The Notre Dame Scholastic 719 [•jllltlllllllllllltllllllllllltlllllllltttiiiiitlliiiilliiiiiiliiiiiiiitiiiiii Itllllllllllliiiitli If III! iitlll .,miiiilllllllHM««W COMMENT 1 The Notre Dame Scholastic I It has often been said that Time is the great healer of all wounds. Per­ I Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi CrasMoriturus i haps, but the wound that Notre Dame § Founded 186? I has suffered by the death of her most- loved man will never be healed com­ EMIL L. TELFEL—EDITOR-IN-CHIEF pletely. Even now, after the nation Assistant Managing Editor Managing Editor .Assistant Managing Editor has pai-tially recovered from the pass­ NEIL C. HURLEY JOHN E. BERGAN JOHN A. KIENER ing of one of its greatest citizens, it Associate Editors is hard to realize what the loss of EDWARD E. BRENNAN JAMES J. KEARNEY EDWARD E. BRENNAN AUSTIN BOYLE JAMES CARMODY PAUL J. HALLINAN "Eock" means to us all. JOHN PICK WILLIAM W. COBR LLOYD TESKE The Week Make-up Editor College Parade Notre Dame without Eockne . RICHARD J. O'DONNELL WALTER V. BEES LEY DANIEL C. WILLIAMS the United States without Kockne. Music and Drama Feature Editor Campus Clubs What does it mean? We hardly know, FRANK E. SE>VAKD JAMES K. COLUNS W. LESLIE RADDATZ yet. The thousands of telegrams and letters received by the University are Neios Staff only partially indicative of the grief WILLIAM G. KAKL, Neivs Editor WiLUAM F. FITZGERALD, Assistant Neios Editor felt by the entire nation. It "mattered JOHN CONLEY ANTHONY R. SCHREINER LAWRENCE PRYBYLSKI not whether the newsboys in San MYRON CRAWFORD F. GRANGER WEIL EDMUND STEPHAN Francisco or New York or Florida RICHARD MOLIQUE WALTER JOHNSON JOSEPH DEGNAN knew "Rock" personally; he was a WILLIAM KNOX LAWRENCE DUNDA friend to eveiyone and they loved him. Sports Staff HENRY B. ASMAN, Sports Editor CLEVE CAREY GEORGE BELTING T. EDWARD CAREY We at Notre Dame were closer to JAMES E. MCFEELY, JR. JAMES KEARNS iRvaNG B. HALPER Eockne than anyone else; his vei-y EDMUND MORIARTY HARRY BURCHELL appearance on the campus made the Business Staff world look brighter; his kind face, his JOHN R. BLANDA, Local Circulation Mgr. ANDREW MCGUAN, Foreign Circulation Mgr. soft smile, his cheery hello gave a FREDERICK BAUER RAYMOND J. NABER JOHN P. HESS thrill to all who spoke to "Eock." And J. ALBERT SMITH DANIEL E. BRENNAN no one was ever intentionally snubbed. JAMES H. RORICE, Advertising Manager Eockne was that kind of a man—"a. JOHN F. STOECKLEY—GRADUATE MANAGER OF PUBLICATIONS MERLE BALDWIN, Publications Office Manager man's man." Father O'Hara received a letter Vol. LXIV APEIL 17, 1931 No. 23 from the father of a crippled boy, who last year asked for a photograph of Eockne and got it, personally auto­ Frontispiece 720 graphed. The little fellow heard the The Wee]^—Richard J. O'Donnell 721 announcement of the air crash over Eockne Funeral Impressive : 722 the radio. He turned the radio off. Nation Mourns Eockne's Death 724 When his father came home, his small The Everlasting Axxas—Rev. CJmrles L. O'Donnell, C.S.C 72-5 son, -wath tears in his eyes, asked: Eockne Grave Draws Thousands 726 "Daddy, will there be a Notre Dame Isham Jones Selected For Senior Ball 728' now?" That is typical of the ques­ Juggler Eeceives National Eecognition 729 tion asked by millions, young and old. Coming Events : -1 730 And the only answer to the question Campus Opinions—Myron E. Crawford ^ 731 is: "There %inll be a Notre Dame, a College Parade—DanieZ C. Williams 733 greater Notre Dame, because the Editor's Page 734 spirit of the man-who made Notre Anderson, Chevigny to Coach N. D.—Henry B. Asman 735 Dame famous will inspire her sons to Golfers Open With Victory Over Valpo 736 greater heights, will drive them on to AU-Interhall Basketball Teams 737 preserve the high ideals which their On Down the Line—Cleve Carey 748 leader always advocated, because '"Rock" will be watching, guiding, and praying for them to "carry on" where THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly at the University of Notre Dame, Alanu- he left off—at the pinnacle of success." scripts may be addressed to THE SCHOLASTIC, Publications OfiBce, Main Bnildins- 1 Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailins at ; i special rate of postage. Section XI03, October 3, 1917. authorized June 25, 1918. | We shall remember Eockne because he wanted us to do the right things in the right way. Always clean, al­ = THE ADVERTISERS IN NOTRE DAME PUBUCATIONS DESERVE THB PATRONAGE or = ways fair, always fighting for the high­ i ALL NOTRK DAME MEN. = est things in life. That was Eockne. IN MEMORIAM :-i; I KNUTE KENNETH ROCKNE The Notre Dame Scholastic 721 I T'S .laborious enough to have to go to classes in T HE CORBY CHORAL Club is the latest addition to weather like this, without being also compelled to pound the musical organizations on the campus The soring out a column that no one wall have sufficient ambition weather seems to have gone to the heads, and the hearts, or insuflicient sense to read ... So we'll have recourse if not to the vocal chords, of Father O'Mailey's boys . to the Mclntyre Method of solving the work problem for Every evening the hall songsters gather- about the statue spring feverish columnists ... It consists merely of in­ of poor Father Corby and fill the air with wailing sounds serting a great number of dots like this ... on a page, that have driven all the fish in the lake up to the opposite and filling in the blank spaces with drivel about "me, my banks . The crowd has been increasing every evening, dog, and my dog, and me" . It's very effetcive . and as a result the volume is becoming greater and The dots sometimes evolve into the most fascinating de­ greater . Unfortunately, the quality has not improved signs . And the printed matter doesn't get much in the as the quantity has increased . Anyhow, it's good clean way. But since the only dogs in Sorin hall are those fun . That is . it's clean fun. that you see parked on the porch railing, and since it is extremely bad form to use the first person, singular pro­ noun in this dignified publication, the most essential part AJ.RRANGEMENT S for an S.A.C. boxing tournament of the Mclntyre Method will have to be ignored. are finally getting under way . Prospective entries see Ed (Tex Rickard) Madden ... In this weather a swim­ ming meet would be far more appropriate ... Or a re­ 1 OSTERS announce that the Senior Ball is but three gatta . Never could understand why the lakes are not weeks away . And the Lawyers Ball placards make the used more . Why not start a canoe club ... Or a row­ campus conscious of the fact that the barristers will con­ ing society . Fishing is beyond consideration . The vene at the Palais Royale next Friday night . Both Izaak Waltoners have a monopoly on that form of di- sets of signs were spread with no injuries to the spread­ vertisement . Wonder what the League members are ers . Bourke Motsett's doctor has warned him against doing with themselves now that the season is over . sign-posting . His last experience with that sort of Wednesday comes but once a week, which leaves six days business had a disastrous effect on his stomach . for nothing but anticipations and retrospection . But Speaking of signs, Eddie Ryan wants to do the sandwich why bring that up, as the young lady said to Dan Wil­ man act as a means of publicity for the Ball . This liams in the Blackhawk. Ryan fellow is getting too much publicity of late . —0— He bought twelve extra SCHOLASTICS the last time his T HE rumor that Tom Yarr has ordered a reducing belt name was in print. is all wrong ... It wasn't a reducing belt; it was a —0— muscle developer . And it wasn't Tom that sent for it; it was Haskell (M'Fadden) Askew . And if Askew J ACK DEMPSEY has a painting in his room well worth continues to deny it, perhaps we'll have to say next week seeing ... It was the first prize awarded by College that it wasn't a muscle builder, it was only a i-umor . Humor in the recent convention of collegiate comic editors at Madison . The art work in the Juggler was deemed Does that make sense ? the best in the country . We have always been con­ vinced that the Juggler is second to none in its partic­ T,H E doctors have decided to operate on poor old Badin ular field of publication in the United States , . "Which . The front stairs will have to be removed ... A new proves that vulgarity and comedy are not absolutely in­ set of steps for entering the building is being constructed separable . Maybe Broadway is wrong, after all. in the basement . The method of exiting which has always proved the most popular will be left standing . You never can tell when a fire might break out there . V RAN BEAUPRE'S golfing outfit opened the season Anything can break out in Badin ... Or anyone . with Valparaiso University last Saturday ... It was a —o— good workout for the Notre Dame team . Also for Tom Ashe and Austin Boyle who were called upon to fill in as L(O, U BRENNAN is in line for congratulations . caddies . Boyle proved lacking in that Fighting Irish Nothing involving cigars or invitations, or anything like tenacit3^ and gave up on the t^venty-sixth hole ..
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