jpumfc 730a The London Gazette. PuWfajeD bp aut&oittp* From 'Œuel'Dap May •28. to featucoa*? June 1. 1734. Whitehall, June 1. (•lured by your Majesty's powerful Interest A- H E following Addrefles having broad, and wife Councils at Home $ a Peace, been transmitted to his Grace the which in all Probability will settle the Tran­ Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant quility of Europe 'on a lasting Foundation, T of Ireland, have by him been pre­ restore Great Britain to its ancient Splendor, sented to his Majesty : Which Addresses his and render your Majesty the Darling ofyour Majesty was pleased to receive very graci­ faithful Subjects and Allies, and Tenor of ously. your Enemies. Sqch inestimable Bleffings as To the King's most Excellent Majesty. these, will, we hope, put a Stop to all ground­ The humble Address of the Grand Jury of less Clamours and artful Insinuations against •the City and County ofthe City of Corke, your Majesty and Ministry for the future : "at an Affizes held for the said City and And as" we sensibly feel these happy Effects of County, April 13, 1734. your Majesty's prudent and wise Councils 5 so May it please your Majesty, may we all at lalt see what belongs to our 'E your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Peace, and endeavour to render your Govern­ Subjects, humbly begLeave, with the ment as easy as it is glorious. profoundest Submission, and Hearts overflow­ We also beg Leave to return our most hum­ ing with Joy, to congratulate your Majesty ble Thanks to your Majesty, for placing his upon the happy Nuptials lately solemnized Grace the Duke of Dorset over us, whose between her Royal Highness the Princess Ancestors have been so great Ornaments to Roy 1, and his most Serene Highness the their Country, whose firm Attachment to Pr' ice of Oiange ; and we intreat your Ma- your Majesty and your august Family, and jest to be affured, that we cannot but take to whose gracious Speech to both Houses, leave n f** Ive' s th' e '-•-~i--highes t -r*-----Satisfactio- "-• n upon .i-thi-s ns no Manner of Room to doubt, butwefhall us ic ous Occasion, whose Fathers and be happy and easy under his Administration. 0 e '***s well as the rest of the Protestants That your Majesty may live long a lasting o" ' s Majesty's Kingdom,) were, under Happineis and Blessing to your People * ana the Divi Providence, relieved and restored that there may never be wanting one ofyour 1 our Religion, our Liberties, and every most illustrious House to sway the Scepter of 1 g t t was near and dear to us, by that Great Britain with equal Credit and Glory e own'd and illustrious Predecessor of till Time shall be no more, is the most hearty f- lost Serene Highness, the lateKing Wil- J Prayer of, May it please your Majesty, lum, of glorious Memory ; ata Time when Your Majesty's most dutiful and obe­ our Enemies had encompailed us round, and dient Subjects and Servants. well nigh devoured us— And we most humbly aflure your-Majesty, that our constant Vienna- May 26, N. S. By Letters from Supplications to the Almighty King of Kings, the Rhine we have advise, that Prince are, and shall be, to preserve your Majesty in Eugene was at Hailbron on the 17th, and all Prosperity long, many and many Years, scem'd refolv'd to stay there; that he had to rule over us, and your Kingdoms; that received 4000 Men of those who were dis­ your Majesty may always gain the Victory persed about the Black Forest, and that old over all your Enemies, be bless'd in a nume­ General Wallis had also joined him with 7000. rous Posterity ; and that we and our latest Hague, June 8, N. S. Letters from the Descendants may never want one of yOur most Ruffian Camp before Dantzick, dated the 29th Royal and Illustrious Blood to sway the Scep­ of May, bring an Account, that the French ter of your Dominions. Succours which landed at Wechselmunde on the 23d--* endeavouring to force the Ruffian To the King's most Excellent Majesty. Intrenchments- along the Nering, had beea The humble Address of the Sovereign, Bur­ twice repulsed with great Loss, and were re­ gefles, Grand Jury, and Freemen of the tired under the Cannon of Wechselmunde, Town of Kinfale. their Commander in Chief being killed in the Mofi gracious Sovereign, Action. According to the Advices received Xlf E your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal here from Italy, the Imperial Army was march­ * ' Subjects, the Sovereign, Burgeffes, Grand ed in four Columns towards Parma ; and that Jury, and Freemen of this your ancient and the Marlhal de Villars was intrenching himself loyal Corporation of Kinfale, being aflembled along the Po. It is reported, that the Musco­ at our Court of Deer Hundred, on this joyful vite Fleet, consisting of 2 5 Men of War and Day of your Majesty's Coronation, beg leave Frigates, was arrived at Pillaw, eight Leagues to approach your most sacred Majesty, with from Dantzick, My Lord Forbes, his Bri­ Hearts full of Gratitude, for the many Bleffings tannick Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary to we have enjoy'd under your most auspicious the Czarina, arrived here last Night" on his Government; and on this Occafion must tes­ Return to England. According to Advices tify our joyful Acknowledgements for the near from the Rhine, the Trenches before Philips- Prospect of 3 glorious and happy Peace, pro- j bourg were opened on the ad Inftant. Mils' I Price Two Pence. ] * .
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