THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER i-*/ With which ls consolidated the Cumberland Kens. FORTY-SEfcOv, j. *>— No. 31. - .CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14th 1923 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. jy__ PRESIDENT HARDING DIED T LOCAL BOY SCOUTS PRESENTATION TO Department Issues Exam. IN CAMP ON MISS EILEEN BAIRD HORNBY ISLAND Death Came While Employees of Campbell Store Results For The ProvinceCam p is Ideally Situated—Boys Present co-worker With Silver Having a Wonderful Time. * Tea Set. Pupils Who Will Get Certificates Number 4,504—Examinations Family Unprepared Confined to Five Elementary Subjects. A number of boy scouts left last Miss Eileen Balrd who married Mr. • week for a period of training, In a Joseph Dnllos on Tuesday last wan . Douglas Eliot Mcintosh, fourteen ! most delightful spot on Hornby fs- the recipient of a handsome tea set THE PRESIDENT DIED INSTANTLY AND WITHOUT WARN­ year-old sou of Judge and Mrs. Char- THREE-FIFTHS OF TOTAL [ land. The Camp Is under the dlrec- from her fellow workers in Camp- lea Mcintosh, of Vrtrk Place, Oak ! tlon of Scoutmaster Leversedge with hell's store, with the following mes­ ING WHILE CONVERSING WITH MEMBERS OF *HIS CANDIDATES PASS | Scoutmaster Hartley, of the James sage of goodwill. Bay, has won the bronze medal in FAMILY. District No. 1 presented by His Ex­ HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS | Bay Troop, Victoria, ns Instructor. It is with feelings of regret that we cellency the Governor-General to the ! Twelve Coys are in camp divided In­ now meet together with you here in pupil gaining the highest number of David C. Warden, 937 Marks to two patrols, the bears and the the store of Campbell Bros, for the wolves, and all the work of the camp last time; but the memories, entwined SAN FRANCISCO—President Harding died instantly and marks In the examination for en­ Leads in The Whole Province. trance to High School. will be on a competitive basis be! ween with the years oi companionship and without warning, Thursday night at 7.10 o'clock. Death came to Three Students of Mr. J. T. E. the patrols. comradeship passed with you in our Thc young scholar, who has gained the chief executive of the United States while he was conversing daily duties, will always be most this distinction above practically Palmer, Obtain Highest Marks Dr. G. K, McNaughton lias donated with members of his family and according to an official state­ a fine Union Jack to be the emblem of pleasant. all the competitors from Vancouver in Province. ment issued by physicians death was due to apoplexy. Island Is a pupil of Captain Dexter, superiority and each day the patrol Our dearest wishes go with you in gaining the most points will fly the the new life which you are contem­ of the Monterey Avenue School, Oak The following ore the results of the The first indication that a change had occurred in the con­ Bay. He obtained 418 marks. Jack In front of their patrol tent. plating, and that you may have long dition of Mr. Harding came shortly after 7 o'clock when Mrs. June examinations, so far as Cumber­ The following boys are In camp: years of health and happiness, with all The results of the examination for land and Courtenay are concerned, in Bears:—Patrol Leader. J, Richard­ the good life can give, will ever be our Harding personally opened the door of the sick room and called entrance to High School, as an­ Ihe High Schools as announced by the son, 2nd, F. Leversedge. N, Robinson. earnest desire. to those in the corridors "Find Bonne and others quick." At that nounced by lhe Department ot Edu­ Department of Education on Friday N. Gomm. II. Quinn, R. Watt. As a token of our regard, we now time Mrs. Harding was understood to have been reading to the cation, are given hereunder. last. The total number of students Wolves:—Acting Patrol Leader. A. individually take pleasure in present­ press sitting at his bedside with the evening papers and messages Of the 4,939 candidates who sat presenting themselves for examination Gomm, 2nd. W. Brown, G. Brown, !>. ing you with this Silver Tea Service, for this examination, 2,713, or 65 per were 2,523 and of this number 1,505 of sympathy which had been received during the day. Idlens, L. Edwards. It. Stewart. and with it the-hand of continued cent, were successful. Besides these, passed in oil subjects and 49S were friendship. May it ever recall to Dr. Sawyer alone of all the doctors was in the presidents 1.791 pupils who have been attend­ granted supplemental examinations. ing graded schools of seven or more your mind the memory of pleasant apartments. When the climax came, he first was called by Mrs. One interesting fact in connection da vs. divisions wero promoted on the re- with the examinations is that the Correspondence Harding who then rushed to the door, leading into lhe hotel cor­ eommendatlon of thc principals. In ridors and commanded the immediate search for other physicians. three students who obtained the high­ EXAMINATIONS AND all, 4,504 pupils will be issued cer­ est marks in the province come from INTERMEDIATES TAKE tificates entitling them to admission the South Vancouver High School, Mr. PASSES CUMBERLAND LEAGUE LEADERSHIP His death was announced in these words: "Thc President died to High School in September next. J. T. E. Palmer principal. Thc names PUBLIC SCHOOL instantaneously and without warning while conversing with mem­ Candidates were required to write of these students are David Cunning­ Local Boys Win Pitchers Battle. bers of his family." on five subjects only, namely, arith­ ham Warden with 937 marks, Eliza­ Mr. Editor: — metic, grammar and composition, beth Laurie Scott, 924, and Grace M. Kindly permit space in your issue The Cumberland Intermediates won During the day he had been free from discomfort and there dictation and spelling, geography Cariipbell with 919 marks. Warden of "Islander" for this week for this the finest game played this season, was every justification for anticipating a prompt recovery. With­ and drawing. To obtain certificates wins the $150 scholarship for securing the supplementary (official) report .when they defeated the Royston Japa­ in a few moments all of the Presidents official party had been they had to pass In these subjects the highest number of marks in the to the supposed authentic report which nese on the home lot Thursday even­ summoned. Secretary Hoover was first of the four members of appeared in the Colonist of Saturday ing. / and nlso to submit a statement from province and one of the five Governor- the Presidents cabinet who are in Han Francisco to learn tlle sa.il their teachers certifying that they General's silver medals ;Mlss Scott last. Re schoolars who had on merit, Both Kenchy and Robertson being had completed the work prescribed wins one of the six district scolarships passed successfully through various in the best of form allowing only live news.. for entrance classes iu history, lite- of $100 for being highest in her di­ subjects taught In our Public School bits each and having six or seven Calvin Coolidge is new President. raliirc. hygiene and nature study. A strict. Warden's marks not being COM- The names to be added to those which strike-outs respectively. few candidates whose teachers did sidered for this scholarship, as he appeared as successful are:—.lessle Both teams went scoreless until the not submit the necessary statement headed the entire province. Brown, total marks 810, order of me­ fourth when with three men on, Ken- ALBERNI WIN OVER I SPECIAL MEETING rit 3. George Walker Brown, total ehi made a fatal error, which cost succeeded In passing. These will be Mr. Palmer was formerly principal marks, 309, order of morlt 1. Marga­ them the game, when ho over threw LOCAL BASEBALLERS; SCHOOL TRUSTEES granted certificates when they satis­ of the Cumberland High School, leav­ fy thc Department that they have ret Halllday. total marks 300, order or homo In an attept to catch a run­ ing this district some time ago for a A .special meeting oT- the Board of covered satisfactorily all the pre­ merit 6. ner who looked an easy out. larger salary and wider field. Visitors Win Good Game By School Trustees was held last week scribed work. Score by innings: The question being asked is. why A Narrow Margin—fi—0. when the resignation of Mrs. .Marion Japanese 0 li 0 0 1 0 0—1 were those three names omitted from fi. Pearse '.vas considered. After due CUMBERLAND CENTRE the official list of successful candi­ Cumberland 0 0 0 3 0 0 0—3 CUMBERLAND CENTRE consideration; Miss Tessle A. Qalllvan Cumberland High School dates. One of the most interesting Base­ Cumberland was appointed to fill the vacancy. Junior Matriculation—Beatrice1 Al. Anticipating your favour, BOARD OF TRADE ball games played on the local ground , so far this season wns won by the Al- Edith O'Brien, 388; Irene E. Jones, I Bickle 791, Douglas J. Sutherland 047, We are, yours truly, MONTHLY MEETING FINAL MEETING OF 332; Albert B. Gomm. 319; Mary B. bernl boys on Sunday last. I Edith C. Hood 023, Earl D. Partridge JAMES HALLIDAY THE EMPLOYEES' Walker, 319, John G. Richardson, j 620, Etta M. Hood 607. Maximum WM. BROWN. A good crowd turned out to greet The monthly meeting of the Board PICNIC COMMITTEE 316; Charles Bobba, 300; Norman J. ! mark 1000. of Trade will be held In the Council , the visitors aud they sure got lots of Robinson, 300.
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