THE ECHO VOL. XXIX TAYLOR UNIVERSITY, UPLAND, INDIANA WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1942 NO. 14 Musical Mickey— Busy Days Bring Year Jr.—Sr. Banquet A Chat with An Outstanding A Soprano To Happy End Success "Yes—I think music should have a place in everybody's life, Lovely ladies in evening dress­ As a senior I can say only one Larry Brown Wins es, handsome escorts attired in thing — don't ever become very whether they have any special Seniors Climax ability or not." Such were the the best the boys' dorms had to well acquainted with the editor Speech Contest offer settled themselves in the of the Echo. Why? Well, lo and sentiments of Mickey Burdon as School Days I interviewed her in Ann's and horseless carriages to go to parts behold when all doth run unknown Saturday evening, May Polly's room. "Anyone can de­ In commemoration of Bishopr| . Four years ago, a class began smoothly he will appear and 2nd. Some time later they dis­ quietly ruffle the surface of your velop an appreciation of good \\ iftiam laylor s birthday, thei its long journey; the voyage was music," she expounded further. annual oratorical contest was charted before them; some plac- embarked at the Hotel Roberts, suave composure. This advice Muncie. The occasion was the gratis and on the spur of the mo­ At this point she was slightly dis­ held May 2. Professor Dennis (es were rough and others smooth, tracted by a sudden tug at the presented four speech students In some parts the way was vague annual Junior-Senior Banquet. ment of being so ruffled. Visiting on the balcony was in Dignified seniors! Huh, what back of her head as Ann attempt­ who unfolded and commented on and uncertain for the goal could ed to pinion in place a stubborn the marvelous Godly life of Tay- not be seen. But as each month order until Jack Weaver read off I want to know is, who in tarna­ the names, and the guests enter­ tion coined that phrase? In the curl in Mickey's coiffeur. lor's "namesake." j passed, first slowly, then more It was an interesting place to Larry Brown, a sophomore, slowly, then more swiftly, we ed the ball room. They stepped first place it doesn't fit at all, and through the doorway and into in the second place it cramps our have an interview with a music­ won the coveted first prize of $15 saw them draw near to their ian. The radio provided an ap­ with an outstanding original or-' cherished goal. Some lost the The Colonial Gardens. At the style. How can we be what we left was a fish pond; ahead lay want to be when we are told that propriate background of class­ ation entitled "Foursquare Man-|way> and others were satisfied ical music and now and then one hood." The oration, which was 'with lesser goals, but those re- the flagstone path. Between the all seniors have been dignified, white picket fence and through and therefore you must be dig­ of the many artistic fourth floor- based on the four phases of Tay- maining, the seniors of 1942, ites would wander in, dropping lor's life, was not only well pre-! have steadily approached their the rose covered arch, they went nified — see what I mean? Per­ and were greeted by Lois Shad- remarks which added to the gen­ pared, but LarryU also deservesuuaci vca 1 8oah' and are— ~ nowv entering upon haps they mean that the senior ley, dressed in old fashioned cos­ is the one who looks at a hook eral atmosphere. With the com­ praise for his delivery and plat-'the threshold of its possession, tume complete with a huge white least often and then gets the bined efforts of all I managed to form manner. I Thus as we survey senior ac- picture hat trimmed in lilacs. least disturbed because the prof glean quite an amount of inter­ Warren Tropf, a freshman Ihies, it is with a touch of pride Lois led the guests to the ta­ growls at him. Say, that last lit­ esting information about this girl spoke on "William Taylor, Bish- 8ee this class leave Tay- bles. At first there seemed to be tle sediment hits a responsive who gave such a splendid re­ op of Africa," and received the' ?or s ha!!s as flt citizens. Sen- some difficulty. No one could cord somewhere in my frugally cital Friday evening. second prize of $10. His oration 10r .Prlvl}eg®s> senior tables and furnished brain-box. Mickey, a staunch Hoosier, was also outstanding and highly 8eni°r dignity distinguish them find his name. The green candle holders and lavender candles The spring was my undoing. hails from Terre Haute, Indiana, impressive as he challenged the °™ common herd"; caps were examined as were the min­ I hus the theme song of seniors where her father is a Methodist | thinking of his audience in his aiV~ »owns> worn with scholarly iature gardens and the programs. and yet more seniors. Nope, I minister. She started taking voice story of the life of this passion- 8oberness impress us as we see FLASH! Someone discovered his am not thinking entirely of the lessons when a senior in ate soul-winner of Africa's mil- , em 011 the camPus- Yet in two high picture on the face of the quaint comprehensives, although they school but it seems she had mus­ lions j short weeks we shall view the little colonial man, and his young cut quite a figger. What I mean ical inclinations before that time. The other two contestants he- SeVuf StaarTwliffhe lady found her photograph to be is the sum total of the activities, In grade school she attracted at- papers, dates, and what have you. the face of a full-skirted Martha tention by the quantity if not the ice Dyer,6 0""?'!!™, "sp'oke' yer," fenTofctais'May"'nth a!V!)0 Washington. Just note the distracted looks of quality of her singing. It seems capably on "Bishop Tavlor 01. f? ® ? \;h' at 10-30 the worms burrowing through Dr. Stuart pronounced the in­ that Mickey took great delight in World Apostle." and Philip J",,"LS"® $iT"he?d vocation, and everyone was seat­ books in search of that rare deli­ fairly bellowing" as she put it, Hershberger, whose cacy, thesis material. And the speaking Monday morning, May 18th, and ed ready to begin the festivities. in music class. One day the manner was exceptional, present- Dinner music, furnished by the buds do bust on the trees, tra la. teacher stopped the class and the meeting of the Board of Di­ ed an oration, "Herald of Salva­ Geoff Ensemble and Lois Shad- 5 et what is so rare as a senior somewhat irritably told the ex­ rectors of the William Taylor tion." ley, formed a nice background to couple in senior privilege time? uberant Mickey that she would Foundation will also be held on These speeches showed so a dinner that will always be re­ So I said to Barney, "How are simply have to stop singing so Monday. The annual Alumni plainly the beautiful Christian membered. you Barney, old boy." And he loud. Poor Mickey went home banquet will be held Monday life that Bishop William Taylor Will you ever forget that lus- ups and says, "It's a great life; that night and poured out her night. lived and the interest that he sious Southern Fried Chicken you're a great guy." Slaps me on grief to her father, who assured Dr. Ira Mason Hargett, former the back and grins from ear to took in our university in its in­ Taylor student and pastor of the (with second helpings), those her that it was perfectly all right fancy. Taylor students are not Mashed Potato Mountains topped ear. for her to sing loud and that she Fourth Avenue Methodist church forgetting the heroes of the past with gravy, and those delicious Say, all of this reminds me of could continue the condemned in Louisville, Kentucky, will de who have done so much to make Strawberry Sundaes? the last time I saw Dr. Tripp. He practice. liver the Commencement address possible the many privileges and rushed up to another faculty "Yes," Mickey lamented, "I at the exercises which will occur Toastmaster Ralph Herber, member, and said in a modified opportunities we enjoy at Taylor. in the Maytag Gymnasium Tues­ with his usual solemnity, intro­ got my worst grades in deport­ Friends of our school are not for­ form of perterbation and wist- ment. I used to have to stand at day morning, May 19, at 9:30. On duced Phyllis Martin, who gave fulness, "Have you seen my getting the spirit that William that memorable day, the Class of the welcome, and E. Martin Bar­ the board with my nose in a ring Taylor had in supporting and wife?" The inevitable answer —and Sarah was always such an '42 shall enter the auditorium as ney, who responded. was "no" so the good Doctor aiding the university. We heart­ students and candidates for grad­ angel—then!" Then she related ily thank Dr. George Rideout and Howard Ruppelt amazed us all breezed away in search of his many childish escapades which uation; they will leave as grad­ by singing without a song wife. Mr. Speicher of Urbana, Indiana, give me an insight into how she uates of Taylor University, bear­ ("Without a Song") and he did Couldn't help overhearing a for making this Taylor Oration ing their symbol of victory, the developed her broad sense of hu­ Contest of 1942 possible.
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