Terrell discusses WSU wsu commitments during chat WSU students and alums have The trend toward apartment the strongest commitment to living may be because of a need Daily their institution of any other for privacy, Terrell said. Ac- EVERGREEN colleges and univer slties he has cording to the Student Life Study attended, President Glenn Ter- Counci l, more privacy is the rell told students at his fourth greatest need in dormitories. fireside chat yesterday. "I consider this commitment, "The trend may be a result is WSU's strongest point," Ter- of inadequacies in our dorm rell declared. operations," Terrell declared. "This concerns me more than Regents set coliseum site the question of visitation in Possible reasons for this com- dorms. • mitment, the advantages of it and the impact of students moving on football practice field off campus on this commitment Terrell also said he is con- were discussed by the President. cerned with the effect of the move The football practice field next to the North was appointed to study the feasibility of extending to off-campus in keeping the Fairways apartments will be the site for the the. golf course out away from the central campus same level of commitment to "I've said before that in our multi-purpose coliseum and performing arts area. WSU. geographical setting all we have center. Selection of the site for the 10,000 seat In other business, the regents authorized the is each other," Terrell said. facility was approved by the Board of Regents at president, or his designee, to apply for a $3 However, Terrell said he is "This interdependency and inti- its January meeting in Seattle Friday. Final million federal loan to help pay for construction confident that students will re- macy is probably an important approval for construction of the coliseum must of a 300 room graduate student dormitories and main as dedicated to WSUas past factor in explaining commit- come from the Legislature. 200 unit married student apartments. students have. ment." The 12,000 - square foot structure will be used The regents were told that the dormitory and On visitation, Terrell said he for basketball games, other sporting events and apartments would cost almost $6 million dollars "However, without data or is not opposed to the trend toward large convocations as well as be converted into but $3 million is the maximum funds given any study it is impossible to accur- more student freedom but he a 1,500 - square foot theater for concerts. university in a year. ately say what the reasons are," hoped the visitation proposal that George Izenour, Yale University consultant, The graduate student dormitory will be located Terrell added. will reach his desk and be voted told the board that the converted theater would near Orton Hall in the area now occupied by the on by the' Board of Regents will have acoustical properties equal to those of some fur animal farm and apiary (bee) factltties, Boy- An advantage to this commit- not be "too dramatic or too of the nation's better performing arts structures. ington and Read, Spokane architectural firm, was ment, both in students and alums, incongruent with existing social hired to plan relocation of the farm and apiary. Terrell said, is that it shows environment. " tzenour also said that the conversion from a they value the "total socio-eco- large sports and convocation area to a concert The board also sold $5,745,000 in bonds to help nomic educational experience" The generation gap is a fact, theater could be done in less than an hour. Con- finance building construction. Funds from the bonds they have received at WSU. There Terrell said, so the trend away version would be accomplished by lowering huge will be used in construction of the phystcal is no reason to be smug about from the concept of "in loco leaded vinyl walls and ceilings around the theater education building, design disc iplines building and this, Terrell pointed out. Instead parentis" must involve compro- area, Izenour said. its parking structure, and to pay for work com- the univer stty should seek to mise. pleted on Cleveland Hall and the agricultural en- Parking, traffic dispersal, student access and continue and improve on the ex- gineering building. Asked if the university would development costs were listed by Warren Bishop, perience. incorporate the free university vice president-university development, as reasons The federal government bought $2,890,000 in if it proved a success, Terrell for the football practice field being chosen. Another advantage of such a bonds at a 3 per cent effective rate while Lehman said, "by definition a free uni- Because of the coliseum's 500-car parking ~mmitment, Terrell said, is Brothers, a private New York firm, bought the versity would not be free if it facility will take the first and ninth hole of the that colleges and universities remaining $2,855,000 in bonds at a 5 per cent was under the university." How- golf course, Robert Graves, LaFayette, Calif., effective interest rate. must have alumni financial sup- port. Colleges and universities ever, courses taught as part of are facing a financial crisis, the free university can become Terrell declared. Because rele- part of the university curriculum vant education is "very, very by going through the appropriate Legislature convenes; expensive" survival is threatened channels, Terrell pointed out. without alumni financial support, Terrell said. Terrell said he approved of 41st session underway free university courses which However, Terrell expressed .would deal with contemporary Washington state's legislature will be ihe big issue of the ses- the state's grand jury law, adop- concern over a student trend to problems. "I feel very strongly convened at noon yesterday as sion and Eldridge felt that the t ion of the state presidential move off-campus. Terrell said that intellectual dtsciplines must the 41st session got underway. legislature would come forward preference primary, revision of reasons for this trend are dif- address themselves to current Prior to that, Washington state's with a tax reform program. As the state's criminal code, gun ficult to know without adequate issues. Univer sfttes must be new chief justice, Robert Hunter, for what concessions would have control legislation and passage of study. relevant," Terrell declared. and four re-elected justices were to be made to get the package legislation to allow 18 year olds sworn in at 9:30 a.m. Hunter through, he said, "Historically, to vote. was elected chief justice by his the Republican party has opposed colleagues and will serve as an income tax, period. So I feel As for the length of this year's head jurorist for two years. that we have compromised as session, Representative Tom Popcorn Forum topic Thirteen housekeeping chores far as we can by saying we'll Copeland of Walla Walla, speaker were on Monday's schedule for go to a flat Single rate income pro-tern, commented, "The the two houses. The House and tax. Now the Democrats, if they rapidity with which this seSSion the 'Free Unlverslty' Senate met separately and were stick to a graduated tax, they will wind up will depend pretty Today's Popcorn Forum will floor. Some of the classes require sworn in. Elected officers were haven't moved one inch towards much on the Senate. They write the budget this time." feature Robert Kline, a business inte rested students to talk to the already chosen in earlier cau- our positton. So, I feel we've administration TA, who will dis- instructor before registering for cuses and Representative Don gone as far as we can." Most legislators don't feelthat cuss the "Free University," in the course. Kline also stated Eldridge, Mt. Vernon, will again the length of this sesston will last Todd 144 at 4 p.m, that registration will close as be Speaker of the House. Sena- While tax reform will command the length of the 40th seSsion soon as all the classes that are tor Al Henry of White Salmon the greatest amount of attention, which ran 110 days. Baste Catalogs will be distributed to offered are filled. is President Pro-Tern of the other areas also deserve a great reasoning behind this is that the all persons present at the forum, deal of notice. Included are gov- Governor is calling the legis_ Senate. and Kline stated that he will ex- Thursday's Popcorn For u m Don Eldridge, like so many ernmental reorganization, con- lators back into session next plain the workings and the goals will present Frank Salisbury, others, said that the tax reform stitutional revision, reform of year. of the "Free University" which chairman of the department of will begin at WSU next semester. plant sciences at Utah State Uni- Registration will begin tomor- versity. Salisbury will discuss row at 8 a.m. in the CUB, third the topic science vs. religion. Open hearing to discuss campus living conditions An open hearing to discuss res- four areas of dorm living. These idence hall living conditions will' are personnel, facilities, staff- be held tonight at 9 in Stephenson ing and programing and general Center, according to steve Saku- situation. ma, senior man of the BOC and chairman of the Living Group The Deans and William L. Problems Commission of the Poindexter, director of the Hous- BOC. ing and Food Service, have been invited to attend the hearing. Sakuma also said that his com- mission, which is sponsoring the Architecture students will pre- Stephenson hearing, will begin sent slides and drawings of res- passing out a questionnaire to idence halls on other campuses dorm residents this week to de- and speculative drawings of dorm termine student opinion about designs for WSU.
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