Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. SWUTC/10/169116-1 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Measuring the Benefits of Intercity Passenger Rail: April 2010 A Study of the Heartland Flyer Corridor 6. Performing Organization Code TTI 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Benjamin R. Sperry and Curtis A. Morgan Report 169116-1 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) Texas Transportation Institute The Texas A&M University System 11. Contract or Grant No. College Station, Texas 77843-3135 10727 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Southwest Region University Transportation Center Research Report: Texas Transportation Institute September 2008-April 2010 Texas A&M University System 14. Sponsoring Agency Code College Station, TX 77843-3135 15. Supplementary Notes Supported by general revenues from the State of Texas. 16. Abstract In recent years, the policy and regulatory environment for intercity passenger rail in the United States has shifted dramatically, sparking a renewed interest in intercity passenger rail among policymakers, planners, and the general public. As the nation expands its passenger rail network, a better understanding of the mobility provided by short- to medium-distance corridors is desired. This study examined the Heartland Flyer, a 206-mile intercity passenger rail route between Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Fort Worth, Texas. Researchers analyzed responses to an on-board survey, distributed to passengers in April and July of 2009, to identify who was using the service and how the service impacted regional mobility. The key measure used to identify the mobility impacts was the passengers’ self-reported alternatives for travel if the Heartland Flyer were discontinued. This study also identifies the economic impact of the rail service, measured through total spending on certain items (and the associated sales tax revenue). The findings of this study can be used in a variety of potential applications for all levels of passenger rail planning, including statewide rail planning, corridor-specific studies, and station-area planning, both in the southwestern United States and in other regions. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Intercity Passenger Rail, High-Speed Passenger Rail, No restrictions. This document is available to Amtrak, Heartland Flyer, On-Board Surveys, the public through NTIS: Passenger Rail Planning, PRIIA, State-Supported National Technical Information Service Passenger Rail, Intercity Mobility Springfield, Virginia 22161 http://www.ntis.gov 19. Security Classif.(of this report) 20. Security Classif.(of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 180 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized. Measuring the Benefits of Intercity Passenger Rail: A Study of the Heartland Flyer Corridor by: Benjamin R. Sperry Graduate Assistant Researcher Texas Transportation Institute and Curtis A. Morgan Program Manager Texas Transportation Institute Prepared for: Southwest Region University Transportation Center Multimodal Freight Transportation Programs Texas Transportation Institute Texas A&M University System College Station, TX 77843-3135 April 2010 ABSTRACT In recent years, the policy and regulatory environment for intercity passenger rail in the United States has shifted dramatically, sparking a renewed interest in intercity passenger rail among policymakers, planners, and the general public. As the nation expands its passenger rail network, a better understanding of the mobility provided by short- to medium-distance corridors is desired. This study examined the Heartland Flyer, a 206-mile intercity passenger rail route between Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Fort Worth, Texas. Researchers analyzed responses to an on-board survey, distributed to passengers in April and July of 2009, to identify who was using the service and how the service impacted regional mobility. The key measure used to identify the mobility impacts was the passengers’ self-reported alternatives for travel if the Heartland Flyer were discontinued. This study also identifies the economic impact of the rail service, measured through total spending on certain items (and the associated sales tax revenue). The findings of this study can be used in a variety of potential applications for all levels of passenger rail planning, including statewide rail planning, corridor-specific studies, and station- area planning, both in the southwestern United States and in other regions. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Figures --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii List of Tables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii Executive Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xi Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xxvii Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xxix Chapter 1: Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Research Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Report Organization -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Chapter 2: Literature Review ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Overview of Intercity Passenger Rail in the United States ----------------------------------------- 7 Focus on State-Supported Corridors ----------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Intercity Passenger Rail Planning -------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Survey Design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 Chapter 3: Description of Heartland Flyer Route--------------------------------------------------- 43 General Overview of Heartland Flyer Service ----------------------------------------------------- 43 Chronology of Passenger Rail Service in Corridor ------------------------------------------------ 49 Heartland Flyer Operating Details ------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Heartland Flyer Service Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63 Chapter 4: Data Collection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71 Survey Development ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 Data Collection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 Quality Control ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 Discussion and Lessons Learned --------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 Chapter 5: Data Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 Statistical Considerations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 91 Travel Characteristics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 Passenger Characteristics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103 Mobility Impacts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 Economic Impacts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122 Summary of Analysis Findings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 Chapter 6: Conclusions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129 Summary of Findings --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129 Potential Applications --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131 Future Research ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134 References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 137 Appendix A: Project Photos ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143 Appendix B: On-Board Survey Form ---------------------------------------------------------------- 147 Appendix C: IRB Documentation --------------------------------------------------------------------- 149 vii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 3-1: Heartland Flyer Route ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 Figure 3-2: Heartland Flyer Timetable Schedule ------------------------------------------------------ 46 Figure 3-3: Typical Heartland Flyer Consist ----------------------------------------------------------- 56 Figure 3-4: Typical P42DC Locomotive Used on Heartland Flyer --------------------------------- 57 Figure 3-5: Typical NPCU Used on Heartland Flyer ------------------------------------------------- 57 Figure 3-6: Coach Cars Used on Heartland Flyer ----------------------------------------------------- 59 Figure 3-7: Heartland Flyer Monthly Ridership Variation against Average, FFY 2000-2009 -- 64 Figure 3-8: Heartland Flyer Daily Ridership Variation, CY 2008 ---------------------------------- 65 Figure 3-9:
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