-ff »/>>^TBf.-;Myy.i*; iw.~ rAOSIOUBTEBH .WKDinSDAT. MABCK IB, ItHf' flbuubntnr Ettratno Ctnitt AVCRAOB HARLmCRRCCLATION for the mmth af FetaMry, isaa Company K will furnish a firing Midweek Lantan eervicas win be tho Hartford eotiveatlon In June. Qaorga Booth, Waiter Hall; eolor fortag from a woken nooa aad ocalp squad for the funeral servloeB of held at proctleally all of tbs. local NEW HAIE IS ADOPTED Uembeta ora urgM to oat that thalc baarsiB Arthur J<Muisoa, Brneot Mc­ srounda which ba sustained In aa ABOUT TOWN Peter Davidson, a World war vet- churches tonight, with out of town BILLS, SPONSORS, maosursmenta ara at tha otora aa Nally; board o ff govarnoto, Bert automobtla aeddoat at 13:80 a. ni. 6.210 etran tomorrow afternoon. Mem* speakers at a number of tbam. aoon os pooslbla to focllitata eom- Maasl^. 1 jrsar; Edward Fioxlar, 3 today on Stonasrall Hill. Westches- Member af the A e M Oastar elnircli choir mcmbert will hers of the company are asked to BY EX-SERYICE GROUP pletion of the order to good ttmo. ysara; WUItam AUeo, 3 yaais. tar. According to' tho raport. IBd- . hav* a partjr Friday evening of this get In touch with Setgeant Rasrmond R will be 'IrlMi” night at the WITH LOCAL TIEUP Tho raoontly eloetod oOloani for wards was a pa manger la a car m *k at the home of Roger Uc- I Heritage. Washington Social cluh Friday eve­ oparatod by a Rockvilia man-wblch I*eal Chapter Of Taakee Dl> tho coming year wii: ba liwtallcd Oonaack, M Dougherty street The ning, and all tnemberu are urged to April 3, at tha State Annory bare, Douwiviiilu^^ ekldded oa the Weatebaoter hill, 811k CTty Tent The Maccabees, ▼laion To Bt CalM ’Bpieis’ ; plaa Is to meet at the church at I be present. Chairman Oeorge Park wiMa It to expaeted ofllears and throwing the Injured man from the VOL.LVin..N0.141 (tiaaaifled Advartlatag ou Pago MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY. MARCH 16, 19S9 7:X«. will meet as usual tonight In Moose and hie committee are preparing a Peodiiig Ugiditifi Of hter- PrepariB g For CoiiYciition. car. The driver made off without jhall. As this will be the last meet­ delegatlona from other diaptera srill M WESTCHESTER CRASH Jolly good time for all. Refresh­ bo prsasnt The olate ofBcors picking up the paaeenger. It la aold, Junior girls of tbs American Le- ing this month It la hoped as many ments will be served during the eve­ at The Tankas Division at tha Vet- foUosrs; and State Police from the Colcheeter fioa auxiliary will meet tonight at as possible will be present to maks ning. est Hert And Ytrms barracka now are aearchlng for the ’ plans for an entertainment and sup- arans asaoetatkm baa decidod to Oosamander, Clyde Beckwith; Thomas Edwards at DoboonvUle 0;SO at ths home of Miss Frances was returned to hla homo today auf- operator. i Held in Alleg:^ “Wife Swap’ Wallett 6t Cambridge street. iper early In April. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lewie of adopt tha nama at "Epiada'’ for thv first vice commander. Arthur Me- SENATE TURNS Connuttee Hearinfi.** Mancheoter Chaptar, oloo to pur- Chan; second vice commander, WU- AVERS W PA ROLLS East Middle Turnpike have returned from a motor tour to Florida and ehaat a fUg tluough G B. Houst Itam Shielda; aeeretary, Raymond return, during which they covered and Son. This drm win also hsndla Smith; trsoaurer, Dava keObDam; DOWN REPORT CZECHS RESIST ARMY ,K)00 miles. Leaving here February Among the bills pending boforo all orders for the new uniforau for clmplafai, Oaorga Hawlsy; aodlton, 11 , they did considerable sight-see­ committees of tbs state legistaturo COULD BE HALVED INTEREST ing en route and visited many places or the legMaturo Itself la one of Interest In the Peninsula state. At which came up yeatprday before the ON BOND BILLS Von know how' giMid IlnrmH HPAM Is . and how many The Best Sellers From L- digereat ham dishes you ran make with It . hay two cans West Palm Beach they were guests Committee on Military Affairs call-' of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook, for­ INVADING RUTHENIA; on this d ^ . sad get one ran of soup for a cent . Both the big for the erection of a memorial to SPAM and the 80DP Jost came through from the Hormel fac­ merly of this town, and spent eon- the late Major Oeneral Clarence HALE'S SE1.F SERVE BY JULY OF 1940 Rejects Aifene Yerficts Of tory today. Hormel should make gsod things to eat, for they idderable time In Miami, 8t. Peters­ Ransom Edwards, commander of the The Origliisl In EBglaiid! Isise a pay and work schedule that Is being sludled all ewer the burg and saw a number of Manebes- 26th Yankee Division In the World HALE'S Fabric United Staten as an Meal plan In keep workers happy and Inter- ter people. War. An appropriation of <40,000 Committee On Gmp Of for the memorial was suggested. 'ColoBd Harringtoi, Admin- [ Sued by Dramatist HITLER AIDS SLOVAK! Aad taOdng about Interested workers, we again remind you Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cardlner The bill was Introduced by Repre- AND HEALTH MARKET that over here at Ptneharst we are all keenly Interested In get- of Hackmatack street- have been DtatlVe William J. Thornton on *«' Crown Tested istrator, Stys He Does : New Britain Metures To ! A ....... .......................................... 0,' tlag your fo ^ orders delivered to you on time. In perfect rondl- called to Bloomfield, N. J., by the quest of YD merobera. At the com- death which occurred on Sunday, of mlttoo hsaiing the sole opponent of THURSDAY SPECIALS Agrees To Take Nation U i-J Favors Same Map I [H m giriu i Encnmlmr B it-^ their son-ln-law, Edward Hoff. Mr. the bill was ^preaontatlve Thomas Spun Rayi Conrider Agency Per* Fmance WPA Projects. Hoff leaves his wife, who was the Joseph Suplna of Aahford. Demo­ S.-9C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. der His Protection; Lays' — ■' " * AU FOK former Ethel Cardlner, and one crat, who asserted that the money Hob Nob a ter Resiilaioe By Fercet: 3 (laughter, Jean, also a sister and proposed for the memorial might y'nanent GoTemnent Body state Capitol, Hartford, March 18 brother In New Jersey. better be used to continue state trade Shan Ray — (A P ) —Ths Senate refused today Down Law For Bobemia- school and teachers’ college courses, Sheffield Milk 3 ?:!L l7e Entrenched Seven Tommy, English Bulldog owned to accept the Finance Oommlttee'e n<rw slated for discontinuance under Washington, March 18.— (A P ) — t S a l e ! hy Psrker Horen, manager of the the govemor’e economy program. advene verdlcte on a group of New Col. F. C. Harrington, administrator, Moravia As "Autonomons West or O u t W k ^ Manchester Division of the Connec­ TTie blU la of Interest to Manchester Kraft Cheese 45c Britain txmd Mils designed to finance On* can New HORMEL ticut Power Company, was removed people, as the sponsor Is one of Man­ told a House Appropriations Sub­ WPA projects and ordered the to sn animal hospital yesterday Protectorate" Within chester’s representatives, while the committee today that WPA itilla meosureo tabled for a later vote. Czech. Ukriumu F ig h l^ when he suffered an attack of pt(^ objection registered Involves an CRICKER-NOODLE $0RPi tnolne poisoning. He was given bis Ritz Crackers ________ P k «. probably could be cut In half by The action was taken after a fiery opinion related to the local Trade 17c July 1, 1940. fdrwily Ic wMi porelMM el freedom yesterday morning and Orandaeother'a raid debate In whlcb the oonunlttee was German Empire In Decree Mike List DRch S tu il School situation. No report on the Harrington appeared at secret came home after a romp. III. It was bill haa oa yet been made. i accused of "braaen partiaanoMp" by reported from the Horen home this heorlnm on legislation to give WPA Senator John L. Sullivan, New Bri­ 2 CANS SPAM"sr* In another bill, favored by the Smart monotoM prints on addlUonal <160,000,000 requested morning that the dog's condition Mince Meet p k f. in the saweat c o l^ tain Democrat, after Its cbolrman. niTlXETINt with-tha Hungartaa Army la Om *! was Improved. local Board of Asaeaeors and Intro­ by Preoident Roosevelt for Its opera­ OaBfornla toga. AU gnarantaed Senator J. Howard Robarte (R.). Piagae, March 18— (A P )— duced by Senator Anthony Rich of tions through June 80 this gmr. patho-Ukralne, Marta 16—(A P > -^ FfeMh Tender Bristol, Boards of Assessors would washable, win net pnU denied that poUtlea entered t e pic­ AdaH Hitler today left P ra|^ The Manchester Private Day Hie adralnlatrmtor, membm said, ture and contended that tbs employ­ KJagary’a Anay of ooeupatel be charged with the duty of making at aeams, and cream wIte aa eecort ol armored aa- FOWL lb. 31c Nurses' Association will hold a Lima Beans 2 Lbs. 15c resletant also declared that he did not con­ ment the proposed W PA pnjMta toinoMlea. Hiller’s opea ante- day cnoountcrad bitter bridge party In the YMCA next a complete revaluation of property would supply did not Jiutl^ the Selected, Tender at least once In every ten years. 'The sider the huge reUef agency per­ moMIc eroeerd tee hletefle from (taeeh aad Ukrafotaa 1 Tuesday evening at S o'clock. Tick­ manent and thought it could be deM burden the city would bsve to Chortoe bridge late ta the att- ets may be purchased at the door.
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