Sports l O Spotl_igl_1_t3 Eriday Opinion 5] ClassitiedsQ august 28, l998 Sweet must The Raleigh Little Theatre “‘ What does hosts “Man of la .Nlaneha.” \ it take to dethrone a champ? It’s about the clt ‘Carolina:State University’3 Student Lelioeuf finally gets what he deserves. www.technicianonline.coin _. mu-..__...~_.-.. NCSU avoids brunt of HurricaneBonnie 0 .Many students at N.C. State were disap- time last night." said Luckadoo. “Other than National Weather Service, said Raleigh rather accurate. according to llarncd. skip class today.” that, I haven‘t heard of any problems associ- began feeling the effects of the storm “lt behaved surprisingly well III regard to (‘lasscs and all other university functions pointe at the lack of mayhem caused by ated with the storm." Wednesday aftemoon and that the area the track." said Harncd. “The speed was rift were cancelled on Wednesday after 4 pm. Hurricane Bonnie. Eastern areas of the state were not as for— received tropical storm force wind gusts a bit. ll sped up and slowed down two scpa and classes on 'l’hursday rcs‘uIiicd under the tunatc. ovemight Wednesday. rate times. Forecasts kind of yo yoed with adverse weather policy. Bonnie washed ashore Wednesday after» “As far as here in Raleigh and on campus. the erratic speed." dllCK Ditty noon near Cape Fear, N.C.. as a Category 3 we started feeling the effects of the storm Students seemed disgruntled with Rcbccca Mann. ii junior Iii political scii News ltliti‘r hurricane on the SaffIr—Simpson scale, with Wednesday aftemoon." Harned said. “There Bonnie‘s lack of punch on campus. cricc. had a different reason for being disen— sustained winds of 115 mph. according to were gusts in Raleigh up to 45 to 50 mph Greg Davidson. a senior III business. said t hunted with the storm. For N.(‘. State, Hurricane Bonnie basical— Sethu Raman. the state climatologist and a overnight, but for the most part, they were that he was disappointed with Bttllttlt‘. “lI stunk." said Mann "I parked my car in ly amounted to fallen leaves and broken professor at NCSU. around 25 mph." “I think everyone was.“ .i wooded lot. and there was nary a scratch branches. As Bonnie neared landfall, it stalled over Harned said Raleigh received roughly an Davidson said that he celebrated the t'\t'lll on It this morning." The only problem to report was a tempo the coast. battering areas along the coast inch and a half of rain from the storm. with a small hurricane party where he got As of ll am. Thursday morning. Bonnie rary power outage in a residence hall. with 9 to ll inches of rain and wind gusts of However, rainfall totals jumped dramatical "really drunk." had been downgraded from a hurricane to a according to Tim Luckadoo. director of uni» 100 mph. ly for the eastern part of the state. as Aaron Sarver. a junior in economic s. tropical storm, according to llarncd. The versity housing. “Whenever a hurricane stalls. it really Greenville and Wilson both received 8 inch- echoed similar sentiments. storm was projected to pass over Elizabeth “The only thing I heard was that we lost pours." said Raman. es of rain; Wilmington received over 9. “I went over to someone's house ;llltl got City. N.C. at it pm. and then move out over power in North Residence Hall for some Steve Harned. a meteorologist at the The forecast track for the hurricane was drunk." Sarvcr said. "1 was kiiid of hoping to the Atlantic later tonight. Bonnie smacks coastline was beginning to slow its north- dents and summer vacationers had old oak trees and her little house 0 Bonnie slams into North Catch ward march, turning rapidly into fled inland as the hurricane on linicrald Isle, south of and may stay Mlle. forecasters’ worst-case scenario. approached, and officials pleaded Morehcad City. where rains and The storm's progress slowed with those who remained along winds had been hammering away from 12 mph to 10 mph. then to 8. the coast to stay Indoors. all day. J.|l. Monument IIIIII £IIIIII Smut then to 6. Meteorologists feared Few needed to be told. livery Her husband built that house 14 1998,10: Argclu“mu that the hurricane would stall dur- school was closed. every business years ago. and it was his great ing two high tides. spawning masr boarded up. Hundreds sought passion. Her husband is gone NEW BERN. N.C. — Hurricane sive waves that could sweep well safety in schools and other now; he died less than a month Bonnie attacked coastal North inland. causing enormous damage. makeshift shelters. ago. And Betty Montgomery knew Carolina with devastating fury The inland flooding threat was Forty»seven people who didn't that by dawn. the house could be Wednesday, flooding homes. compounded by the possibility get out on time broke Into the gone. too. streets and public buildings. tear- that the slow~moving storm could Bald Head Island lighthouse near About 200 miles north. in lion Hunter/Stuff ing the roof from a hospital and drop as much as 20 inches of rain Cape Fear to take refuge there as Virginia Beach. 'l‘ishirts embla- Richard Lewis at ease in his office. knocking out power to at least in some areas by late Thursday, Bonnie bore down on them. zoned Wllh “l survived Hurricane 225.000 business and residential generating tremendous runoff. Brunswick Community Hospital. Bonnie" went on sale well before customers. Officials said peak winds from about to miles north of the cape. the first storm waves hit. But by Wavering but fearsome, Bonnie the storm could tarry over North began evacuating patients after nightfall, with concerns rising as Lewis steps down stumbled ashore at Cape Fear and Carolina well into Thursday. Bonnie tore off part of the roof first as the surf. officials In began to stagger uncertainly reversing surface currents and few miles farther north. In \Irgrnia Beach ird\iscd people northward. carving a meandering boosting water levels in Wilmington. the winds smashed lilL‘lt.‘ to seek shelter swath of destruction as she went. Albemarle and Currituck sounds. wtndows 2:: New Hanover :\t the Doublctrcc Hotel. a notice from College of Debris flew through the air as just south of the Virginia border. Hospital. was slipped undci guests' doors oceanfront structures began to by as much as ll feet. Wilmington is where llurrtcanc telling them to "bring your pil~ give way after hours of pounding States of emergency and curfcws Fran came ashore two years ago. lows and blankets with you" and by winds, waves and fioodwaters. were declared up and down the claiming 24 liies and causing head for the hotel's windowless ement By late in the day. the storm - coast. from Cape Fear in the south damage estimated at $5.1 billion. Grand Ballroom. which was carrying sustained winds off ”5 to Virginia Beach Va. on the Betty Montgomery wondered deemed a safer haven than the mph with gusts up to 130 mph north. As manyas 500000 resi what fatc awaited her l00 year guest rooms. NCSU. the UNC Board of O Alter five years, Dean Richard (loyeniors had just established the Lewis feels he needs time for his College of Management. Lewis said family and instruction. he had to start things from scratch. Officials l'inder Lewis' leadership. the col- legc established a masters of science llnsttur Slthlltlll program in management and a mas- .\‘\l\l.|l l ‘s'i\s~ lilttct ters ot accounting program. He also nab modified the undergraduate pro- Alter gunling the (‘ollegc of gram. established dual degrees with Management since Its inception in the engineering department and set assault l993. Dean Richard Lewis has up the Hamilton Scholars decided to pass the torch. Scholarship for International busi» Lewis decided to retire because he ness majors. wants to spend more time with his Lewis said he will miss being dean suspects grandchildren .Irid family. and biit Is optimistic about teaching because he feels that the position again. has sapped his energy. “It's going to be different." he 0 Two students escape unharmed Around his recent 65th birthday. said. “My wife keeps telling me after being confronted by two men Lewis decided It was time to move that. and believe her." on. Currently. the college is in the with razorlilades on Dan Allen Drive "lt. takes a lot of energy." Lewis process of appointing a committee last week. said. "[thn I turned 65.] said it to find a replacement for Lewis. must be time to let someone else Because the college focuses on the tin Dttitto have fun.” management of technology. Lewis in his annual evaluation with said his replacement must be ener~ .\'i ws lilitnr Provost Phillip Stiles III May l997, getic and technology oriented. lcwis told the department that :his “They must have an appreciation Two men were charged with year would be his last. of that [technology] and N.C. assault after holding ralor blades to Although he is stepping down State." said Lewis. two N.(‘ State students last from his position as dean. Lewis Jon Bartley. the college'3 associate \Vt'dncsday' night. plans to stay around for a while and dean of academic affairs. said iri'lll \lin'Il‘l ‘ltlll The students. Baron Miller. a teach a course Ill processes. Lewis' shoes will be tough to fill. John Stroud, whom the Stroud Center is named after, recently passed away. senior in mass communications. and “I want to feel like I'm pulling my “He has been a wonderful found- Steve Keighlcy, a sophomore iii tex' weight." Lewis said.
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