2114 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 26, 1901. The Highland Light Infantry, Captain Fuller To be Assistant Adjutant - Generals whilst Whistler retires on retired pay. Dated 27th employed on the Staff of the Lines of Com- March, 1901. munication :— The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains :— Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel R. B. John J. Ronald, vice E. Armstrong, seconded. McComb, Army Service Corps. Dated 15th Dated 16th February, 1901. June, 1900. Henry T. C. Singleton, vice F. Whistler. Dated Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel L. A. 27th March, 1901. Hope, C.B., Army Service Corps. Dated 10th The Royal Army Medical Corps, Lieutenant- October, 1900. Colonel A, Keogh is granted the local rank of The following notification is substituted for that Colonel whilst in charge of a General Hospital which appeared in the Gazette of 2nd October, in South Africa from 1st May, 1900, and not 1900.— as stated in the Gazette of 6th November, Captain the Honourable H. Yarde-Buller, the 1900. Rifle Brigade (the Prince Consort's Own), to Temporary Lieutenant James R. Atkinson, be a Deputy-Assistant Adjutant-General for Surgeon-Captain 2nd Cheshire Royal Engineers Intelligence. Dated 27th June, 1900. (Volunteers), is granted the temporary rank of Captain whilst employed in South Africa. Captain A. C. H. Macgregor, the Royal Scots Dated 27th March, 1901. Fusiliers, to be an Intelligence Officer, STAFF. graded as a Staff Captain whilst EO employed. General Sir A. P. Palmer, K.C.B., Indian Staff Dated 9th December, 1900. Corps, to be Commander-in-Chief of the Captain F. de S. Shortt, the Royal Scots Fusiliers, Forces in the East Indies, vice General Sir W. to be an Assistant Provost-Marshal, graded as S. A. Lockhart, G.C.B., K.C.S.I., deceased. a Staff Captain whilst so employed, in succes- Dated 19th March, 1900. sion to Captain H. F. Kellie, the Cheshire Major L. A. M. Stopford, Irish Guards, now a Regiment, vacated. Dated 9th December, temporary Deputy-Assistant Adjutant-General 1900. at Head-Quarters, to be a Deputy-Assistant Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel M. C. Adjutant-General at Head-Quarters. Dated Wood, Reserve of Officers, is graded as a 1st April, 1901. Colonel on the Staff whilst commanding the The undermentioned temporary appointment is Troops in Rhodesia. Dated 7th January, 1901. made:— Captain the Honourable F. C. Stanley, Grenadier Colonel J. K. Trotter, C.M.G., from Deputy Guards, to be Camp Commandant, Army Head- Adjutant-General and Chief Staff Officer, Quarters, graded as a Deputy-Assistant Adju- Lines of Communication, South Africa, to be tant-General whilst so employed, vice Captain an Assistant Adjutant - General at Head- A. G. Maxwell, Indian Staff Corps, vacated. Quarters, vice Colonel Sir W. Everett, Dated 29th November, 1900. K.C.M.G., whose period of service in that Major T. G. P. Glynn, the King's (Liverpool appointment has expired. Dated 12th March, Regiment), to be a Staff Officer, graded as a 1901. Deputy-Assistant Adjutant-General whilst so The following appointments to the Staff made in employed. Dated 21st December, 1900. South Africa are confirmed :— To be Staff Officers to Mounted Infantry Corps, Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel T. C. graded as Deputy-Assistant Adjutant-Generals Porter (now on half-pay) to be a Brigadier- whilst so employed :— General on the Staff to command a Cavalry Captain H. McMicking, the Royal Scots (Lothian Brigade and to bave the local rank of Brigadier- Regiment), from 7th April, 1900, to 17th General whilst so employed, from 9th February, October, 1900. 1900, to 22nd February, 1901. Major S. Browne, Queensland Mounted Infantry, Major (local Lieutenant-Colonel) H. G. Morgan, from 7th April, 1900, to 30th April, 1900. D.S.O., Army Service Corps, to be Director of Captain K. R. Hamilton, the Oxfordshire Light Supplies, Field Force, South Africa, continuing Infantry, from 7th April, 1900, to 3rd Decem- to be graded as an Assistant Adjutant-General ber, 1900. and retaining the local rank of Lieutenant- Captain C. R. Crofton-Atkins, the Sherwood Colonel whilst so employed, vice Colonel E. VV. Foresters (Derbyshire Regiment), from 1st D. Ward, C.B. Dated 7th November, 1900. May, 1900, to 17th October, 1900. Lieutenant J. S. Duckett, 9th Lancers, to be an Lieutenant J. R. Wetheied, the Gloucestershire Assistant Provost-Marshal, graded as & Staff liegiment. Dated 18th October, 1900. Captain from 22nd June, 1900, to 25th November, 1900. Riding-Master and Honorary Lieutenant T. J, Lieutenant R. H. Darwin, the Princess of Wales's Kearns, Army Service Corps, is graded as a Own (Yorkshire Regiment), is graded as a Staff Staff Captain whilst employed under the Captain whilst attached to the Army Service Assistant Adjutant-General for Transport. Corps. Dated 19th June, 1900. Dated 1st January, 1901. The grading of Lieutenant R. O'B. Taylor, Indian Captain W. G. Home, 6th Dragoon Guards, to Staff Corps, whilst a Railway Staff Officer be a Divisional Signalling Officer, graded as (since vacated) is that of Staff Captain. Dated a Staff Captain whilst so employed, vice Cap- 31st August, 1900. tain S. L. Barry, 10th Hussars. Dated 24th The following notification is substituted for that November, 1900. which appeared in the Gazette of 9th Novem- Captain E. Christian, the Royal Scots Fusiliers, ber, 1900 :— to be a Signalling Officer, graded as a Staff Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel J. C. Captain whilst so employed. Dated 9th Barker to be a Brigadier-General on the Staff December, 1900. to command the Eastern Lines of Communi- Captain H. A. Carr, the Worcestershire Regi- cation, and to have the local rank of Brigadier- ment, to be an Assistant Provost-Marshal, General whilst so employed. Dated llth graded as a Staff Captain whilst so employed. September, 1900. Dated 1st September, 1900..
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