wtyw.magKh/alleIley.c6m I C u - < ▼ T J l i ----------------------------- _S(-S O -ceh ts------------- T w in Palls. Idahcihp/99th_ycar,_No.^L.1 _________ 1 h u r s d aay, > Jantiary 1, 2004k . ■ IHa p p y -N evv Y ie a r ! - - 2003 salaw ^ E A T H K U - C Today; wWindy , ■ , , JL i g ki T I N < G T t VM record ' with perileriodsof • __ snow. Hi{High 39, numbe]er of _PageJV2_ iVlAGiC V A U Ji' ' .^ 1 new hoomes Counterfeit: Police agen;endes I By Virginia S. Hutchinshins across the Magic Valleyley urge ■. I TImefrWflWS writer to be on - residents, businesses to I TWIN FALLS-TheT he record .wris the lookout for fake momoney. I already ui the bag.’. BiBut now it’s a PiPage C l I numl>er you’iu likelykely to rem em - _______b c r;____________ ____ ' It/ INvin Falls on ' I The city of TNvit ■ M o n k y ^ m Wednesday issueded the 400th building permit forar a new single- Fairfield competition:: TinyTi • fam ily hom e in 2003.0 3 . , ; town gets second coffeefee shop. : ‘‘Such a mce, roun■ound- numlHjr.” PiPage C5 I building offidal Mari:lariannc Barker 1 said., O i r r o o o R S »OING 'J h juUP Oars In winter: A seren<ene R v e -y e a r hhh istory canoe jo u m ^ up Salnnbnon .Falls Creek is a perfectict winter K New sinp.le-fiimily home:omes tluTl escape, in today’s Outdtitdoors. tcccivcd building pctrni«»rnit5 frotii Twin . PPage D1 Falls'city building dcpailmcnt:dcpr I 1999 ...................... ................... 17G - — ^Sp q r t s — ^ ------------2000-.-.... r . - ; - r r l 6 t 3 ------------------ CODY Mnn/1l« TW «m 2001 ........................................... 241 Psrtlence: Rookie L<‘i}rciJron py Birthday' It sung at the 2002 ................................. 344 - Lauraura-MIIIer lights the candles on 1the Twln-Falls Centennial BlrBirthday Cake, donated by Thele CCake Boutique, while 'Happy I James shines for the 2003 .........................................• ...4 0 0 :entennlal New Year's Qala at thethe Magic Valley Mall Wednesdsiday. • . C level^d Cavaliers de;despite his team ’s woes. 1 Economic develi)()ei)()ers,no doubt, PPageB l Q a on of city’ss centennial.1' hope 400 is a numbimbtT that' will ala launchesjsyeai^longg celebratio catdi the eye of iwtctiaicm ial employ- u rs and incom ing resiresideius, . - • —O p i n i o n - — ^ By-KarinirinKowalaW— ---------------- •I\Yiii Falls in 20C2002 i.ssued u Tlmos-N<s-News writer .Centennial prideriwinlin Falls’ rccbrd-selting 3444 bbuilding j)er- m its for new singlele-faniily fa homes. residents can fondly be grate- /INFAI.LS-With ti)ctugof• of a w hite sheet, T\vin F;dls • 'Ilie city topi>ed thIiat at tallyi liy mid- ___begau-arinnCTvpm. ---------^Gctobcrrguarant««i»( 2004, t o d ^ s editorial s kvin Falls, tliis Is your sta tu ee,” ,": said alrtlst Ralph Lehrm an secutivi: annual recor ikeness of l.n.Pbrrine during i ... PPage A6 e unveiling of the bmnzu like ^ Rapid constnictioction has gone the IeWYe'.ir^ C en ten n ial (Jala.a. ^ handinhand>vith'IVIt'IWin Falls’ low T h is wasT\'iT\vin Falls’ pjmy,too. '! S unemployment rotesjtes and hearty |nHUI)A Tlic ga|aQ lilate Wednesday arid early" . • ‘jo b creation. l$utIt aastoundingly G o m h ^ g i J.JP- i ^ jBM jflnpGiM Thursdaykidkicked off a year of events to® low mortgage rateses \were part of celebrate theth e city% 100th year. By 11* th e explanation. \ War Is gold p.m. alw ut 2,52,500 people gathered at the^ ' Darker for a whileiletlimiglii'l\vin‘ t jjB B R lg Magic Valleyley Mall for an evening of ■ . Falls miglu not meeteet hI e r 400-new- liQ y0S ^- - music, dandrjdng,-games, food and histo- ■ borne.*: projection for 200.1. Bui ii rv-related eveevents. ycar-end flurry duinihanged the pif- ^ — About -?0000 people watched as mem-*■ ture. Galai ber^ o f the; PtPerrine family unveiled the® “We’ve had a lott of applications • fashi in the last two week/eeks,” she said irt and I ^vantcd to sec die^ - Wednesday. unveiled toniglu.’’ said Tom sculpture un> '' ‘IIh; builditig .depdepartment by Barneses of Burley “And I wanteded to be part of the history. Wednesday afterrternoon had processed ^11 l)utt onepi of those Ut«HiniwtH/tMtta«.M« In th(the centennial commission’sn’s store space, liistory domi-*■ applicatioas, aboutLit vwhich it had d .conversations as crowds; pipeni.«d photos of old-time orrfne, right, unveils'the statuoJ of his great-grandfather, I.B. Pi questions. Randy Porri I Falls. ■ .■•of th a t'-n e w So make note'ol Ira Burton>n IPerrlne III, not seen, Wednesda;sday. Perrlne family members, S s : r - Please.see QAIA. Page A22 rc'conl w ith a couplepie of( zeros. Nathari. 13, look on. perts disag]g re e o v e r Ports,5,shipsfai l i l t o m e e ttdeadline efor Death in Iraq hasn’t ®ke Exp, movie audiences &omm ^watch- ■■ f. ing fighting in theaters i re g u la tio litting tenrro ris m r ejsponse pi)lans FHday in beefif industry 3n submi But Deputy: de. Tlie acdons were laudciled by The Associated Pnpress thous□usiinds, cause tremendouous for explosives. B The Tlmes^^ewa>W3. By Seth Bon{orenstein and Tony Pugh tic s of........H o m eland - S ecuirity.. ritj Secretary-............ nearly every food-safety exp.cpert.- • -propeoperty dam age a nd cost tens c ... - Knight Rlddtddcr News Service------ - - nc: Congress two I n d e x “We were dnndng aroundnd th e . WASHINGTONON - Almost 5,000, bilhoihons of doUars in lost rcvenuHue Jam es Loy to ld C( th e U.S. economy m onths ago th a t’ tlthe deadline INGTON - StiU m ore officeoff w hen we heard th e ncnews,” . ships and aboutIt 8 80 percent of th e ' to the p . WASHIN' Coast .Guard offidak said th e would n ot b e m et; a t t ;fiv9 airports, ■ Classtfied .E5-12 Movies'S • • • -W can-be don.one to try to keep i^d saidsai Karen Taylor Mitcliell,:ll, th e • ^nation’s ports, fenfeny terminals and Coa ank farm s failed to deadladline for sul^mitting th e p larans “A handful" of airpoirports still don't Comics . .03 Nationin , . .A2-5 cow diseaarase - and even more Burlington,Bu Vt.*based exect‘cutive' fuel-chemical tanl s Our meet a Wednesdjsday deadline for wasIS mn et l)y about 5,200 o f 10,00OOO have the screeningling equipment aries . .02 prevalentt ddeadly illnesses - out directordii of Safe Tablfs Community .E4 Obituarie al food submitting marlaritime security shipsips told to submit them anand iruitalled, said Darri•arrin Kayser, a AC-7 o f th e nadtadon’s bgpf supply, but Priority,Pr o r STOP, a national Comunidad .El Opinion latives , .plans sh o w n g hohow tliey will deal onlyly 1,100/ of 5,000 port fadlitieses- Tnmsportation S ecurity . everts d«disagree on ju st how., safetysal group formed by rela of people who died fiomJ Ifood- - ^ t h terrorism thithreats. despispite a potential fine cof Administration spokt crossword .C4 Outdoors»rs .01-2,4 much more3re reguladon is neces- ' of h of th e S ept. 11 relatedrel illnesses. “We app[>plaud Security measi:asures to prev en t S25,0(5,000. In th e afterm ath of DearAbby ..04 Sports.ts .. .Bl-4 saiy. "We do not have all the plans,as,” a ttack s. C ongressIS rrequired the U.S. D e p artm en t o f tlietlx USDA for this great firstSt step. attacks from thehe sea have fallen' “W hor • iO T h e U.5 . Cmdr. Jeff Carter said, “W‘We elM tronic screeners:rs tto b e in place Horoscope .04 Weather jre on TVicsday banned It’sIt’j really the.first signifiificant far behind effortbrts |o protect air- Lt. C Agriculture cognize that djcspite our be:>est a year ago. But- whewhen it . became LM.Boyd ..04 West .. .02-3,8 m jujufjured cattl(},from human progresspr> ^ve’ve seen fromn tliis ports and airpl:rplanes since the recog ety. It^ Sept. 11.2001 terterror strikes. • effortforts, there are those who wonQn’t dear it couldn't bet>e rmet. lawmak- 1 ..........^ 5 food suppUiplies, prohibited human admad inistration on food safer • Magfc Valley .01 World.. ;t year ordered th e compm ply for a variety of reasons.”5.” ers moved tlie deacleadline back a consumptic>tion of o ld e r cows’ aa sham s e it takes such a hugiige cri- Congre.-is last y Money . '. .05 maritime shippipping industry to WWe' ednesday also was th e dca<rad- year. brairis andid spinal cords and ere- sissis to drive progress." __ _ _ tighten-securityty amid fears that • linele forf< airports to start scrccninling • J_____ aled reguloIllations on the tracking, BeP0RTS?Page"A2= Page f t an au ack on a rseapoits< could kill “ all1 airlineai: baggage ele5UX)nicallally ' ^ Please seeP WmUcnnciikdfdBdmKt testin g andind slaughtering of cat- Please se e cows. Pa n e n n c x k tq tv arrivalsS d a y s aflcer Iranqiluake ----Logon to^n--------- Q t Bp h a n a g e s io v e rflo w^ with ne^ ffSMH A youngDig <orphan who ByAliAkbarbarDarelnl tal of K erm an, 120 miliniios 6 i northwest'I of the destroyc la C T S S f i survWedIved Rlday^ earth- Assoclirtedid (Press writer ' BSlttb: ancient d ty of Bam.
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