t A *, I.- CM K THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS -4 r··· -·:'·Iic'=4 ,·"Sur.5-3* .LU t 224/JA'jil til pfJ:*„, '=,t' 9 - 4,. r- "ib *3 I),2$>,.I. 1--i It, , --1.1.1 0 :1 'h 3 1 1 21 1 4, ' % ..4 ...=1. 1 / A a//1066;67... t-' 21 <fi,t. , s-- f.,t. ,'9*,',-1, 4% ---1 -1 11 TI- »- - 1 1 1-' * 4 . .. 1- -3 - -1 1£ :IL.#f C. 2, 4, r' 4 1- 1 , C 1 1 '1 . Ct'CHj,&3V 619· R --J - - -1- #1'1 1- t -- , .. - i > Re 19 -f. "' -FVOL Wi ISSUE 8 * FEBRUARY 23, 2011 * reflector.uindy.edu Il.89)1-I 07 WHAT CONSUMES MOST UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS STUDENTS'TIME UI ndy UnveR..113 Exercise Television .0 0 0 AO Facebook mayoral initiarave 5% Other Class 20/0 f30/0 Sleep 1: 2 1,4.t' Ne'u) archive to house oficial 19% L <-<- 1 . k*Alv. ,-,1 f-, ...,;.. 9 *..f- 44& , i.,1- F-' i.1„ . .t.,, , 11, 't: ,l'.,j , 1/mo 119 - 1 documents of BobIndianapolisHelfst mayors t*i ... - By 1 ' le'.ir 'IEVA f NEWS EDITOR ' 'lak,-, 940 I / - 1. .'./.•'1 1,-,-p.t.rl'l - . - ,ST, *" , . - 1 - - . .1.l i l l i -- 1 1 - 11 ,1 2, 111 ,- - 1 E- ' - 'Ilze University of Indianapolis is hosting an event on March 11 to unveil its = r - I. 6 1 1 announced Institute for Civic Archives. ' and The event , newly Leadership Mayoral - - 1 1 -13 will feature the four most recent mayors of Indianapolis - U.S. Sen. Richard G. .. 1 Lugar, William H. Hudnut, Stephen Goldsmith and Bart Peterson, in addition to - , .,0, 1- - 1 - 1 current Ballard. 1- 1 mayor Greg 11- 1 1 F. -''I- .,422 . 1 The materials in the mayoral archive are currently held in the UniversityArchives, but a specific area in the library for the documents is currently in the . I =3. 1 - , works. .4 p-4-1»Ad f 11 2 , 1.1 The event, entitled«Five Mayors: An Evening ofInsight and Vision,"As free and \ t...L- 11... ./ I , „1'1. *.,It s will feature a discussion and question-and-answer forum based on questions from .....124:.1...9:Ili'.r-- , .4#1, %1 19 the public. The primary topic ofdiscussion willbehow ..1.D,-'1 "f'·:' ,r· ; ,': ,t,;:P..1, ; Indianapolis cancontinue tobuild upon its pastwhile stnl forward. 4. 14". 444| Al . ... moving 'Ihe event willbe moderated by a panel of'Ihe India- .fr - r. , . :1..' 1 1 I. 1-·Z " -- ' .'i '. 4 napolis Starjournalists.Whileopentothepublic,seatingis Socializing - - apli limited,andticketsmustbereservedthroughtheChamber r -, , --' -//.... r of Commerce website. 129,6 - -- - - - - -=- «Wefeelveryfortunatetohavehadgoodrelationships - r.. ''e, ' ' ' '--. .,' C,•' . - 2 . , 1- H with the mayors whose papers we have, said Deborah · - . t.': '111' , Lr '' ' , ' 4, .- -, - WR: 1-, · Balogh, provost and vice president of academic affairs. t;,MA'f"F, Studying , Video Games 25% Lugar,Hudnut and Goldsmith are all formermembers . .' '315't__,:Mi- 1I' ., ' .1. r- ' ofthe UIndy Board ofTrustees, and Peterson isacurrent ' 4.·:9, <,i,·:.- * , - 3% member. ..... =,1. -£.-/LI--/*/-'_-I_'-3 Balogh was part of the planning committee for the 100 Ulndy students chosetheir primarytime consuming activities and The Reflector compiled the information. BALOGH institute housing the materials. « Graphic by Cbristopber Ha, tley We worked for several months to condeptualize the center and what its service to the campus and communities will be," Balogh said. institute will help renovations on the library. I . BTFFy.. , The new to jump-start 0,5 I- r /, r FA m, Bo" :r*& - I IB "-, a broader, long-term plan to modemize the library bring it into the 1 ·zi''., fr'. A.. 61 ··• 9'·41 2-Z I"Y I .., i :-, . 1**9 m- t'il digital age and make it the sort of place where people can work together and have 1.·'e1,·.,11\111 l.2'AY # '4:0, hi,1 r 144:A , 15 1 AM ..,-9 \1.151 A'* * .f 3.''P'tri.';93 £E,2 1 , 6 ..:i 4 4[3'i UPil o.il access to digital resources intl"le 21st century,"s·aid Scott Hall, assistant director of - C P·:116 M V:de-4 OF P'*:41&3 it:,W*%,31 IW _ til . I - I.'L.Xt . .. .1. t,VL'*·t tti ©i·244 '.44··g» 6.1 «'Ihere is . EmEN -+ university communications The collection includes a wide variety of documents which reflect a time of expansions in the city's history. Personal correspondence, photographs, meeting minutes, microfilnl, invitations to , --« -s -..r. , .' Recently published study says students study little and learn less. ,- . f ....3':9*J- 26.. ..1. , variouseventsandotherofficialdocumentswillbeincluded ':; f--'/'.*-AS, & ..... How does Ulndy compare? in the archive. ...,- ..#» ...7*4 :.6 Highlighted documents includenotes onracerelations, i- - 4 -9 . - I I publicopinionpollsofthemayorinquestion,budgetreports and notes concerning projects in'the city of Indianapolis. - By Kayla Prosser students and asked them to list the Spinneystressesbalancetoherstudents. «Thesepapers coveraperiodoftimewhereIndianapolis primary way they spend their time. "When I talk to students about time went from being a sleepy Midwestern town to being a ft"m - - , EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Twenty-five percent selected studying, management, I always bring in life man- major American city and a model to other cities on how '.,4.5..Il.,i.. .."*..»- n:' 'VB.1,·· t. -7,1· '·b-'., - ' 20 percent chose class time and 19 per- agement as well because you can't be all to revitalize downtown and how to strengthen your com- AP,):34..,03;'.».8.113 :'. munity," Hall said. cent chose sleeping. Socializing earned work," Spinney said. "It's important to 42<41071,/.IA6926#JifT.-.3.' - Astudyintherecentlypublishedbook 12 percent of the selections. take time for yourself, even if you have to 'Ihe archive was conceived as a continuously growing "AcademicallyAdrift: Limited Learning "I would saythatalot ofstudents say schedule it as well." and evolving collection ofhistorical papers that reflect the HALL on College Campuses" by sociologists they're busy when they do have more Senior English major Melanie Orr ha s changing nature of Indianapolis. Documents that show Richard Arum of New York University time to study," said Debbie Spinney, found it especially difficult to manage her the development of the city will be constantly added to the archive, which will be and Josipa Roksa of the University of executive director of student develop- time this year. Her class load consists of digitized to assist those who wish to research civic development. Virginia asserts that students learn little ment in the Academic Success Center. four credit hours of courses and an eight- There had been some discussions for some time about how can we capitalize on and do less in their college years. Spinneyteaches aNew Student Ex- hourinternship.Orrholds a sales associate these documents and materials we have,"Hall said. "We decided to make it available 'Ille study of more than 2,300 under- perience course in which she advocates position at Victoria's Secret, an internship to our own students and to anyone nationwide who wants to study the progress in graduate students found that 51 percent time management to her new students. position at Wiley Publishing 35 hours a Indianapolis and go back and look at the historical source materials of how these « of the average student's time is spent I do an exercise in my class where week, andserves as president ofSigmaTau changes were made in the city." socializing,24percentsleeping,9 percent they have to structure their time for a Delta and vice president of the Indiana 1he collection helps tie UIndy to its namesake. attendingclass andon»7percentoftheir week, including eating, socializing and Collegiate Press Association. She is also "It's another way to connect us to our home city in ways that set us apart from time studying. studying," Spinney said.«Most ofthem the managing editor of Etcbings, UIndy's other universities," Balogh said. 7be R6#ector conducted an informal are surprised at how much free time The university hopes that the event will serve as a public introduction to the survey of 100 University of Indianapolis they have. >See T/MEonpage3 initiative, in addition to raising awareness of the planned library renovations. Security concerns hit0 1 flome B.r,- /1,1)1:ZIneRlli:..1.:j.:tfp l:. Ei::;, Step one: Lack of campus communication raises concerns following attempted armed robberies Access MyUIndy Step two: Helfst 'The suspect remains at large. was still nowhere to be found. media had taken hold and false informa- By Bob " " Our university communications a communica- tion had gotten out we decided to NEWS EDITOR 'Ihere was temporary there, Click on Self Service Banner policy calls for students and faculty and tions gap," Hall said. "In the meantime, use them to get accurate information out staffto be alerted as soon as students got information in there,"Vitangelisaid. «Theintentofthe Step three: possible when there is any :,%2..,W '*41,©9'e .6. othermeansandalotofmis- Watchdogalertwasto clari»to everyone Choose Personal Information of oh.es't:1333':1:ttl Zaompr:t :<Aeciort:;31 2-»,91€0 ' - h. ' information went around." what had redly happened. AWatchdog alertwas is- Vitangeli noted that in typical situa- 9 on separate occasions by anarmed man assistant director of univer- 1.16,'-9'«'40 , '11,#' - .1- -·WI I il suedviaphone call,textmes- tions, such' as weather-related closings, and Watchdog whodemanded money. When theywere sity communications. "The 31:.:4 P..7. b i, sage or e-mail around 9:10 staff members have time to prepare a Step four: unable to produce any money, the man policyalsogivesdiscretionto ". 2 1.' --· 4 't p.m. to signal an all-clear to script for the Watchdog alert.
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