TBE SOUTBKRff SOl/THJEJWV THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPER Dally and Sunday, carrier delivery, 13 cents Vol. XLVI.—No. 117. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER ,11, 1913. —FOURTEEN PAGES. Single copies oa the «treet» and at nevruitand*, 5 ceata, • ROAD SUPERVISOR With Many Schools Overflowing and Children Forced to Basement Rooms, TO BE APPOINTED Other Buildings Have Rooms in Which There Are Numerous Vacant Seats BY TAKING After Long Deliberation, the BATTLE Members Decide to Make Start With One Man Jan- Off to Six-Run Lead, the Ath- uary 1. letics Were in Danger of Losing Game When Giants MORE MAY BE ADDED Started Hitting Savagely AS COUNTIES DEMAND Near End. Sorely Hampered by Lack of BENDER SHOWED SIGNS Funds, Say Commissioners OF TIRING PERCEPTIBLY Davison and Rainey—Sug- gest Remedy. Oldring's Circus Catch Saved A long step forward was made yes- Game—Merkle's Home Run terday in the construction of good roads in Georgia, when the prison commis- and Barry's Hitting Were sion decided to make a beginning in Photo.s by Francis E. Price . , . Offensive Features—Math- the direction of state supervision by Third grade at Ashhy Street schqo^, this picture showing there are more vacant than occupied seats in the grade I his school was built for an eight-grade school, the appointment of one road supervisor ewson Will Probably Face on January 1 but orf account of there being so few pupils only six roo ms <u e used, while in schools in other parts of the city there are so many children that even the basements are It shall be the duty of this super- utilized. The second picture sho\vs the inadequate toilet provided for the children of English Avenue school, which ih one of the worst crowded in Atlanta. Shawkey Today. •visoi. who shall be a civil engineer with special knowledge of road work, to assist and advise onl} such county Philadelphia, October 10.—But one authorities as exprfpss a desire for his victory stands between the Philadel- serv ices BOY RIDING BICYCLE ENGINEER LIES URGED BY WILSON, phia Athletics and the* world's cham- DOCTOR ARRESTED pionship in besaball tonight, for th« The term of office of the present foive of inspeotoiE. will expire on Jan- Mackmen defeated the New York Giants uau 1. Then, instead of five inspectois at Shibe Park this afternoon by a aoor« as at present, the commission will ap- HURT BY STREET CUR AS GAMBOA IS BLASTED of 6 to 5 In the fourth game of th« point foui inspectors and one road HE'LUJIT RACE FOR KS DEATH titular series tupeiviaor ( Lieut. Gaillard Giving Up Life Intended Only (or Beginning. Grady Refused to Send Ambu- Before the contest was clinched, bow- All the commissioners are heartily lance, Says Clarence Morgan. For Three Terms He Repre- He Hazarded by Long Work At President's Request Clay- ever, 20,000 Quaker city fans suffered Father-in-Law Swears Out a a period of anxious suspense that -will a0ieed as to the importance of state on the Culebra Cut. bupervislon of road work and as to Summerall Denies Charge. sented Fourth Georgia Dis- ton Gives Up Senatorial keep the Giants' eleventh hour batting the great good that may be Warrant for Dr. C. A. Bar- rally green In their memory for some achieved by experts to advise with the Ambitions—Gives Impetus seasons to come The game effort of count} commissioners In the construc- ron, of Near Griffin—Has John Biakelj, a l.T-year-oId white trict in the United States Baltimoie, October 10—While the the National league players to overtake tion of loads The only thing that has bo\, living at 17 Postoll street, suf- ceremonies attending the practical their rwals in the closing innings ot stood ill theii way and made the prob- Married Again. Cet ed compound fractures in both les^s Congress. completion of the Panama canal were to Underwood's Candidacy. the game changed the entire complex- lem a di£ icult one has been the lack when he wa£ run down bv an outbound taking place toda>. Lieutenant Colonel ion of the battle, lifting what appear- of funds witn which to caii> out the I,dpp\\ood avenue street tar Frld iv David Dubose Gaillard, who du ectecl ed to be a one-sided match into a con- Giiffin Ga Octobei 10—(Special) — niirht about 7 o clock, at th(- coi nei Cliaries L Moses, Sr, aged 57 years, some of the most difficult engineering 11 y John Corrlgnn, Jr. plan AVashington, October 10.—(Special.)— test that hung in the balance until tha As one supei \ .sor cannot neai sup- 4. use of alleged wife poisoning ol Udgewood avenue and Randolph three times elected as the representa- feats in the Culebia cut division, lay last put-out PieSident Wilson today urged Repre- ply the needs of all the counties in the oh irstil to IJi ("lies A Ban on, i Stll I't \ tive from the fourth congressional dis- unconscious and dying in Johns Hop Demaree received a warm welcom* The boy was riding a bicycle going sentative Henry D Clayton to with- state, the purpose of the appointment practicing physician of neai here, came trict of Georgia, died at the residence kins hospital heie. His wife sat be- at the start but It was not until tho out Ijdgevvood avenue, and is siid to side his bed anxiously loo-king into his draw from the Alabama senatorship is largely foi demonstiation and edu- to light today when \V R S Mann, of f hls son c L second inning that the first Athletic have uddfn directly in front "of"the ' ° - Moses, Jr. 473 Cheio- face and hoping for some sign of rec- campaign and gave a big Impetus to cation The commissioneis feel confi- Hentv counts swore out a was rant crossed the plate Mclnnis opened with. moving trolle\ car The Grid\ hos- I kee avenue, Friday night at 9 30 ognition At the same time their son, the candidacy of Representative Oscar dent that ^vhen the counties see tha for the arrest of Dr Barron, his son- a Texas leiguer that Snodarrasa could pital ambulance was summoned but . o'clock, after an illness of over three an army offlcei, was on board a fast W. Underwood, who was his rival for advantage that may be gained by state in-law not quite reach Strunk sacrified and montns steamei, having left the noik in which the presidential nomination. This nar- supervisois, theie will be a strong de- Suspicion pointed very strongly to placed "the'bd^ 1^°™°!'"^! ing^ca/'^and £'om a complication of dis- Barry's double scored Mclnnis. The bi^ Dr Ban on on account of the sudden rushed him to the \tlanta hospital ] eases his father had been in chaige, to join rows the contest for the long-term sen- mand foi them throughout the state atorship in Alabama to a race between blow camp in the fourth and that the Icgrislatuie will furnish death of his wife Saturday night last He will lecovpr Moses was a native Georgian and his mother. Mr Representative Underwood and Repre- ScImne'H Pinch Hitting. the funds necessary to keep the system after a short Illness and his strange tirade Ho.spitnl. The growth that ib jnessins against had lived practically his entire life on the brain cells of th_ djing man is sentative Hobson. With one out, Strunk knocked Her- gomfe disappearance immediate!} aftei the bl s i '~ i his farm near Turin, Ga In 1900 he said to be the nroduct ot eight yeais The situation effecting the short zog over with a smashing single and The Commission's Resolutions. funeral and his marriage to Miss Cora , Barry put him on third with another. Wheeler of Cotiyers on Tuesdav i iance to convey .th's'siakely boy to the was elected to congress from the fourth arduous^laboi jn the liopical climatu term is more badly muddled than ever. In taking the action which they did hospital, sharplv- cuticised the Graclv-fdistrtctr-and-aepved^m-this- capaertys^oi1 Mr Clayton would not now accept a taking second on Shafer's throw to Mr Mann alleges that Bai ron had in- I letusln no official statement could be jesterday, the commissioners unani- f?'i ST to faend aid to the injurtd j three terms, retiring in 1906 to resume seat in the senate for the short term, third Schang followed with a vicious humanly treated his daughter during, lad at the hospital tonight, it is liner past Doyle, scoring StrUnk »nd mcnisly adopted the following resolu- recent weeks and asserts that his his farming pursuits Mr Moses re- understood his death is momentarily even If that body saw fit to recognize The first thing tnat entered ir.j Barry He went on to second on tho tions: daughter's sudden blindness a few I mind w is to feet the boy to the hos- \nioved to Atlanta three years ago to expected. the credentials of Governor O'Neal, ' Whereas, This commission has had pital is quickly as possible. -Mr Moi- take up his residence with his son, Colonel Gaillard was born in Winns- Neither will Mr Underwood go over to throw to the plate and to third a mo- hours, bofoie her death Is stiont; e\ i- , boro, S C, in 1S59 He was graduated under advisement the putting into ef- <lence to him that Barron poisoned her ' Kan said '1 i ailed th Giauj hospital C Ij Moses, Jr the upper house now, preferring to ment later on McLean's passed ball.
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