
CALENDAR LISTINGGUIDELINES •Tolist an eventinPasa Week,send an email or press release to pasa@sfnewmexican .com or [email protected]. •Send materialnolater than twoweeks prior to thedesired publication date. •For each event, provide the following information: time,day,date, venue/address,ticket prices,web address,phone number,and brief description of event(15 to 20 words). •All submissions arewelcome; however, events areincluded in Pasa Week as space allows.Thereisnocharge forlistings. •Return of photos and other materials cannot be guaranteed. • Pasatiempo reservesthe righttopublish received informationand photographs on The New Mexican's website. •Toadd your eventtoTheNew Mexican online calendar,visit santafenewmexican.com ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR andclick on the Calendar tab. •For further information contactPamela Beach: [email protected], May31-June 6, 2019 202 E. MarcySt.,Santa Fe,NM87501, phone: 505-986-3019. CALENDAR COMPILED BY PAMELA BEACH&PATRICIALENIHAN FRIDAY 5/31 NMCCCulinaryWeek;runs through June 9; nmcocktailculture.com. Galleryand Museum Openings Nightlife 5. Gallery (See Page 57 foraddresses) 2351 FoxRd.,Suite700, 505-257-8417 ¡Chispa! at El Mesón Bidden, drawings by GendronJensen; ThreeFaces of Jazz; 7:30 p.m.; no cover. reception 5p.m. Cottonwood Kitchen Lounge Blue Rain Gallery Harmonica player-guitaristJohnCarey;5-8:30 p.m.; 544 S. Guadalupe St., 505-954-9902 Savor, Cubanrhythms; 10 p.m.-1 a.m.; no cover. Solitude, paintings by Z. Z. Wei; reception 5-7 p.m.; through June 15. Cowgirl BBQ Rock band Little Leroyand HisPack of Lies; CharlotteJackson Fine Art 8:30 p.m.; no cover. 554 S. Guadalupe St., 505-989-8688 El Farol QueLinda la Brisa (HowLovely the Breeze), John Kurzweg's rock band; 9-11 p.m.; call forcover. drawings by James Drake; reception 5-7 p.m.; through June 30. Paneldiscussion Saturday, 3p.m. Evangelo's Evoke Contemporary Michael Bloom and the Blues Prophecy; 9p.m.; call forcover. 550 S. Guadalupe St., 505-995-9902 Parallels, worksbypainter Francis Di Fronzoand Hervé Wine Bar claysculpturebyKristine Poole; reception 5-7 p.m.; Blues musician Alex Maryol; 6p.m.; no cover. through June 22. Iconik Coffee Roasters Form &Concept Indie-folk singer-songwriter GraceAskew; 5-7 p.m.; 435 S. Guadalupe St., 505-982-8111 no cover. Sugar Fields, ceramic artbySusan Beiner; L' Olivier Restaurant reception 5-7 p.m.; artist talk Saturday, 2p.m. Accordionist andvocalistDadou; 5-8 p.m.; Foto Forum Santa Fe LewAllen Galleries (1613 PaseodePeralta) shows plein-air paintings by Jivan Leethrough July 14. no cover. 1714 Paseo de Peralta, 505-470-2582 LosMagueyes Mexican Restaurant 505-988-1234, ticketssantafe.org. (See story, Photographs by Joel Orozco;closing reception Thomas-Carole Bowker Fine ArtStudio ChatNoir piano cabaret, with pianist Page 36) 5-8 p.m. 815-D Early St., 505-670-9289 Charles Tichenor;6-9 p.m.; no cover. Take aCloserLook, selectedsculptureby MarcosCavalcanteQuartet Second Street Brewery GalleryFRITZ Thomas and Carole Bowker,reception 1-7 p.m.; 540 S. Guadalupe St., 505-820-1888 TributetoBossa Nova Folk-pop band AltoStreet; 7-10 p.m.; no cover. through June 30. Museum Hill Café,710 Camino Lejo 300K Away, group showofAlbuquerque-based Webster Collection Theguitarist is joined by pianist Mariano Social Kitchen +Bar at Sage Inn artists; reception 5-7 p.m; through June 24. Ed &Mariah; 7-9 p.m.; no cover. 54½LincolnAve., 505-780-9500 Morales,bassist Michael Burt, and percussionist Gerald Peters Gallery Double Exposure, oil paintings by Patrick McFarlin; John Trentacosta; 7p.m.; $25, 505-946-7934, Starlight Lounge at Montecito 1005 Paseo de Peralta, 505-954-5700 reception 5-7 p.m. santafemusiccollective.org. Fool's Play jazz combo; 6-8 p.m.; call forcover. Form +Color, paintings by Peri Schwartz Ylise Kessler Gallery SevdaChoir Spring Concert Tonic and ceramics by TaizoKuroda; Intothe Woods, SanMiguel Chapel,401 Old SantaFeTrail, Tonic JBackline Band,jazztrioLoren Bienvenu, group show;reception5-7 p.m.;through June22. 333 Montezuma Ave.,505-930-1039 The Penetrating Gaze:Elise Siegel Sculpture 505-983-3974 Casey Andersen, and Cyrus Campbell; Hecho aMano and Important 20th CenturyDrawings; Mixedchoir performsseasonal songs from 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.; no cover. 830 Canyon Rd., 505-916-1341 reception 5-7 p.m.; through July 6. the Balkans/EasternEurope and more; 7:30 p.m.; TumblerootBrewery &Distillery Terran Last Gun: New Works;through June 22. Zane Bennett ContemporaryArt tickets $15-$20 at the door,children free. Prog-rock and Americana bands Sugar Mountain LewAllen Galleries 435 S. Guadalupe St., 505-982-8111 Theatre/Dance and Drastic Andrew;8-11 p.m.; call forcover. 1613 Paseo de Peralta, 505-988-3250 Under the Influence, fine artprintsby Shakespeareinthe Garden: Vanessie Constant/Change,paintings by JivanLee; Ellsworth Kelly,Bridget Riley,and SolLeWitt; Romeo and Juliet opening night Pianist Ester Hana, 8:30 p.m.; no cover. reception 5-7 p.m.; through July 13. reception 5-7 p.m.; through July 13. SantaFeBotanical Garden, 715Camino Lejo,505-471-9103 Molecule Design TheCapulet's Ball reception5:30 p.m.; performance SATURDAY 6/1 1226 Flagman Way, 505-989-9806 Classical Music Chancel Choir 7p.m. ($95); directed by Patrick Briggs;$10-$45, Life in Flux: To Challenge Apathyinthe 21st brownpapertickets.com/event/4201151; daily First Presbyterian Church, 208 GrantAve.,505-982-8544 Galleryand Museum Openings Century, worksbyMichael Jantzen, Ellen Jantzen, encoresthroughSunday, June 9, darkMonday, Counter CultureCafé Justin Crowe, and Jamie Hamilton; reception Music of Haydn; 5:30 p.m.; donations accepted. June3.(Seestory,Page 40) 5-7 p.m.; through July. 930 Baca St., 505-995-1105 In Concert Events Emergence, mixed-media paintings PopGallery LosAngeles Master Chorale: New MexicoCocktails &Culture by RobertaGlick;reception 5:30-7 p.m. 125 Lincoln Ave.,505-820-0788 Lagrime di SanPietro Lynden St. Victor:New Works, surrealist paintings; CulinaryFestival ShowPonyGallery TheLensic Performing Arts Center,211 W. SanFranciscoSt. DruryPlaza Hotel,828 Paseo de Peralta, 505-982-0883 501 FranklinAve.,Suite 4, 808-597-6569 reception 6p.m.; raffletobenefit Santa Fe Animal Twenty-one singers in atheatrical performance Shelter;tickets $5 each or 7for $20. Cooking classes,pop-up dinners,and seminars; FiftyYears of Fight/Fifty Years of FutureTrans Futurity, of Orlando di Lasso's final work,under the todaythrough Sunday; $30-$90, VIP pass $250; mixed media group show; reception 6-9 p.m. direction of PeterSellars; 7:30 p.m.; $14.50-$110, 56 PASATIEMPO I May 31-June 6, 2019 In Concert iPhone workshops Events Spring &Fiber Fest: Tierra, Agua yVida NewMexicoPeaceChoir SantaFePublic LibraryMain Branch, 145 Washington Ave. Family Mornings at Folk Art El Rancho de lasGolondrinas,334 LosPinos Rd., Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 107 W. Barcelona St., All-levels series covering composition, apps, Museum of International Folk Art, 706Camino Lejo, 505-471-2261 505-982-9674 and creativeprocess;led by David Hoptman; Museum Hill,505-476-1210 Sheep shearing,wool dyeing,horno breadmaking, Music about social justiceand the human spirit, 10:30 a.m.-noon; 505-328-5061, dhstudio@mac Afreefirst Sundayofthe month program and crafts forchildren; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; $8, seniors directedbyChristyConduf; 4p.m.;reception .com. forall ages; storytime,hands-on artactivities, and teens (13-18) $6, kids 12 and under no charge. and rafflefollowconcert; tickets $15, childen Events and explorations in the galleries; 11 a.m.-noon. (See story, Page 30) 10 and younger free; tickets nmpeacechoir.org or at the door. Film Is ArtGala Gerald Peters Projects,1011 Paseo de Peralta, Severall Friends 505-954-5800 SanMiguel Chapel,401 Old SantaFeTrail, Afundraiser forthe Santa Fe Film Instituteand 505-983-3974, and Unitarian Church of LosAlamos, the Santa Fe IndependentFilmFestival; 6-10p.m.; 1738 N. Sage Loop,505-662-2346 three-coursedinner,livemusic,and silentauction; Theperiod-instrumentensemble in The $100per person, $175 per couple,filmsantafe Lascivious LowRoad: Currying FavorinMedieval .brownpapertickets.com. CLUBS, ROO France;performers include harpist Drew Minter, Santa Fe Farmers Market MS, VENUES lutist Mark Rimple,and violist Mary Springfels; 1607 Paseo de Peralta, 505-983-4098 Check with venue Santa Fe performance, 7:30 p.m. today; LosAlamos s for updates and special events. concert, 3p.m. Sunday; $20, students no charge; 7a.m.-1 p.m.; santafefarmersmarket.com. severallfriends.org. (See story, Page 24) Santa Fe Opera Insider Days Bar Alto at Drury Plaza Hotel Lost Padre Records 301 OperaDr.,800-280-4654, 505-986-5955 828 Paseo de Peralta, 505-982-0883 Mono 304 Catron St., 505-310-6389 Meow Wolf,1352 Rufina Circle,505-395-6369 Free meet-and-greet andbackstagetour; Beer Creek Brewin g Company Mamunia Tokyo-based instrumental rock band; Emma 8:30a.m. Saturdays through Aug. 24; 3810 NM 14, 505-47 1-9271 130 Lincoln Ruth Rundle opens; 8p.m.; tickets $15-18; reservationsnot required. Ave., 505-983-8654 Boxcar Sports Ba r & Grill Meow W meowwolf.com. Spring &Fiber Fest: Tierra, Agua yVida 530 S. Gu olf adalupe St., 505-988-7222 1 Theater/Dance El Rancho de lasGolondrinas,334 LosPinos Rd., 352 Rufina Circle, 505-395-6369 505-471-2261 The Bridge at Santa Fe Brewing Company The Mine Shaft Tavern Shakespeareinthe Garden: Sheep shearing,wool dyeing,horno breadmaking, 37 Fire Pl., 505-557-6182 2846 NM 14, Madrid, 505-47 Romeo and Juliet and crafts forchildren; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. todayand The Cave 3-0743 L'Olivier SantaFeBotanical Garden, 715Camino Lejo,505-471-9103 Sunday; $8, seniors and teens (13-18) $6, kids 12 1226 Ca Restaurant lle de Comercio 2 DirectedbyPatrick Briggs;7p.m.;$10-$45, and under no charge.(Seestory,Page 30) 29 Galisteo St., 505-989-1919 brownpapertickets.com/event/4201151. Chili Line Brewing Company On the Rocks Lounge at Camel Rock C Formoreinformation, call 505-989-720;daily Nightlife 204 N. Guadalupe St., 505-982-84 asino 74 17486-A U.S. 84/285, 800-462-2035 encores throughSunday, June 9, darkMonday, (See addresses at right) ¡Chispa! at El Mesón Osteria d'Assisi Piano Loung June 3.
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