Court Orders Police Not to •upt rJ.'alk. SEE STORY PAGE t The Weather FINAL . Variable cloudiness with • THEDAILY chance of showers, high in 1 Red Bank, Freehold f low 70s. Partly cloudy, and cooler tonight and tomorrow. \ Long Branch J EDITION REGISTER 48 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 214 RED BANK, NJ. THURSDAY, MAY 3,1973 TEN CENTS UIMIHIUI HHiim iiiiiiiiiiliniiniiiiiiliiini iiiiiiiiiiiiininiiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiilii mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiniiiiiiiiinini mi muii iiymiiniiiiii mmm • m iiiiiiiiniiiiiii mil niiiiiiiiin iiniiin »"•••••'• «» imii.iiiiiiiiiimiiiti.il.tiii u inn iiiumimm Links Ehrlichman to ECOM Pact Award By GREG BORAK Werner said last night, "goes Corp., on April 14. 1971, in Werner if he knew where formed Mayor Werner the "1 heard Mr. Dworman say back about V/2 years and now New York. there was land available for ECOM building contract was to Herbert Werner that Mr. EATONTOWN — The name, it's coming to light." He alleges that "he (Mr. the ECOM project. awarded to New Shrewsbury Dworman had access to the of John Ehrlichman, who re- "I know the building can't Dworman) had access to the Mayor Werner told him heon the basis of a lower bid. White House," Col. Luftman's cently resigned as President and won't be moved but there White House and that •Ehr- knew "of no land that was as On Oct. 5, 1971, Mayor Wer- statement alleges, "and that Nixon's chief domestic affairs is a wrong here that has to be lichman' would see.to it that suitable as the site owned by ner says, he and New Shrews- 'Ehrlichman' would see that adviser in light of his in- righted." Dworman received the award Tinton Realty Corporation" at bury Mayor Robert F. Henck Mr. Dworman received the volvement in the Watergate , In his letter to Mr. Nixon, lor the Ft. Monmouth build- the corner of Hope Road and talked about the contract award for the building for the case, was involved in trie con- Mayor Werner enclosed affi- ing." Tinton Ave., Eatontown. award. Army Electronics Command troversial decision to build davits dated Nov. 9, 1971, "Mr. Dworman stated to "Mr. Dworman pressed for "Mayor Henck confided in to be constructed near Ft. Electronics Command's Head- made by him and Lt. Col. me," Mayor Werner says in another site," Mayor Wer- me that several weeks prior Monmouth, New Jersey." quarters in New Shrewsbury, (ret.) Harry Luftman? his affidavit, "that he (Dwor- ner's affidavit alleges, "and, to the award by GSA to Dwor- Both affidavits are dated according to Eatontown May- Unsuccessful Bidder man) 'had built a number of when I could suggest none, re- man," Mayor Werner's affida- Nov. 9, 1971. The Register or Herbert E. Werner. Lt. Col. Luftman, a realtor, buildings for the government; quested that r ask Tinton vit says," he (Henck) and queried Mr. Ehrlichman's of- Mayor Werner sent the represented the Tinton Realty that he had stepped aside on a Realty to grant him an option Dworman lunched at a mid- fice on that day about his al- President a letter and affida- Co., New York, the unsuccess- previous one and was assured on the site at Hope Road and town restaurant at which time leged involvement in the vits on Tuesday naming Mr. ful bidder on the ECOM proj- by the General Services Ad- Tinton Ave., since he was 'go- Dworman told Henck to get ECOM contract awarding. A Ehrlichman as having been ect, which wanted the govern- ministration (GSA) that he ing to build the building for ready for the government spokesman said Mr. Ehrlich- mentioned as involved in the ment building located in Ea--would be awarded the next the government.' I told Mr. building because it was com- man had nothing to do with awarding of the ECOM build- tontown. one — and that this was the Dworman that he would have ing to his community." the awarding of the contract. ing contract to the Dworman Mayor Werner says in hisnext one.' " to negotiate with. Tinton Lt. Col. Luftman's affidavit Filed Protest Building Corp. of New York in affidavit that he met with Sites Inquiry Realty." corroborates statements In November, 1971, Tinton Mayor Herbert E. Werner 1971. Lester J. Dworman, president According to the affidavit, The affidavit says that on made by Mayor Werner's affi- Realty filed a formal protest John Ehrlichman Sends Nixon Affidavits "The ECOM affair," Mayor of the Dworman Building Mr: Dworman asked Mayor Aug. 11, 1971, the GSA in- davit. See Ehrlichman, page 2 His name came up ** CrabiePs Withdrawal Boosts Byrne'J s Stock TRENTON (AP) — Bren- New Jersey and continue pol- candidacy. He said he would, fluential Democratic party dan T. Byrne's bid for theicies that have failed the citi- ask all of his supporters, leaders since last week to Democratic gubernatorial zens of this state." primarily in the Democratic withdraw from the race and nomination has been given a DeRose contended that for- stronghold of Middlesex Coun- support Byrne, who is ce- significant boost by the with- mer Gov. Robert B. Meyner ty, to work for Byrne's nomi- garded by many leaders as drawal of one of his leading was a driving force behind nation. the candidate with the best opponents, Senate Minority Byrne's candidacy. Crabiel's decision rein- chance of defeating Republi- Leader J. Edward Crabiel. DeRose is running with the forced the view of many po- can Gov. William T. Cahill in support of the powerful Es- litical observers who feel November's general election. Crabiel announced yes- Cahill is opposed in the GOP terday that he was dropping sex County Democratic orga- Byrne is the favorite to win NO-ONE SAW HIS BODY —. Arrow indicates His car is next to arrow. One other man was nization led by Harry Lerner. the nomination against four primary on June 5 by Rep. killed and two persons, another trooper and a out of the June 5 primary race Charles W. Sandman Jr. of where body of State Trooper Werrier Foerster to support Byrne. Crabiel said he withdrew other candidates. was found after being shot, within sight of State woman sought by New York City police for anoth- from the race because there Crabiel had been under Cape May County. The senator had hestitated See Crabiel, page 2 Police Turnpike Headquarters, East Brunswick. er police shooting, were wounded. in making the decision and in- was a lack of support for his heavy pressure from in- dicated he had his doubts about Byrne because of a news report that accused Byrne of possible criminal Police Seek 3rd Suspect conduct. Monmouth Democrats But in his withdrawal state- ment, Crabiel said, "I believe Brendan Byrne to be a man of unquestioned integrity and Endorse Judge Byrne In State Trooper Slaying sincerity." One of Byrne's leading op- By DORIS KULMAN terday by order of the state made through phone calls or- EAST BRUNSWICK (AP) mg slightly." before ap- merous gunshot wounds in' the ponents,- Sen. Ralph C. De- Supreme Court. The Supreme cause there wasn't time chest. — Police continued an in- proaching the car, Harper ra- Rose of Essex County, The Monmouth County Court on Monday will hearan enough to call a meeting be- tensive manhunt today for a dioed for a backup patrol car, The car, a white Pontiac, charged that Crabiel had Democratic organization has appeal, by Morris County As- fore the Tuesday deadline for man who fled from a Shootout standard state police proce- then sped south and pulled off capitulated to "power poli- endorsed Brendan T. Byrne semblywoman Ann Klein, also party designations.. on the New Jersey Turnpike dure. the road after five miles. tics." DeRose suggested that for governor. a candidate for the Democrat- The decision apparently Oiat left a trooper and a gun- Trooper Robert Palentchar Trooper Foerster arrived Crabiel may have been of- The organization's abandon- ic gubernatorial nomination, also was made after the coun- man dead, while a woman found the car and spotted a and the two troopers ap- fered a cabinet post to drop ment of its announced support who wants the awarding of ty leadership was assured sought in the slaying of two man fleeing into the woods. proached the stopped car, a his candidacy and, DeRose for an open primary gives the privileged positions declared that state Senate Minority New York City policemen was 1965 white Pontiac. Foerster asked, "what promises were illegal. Leader J. Edward Crabiel captured. The man—described as former state Superior Court questioned the woman and a black, 5-11, 180 pounds, aged made to convince Mr. Crabiel judge privileged position as 'Go With Byrne' would withdraw and throw his The man—the driver of a male passenger at the car 30-to-32 and waring a white to suddenly change his tune?" the only gubernatorial candi- County Democratic chair- support, and that of his back- car that police stopped on the while Harper questioned the safari jacket—disappeared Charges Clique date in the "regular Demo- man D. Philip Gerand said ers in the Democratic strong- Turnpike yesterday shortly driver at the patrol car after into the woods, avoiding shots He also condemned Byrne's cratic Organization" column the decision to back Judge hold of Middlesex County, to after midnight—escaped on noticing a discrepancy in the fired by Palentchar. candidacy as "the production Byrne. foot'and eluded a police drag- driver's lieense and registra- on the June ballot. Byrne was made "because of Mrs. Chesimard, who had of a tiny clique of old-liners However, the determination the overwhelming support of The Bayshore district, net that was thrown around tion.
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