Adventist Review General Paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church May 23, 1985 H.M.S. Richards Page 2 Modern Bible versions Page 8 The woman who wouldn't give up Page 12 Cover: Due to be launched this summer Project Canvasback is "one of the most exciting projects in Oregon today," says Senator Mark Hatfield. What can God do with two people, a boat, and a dream? See page 5. FROM THE EDITORS teners. And his life testified to his H.M.S. own deep convictions, his firm In the shadow confidence in the Lord and His Richards leading of the church. of Jesus' home In the spring of 1982 he made a More than 30 years ago I sat in a last visit to Washington, D.C. At The city of Nazareth, Israel, rises large auditorium and heard a tall, age 87 he preached in Sligo church from the long, flat Plain of Jezreel lean preacher with a deep voice for Columbia Union College's like the swell of a mighty ocean. expound the Word. I can recall homecoming celebration. The fol- From its hilltop site the old cities of exceedingly few public addresses lowing morning I met him for an Nain and Shunem come into view. from that era when I was still in my interview for the ADVENTIST Cana lies just a few miles away on teens, but I remember well the REVIEW. I had requested an hour; the northern slope on the road to the sermon of that day in Adelaide, he gave me the whole morning. We Sea of Galilee. The Mediterranean South Australia—"Our Unsparing met in the student center of the Sea glistens in the west. God," based on Romans 8:32. The college, and students gathered Nazareth and its surroundings preacher was Harold Marshall Syl- conjure up many a Biblical story— vester Richards. the widow of Nain, the Shunam- With the death of H.M.S. H.M.S. Richards mite widow, Jesus' first miracle, Richards on April 24, "a prince and and of course Jesus' boyhood a great man [has] fallen . in was probably home. Here, in old Nazareth, the Israel" (2 Sam. 3:38). He was a the best-known Seventh-day Adventist Church prince of preachers—simple, clear, Seventh-day began a new venture two years ago. authoritative, warm, and Biblical. The church opened a health-educa- Yes, Biblical—above all else, Bib- Adventist. tion center and language school in a lical. Elder Richards' life was Certainly he was third-floor flat above the main immersed in the Scriptures, and his street. It is but a few steps away sermons became an outflowing of the most loved. from the traditional site of Jesus' the Word, the Word confronting boyhood home and His father's carpentry shop. And it is just south men and women today, the Word around to listen and laugh at his of the traditional cliff over which uplifting Christ, the Word bringing stories and catch his enthusiasm for the townspeople of Biblical years hope and healing and faith in these the Lord and for the church. tried to throw Jesus. last days. Elder Richards was probably the Years later I would meet him in best-known Seventh-day Adventist. As my wife and I recently visited person when he came with the Certainly he was the most-loved the Nazareth Center we heard first- hand from the workers there of the King's Heralds to Spicer College in Adventist. Graham Maxwell challenges of beginning a new ven- India. After a midweek evening summed up the feelings of us all in ture in a melting pot of cultures and sermon we would stand chatting his tribute at the service on April outside the auditorium in the warm, 27: "He made us feel proud to be religions—Jewish, Moslem, and blossom-scented air. Later again, Seventh-day Adventists." Christian. Two Adventist families and an much closer now, in 1980, we Apart from his preaching, I overseas student volunteer pres- would exchange ideas as we waited remember H.M.S. Richards best as ently operate the center and offer a to go on the platform for his a man without pretense. What you variety of health and English-lan- Sabbath morning sermon at the saw was what he was. And what a guage classes. The center's two Minnesota camp meeting. power for the Lord and to multi- offices adjoin a large, open room His mind was alert, informed by tudes that was! W. G. J. recent reading. He wanted to share that could probably hold up to 150 information he had recently found. people. "Have faith in God," he Francis Saliba, an ordained Arab encouraged millions of radio lis- minister who speaks fluent Arabic, To page 14 2 (522) ADVENTIST REVIEW. MAY 23 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIALS Adventist Review H.M.S. Richards William G. Johnsson 2 ••••...hic._" "Olt The editor remembers a great and well-loved Adventist. • In the Shadow of Jesus' Home Myron K. Widmer 2 %AP, The town is old, but the venture is new. Here's what Adventists are doing in Nazareth today, including the challenges and struggles. Published continuously since 1849, the Adventist Review seeks to exalt Jesus Christ, our Saviour, Lord of the Sabbath, and coming King. It aims to inspire and inform as it presents the beliefs and news of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist ADVENTIST PEOPLE Church. "After We Jumped Off the Edge Bonnie L. Paddock 5 EDITOR of the Earth" William G. Johnsson Jamie and Jacque Spence aren't the first people God has impressed to ASSOCIATE EDITOR build a boat. But their plans for the 71-foot catamaran Canvasback are Myron K. Widmer unique and exciting. MANAGING EDITOR Jocelyn R. Fay ASSISTANT EDITORS HISTORY James N. Coffin, Eugene F. Durand, Deborah Anfenson-Vance Can We Trust the Modern A. Graham Maxwell 8 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Bible Versions? Corinne Russ What do crocodiles have to do with the proliferation of Modern EDITORIAL SECRETARIES English Bibles? A lot more than most people think. Chitra Bamabas, Jeanne James ART Byron Steele, G. W. Busch SINGLE LIFE CONSULTING EDITORS The Woman Who Wouldn't Give Up Gary C. Jenkins 12 Neal C. Wilson, Charles E. Bradford, L. L. Bock, L. L. Almira Steele's life did not end when her husband died. What she did Butler, Charles B. Hirsch, George W. Reid, Alf Lohne, Kenneth J. Mittleider, Enoch Oliveira, G. Ralph Thompson, for the orphans of Chattanooga should make us all proud. Francis W. Wemick SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS Kenneth H. Wood, Robert H. Pierson, George W. Brown, WORLDVIEW G. J. Christo, W. T. Clark, Bekele Heye, R. J. Kloosterhuis, Edwin Ludescher, Jan Paulsen, W.R.L. Scragg, Joao Wolff Battle Creek Hospital Becomes Mental Health Facility 15 SOUTHWESTERN UNION EDITION Offering to Go for North American Missions 16 Editor, Richard W. Bendall Adventist Student Honored by Congress 16 AFRICA-INDIAN OCEAN EDITIONS Editor, James B. Kio; managing editor, James Fly Italy: AWR-Europe Station on the Air 17 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Martinique: Two Nutrition Workshops Held 17 Editor, Wanda Sample SOUTH AMERICAN EDITIONS Editor, R. S. Lessa, Portuguese; acting editor, Rubem M. DEPARTMENTS Scheffel, Portuguese; editor, Rolando Itin, Spanish From Our Readers 4 Children's Corner 18 CIRCULATION Robert S. Smith, L. Rhea Harvey Countdown to the 17 News Notes 19 HOW TO SUBSCRIBE GC Session Bulletin Board 22 Subscription prices: $34.95 one year, $16.95 six months, Review and Comment 18 The Back Page 23 $8.95 three months To place your order, send your name, address, and money to the local Adventist Book Center or the Review and Herald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagers- town, Maryland 21740. TO WRITERS We welcome unsolicited manuscripts for the different sections of the Adventist Review. It is advisable to send a preliminary outline and purpose of your article before writing COMING NEXT WEEK: the article or submitting it to us. Notification of acceptance or rejection may be expected only if accompanied by a stamped, ■ "A Testament of Love, Duty, and Faith" self-addressed envelope. Address all editorial correspon- by James H. Melancon. A New Testament scholar dence to 6840 Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. 20012. considers Paul's last words to Timothy. ■ INDEX "Making Home, Making Church," by An index is published in the last Review of June and Madeline Steele Johnston. Homemaking—it's not December. The Adventist Review is indexed in the Seventh- day Adventist Periodical Index. just for mothers anymore. ■ "Of Such Is the Kingdom," by Rona The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is published every Thursday. Copyright © 1985 Review and Herald Catherine Swaine. Why a good, Seventh-day Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagers- Adventist schoolteacher wore a gaudy necklace to town, Maryland 21740. Second-class postage paid at Hagerstown, Maryland. Postmaster, send address changes to church one Sabbath. And why the church members Adventist Review, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, didn't mind. Maryland 21740. Single copy, 90 cents U.S. currency. ► Prices subject to change without notice. Art and photo credits: P. 3, David Sherwin; p. 6, Elwyn Platner; p. 7, photo, Rick Gustaysen; line drawing, Pitonzio; p. 16, Finnegan & Vol. 162, No. 21 Associates. Other photos courtesy of respective authors. ADVENTIST REVIEW, MAY 23, 1985 (523) 3 FROM OUR READERS want you to rejoice with us. sleepy from a late nap, insisted A pioneer for the 80s Because of your literature and on writing her own. She dic- prayers, combined with what tated her messages, which I The Leonard Bailey inter- money.
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