a >n Col-ess tifcMji nbu'rg, Virginia ■ VOTE TODAY N DV * i3(3 Sty* Mttttt Madison College, Harrlsonburg, Va., Tuesday, November 6,1973 No. 17 ■^ Photographer Jimmy Morgan arose one on film the striking setting which lasts morning last week to find this beautiful for only a few moments on a cold clear sunrise breaking through the clouds, he morning. • quickly grabbed his camera and captured Crater Gives Campaign Platform Hicks Memorial packers earned $2.43 an hour; Ms. Crater said," I find these George Raymond Hicks, 71, position was performed by the BY LINDA SHAUT Flora Crater, the Independ- men earned $3.49. Also wo- results most encouraging. of Harrlsonburg, a well-known National Symphony Orchestra. ent candidate for Lt. Governor men employed as Class B Whereas my opponents have music professor at Madison He gave recitals at Winches- came to speak to a small group accounting clerks by Virgin- only been holding their ground, College, died early Saturday, ter Cathedral and Ely Cathe- of students on Thursday, Nov- la's public utilities has a me- my support has more than Oct. 27, 1973 at Memorial Ho- dral In England. dian wage of $113.50 a week; doubled. This Is especially spital In New York City. Mr. Hicks directed Haydn's ember 1. She opened her speech by saying, "The main men made $166.00. significant because I have not Mr. Hicks was born May 4, "Creation" at the College of goals of my campaign are to Crater also supports-legis- begun my advertising campa- 1902 at Gladstone, Michigan. the City of New York and at the World's Fair. He gave major include those people previous- lature that would require all ign, whereas both my oppon- He received his educational ents had. Once I begin my productions of Handel's "Me- ly excluded in the political state educational facilities and training from Albion College process and to provide a voice Institutions to remove sex, advertising at the end of this In Michigan, Columbia Uni- ssiah", Brahms* "Requiem", week, I expect my support to and several Gilbert and Sulli- for those under or un-repre- race, and age discrimination versity in New York, Boston pick up even more dramati- van operas. sented by specific legislature In their policies and prac- University, the New England tices. She is a strong ad- cally. The people of Virginia He wasamemberoftheAme- proposals." Conservatory of Music, where Flora Crater maintains that vocate of the Equal Rights are realizing that my candi- he was awarded highest hon- rican Guild of Organists and Amendment. dacy speaks directly to Is- served as dean for several the question of who will have ors In music theory and an economic control underlies Ms. Crater continued by sues of concern to them." years. He was also a member advanced degree In music discrimination in Virginia. voicing her optimism over the See photo on page 3. of three Greek letter frater- from Harvard University. She believes that those groups results of a poll recently con- He received additional train- nities. ducted for her campaign. Re- He was active in the Commu- traditionally under-repres- ing in France, Austria and sults of the poll showed her nity Concert Association and a ented In Virginia - the I mprove Mexico. as the only Lt. Governor can- member of t h e Harrlsonburg minorities, the women, the His teaching experience in- young, and the poor - have didate making any substantial Rotary Club. cluded military academies, mutual areas of legislature. gains since the Howell poll On Dec. 22, 1945, he married private secondary schools, So far, Virginia's state offi- which was conducted in mid- Your Reading the former Eleanor Elizabeth and universities Including the cials have sat back and wat- September. Dalton had gained Students who would like to Reed, who survives. University of Tulsa, Ameri- ched 445,000 families struggle one point, Michael had lost improve their reading effici- can International College, Also surviving are a daugh- to earn less than $5,000 a two percentage points, and ency may enroll in the Read- City College of New York, and ter, Miss Mary Eleanor Hicks, year. Flora Crater supports Crater had picked up eight ing Improvement Program at more recently, Madison Col- of Falls Church; two sisters, a State Minimum Wage Law percentage points. the Madison College Reading lege. Mrs. John McColl and Mrs. and stated that almost 300,000 Center. The Reading Improve- He was an organist and music Marjory Benedict, both of Flo- Virginia workers are not pro- Crater Poll, October 30 ment Program Is a self-study director at a number of chur- rida, and a brother, Robert Hi- tected by the Federal Mini- Dalton 27% course designed to assist col- ches Including Broadway cks of Providence, R.I. mum Wage Law. Michael 16% lege students In improving th- Presbyterian in New York, Amemorial service was held Ms. Crater also believes an Crater 14% eir reading comprehension- Trinity Episcopal Church In Thursday, Nov. 1, at 7:30 p.m. equal pay for equal work law Undecided 43% and speed. Students are tested Mexico, Asbury United Meth- at the Asbury United Methodist Is necessary in Virginia. She prior to entrance Into the pro- odist Church a n d Dayton Uni- Church In Harrlsonburg. The stated how female workers in Howell Poll, September 15 gram to determine their read- ted Methodist Church. music was provided by Dr. the Commonwealth suffer the Dalton 27% ing achievement levels. Mr. Hicks' compositions in- Richard McPherson, organ most from poor pay. March, Michael 18% Students Interested in the cluded a tone-poem, which won professor at Madison, and the 1972, median wage statistics Dalton 26% program should call the Rea- a prize at a National Contest of Madison Singers under the di- Illustrated this inequality. Crater 6% ding Center at Nicholas House | Composers' Clinic. The com- rection of Dr. Gordon Ohlsson. Women employed as shipping Undecided 50% (6284) for further Information. Page 2, THE BREEZE, Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Editorial and Opinion Page 1 Pages 2,3 ° • * * * * * * *•***••• On The Lighter Side ♦ "\ By Gregory Byrne Under Which Shell? Watching your President and recorder, please." mine, you get the feeling that "Certainly, sir. Here's our he's playing a sort of gigantic Airline 100, a very dependa- shell game with the nation. ble model, and a real bargain First it's no tapes, then it's at $79.95." some tapes, then it's no tapes. "Let me say this about that. You keep looking for the truth $79.95 is pretty expensive. but you never get any further Let me see something a little than Senator John Stennls. cheaper." He's under shell one, Judge "Well, here's the Airline 75, Sirica is under shell two, but a good quality recorder at only nobody knows where the tapes $69.65. It has most of the are. The only comforting thing features of the more expensive is that the people hired to doc- model." tor the tapes are probably as "Tell me. What's the play- Incompetent as the ones hired ing time of one of these tapes." to burglarize the opposition. "Oh, about an hour and a But to be fair it is possible half. Of course the time var- that the tape machine failed. ies with the length of the tape." After all, you need quality e- "I see. TeU me, do you qulpment to do a job right. have anything cheaper?" Let's Join Dick at the friendly "Well, sir, the only cheaper neighborhood Montgomery model is the Airline Cinder- Ward store a while back. ella Model. It's $12.99, made ********** of plastic, has poor quality of "Aaah ... I'd like to recording and tends to fall just see something In a portable when you need It most." "That's my kind of recorder. Ill take it." "Fine. Will you take It with By John Huh/or you?" Editorial Comment "No, you don't understand. I want 700 of them." "700?" Why Should You Vote? Today, as the 'American students had no opinion or had the leadership in local govern- "That's right. Send them to not taken the time to read the Committee to Re-elect the public exercises the one basic ment where the groundwork enough material about the can- President, and send the bill right that gives the population for the American democracy didates running for public of- Is laid? to the Treasury Dept." some limited control over the government, it has come to fice in order to make a de- This fall one of the more "Yes, sir. How about the attention of this writer that cision of favoritism. The next batteries?" stable Latin American demo- the students of Madison Col- generation of leaders Is sup- "Good idea. I'll take 12 cracies, Chile, fell into the lege don't place the privilege posed to come from institu- M**U, gross , and while you're at it, hands of a military dictator- of voting very high on their tions such as this one. If the P 11 take one of those nifty ship when the elected govern- priority list. leading citizens of a com- ment did not receive the sup- Ford behaves good... splicing kits. You never know a Vice Presiderrr In the recent survey poU munity area not the most in- port of the leading citizens of when it may come in handy." taken by THE BREEZE, many formed, how can they display the nation. Although President Salvador Allende was in the middle of a reform program Male Putdown? which the educated citizens did Dear Editor: that in telling her listeners not like they stood by and let SNtj? Irm* In actuality, I feel that the what she didn't believe in, Dr.
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