (Johnson and Hall 1978). In both the antarctic Clague, and Larson 1980). hyaloclastites and in the seafloor basalts, high-temperature The presence or absence of low-temperature oxidation in oxidation apparently has been prevented by quenching and titanomagnetite grains is potentially a valuable tool for distin- low-oxygen fugacity associated with eruption into a water- guishing between subglacial and submarine volcaniclastic saturated environment. Results of this study support the use deposits. To test this hypothesis, it will be necessary to exam- of high-temperature oxidation in titanomagnetite grains as a ine titanomagnetite grains in submarine hyaloclastites to diagnostic criterion for identification of subaerially erupted determine whether they show the same advanced degree of volcaniclastic deposits. low-temperature oxidation as the titanomagnetites in sub- Low-temperature oxidation. The lack of advanced low-tem- marine lavas. We are attempting to acquire samples of sub- perature oxidation in the titanomagnetite grains in antarctic marine hyaloclastites for this purpose. hyaloclastite is in sharp contrast to the case of seafloor basalts This research has been supported by National Science Foun- of similar age. Seafloor basalts greater than 5 million years old, dation grants DPP 76-04396 and DPP 77-27546. with rare exceptions, show low-temperature oxidation far more advanced than that observed in any antarctic hyaloclas- tites. Only the youngest submarine extrusives, typically those References within the median valleys of spreading ridges, are untouched by oxidation (Johnson and Atwater 1977). Post-emplacement Ade-Hall, J. M., Khan, M. A., and Wilson, R. L. 1968. A detailed environments of antarctic hyaloclastites must have been sig- opaque petrological and magnetic investigation of a single tertiary nificantly less oxidizing than those experienced by seafloor lava flow from Skye, Scotland: Part 1. Iron titanium oxide petrology. Geophysical Journal, 16, 374-388. basalts. This contrast probably is related to differences Armstrong, R. L. 1978. K-Ar dating: Late Cenozoic McMurdo Volcanic between subglacial and submarine conditions. Subglacial Group and dry valley glacial history, Victoria Land, Antarctica. New eruptions produced meltwater that was probably low in elec- Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 21, 685-698. trolytes and as such was an environment less oxidizing than Fumes, H. 1974. Volume relations between palagonite and authigenic seawater. Additionally, the low temperature of antarctic glacial minerals in hyaloclastites, and its bearing on the rate of palagoni- ice may have promoted rapid refreezing of meltwater following tization. Bulletin Volcanologique, 8, 173-186. eruptions, thereby restricting subsurface water movement Grommé, C. S., Wright, T. L., and Peck, D. L. 1969. Magnetic prop- through subglacial deposits and retarding chemical reaction erties of iron-titanium oxide minerals in Alae and Makaopuhi Lava rates. Any combination of these factors could slow the process Lakes, Hawaii. Journal of Geophysical Research, 74, 5277-5293. of low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetite grains in Johnson, H. P., and Atwater, T. 1977. Magnetic study of basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, lat 37°N. Geological Society of America Bul- subglacial hyaloclastites. An alternative mechanism that could letin, 88, 637-647. contribute to minimal low-temperature oxidation of titano- Johnson, H. P., and Hall, J . M. 1978. A detailed rock magnetic and magnetite is reduction of permeability associated with pala- opaque mineralogical study of the basalts from the Nazca Plate. gonitization (alteration) of glassy fragmental matrix material Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 52, 45-64. (Fumes 1974). Kono, M., Clague, D., and Larson, E. E. 1980. Fe-Ti oxide mineralogy 26 ANTARCnc JOURNAL Of DSDP leg 55 basalts. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Land: Revised chronology and evaluation of tectonic factors. In C. 55, 639-652. Craddock (Ed.), Antarctic geosciences. Madison: University of Wis- Kyle, P. R. 1976, Geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Late consin Press. Cenozoic McMurdo
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