T l M k Y , JULT It. 1948 Manchester Evening Herald Average Dpily Circalatioa Per the Month of June, 194S The Weather T PecMMi e< O. a. weather Bneen trouble 'WrUI be averted that th^ itilldlng inspector meet with the move a garage, was denied when request la now made to have t)>^ board. he said it would be within one foot Ask Presence V 8,2 .51 Modemto tompeSaturea todny; Akottt Toi^ii JThree Zoiiih< his property, line and close to a Member «t the Audit rata end warmer teulght; gentle ' way owned by a person Is Not Burena ot Clrculattons California. The rules state Of Inspector VC ^ Pleais Denied that the'’'M rages must be three C k y .o f VlfltMtm. Chmrm Tht PeM * ,)tatloB«l feet from tnb property line. ^ 'Orpup llfc. 3*M, wU|.- The request df^joseph Brown to David Chambcpfi Re­ (Vfaweified Adveftteiag eln Page I t ) m H Q *r »*•“*« *<“ ' be allowed to ertet a roadside a L ,N 0 .2 4 5 MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 17,1943 (TWELyS PAGES) PRICE THREE Ch . iS ■(■Tit fkwr e'ploek atfT? Nwirtht^pe®*®^^ Alfta De- stand on Tolland funipU^e near the quested to Join Zoning X ■ fe^Action on Three south side of the pike aridsW short Other Applicati distance from the Vernon ■-town Commissioners. Be siire to take ad- PnvaU C. Kennpth Rudlii «rf line, was denied. He said he o New England Governors Stud^iFartime Problems if p sprue* *tre*t, *nd now *U- wanted to have a temporary stan The Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of Appei vantage pi this* in u e ilpBed at Camp Claiborne, La., and If the plan worked out he wilh^equeat Building inspeetdr Imm been promoted to Corporal last night denied threa^Nt^uests might make It permanent. He Davld^Ghl^ber* to meef wlfh It *■ iPacbalcian. made for changes, tn aonirig reg­ wished, to sell -vegetables grown on ■wearinj^ po^ q|^bur ulations iand ^deferred e r r e d action «^^^■i7Vvm^p^:opertJ^7339 Tolland turn­ in the futuTa^at .hearings because The regular .Friday evening. three others. pike, also p r o .................... of the many chs^a $hat have d*- anappy . hoHnea* meeting^ of the Salvation \ 'Die appliention' of Alexander buy.''\ ' \ Veloped where a pSiqplt. has been Jt^yis a ^ Cottage Homes Inc., A m y will commence |hl# evening 'Request granted and work staftgd .before at 7:4B. The topic win be “God’s for'perimsaion to construct seven X housW nearer the rear line o f the Steven B^kp i s k M ^ be -allow­ Zoning permission was aeci)Z<(L ruMHlment." property than Is allowed by the ed to erect a cow bairn at^9« Hackmatack street; Thts I* A ReaN , Three Cases Preeaated '' . Zoning rules was the first heard. Three such cases were presented* ■». I’s- The Beauty Nook at 172 Center; The error was discovered when dent AA Zone. He said he wafttpd •treet, the former Justus W. Hajer the FHA checked for the mort­ to build a structure 13 feet, by JO^at the meeting last night The eitittfins Throw Two .realdence, will be closed the next gages and discovered that seven feet about 200 yards in the i?ear of ers of the board felt' rather They'^ome in red, Five Solons two weeks to give the staff a de- his house. As the AA Zone ohiy_ NeiWTKvisions Against of the houses dip not -fully con­ peovelt'aiMJUt them. The Zoning aerved vacation. extends 150 feet to the rear and it form with the rules of an A xone establlahed to pre­ blPe, gr^n, yellow Spearhead ^ Threaten­ Mr. Jarvlsxwas represented last then beepmea a rural Zone, the re­ rules hav^ e s n ' To G o See MoiitgUmery’s Great Members of the Manchester night by Judge Raymond R. Bow­ quest was denied and he will be vent ^sft;WhaM» often don* now ing; NaZis Mak^ Des­ Rod ahd Gun chib al-e asked to ers and in the executive session told that it will not be neceasary without p^per wgi|td# given to and black. Sam e Desert Army Smashes meet at the Bantly Oil Company that followed, permi-ssion was to get permlsslotl .if he builds fur­ dh* rule*, they fe e lN ^ e c fe ta r y perate Effort to<Rre- W ar A rea s -gtatlon', comer, o f Center and granted, as requested. ' ther back, th.ar the 150 feet ported Site of Terrtficl Back German Ar­ HI* request to keep chlckens^wa* [ the vent Break - Through. Plan Likely Inter streets, tonight at 7:16. ■ Walter DavldowlcZ who asked Sizes 32-44 " 1'^! Struggles by Rome! there they will go to HOl- for perml.ssion to enlarge his held .for . further Investigation when . 5 Tard f ^ that 'he V Get Uniforms^ ‘Dog mored Divisions in lorah’i^Funeral Home to pay their store at 45 North street was not he told the board th a t^ T ia d been should be present at hearings. ' . Moscow, July 17.—(/P)— Radio in Broadcast Biggest .Battle Yet respects 'to Mrs. Edward D. given permlaalon tp, erect- a tool Tags* Shots in Arms In France present nor was he represented. Rad to Oraat FMtfloiM The German high command — -Sh, who "died Wednesday, and There was no opposition, but the house and was also using the tool .-1 Of Official Commu­ x^ought in Sicily; is the mother of BMward C. board lacking knowledge of hla house as a c^fcen coop. Requesting permits' to. dh work hasv thrown two nfew divi­ And Helmets; Date of a membei of the club. Intentions, deferred'aCtloiK until a Capn^t Keep Chickeqs a^nat the rules oC the Zoning sions, ohe armored and one nique; N 6 F r e 8 h l y aspect of Cletin-Cut | Lentiiii and Scordia;.' • From there the members will go Charles BeZzlnl, of 65 Linmore commission ha* to the past re- Starting Military Secret later meeting. $ .w infantrjf. against the-- Rus­ Advances . by ^Allies. Victory _ih Sicily Con-\ Both Seized by Bridji to Watkli«''?;uneral Home to pay Work Already Started drivfe. asked to be allowed to keep ihilted to cases where there ap­ / 5 ii|(r»apecta to Jo6^ Benson, long a ch ick s for his own private use.- peared to be but one way out find / sian spearhead now threaj;en- Louis Klinkhamer, of 131 Sum­ Washington, July 17—( ^ —The firms Allied Formu-^^ 1 jnerober of the >l^b, who died mit street, appeared In support of H j vvaa hot preaent, but his wife that was to grant the exception. ing Orel, front dispatches Army is all set to put five United London, July 17.— Allied Headquarteraf North ; yesterday morning. his petition to be allowed to con­ appeared tor support of the request. In many cases the axcetplon -would said today, but the Red The Rome riidio in a broad­ la to Hit Europe, Africa, July It was opposed by Edgar Theriault, not hava been granted. It was said. / to States senators into uniform, com­ New England governors, meeting ab New London, sit arottoA^an Informal round table aa they \i.y4jP)—Oen. vert a building located In the rear Army was reported repulsing plete with “dog tags,” shots ir the study wartime problems affe-tlng' their region. L eft to right: Governor WilllRm H. Willis, Vermont; cast of the official Italian Sir Bernard Montgom­ Danghters of Liberty ot his home Into a dwelling. This a neighbor, andvalao through let­ If there was closer cooperation all NaZi tbrusts and ebntinutog to -Ifc O. L. I., will meet this evehUig ter, by the Plnba Civic Aasocia- between the building Inepector arm and helmets, for s trip around Raymond E. Baldwin, Connecticuf; Leverett H. Saltonstall, Massachusetts; J. Howard McGrath., Rhode communique today announc­ London, July 17.—i>P)— The im­ ery’s great defiert Anhy,wa8 is in a B zone. Mr. Klinkhamer advance. One wing of Him Red Island, and Sumner Sewall, Maine. In Orange hall at 7:30 and pi plained that he could see no tlon, Inc. It was tin te d out that and the board. <4^ Arm y’s amashing; countef-attack the world battlefronta - ^ ed bitter b^tles Were raging, minent prospect of a clean-cut vic­ believed apprbacmttt there la but 36 feet in^ the rear of ceed to VVatklns Brothers to pay oby^ions to the changes a* the It la with the hop* that future Was reported to uav* rolled . to Just when the five' senators JHi- in the Catania and Agrigento tory in Sicily has confirmed the the outsldrts of Catania tte^- . a final tribute of respect to Joseph the honsea to that sectlop and that bulldihs: was located. 200 feet In the loU backs against a lot on an­ within 25 miles of the heavily fbr? cimliy assigned to investigate the sectors in Sicily. The broad­ Allied formula for an amphibious day ^-ter smashing back the ^.^enson, whose wife has long been the reared his home. It devel­ tified NaZi base as the German* war situation ovei^a 30,000 mile ^ a member of the lodge. other street. It was considered too Dive-Bombers cast, recorded by Reuters, assaiilt on western Europe and HeTthanp Goering and ele­ oped at tbe^xMuUve session that close. TTia board denied the re- ALICE OOrSAN franticaUy ralUed alt - available itinerary wUr start on their trip ia Browb^ Diffejr he had alreadyv.^rted work on a military secret The War De­ denied that the Allies had suggests strongly in the view of ments of' the 15th German ^ ^ queat.
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