L'international Gymnix 2016 Team Results

L'international Gymnix 2016 Team Results

Page: 1 L'International Gymnix 2016 Printed: 3/4/2016 9:36 PM Femmes / SC / All Ages Team Results Session: 14 Mar 3-6, 2016 Rank Gym Team Score 1 BELGIQUE 1 * 166.450 41.875 40.850 42.125 41.600 5 2 1 1 985 Axelle Klinckaert 14.275 13.725 13.725 14.400 989 Gaelle Mys 13.950 13.075 13.825 984 Nina Derwael 13.650 14.450 987 Laura Waem 14.050 13.950 13.375 2 CANADA POWER * 166.300 42.450 41.025 41.850 40.975 2T 1 2 2 977 Kristen Peterman 14.375 12.975 13.700 976 Isabela Onyshko 14.225 14.225 14.700 14.400 979 Victoria-Kayen Woo 13.850 13.825 13.450 13.725 978 Laurie-Lou Vezina 12.850 3 CANADA RAMS * 162.500 42.125 39.450 40.500 40.425 4 4 3 3 972 Madison Copiak 14.100 13.525 13.225 12.975 975 Rose-Kaying Woo 14.050 13.425 14.150 13.600 973 Audrey Rousseau 13.975 12.500 13.125 13.850 4 CANADA MAX * 159.900 42.450 39.000 38.500 39.950 2T 6 5 4 981 Shallon Olsen 14.700 12.725 12.100 13.775 982 Meixi Semple 14.200 13.350 13.850 13.500 983 Sydney Soloski 13.550 12.550 12.675 980 Helody Cyrenne 12.925 5 BELGIQUE 2 * 158.850 40.750 40.625 39.550 37.925 6 3 4 6 991 Julie Meyers 13.825 13.175 13.025 12.800 988 Cindy Vandenhole 13.725 13.275 12.500 992 Julie Croket 13.200 13.550 12.625 986 Senna Deriks 14.175 12.975 6 JAPON * 157.025 43.350 39.400 35.925 38.350 1 5 6 5 998 Sae Miyakawa 14.700 12.950 11.325 12.275 997 Nagi Kajita 14.600 13.775 11.725 13.700 996 Yuna Hiraiwa 14.050 12.675 12.875 12.375 ProScore v5.2.0 - Copyright 1993-2016 Auburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: Gymnix Page: 1 L'International Gymnix 2016 Printed: 3/4/2016 9:48 PM Femmes / SC / All Ages Meet Results Session: 14 Mar 3-6, 2016 Judge's Signatures Rank Num Name AA Gym 1 976 Isabela Onyshko Diff: 5.800 6.100 6.500 5.800 CANADA POWER Exec: 8.425 8.125 8.200 8.600 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 14.225 14.225 14.700 14.400 57.550 Place: 6 1 1 1* 1 2 985 Axelle Klinckaert Diff: 5.000 5.600 5.800 5.800 BELGIQUE 1 Exec: 9.275 8.125 7.925 8.600 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 14.275 13.725 13.725 14.400 56.125 Place: 5 7 6 1* 2 3 975 Rose-Kaying Woo Diff: 5.000 5.500 5.800 5.500 CANADA RAMS Exec: 9.050 7.925 8.350 8.100 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 14.050 13.425 14.150 13.600 55.225 Place: 9* 11 3 8 3 4 982 Meixi Semple Diff: 5.000 5.000 5.800 5.300 CANADA MAX Exec: 9.200 8.350 8.050 8.200 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 14.200 13.350 13.850 13.500 54.900 Place: 7 12 5 9 4 5 979 Victoria-Kayen Woo Diff: 5.000 5.600 5.600 5.400 CANADA POWER Exec: 8.850 8.225 7.850 8.325 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 13.850 13.825 13.450 13.725 54.850 Place: 13* 5 10 6 5 6 989 Gaelle Mys Diff: 5.000 5.100 5.600 5.400 BELGIQUE 1 Exec: 8.950 7.975 8.000 8.425 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 13.950 13.075 13.600 13.825 54.450 Place: 12 15 8 4 6 7 984 Nina Derwael Diff: 5.000 5.900 5.700 5.100 BELGIQUE 1 Exec: 8.650 7.150 8.750 7.900 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 13.650 13.050 14.450 13.000 54.150 Place: 17 16 2 12 7 8 972 Madison Copiak Diff: 5.300 5.700 4.900 5.100 CANADA RAMS Exec: 8.800 7.825 8.325 7.875 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 14.100 13.525 13.225 12.975 53.825 Place: 8 9T 11 13 8 9 997 Nagi Kajita Diff: 5.800 5.600 5.100 5.700 JAPON Exec: 8.800 8.175 6.625 8.300 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ -0.300 Final: 14.600 13.775 11.725 13.700 53.800 Place: 3 6 22 7 9 ProScore v5.2.0 - Copyright 1993-2016 Auburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: Gymnix Page: 2 L'International Gymnix 2016 Printed: 3/4/2016 9:48 PM Femmes / SC / All Ages Meet Results Session: 14 Mar 3-6, 2016 Rank Num Name AA Gym 10 977 Kristen Peterman Diff: 5.300 5.400 5.700 5.200 CANADA POWER Exec: 9.075 7.575 8.100 7.775 ND: __.___ __.___ -0.100 -0.300 Final: 14.375 12.975 13.700 12.675 53.725 Place: 4 17 7 17T 10 11 973 Audrey Rousseau Diff: 5.000 4.800 5.400 5.600 CANADA RAMS Exec: 8.975 7.700 7.825 8.250 ND: __.___ __.___ -0.100 __.___ Final: 13.975 12.500 13.125 13.850 53.450 Place: 11 22 12 3 11 12 981 Shallon Olsen Diff: 5.800 5.200 5.200 6.000 CANADA MAX Exec: 8.900 7.525 6.900 7.775 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 14.700 12.725 12.100 13.775 53.300 Place: 1T 20 21 5 12 13 991 Julie Meyers Diff: 5.000 5.400 5.400 5.400 BELGIQUE 2 Exec: 8.825 7.775 7.625 7.800 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ -0.400 Final: 13.825 13.175 13.025 12.800 52.825 Place: 15 14 15 16 13 14 995 Eythora Thorsdottir Diff: 5.000 5.600 4.600 4.700 PAYS-BAS Exec: 8.850 8.325 7.075 8.150 ND: __.___ __.___ -0.100 0.100 Final: 13.850 13.925 11.575 12.950 52.300 Place: 13* 4 24 14 14 15 996 Yuna Hiraiwa Diff: 5.000 4.900 5.800 5.400 JAPON Exec: 9.050 7.775 7.075 6.975 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 14.050 12.675 12.875 12.375 51.975 Place: 9* 21 17 21 15 16 988 Cindy Vandenhole Diff: 5.000 5.700 5.300 4.600 BELGIQUE 2 Exec: 8.725 7.575 6.975 7.900 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 13.725 13.275 12.275 12.500 51.775 Place: 16 13 20 20 16 17 978 Laurie-Lou Vezina Diff: 4.800 5.300 5.200 4.800 CANADA POWER Exec: 8.400 7.050 7.850 8.050 ND: -0.100 __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 13.100 12.350 13.050 12.850 51.350 Place: 21 23 14 15 17 18 998 Sae Miyakawa Diff: 6.400 5.200 5.100 6.400 JAPON Exec: 8.400 7.750 6.225 6.075 ND: -0.100 __.___ __.___ -0.200 Final: 14.700 12.950 11.325 12.275 51.250 Place: 1T 18 25 23 18 ProScore v5.2.0 - Copyright 1993-2016 Auburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: Gymnix Page: 3 L'International Gymnix 2016 Printed: 3/4/2016 9:48 PM Femmes / SC / All Ages Meet Results Session: 14 Mar 3-6, 2016 Rank Num Name AA Gym 19 983 Sydney Soloski Diff: 5.000 4.900 5.100 5.500 CANADA MAX Exec: 8.550 7.275 7.450 7.175 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 13.550 12.175 12.550 12.675 50.950 Place: 18 24 19 17T 19 20 992 Julie Croket Diff: 4.600 5.300 5.500 5.400 BELGIQUE 2 Exec: 8.600 6.150 8.050 7.225 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 13.200 11.450 13.550 12.625 50.825 Place: 19 25 9 19 20 21 994 Kristen Polderman Diff: 4.600 5.400 4.900 5.000 PAYS-BAS Exec: 8.525 8.125 6.750 6.800 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: 13.125 13.525 11.650 11.800 50.100 Place: 20 9T 23 24 21 22 987 Laura Waem Diff: __.___ 6.100 5.800 4.800 BELGIQUE 1 Exec: __.___ 7.950 8.150 8.575 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: __.___ 14.050 13.950 13.375 41.375 Place: 22* 3 4 11 22 23 990 Rune Hermans Diff: __.___ 5.600 5.500 5.200 BELGIQUE Exec: __.___ 8.075 7.600 8.250 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: __.___ 13.675 13.100 13.450 40.225 Place: 22* 8 13 10 23 24 986 Senna Deriks Diff: __.___ 6.100 5.400 __.___ BELGIQUE 2 Exec: __.___ 8.075 7.575 __.___ ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: __.___ 14.175 12.975 __.___ 27.150 Place: 22* 2 16 25* 24 25 974 Sydney Townsend Diff: __.___ __.___ 5.500 5.300 CANADA RAMS Exec: __.___ __.___ 7.175 7.300 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ -0.300 Final: __.___ __.___ 12.675 12.300 24.975 Place: 22* 26 18 22 25 26 980 Helody Cyrenne Diff: __.___ 5.500 __.___ __.___ CANADA MAX Exec: __.___ 7.425 __.___ __.___ ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ __.___ Final: __.___ 12.925 __.___ __.___ 12.925 Place: 22* 19 26 25* 26 ProScore v5.2.0 - Copyright 1993-2016 Auburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: Gymnix Page: 1 L'International Gymnix 2016 Printed: 3/5/2016 9:39 PM Femmes / JC / All Ages Team Results Session: 17 Mar 3-6, 2016 Rank Gym Team Score 1 ETATS-UNIS * 170.350 44.575 43.200 42.025 40.550 1 1 1 2T 945 Jordan Chiles 15.400 948 Deanne Soza 15.025 14.400 13.675 13.175 947 Gabby Perea 14.150 14.525 14.525 13.275 946 Emma Malabuyo 14.275 13.825 14.100 2 RUSSIE * 163.800 41.625 40.225 41.400 40.550 5 2 2 2T 953 Anastasiia Illiankova 14.175 13.250 14.100 13.700 955 Valeriia Saifulina 14.150 13.250 13.300 956 Varvara Zubova 13.300 14.200 954 Uliana Perebinosova 13.725 13.100 13.550 3 CANADA * 162.125 41.850 39.825 40.075 40.375 4 3 6 5 941 Jade Chrobok 14.025 12.825 13.950 942 Victoria Jurca 13.925 13.225 13.475 944 Ana Padurariu 13.900 13.775 13.075 13.750 943 Hayley de Jong 13.050 13.150 4 JAPON * 161.650 42.200 37.725 41.275 40.450 3 7 3 4 962 Kiko Kuwajima 14.850 13.150 13.700 13.125 961 Soyoka Hanawa 14.225 12.250 14.175 13.350 963 Mana Oguchi 13.125 12.325 13.400 13.975 5 ROUMANIE * 161.475 42.275 37.750 40.425 41.025 2 6 5 1 952 Denisa Golgota 14.600 13.375 13.400 950 Olivia Cimpian 13.950 12.475 14.125 951 Iona Crisan 13.725 12.750 13.300 949 Alisia Botnaru 12.525 13.750 13.500 6 FRANCE * 160.075 41.250 39.150 40.950 38.725 7 4 4 7 969 Alisson Lapp 13.775 14.225 12.700 971 Assia Khnifass 13.750 12.925 12.825 970 Janna Mouffok 13.725 12.200 13.500 13.200 968 Lorette Charpy 14.025 13.225 ProScore v5.2.0 - Copyright 1993-2016 Auburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: Gymnix Page: 2 L'International Gymnix 2016 Printed: 3/5/2016 9:39 PM Femmes / JC / All Ages Team Results Session: 17 Mar 3-6, 2016 Rank Gym Team Score 7 GRANDE-BRETAGNE * 159.350 41.500 38.825 39.150 39.875 6 5 7 6 958 Alice Kinsella 13.875 13.325 13.500 959 Maisie Methuen 13.825 13.200 13.025 13.350 957 Taeja James 13.800 12.675 13.025 960 Ellesse Oates 12.950 12.800 8 BELGIQUE * 150.250 39.600 35.075 36.900 38.675 8 8 8 8 967 Maellyse Brassart 13.700 11.450 12.950 966 Alysha Senders 13.275 11.150 12.775 965 Manon Muller 12.625 11.875 12.775 964 Myrthe Potoms 11.750 12.975 12.950 ProScore v5.2.0 - Copyright 1993-2016 Auburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: Gymnix Page: 1 L'International Gymnix 2016 Printed: 3/5/2016 9:40 PM Femmes / JC / All Ages Meet Results Session: 17 Mar 3-6, 2016 Judge's Signatures Rank Num Name AA Gym 1 947 Gabby Perea Diff: 5.000 6.000 5.900 5.500 ETATS-UNIS Exec: 9.150 8.525 8.625 8.175 ND: __.___ __.___ __.___ -0.400 Final: 14.150 14.525 14.525 13.275 56.475 Place: 7* 1 1 14 1

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