Bone Clones® Pricelist 2014 2014 Retail Retail Product SKU# Product Description Prices Product SKU# Product Description Prices BASIC ANATOMY basic anatomy Skeletons: Adult Human Male Skeleton, Asian, Articulated, uses BC‐253 basic anatomy Skulls: Adult SC‐092‐A skull $2,350.00 BC‐016 Human Male Asian Skull and jaw $220.00 SC‐092‐D Human Male Skeleton, Asian, Disarticulated $1,400.00 BC‐031 Human Male Australian Aboriginal Skull $230.00 Human Male Half Skeleton, Asian, Disarticulated, uses BC‐ Human Male Australian Aboriginal Skull (Painted to SC‐092‐DH 212 calvarium‐cut skull $969.00 BC‐031‐P match original) $255.00 Human Female Skeleton, Asian, Articulated, uses BC‐211 BC‐059E Human Female Asian Skull, economy $135.00 SC‐211‐A skull $2,350.00 BC‐107 Human Male European Skull $220.00 SC‐211‐D Human Female Skeleton, Asian, Disarticulated $1,400.00 BC‐110 Human Male African Skull $220.00 Human Female Half Skeleton, Asian, Disarticulated, uses BC‐133 Human Female European Skull $220.00 SC‐211‐DH BC‐150‐ calvarium‐cut skull $969.00 BC‐149 Human Female Asian Skull $220.00 Human Male Asian Skeleton, Robust , Articulated, flexible BC‐178 Human Female African American Skull $230.00 SC‐287‐A uses BC‐287 skull $2,350.00 BC‐203 Human Male African‐American Skull $230.00 SC‐287‐D Human Male Asian Skeleton, Robust. Disarticulated $1,400.00 BC‐204 Human Male European, Elderly Skull $290.00 SC‐287‐DH Human Adult Male Half Skeleton, Disarticulated $990.00 BC‐211 Human Female Asian Skull $220.00 Human Male Asian Skeleton, Robust , Articulated, rigid in BC‐213 Human Female American Indian Skull $255.00 SC‐287‐W walking position $2,350.00 BC‐253 Human Male Asian Skull $220.00 SCM‐191‐A Female European skeleton, Articulated $2,450.00 BC‐287 Human Male Asian Skull, Robust $239.00 SCM‐191‐D Female European skeleton, Disarticulated $1,550.00 BC‐302 Human Male Polynesian Skull $290.00 Human Adult Female European Half Skeleton, BCM‐891 Female European Skull, from SCM‐191 $245.00 Disarticulated, BCM‐892 Male European Skull, from SCM‐192 $245.00 SCM‐191‐DH with Calvarium Cut skull $1,050.00 EZ‐001 Magnetic Osteological Teaching Skull, 22‐piece, natural $339.00 SCM‐192‐A Male European skeleton, Articulated $2,450.00 EZ‐002 Magnetic Osteological Teaching Skull, 22‐piece, color $369.00 SCM‐192‐D Male European skeleton, Disarticulated $1,550.00 KO‐S02 Human Skull 1:4 scale model $39.00 Human Adult Male European Half Skeleton, basic anatomy Skulls: Child Disarticulated, SCM‐192‐DH with Calvarium Cut skull $1,050.00 BC‐256 Human Child Skull 4‐month‐old (3‐6 months) $220.00 BC‐187 Human Child Skull 14‐month‐old (14‐16 months) $220.00 basic anatomy Skeletons: Child BC‐111 Human Child Skull 15‐month‐old (15‐16 months) $220.00 Human Child Skeletons 5‐year‐old Comparative Set BC‐209 Human Child Skull 16‐month‐old (16‐18 months) $220.00 COMP‐183 Modern & Archaic (6,000 yr) $3,600.00 BC‐274 Human Child Skull 1‐year‐old (12‐18 months) $220.00 Human Male Partial Skeleton, European‐American, 13‐ Human Child Skull 1‐year‐old (12‐18 months), Calvarium FM‐509‐SET year‐old $1,169.00 BC‐280 Cut $249.00 SC‐116‐A Human Child Skeleton 5‐year‐old Archaic, Articulated $2,190.00 BC‐216 Human Child Skull 1‐1/2‐year‐old (14‐22 months) $220.00 SC‐116‐D Human Child Skeleton 5‐year‐old Archaic, Disarticulated $1,150.00 BC‐275 Human Child Skull 2‐year‐old (2‐3‐years) $220.00 SC‐183‐A Human Child Skeleton 5‐year‐old (5‐6‐years), Articulated $1,950.00 BC‐210 Human Child Skull 3‐year‐old (3‐4‐years) $220.00 Human Child Skeleton 5‐year‐old (5‐6‐years), Dentition BC‐247 Human Child Skull 4‐year‐old (3 1/2 ‐ 4 1/2‐years) $210.00 SC‐183‐D Exposed, Disarticulated $1,250.00 BC‐116 Human Child Skull 5‐year‐old, Archaic dated 6,000 years $220.00 Human Child Half Skeleton 5‐year‐old (5‐6‐years), Human Child Skull 5‐year‐old (5‐6‐years), Mixed Dentition SC‐183‐DH Dentition Exposed, Disarticulated $789.00 BC‐183 Exposed and Calvarium Cut $289.00 Human Child Skeleton 14‐month‐old (14‐16‐months), BC‐188 Human Child Skull 5‐year‐old (5‐6‐years), Calvarium Cut $249.00 SC‐187‐A Articulated $1,950.00 Human Child Skull 5‐year‐old (5‐6‐years), Mixed Dentition Human Child Skeleton 14‐month‐old (14‐16‐months), BC‐189 Exposed $249.00 SC‐187‐D Disarticulated $1,250.00 BC‐190 Human Child Skull 5‐year‐old (5‐6‐years) $220.00 Human Child Half Skeleton 14‐month‐old (14‐16‐months), BC‐268 Human Child Skull 6‐year‐old (6‐7‐years) $220.00 SC‐187‐DH Disarticulated $789.00 BC‐276 Human Child Skull 8‐year‐old (5‐9‐years) $220.00 SC‐301‐A Human Adolescent Skeleton, articulated $3,225.00 BC‐277 Human Child Skull 9‐year‐old (7.5‐12.5 years) $220.00 SC‐301‐D Human Adolescent Skeleton, disarticulated $2,025.00 Human Child Skull 12‐year‐old (11‐13‐years), Dentition Human Adolescent Half Skeleton, Disarticulated, with BC‐135 Exposed $249.00 SC‐301‐DH calvarium‐cut skull $1,420.00 BC‐270 Human Child Skull 13‐year‐old (13‐14‐years) $220.00 basic anatomy Skeletons: Fetal BC‐301 Human Adolescent Skull $220.00 SC‐181‐A Human Fetal Skeleton, 32 weeks, Articulated $649.00 BC‐305 Human Adolescent Skull, calvarium cut $259.00 Human Fetal Skeleton, 32 weeks, Flexible, stand and base basic anatomy Skulls: Fetal SC‐226‐A included $1,195.00 BC‐180 Human Fetal Skull 31 weeks $80.00 SCM‐186‐A Human Fetal Skeleton 40 weeks (full term), Assembled $1,950.00 BC‐181 Human Fetal Skull 32 weeks $80.00 SCM‐186‐D Human Fetal Skeleton 40 weeks (full term), Disarticulated $949.00 BC‐182 Human Fetal Skull 40 weeks (near term) $80.00 basic anatomy Postcranial: Adult BC‐182‐SET Human Fetal Skulls, Set of 3 $225.00 BC‐194 Human Fetal Skull 20 weeks $80.00 Miscellaneous BC‐194‐SET Human Fetal Skulls, Set of 5 $375.00 FM‐401 Human Adult Male Femur, African $62.00 BC‐195 Human Fetal Skull 29 weeks $80.00 FM‐402 Human Adult Female Femur, African $62.00 BC‐215 Human Fetal Skull 13 weeks $80.00 SC‐092‐F Human Adult Male Femur, Asian $56.00 BC‐218 Human Fetal Skull 17 weeks $80.00 SC‐211‐F Human Adult Female Femur, Asian $56.00 BC‐220 Human Fetal Skull 21 1/2 weeks $80.00 SCM‐192‐21 Human Adult Male Femur, European $62.00 BC‐225 Human Fetal Skull 30 weeks $80.00 SCM‐191‐21 Human Adult Female Femur, European $62.00 BC‐226 Human Fetal Skull 34 weeks $80.00 FO‐103‐P Human Male Pelvis, assembled, Asian $145.00 BC‐227 Human Fetal Skull 35 weeks $80.00 FO‐103‐PD Human Male Pelvis, disarticulated, Asian $198.00 BC‐228 Human Fetal Skull 40 1/2 weeks (full term) $80.00 FO‐103‐S Human Male Sacrum, Asian $48.00 BC‐228‐SET Human Fetal Skulls, Set of 12 $900.00 KO‐164‐I Human Male Adult Tooth $9.50 BC‐281 Human Fetal Skull 40 weeks (full term), Calvarium Cut $195.00 KO‐164‐SET Human Male Teeth, Set of 32, adult $295.00 BCM‐186‐D Human Fetal Skull 40 weeks (full term), Disarticulated $479.00 Human Cervical Vertebrae Assembly, Occipital to C‐7, on S‐BC‐194‐SET Stand for BC‐228‐SET set of 5 Fetal Skulls $65.00 KO‐249 base $186.00 S‐BC‐228‐SET Stand for BC‐228‐SET set of 12 Fetal Skulls $85.00 KO‐320 Human Temporal Bone, hinged $210.00 Page 1 of 13 Bone Clones, Inc. 21416 Chase St., #1, Canoga Park, CA 91304 USA Phone: 818‐709‐7991 Fax: 818‐709‐7993 Jan 2014 e‐mail: [email protected] website:www.boneclones.com Bone Clones® Pricelist 2014 2014 Retail Retail Product SKU# Product Description Prices Product SKU# Product Description Prices Human Female Vertebral Column From C‐1 through L‐5, Human Child, 5 year old Vertebral Column From C‐1 KO‐321 with discs, plus sacrum and coccyx on stand $620.00 KO‐324 through L‐5, with discs, plus pelvis on stand $690.00 Human Female Vertebral Column From C‐1 through L‐5, basic anatomy Postcranial: 5‐6‐year old Child KO‐322 with discs, plus pelvis on stand $690.00 KO‐S03 Human Female Pelvis, 1:4 scale, $30.00 Modern (from SC‐183‐D) LC‐17 Human Male Hand, right Life Cast, adult $140.00 KO‐184 Hand, articulated, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $98.00 KO‐185 Foot, articulated, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $98.00 basic anatomy Postcranial: Adult African‐ SC‐183‐61‐H Humerus, articulated, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $48.00 American Female SC‐183‐61‐HD Humerus, disarticulated, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $70.00 KO‐178‐FA Fibula, Human Female African‐American $46.00 SC‐183‐F Femur, articulated, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $50.00 KO‐178‐H Humerus left, Human Female African‐American $58.00 SC‐183‐FD Femur, disarticulated, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $70.00 KO‐178‐P Human Female Pelvis, articulated, Pits of Parturition $148.00 SC‐183‐I Innominate, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $58.00 KO‐178‐PD Human Female Pelvis, disarticulated, Pits of Parturition $198.00 SC‐183‐P Pelvis, articulated, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $160.00 KO‐178‐PL Innominate, Left, Human Female African‐American $78.00 SC‐183‐PD Pelvis, disarticulated, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $160.00 KO‐178‐PR Innominate, Right, Human Female African‐American $78.00 SC‐183‐PF Pelvis & Femur, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $198.00 KO‐178‐R Radius, Left, Human Female African‐American $42.00 SC‐183‐S Sacrum, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $50.00 KO‐178‐S Sacrum, Human Female African‐American $52.00 SC‐183‐24 Vertebral Column‐all 24 verts, Human 5‐6‐year‐old Child $390.00 KO‐178‐T Tibia, Left, Human Female African‐American $42.00 basic anatomy Postcranial: 5‐year old Child KO‐178‐U Ulna, Left, Human Female African‐American $42.00 Archaic (from SC‐116‐D) basic anatomy Postcranial: Premier Adult KO‐041 Tools‐ Found near SC‐116 5‐yr Archaic Child skeleton $105.00 Female KO‐116 Hand, articulated, Human 5‐year‐old Archaic Child $98.00 KO‐193‐F Femur‐Premier example, Human adult female $64.00 KO‐116‐P Pelvis, Human 5‐year‐old Archaic Child $160.00 KO‐193‐H Humerus‐Premier example, Human adult female $64.00 KO‐117 Foot, articulated, Human 5‐year‐old Archaic Child $98.00 KO‐193‐P Pelvis, Premier example, Human adult female $148.00 SC‐116‐F Femur, Human 5‐year‐old Archaic Child $55.00 KO‐193‐PD Pelvis, disarticulated, Premier example, Human adult SC‐116‐H Humerus, Human 5‐year‐old Archaic Child $48.00 female $198.00 basic anatomy Cranial and Postcranial: Fetal KO‐193‐PF Pelvis & Femur‐Premier example, Human adult female $195.00 KO‐186‐001 Human Fetal Sphenoid‐ Bone‐ Full Term $95.00 KO‐193‐S Sacrum, Premier example, Human adult female $52.00 KO‐186‐002 Human Fetal Ethmoid.‐ Bone‐ Full Term $128.00 basic anatomy Postcranial: Adolescent‐13 yr.
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