REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATION AND REHABRITATION OF KOREA GENERAL ASSEMiiLY OFFICIAL RECORDS : FOURTEENTH SESS!ON v-SUPPLEMENT No. 13 (A/4187) ......", --- NEW YORK ( 15 p.) UNITED NATIONS REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION F'OR THE UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS : FOURTEENTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 13 (A/4187) New York, 1959 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com­ bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Natkns document. '. \ ,~ ) I TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraphs Pagr INTRODVCTION iv Chapter I. THE COllDIISSlON AND ITS CO:\IMITTEE-TERMS OF REFERENCE, ORGANIZATION A:'\D ACTIVITIES A. Consideration of the Korean question by the General Assembly at its thir- teenth session ............... 1-2 1 B. Organization and present position . 3-5 1 n. THE KOREAN QUESTION AND THE REPUBLIC OF KORLA A. Introduction ..... 6 2 B. Developments concerning the question of unification 7-11 2 C. Attitude of the Republic of Korea to the armistice and unification questions 12-15 2 D. Question of the admission of the Republic of Korea to membership in the United Nations .. .................... 16 3 E. Diplomatic relations of the Republic of Korea 17-18 3 In. REPRESENTATIVE GOVERN:-'IENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA 19-24 3 IV. THE ECONOMIC SITUATION AND PROSPECTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA A. General review .. 25-30 4 B. United Nations assistance . 31-33 4 (i) United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency 31-32 4 (ii) Specialized agencies and Technical Assistance Board .. 33 4 C. Foreign aid to the Republic of Korea . 34-40 4 D. Problems connected with long-term development of the Korean economy 41-50 5 Annexes I. DELEGATIONS TO THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATIOJ:\ AND REHABILATATION OF KOREA AND UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT A. Delegations to the Commission .. 7 \ 1. List of delegations .. ......... 7 2. Roster of chairmanship .. 7 ,.\~ (i) Commission . 7 (H) Committee of UNCURK ... .. ........... 7 B. United Nations secretariat . 8 C. Organization . 8 n. GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA A. Executive . 8 B. Fourth National Assembly . 8 c. Judiciary . 8 Ill. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA A. Representation of foreign Governments in Seoul . 8 B. Diplomatic representation of the Republic of Korea . 8 ) C. Accessions by the Republic of Korea to international organizations and international treaties . 9 D. :Main international conferences attended by the Republic of Korea 9 I iii INTRODUCTION The present report covers the period from 31 July 1958, the date of the Com­ mission's last report, to 11 August 1959. The United Nations Comm~fision for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea was established by General Assembly resolution 376 (V) of 7 October 1950, and its functions in the economic sphere were further defined in General Assembly resolution 410 A (V) of 1 December 1950. The report should be re"d in conjunction with the previous reports suhmitted by the Commission to the ieneral Assembly at its sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth sessions covering the period from 7 October 1950 to 31 July 1958 (A/I881, A/21S7, A/2441 , A/2711, A/2fJ47. A/3172, A/3672 and A/3865). The report was signed on 11 August 1959. IV • ; Chapter I THE COMMISSION AND ITS COMMITTEE - TERM§ OF REFERENCE, ORGANIZATION AND ACTIVITIES A. Consideration of the Korean question by the in the area. Once again, it called upon these authorities General Assembly at its thirteenth session to accept the established United Nations objectives in order to achieve a settlement in Korea based on the 1. In its report to the General Assembly at the thir­ fundamental principles for uniScation set forth by the teenth session,! the United Nations Commission for the nations participating in the Korean Political Conference a Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK) held in Genev~ in 1954, and reaffirnled by the General ~ Com- stated that its Committee, remaining convinced of the Assembly. It urged these authorities to agree at an early , great need for an early and proper settlement of the date on the holding of genuinely free elections in ac­ Korean question, had worked, to the greatest extent tion of ..I cordance with the principles endorsed by the General possible in the present circumstances, for the attainment Assembly. It requested UNCURK to continue its work )ctober of United Nations objectives in Korea. :-;eneral in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, and requested the Secretary-General ? The General Assembly considered the Korean ~ question and, at its 781st plenary meeting, held on to place the Korean question on the provisional agenda bmitted of the fourteenth session of the General Assembly. , ninth, , 1+ November 1958, adopted resolution 1264 (XIII) by 54 votes to 9, with 17 abstentions. In this resolution, )ctober ,~ B. Orga",,::zation and present position2 \.13172, the Assembly, having received the eighth report of UNCURK, reaffirmed its resolutions 112 (Il) of 3. It will be recalled that, as a ma.tter of internal 14 November- 1947, 195 (Ill) of 12 December 1948, organization, the Commission, at its 372nd meeting, 293 (IV) of 21 October 1949, 316 (V) of 7 October held on 7 September 1955, decided to establish in Korea 1950, 811 (IX) of 11 December 1954, 910 A (X) of from 1 January 1956, a Comm~ttee consisting of repre­ 29 November 1955, 1010 (XI) of 11 January 1957 sentatives of Australia, the Philippines, Thailand and and 1180 (XII) of 29 November 1957. It noted the Turkey, with authority to :lct on behalf of the Com­ exchange of correspondence between the communist mission in pursuit of the Commission's objectives ill authorities and the United Kingdom on behalf of the Korea. The decision also provided th~t the Commission Governments of countries which had contributed forces as a whole could be convened at any time if the circum­ to the United Nations Command in Korea, wherein stances should render it necessary. these Governments had expressed their wish to see a genuine settlement of the Korean question in accordance 4. The Committee reconvened the Commission on with United Nations resolutions, and their willingness 10 August 1959 for the consideration of the report of to further the consideration of measures designed to UNCURK to the General Assembly at its fourteenth effect reunification on this basis, and had stated that, session. in accordance with the recommendations of the General 5. Acting on behalf of the Commission, the Com­ Assembly, the Governments concerned were prepared mittee has, in the period under review, pursu~d its to withdraw their forces from Korea when the condi­ efforts to promote the United Nations objectives in tions for a lasting settlement laid down by the Assembly Korea, hampered thoug}: it has been by the non­ had been fulfilled. It further noted that in this exchange acceptance of the United Nations principles for unifica­ the Governments concerned, having observed that the tion on the part of the North Korean authorities. \ greater part of the forces sent to Korea in accordance Between 1 August 1958 and 11 August 1959, the Com­ with the resolutions of the United Nations had already I" mittee has held sixty-six meetings, including consulta­ been withdrawn. had welcomed the announcement that tions with the Agent-General of the United Nations the Chinese communist troops were also to be with­ Korean ReconstructiOG Agency (UNKRA) and, after drawn from North Korea. The General Assembly his departure, with the Administrator for UNKRA called to the attention of the communist authorities con­ Residual Affairs. The Committee also has had dis­ cerned the continued determination of the United cussions with the Director-General of the Food and Nations to bring about by peaceful means the estab­ Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the lishment of a unified, independent and democratic Regional Representative for the Far East of the United Korea under a representative form of government, and Nations Technical Assistance Board, and representa­ the full restoration of international peace and security tives of some other United Nations agencies. 1 Official Records of the Gelleml Assembly, Thirteenth Ses­ 2 The composition of the delegations and secretariat IS set sion, Supplemcllt No. 13 (A/386S). out in annex I. ") 1 I Chapter 11 lllain~ unchanged. It h; elections for unificatiOll TUE KORt:AJI, QUESTION A~D THE REPUBUf OF KOREA i"-:ations supervision in I, seats reserved in the :t\ that dections supen'ise A. Introdul'tion of 10 :\o\"t'mher llJSX were gin'n in the :\ott's of uunecessary in the Re 19S~," Ctlmmi~~ioll ha~ l) April and 2 July dt'1ivered by Her :'Iajesty's and reported on hy th tl. The again to report with rt'gret ('lrar!!/: d'affaires, and that these answers were "restated that thert' ha~ het'lI no apparent di~positioll on the part taken plal'l' there. and reaffirmed in the resolution on Korea which was of the cOlllmtmi~t authorities to respond to the l'all hy l~l'llt'ral endorsed at the conclusion of the United Xations tilt' :\ssl'mhly in resolution 126.J. (X Ill) to General .\sst'mhl\"s discussions on 14 Novemher 19S~, D. Question of the ; accept e~tahlishetl Cnited :\atitlns ohjl'ctin's to adtieve Korea to memhers ~tated hy tilt' on'rwhe1ilting vott' l1f 5.J. to 9", The text of the ulIitkation of Kt'rea..\s in an earlier report,:! l;eneral :\sst'mhly resolution 126.J. (XIII) of H Novem­ so long as this unwillingness persists, the prospects of 1(.. The House of Ilt'r 19S~. calling on the communist authorities copcerm·tl tmification, whkh alone can result in a full measurt' of of Korea, in a resolutiOll to accept estahlished United Nations objectives for uni­ stahility and sound t'l'ollomk progn'ss, remain remote, reiterated its cal1 for ncation and urging them to agree to genuinely free ekc­ to membership in the lions to he hdd at aa early date, was quott'd in ful1 vote at the R43rd meet B.
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