5968 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 29, 1872. for the gas supplied by them; to alter existing ihereof; and to exercise other rights and privi- rates or rents, and to authorise, confirm, or eges. regulate any contracts with any local authority To enable the West Cornwall, Cornwall, South and persons; to incorporate in the said Act all Devon, Bristol and Exeter, and Great Western or some of the powers and provisions of the Railway Companies, or either of them, to main- Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, the tain, use, and work the hereinbefore-described Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, the Gas- railway; and to subscribe and contribute funds works Clauses Act, 1847, the Acts for regulating towards the construction and maintenance of the measures used in sale of gas, the Lands Clauses said intended railway and works; and to guarantee Consolidation Amendment Act, 1860, the Com- such interests, dividends, and annual and other panies Clauses Act, 1863, the Gasworks Clauses payments, in respect of the moneys expended in Act, 1871, and of any other Act which it may be ;he construction thereof, as may be agreed upon necessary or expedient to incorporate ; to autho- Between those companies, respectively, and the rise the Company to amalgamate with or to sell company ; and to take and hold shares in the or lease the undertaking to The Leigh District capital of the company; and to apply to the pur- Gas Company, the Tyldesley and Shakerley Doses aforesaid, or any of them, any capital or Local Board, or the Atherton Local Board, or to "unds now or hereafter belonging to them, or purchase or take on lease the undertaking of the either of them, or under the control of their said Leigh District Gas Company, or the gas directors. undertaking of the Tyldesley and Shakerley To enable the company on the one hand, and Local Board. the West Cornwall, the Cornwall, South Devon, Printed copies of the intended Bill will, on or Bristol and Exeter, and Great Western Railway before the 21st day of December next, be Companies, or either of those companies, on the deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House other hand, from time to time, to enter into of Commons. agreements with respect to the working, use, Dated this 14th day of November, 1872. management, construction, and maintenance of Bailey and Read, 25, Wood-street, Boltoii, the said intended railway, or any part or parts Solicitors for the Bill. thereof; the supply of rolling-stock and machinery, Chester, Urquliwrt, Brislily, and Mai/hew, and of officers and servants for the conduct of the 11, Staple Inn, London, Parliamentary traffic of the railway; the payment to be made; Agents. au'd the conditions to be performed, with respect to such working, use, management, construction, In Parliament.—Session 1873. and maintenance: the interchange, accommo- The Penzance and St. Just Railway. dation, and conveyance of traffic coming from, or (Incorporation of Company; Construction of destined for, the respective undertakings of the Railway from Penzance to St. Just-in-Penwith; contracting companies, and the division and ap- Working Arrangements with West Cornwall, propriation of the revenue arising from that and the Cornwall, and other Itailway Companies; traffic; and to authorize the appointment of Amendment of Acts.) joint committees for carrying into effect any such OTICE is hereby given that it is intended to agreements as aforesaid ; and to confirm any N apply to Parliament, in the ensuing ses- agreement which, previously to the passing of the sion, for leave to bring in a Bill for the following, Bill, may be made touching any of the matters or some of the following, purposes. aforesaid. To incorporate a company (herein referred to The Bill will vary and extinguish all existing as " The Company,") and to enable them to make rights and privileges which would interfere with and maintain the following railway, or some part its objects ; and it will incorporate with itself the or parts thereof, with all needful works, stations, necessary provisions of " The Companies Clauses and approaches and conveniences connected there- Consolidation Act, 1845;" The Companies Clauses with, that is to say:— Act, 1863;" "The Companies Clauses Act, 1869; " " The Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts, A'rail way commencing by a junction with the 1845, 1860 and 1869;" The Railway Clauses West Cornwall Railway at a point about Consolidation Act, 1845 ; " and " The Railway 88 yards, or thereabouts, east of Ponsandane Clauses Act, 1863;" and it will, or may, amend river, in the parish of Gulval, in the county and enlarge the powers and provisions of the of Cornwall, and terminating in a field be- several Acts relating, respectively, to the West longing to Miss Charlotte Ann BoHase Cornwall, Cornwall, South Devon, Bristol and Pascoe and others, in the said parish of St. Exeter, and Great Western Railway Companies. Just-in-Penwith, in the county of Cornwall, Duplicate plans and sections describing the in the occupation of Mr. Richard Boyne, and line, situations, and levels of the proposed rail- numbered 2824 on the tithe commutation way, and the lands, houses, and other property in map of the said parish of St. Just-iu-Pen- or through which it will be made, or which may. with; and which aaid intended railway will be taken under the powers of the Bill, together be situated in the parishes or places following, with a book of reference to such plans, containing or some of them, that is to say Gulval, the names of the owners, or reputed owners and Madron, Zennor, Morvah, aiid St. Just-in- lessees, and of the occupiers of such lands and Penwith, all in the said couuty of Cornwall. houses and other property; also an ordnance To cross, divert, alter, or stop up, whether map, with the line of railway delineated thereon, temporarily or permanently, roadi?, railways, so as to show its general course and direction; drains, sewers, pipes, rivers, streams, water- and a copy of this notice will, on or before the courses, and other works, so fur as it may be 30th day of November instant, be deposited for necessary in constructing or maintaiuiug the tf&'ic public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace, intended railway and works; to deviate Jrom the for the county of Cornwall, at his office, at Bod- lines of railway, both vertically and horizon tally? min; and on, or before, the same day a copy of to such an extent as may be defined iu the Bill. so much of the said plans, section*, and book of To purchase lands, houses, easements and other inference as relates to each parish in, or through, property compulsorily and by agreements, for wh'ich the intended railway will be made, or in the- purposes of the said intended railway and whk'h any lauds, houses, or other property are 'j to levy tolls, rates, and charges, in respect integv'ied to be taken; and a copy of this notice.
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