Issued,^ Tuesday. Tuesday- DiURsnnr Issu e1’ Saturday T he Courier-Gazette Entered as Second Class Mall Mattes THREE CENTS A COPY Vol uine 9 4 ...................N um ber 73. Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, June 20, 1939 The Courier-Gazette UNDER A RIVER AND OVER IT THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK POPULAR ALDERMAN'S NAMESAKE Vinalhaven Admits Being “All Het Up” Editor — 1 WM. O. FULLER With “The Sleepy City” On One Side and Wide Associate Editor FRANK A WIN8LOW Awake World’s Fair On the Other Subscriptions »3 GO -*r year payable In advance; single copies three cents. i Advertising rates based upon circula­ tion and vtry reasonable. (By The Raving Reporter) NEWSPAPER HISTORY The Rockland Oazetle was estab­ until we had nearly reached the lished in IMS. In 1874 tlie Courier was established and consolidated with the i Kennebec Bridge And from that , lazette in 1882 Tlie Free Press was time on the Weather Man's pro­ -s'abltshed In 1855 and ln 1881 changed Its name to the Tr'bune. Tbeee papers ! phecy contained only one error; In­ consolidated March 17. 1887 , ------------------- •. --------------------------:: stead of "occasional" showers there were “continual" showers. But Ed and I have weathered many a storm ••• Happiness Is nearly alwuys a ••• in the course of these Roving Re­ rebound from hard work <•» —War Cry ••• I porter escapades and think nothing ••• ••• of it. *•**•**•« *•* •♦*»♦•»•••••••••♦•••• Found Boston lainesomr CIVIL SERVICE EXAM The first leg of our Journey was —By The Courier-Gazette. made in the night-time and over Above—"John Bernet." Uie new Public Landing float, launched at the' It is passing strange how the trend The United States Civil Service such familiar territory that I am go­ Snow yards Saturday. of one's thoughts will so often revert Commission announces an open ing to refrain from wbat might prove The 50-foot scow which Ls des­ alternately smiling and sedate In to the commonplace. After spend­ tiresome details. I am going to land competitive examination for Welder, tlie performance of her important tined to uphold many thousands of UMvii. C-qul, ing the greater part of four days in you in Boston, "The Hub of the Electric, (Specially skilled) 61056, duty. — >z*~ Universe" ut 4 30 Friday morning. persons in its capacity as a float Wonderland I find myself still re­ 6 996, 6 936 an hour, to Hill vacancies The float was decorated with the And 1 wonder if you are prepared to at the Public Landing was launched calling a long line of milk bottles ln this position at the Navy Yard, signal flags of the old schooner believe my solemn statement that filled with some golden substance Boston. Mass. The closing dale for Saturday morning from the Snow Helvetia, which was Capt. Bernet's from 4 30 to 5. driving constantly and on top of each a golden orange. receipt of applications is July 7, Shipyard, the event being rather a last coastwise command. An ar­ over Boston's highways and byway* I flrst espied it alongside that mar­ 1939 ceremonious affair. The "craft” dent lover of the sea as well as we did not see a solitary pedestrian. velously straight highway which bi­ The United States Civil Service was christened with champagne by one ot Uie city fatliers, it is highly Policeman? No. sir. not even a sects the State of New Jersey. There Commislon announces an open the young daughter of Alderman appropriate that the float should guardian of the peace; not even a were similar lines as we approached competitive examination for Helper, and Mrs Louis R Cates who was bear Jits name hold-up man. the Pennsylvania border punctuated Shlpfltter, 6 732 , 6-872, 6 612 per hour Driving through Bornervtlle I here and there by wayside stands, for Alling vacancies ln this posi­ thought as I always do when in that tion at the U. S Navy Yard Boston. over tlie entrance to which was tlie city, of a hillside home on Porter mystic name, "Miss While." And by Mass. Applicants must have had street, where abides one of this pa­ at least six months experience in now there are probably not a few per’s highly valued contributors, A. readers who will recognize that I the occupation. The closing date — 6<jTac,YEt fi&t. B. Crocker, known to more than 30 / 7 have now entered the region where for receipt of applications is Dec. years of Courier-Gazette readers as they vended SunkLst orangeade, a de­ .30, 1939. "Boze" I |know of the (friendly coction that again makes life worth •Photo by L. A Coomb; greeting we would have received, but living after a prolonged ride on a FOUND ON DODGES MT. I am net causing the severence of our hot summer day. The most dramatic event in the friendly relations by the injudicious Manganese is to be mined in the This is not an advertisement for history of Vinalhaven was the burn­ ringing of a door bell at 4 30 a. m. United States on a much larger the Sunkist product; it is simply a TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY The first person we did see in Bos­ scale, according to a recent maga­ ing of the steamer Royal Tar. off happy recollection of an almost non­ ton was a negro, undertaking to zine article. Of the six places in j its shores, in 1836. The steamer stop journey to the City of Brotherly push a refractory automobile up a this country where it is to be found, carried passengers and a caravan of Love, and a return trip via the New steep grade. I hope he succeeded. after a careful survey, Dodges the York World's Pair, or "Tlie World Will Find Vinalhaven At the Climax Of wild animals belonging to a circus. Trucks That Pass In The Night Mountain is one. ol Tomorrow," as they so aptly call [ The ship was heading through the You motorists who are constantly Sesqui-Centennial Celebration It. ' thoroughfare when a passenger on the road know something about Men are like corks—some pop the A Fatiguetrss Fair came on deck found the ship afire the increasing use of trucks. They question, others have to be drawn Interrupting my humble tale at and discovered that the crew had roared by continuously through the out. Two queens will be chosen to bara Joy, Beatrice Mills, and Ida left with the boats. With the aid of this point I want to say that no per­ long night—all kinds and shapes reign at ‘Pox Islands On Parade” Wooster. other passengers the mainsail was son in a position to do so should . , „ . , , , .. A credit of 100 votes will be given their commercial contents to be only July 2 and 4 as a feature of the „ . hoisted, and the steamer might have fail to see that almost unbelievable —By The Courier-Gazette. for every “News Vote Coupon in guessed at. In former years the Below—ileft lo rightl—Alderman John Bemrt. for whom the float , b Sesqui-Centennial celebration. paper been beached had not the sail exposition which is drawing millions words "rum running" would probab­ to the back yard ol the national me­ named; Mfci Marilyn Cates, daughter of Alderman Inuis K. ( ates, who •Miss Vinalhaven" will be chosen caught fire Tlie Royal Tar was ly have been suggested, but ln these “ROCKLAND p« i formed the christening ceremony; and Mayor Edward R. Veazle. w hose A credit of 1000 votes for every fast drifting seaward when a reve­ tropolis. I warn now that no reader modern times when alcoholic Uquors prt jence officialized the event. from the contest entrants in Vinal- ' advance Pageant ticket coupon. ON THE AIR” nue cutter arrived. Sixty were need expect a description of the flow like water, there Is, of course, haven and Miss Columbia from A credit of 100 votes for every saved, including those who had tak-__ greatest World's Fair in all time _ „ . ,,, ,,__ - twenty-five cent Celebration Ball ■— nothing of the sort—no evasion of City's Foremost Talent in the stern as home port. The ship North Haven entrants. Vinalhaven I en to the boats. Among the passen- Could this be expected from anyone ticket coupon. the law, whatever. Entertainment Extraordi­ The Red Jacket was built at Kearney, N. J., and gers were 16 women, all but four of wild hod spent only a few hour; nary. , girls include Olive Amiro. Louise A credu Qf voU,s for every At random I shall mention a few ------- named after the old clipper Red whom jjerished and 12 children, one within its gates, when an adequate It Will Be Broadcast Burgess, Corinne Greenleaf, Mary fifty ,*„( Celebration Ball ticket casual things I noted In the early Rockland May Become the Jacket which was built in Rockland ' of whom was lost. telling ls beyond the province of tne TOMORROW NIGHT j Maker, Eleanor Sawyer, Pauline coupon forenoon crossing the Bay State. Home Port—Com’r Mo- ln J853 . The subsequent history of Vinal­ world’s greatest Journalists Wednesday, June 21 "It is possible that the new Red j Smith, Marion Tolman, Lois Web- All votes must be cast in Ballot One was an outdoor bowling ad­ haven has been that of a town And I want to say, also, to those ran Working That Way Jacket which will take her trials off ster, Virginia White and Emily Boxes ln Vinalhaven and North junct to a wayside resort ln Sharon. Univertalist Church which for three-quarters of a cen­ who plan or desire to attend the Winslow.
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