AtEBAOE OAILT OIBOCLXfibN for th* Moato of Beptembar, 1SS8 THE WEATHER « of C. a. Waatber 6,286 MMaher s< the Aadit Hartfofd ■■ra* rt Obealattoas - sBghtly wanaar tealght; MANCHESTER ~ A CTTy OF CHARM V O L.LV in „ (O sssiaBd Adverttstag mm Paga tS) SeJrman MANCHESTER. CONN„ W EDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12,1938 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS British Troops Pour Into Holy Land POUCE SEEK CAR • p r o i r URGE NATIONS OF GIRL’S SLAYER Sti to di foott IN EIGHT STATES TO MOVE SHIPS Ra t 'Siwat OKLAHOMA COURT 8AVS of to Parochial School Graduate’s "NIOGKB” no t INSULT. nwdi difflo Bludgeoned And Karished Oklahoma City. Oct. 12.— SOUTHERN CHINA aumi '■^” 1—The State Supremo Court marli ■sys a Negro may be referred on* I pe r s is t e nc e .OP wsnnq \ ^ mtle Body Fonnd Behind Larch- “ e Nigger" without. Insult. OAlKS WINTBB HUMki I •The word," the court ruled In FRENCH A U O T Notes Sent To EiwKNniff a libel action yesterday, "has L ] Hs o nont Movie Theater. been brought forward.from the CaieaUr, Pa., Oct 12.—(AP)- t J •»« My* of Negro slavery ahd is to- ^ swarm of belligerent honey Asking Cooperatioi To r h * r day frequenUy used by both the EXTRA MONEY bees has taken over John Mc- I But I BLX|JETIN! white man and the Negro In a Cleary’s front porch for a winter tod*) home. M caeary smoked them LarchraonL"N. T,, Oct 12.__ refiecUon Preyent Incidents h Con- St4 IA P ) — Detectives foday found or iU feeling.-" FOR DEFENSE out once, plug^ng the entl-ance rides 'the stained brown coat of Mary holea with putty. But the bees nection With Drire O i boys, Imelda Coyle, pretty 17-year-old returned and dug their way that 1 Hctlm of a rape Idller, wlthia through the putty. Resigned, Mc- Tbsi 100 yards of the bonaeboat First Evi- ^*•0^ hung out the welcome Canton; Statement As- where she lived with her mother SIMVNE toss sign. c jsnd two sisters In New Rochelle. dence Of Government’s The coat waa sodden with Mood, serts Jamm W ill’Kespect as though It had been used to ®^ceal the battered futures of REMOVES U S T Arab-Engllsh outbreak. «■">' Determination To Push Vested Foreign Interests’^ tha qalet parochlBl ocliool grmd* nate after she was slain some- POUCE SNARE time between 8 p. in. and mid- Rearmament After Pact night Monday. PARTUEADER Tokyo, 'Oct. 12— (A P ) — thm STATE READY YOUTH; ADMITS Japanese government today uigad Larchmont. N. T., Oct. 12—(A P ) SLOVAKS URGE HITLER Peris, Oct. 12.— (A P ) -T h e the United States and other powajs —An 8-state alarm for a blood- Nominees Lay Down Verbal to "refrain as far as posslbl* flroa stained motor car was broadcast by French cabinet authorised Premier TO PAY GUARD Bldouard Daladier today to- spend 15 C A R THEFTS tnortng troops, warships and alr- poUce today in their quest of the slayer of 17-year-old Mary Imelda Barrages In Snpport Of MEDIATE FRONTIER ROW an extra 2,307,000,000 franca VAft In south Ctolna" In view of th* - (about $62,289,000) for national de- landing of a Japanssa sxpsditkaK. Campaigns Of fickets UNITS CALLEDi te n t In the few remaining months Robert Steanu, 16-r«ar-dU presumably for a drive on Ototoo. Oelefations So Far Apart of this year. To the premier as war minister Boy It Nabbed By Police Facing Voters November. Lumbermen And Woodlotj BRITISH TROOPS TXL L420,000.000 francs Differences Impossible To ($38,340,0(X>) for the army and to of incidents in connsctlon with the Minister Cesar Camplncht Ac Re Leares For FeelbaD south Chilna campaign. 887,000,000 franca ($23,049,00^ for *y associated pr e ss Owners Seek Profitable KILL SIX ARABS The notes d e s is te d to* araa ba- Bridge By Ordinary Nego- the sea forces. Daladier as min- tween Swatow, 300 j- I Defeat of Rep. Noah H. Swayne. ister of national defense and pre- Gaae la Steles Ante. majority leader of the House of of Hongkong, and Pakhol, about tfiO Disposal Of Felled Lum- mier will supervise the whole ex- miles southwsst of that BrltMi tiatioii; Peace Endangered IN FI^TO D AY penditure. Repreaentativea In the last legiala- colony, as to* area In whleh nsutral tlw aesslon for renomlnatlon at a The appropriations were the first Nabbed sarly this afternoon Jyst powers wer* to rsfrala from movteL ber; Park Areas Closed. evidence of the government’s deter- Darien Republican caucus removed as be was about to drive s number their foress. Komaroa, On the Csechoslovak- mination to push French rsarma- today the last of the veteran leaders Hungaiian Border, OcL 13.— (A P )— Terrorists Attack Soldiers ment after the Munich peace pact of his pals down to Meriden to see in both Houses of the General As- »e given the Japanese emnmsad B sembly. Hartford, Oct. 12—(A P ) — The I Persons close to the Slovak delega' In which Adolf W Uer*^ a football game, Robert Stearns, 16, "sheer necessity should rnmnsF talned French. British and Italian Swayne was beaten 199 to 161 by state waa ready today to pay $30,- Uon In the Komaron conference on While Latter Attempting of 158 Birch atroet was taken to the such movements. ' 000 to National Guardsmen on hur- the territorial dispute between Hun- a ilm e n t to split Ckecboalovakla. The Foreign Office Issusd a>stat*- Capt. Thomaa J. O’Connor, retired NaUonal defense expenditures pre- IMlIce station for questloalng, and member of the New York Fir* De- ricane duty with another $10,000 In gary and Csechoslovakia said today To DemoEsh House From ihere he revealed a record oif car ment ssserting that Japan worm t l ^ the Slovaks had asked AdoU 4 by Parllainent for m pect vested foreign Interests" bi partment and a drafted candidate, the offing, while lumbermen and 19M toUled 35.945.000.000 franca theft, tempering and Joy-rldlng that Hitler to mediate "In this serious amased hta questioners. the zone of to* south Mto- laat night as nominees on all thre* woodlot oarners about the state hour." (about $874,870,000 at p r o ^ paign. M jo r party Uekets laid ver- sought profltabla disposal of storm.' Which Bombs Are Thrown rates.) Toimg Stearns admitted that dur- 8levata;aald after a mwitlag to- ing the past two ysara he has stolen Th# notes to foreign powers ts- bal barragas in support of their re- fsllsd timber. T* TiaMsfer AMbaasafisr. railed that alinilar requerta^bS sp«>tlv# campaigns. At the same ttiaa tha State Park no lee* than 16 automobUes from Mary Imelda Coyle I cabinet, meet- thslr patklng places here, and has mod* by Japan on June gfi, ♦*«- ^ A m ong these waa Gov. WUbur L. sod Forest Commission closed aU ^ Jerasalew. Oct. 12—(A P )—Brit- ing vrith President Albert Lebnm, year. _ Cross, Democratic nominee for r»- stmta Darks and oianic nt m^mt^ 1 uisir diirsranoas oouJd bs driven Umt o on Joy rides about this, Coyle, red-haired parochial school <^ln«y negotUtlon. ish troops spreading out over the 1b*ve agreed to transfer and nearby towna His audacity to- Doiaei (Japaneee news OgsU^) elwUon for a fifth term, who in The only hope, they said, was reported from Hongkong today that graduate, whose bludgeoned and reiterating approval of the inter- Indefinltrty. The order was issued Holy Land in punitive expeditions day lad to his apprehension, and he ravished body was found early yes- bssiHdor to Berlin, to the Rome em will be arraigned In "iTown Court to- Japanese naval planes bod bombed tadependebOy of Gov. I S jlw “ r V e to end Jewlah-Arab violence killed 11 communities in Kwangtuag nroe- terday behind a movie theater. Cross’ ban on .woodland hunting I mont night. He has no license to oper- (Oonttaaed on Page Tea.) ^ Arabs In a clash with terrorists He I* to carry to Italy the French ate a motor vehicle. Ince, southern (Thlna. Westchester, county authorltlee, and mean* that no one wlU ^ pe^ S ' ^ d a today. organising the moat Intensive search recognition of the Ethiopian em TTbefts Increase Domrt dlspatchaa also o ld ninety muted even to drive through th e ^ S e e ^ ^ European The troops were attempting to de- IP*’’*' Police have been alarmed by the Soviet airmen yrer* concentrated at since the kldnsp-slaying of 12-year- the airfield adjacent to COaton. old Peter Levin* last spring, were *Th^$30Mo"for cua»l.m.n .1 Th«y <>eUeved that the Fuehrer mpllah a house In the Nablus die- ‘P’** selection of Francola-Poncet large numbers of recent car thefts irict from which bombs had been ^ «nentloned In a communique balked by a paucity of clue*. • 17 DIE IN BLAZE r^y approved by the governor, will mideteSand tak« In this town, and recently, even thro\ra Monday when the terrorists «>«etlpg but th* moro than during the past two year Motwo sncAmuT o (lano. These posaibtlltles for Adentlfica- be paid from the general fund, al- Uon of the attacker stood out: though there la no appropriaUon I ““lY who attacked soldiers from nearby ajlalsters confirmed It upon leavlnx pwiod in which StcnriM adfiUtn hli Honkong, Oct 13.—(AP)—Jav- I might so Inmress the Hungarians **°*J**(°P*- the session. The announcement was 1. The voice of the killer, who j sufficient to cover the payment.
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