E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 No. 4 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was our President’s ability to exercise his late a very tense situation, to save called to order by the Speaker pro tem- constitutional powers as Commander American lives, and was damn right to pore (Mr. CUELLAR). in Chief and, thus, place more Amer- do so. We are all safer today. f ican lives at risk. SPEAKER PELOSI’S REFUSAL TO TRANSMIT Listen, I don’t want a war. The Presi- ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO dent doesn’t want a war. Many, many Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, after TEMPORE Kansans I have talked to, they don’t the unprecedented impeachment witch The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- want any more American lives lost in hunt conducted in the Chamber this fore the House the following commu- an endless war in the Middle East. But past year, Speaker PELOSI has still not nication from the Speaker: what Kansans do want is a President transmitted the sham Articles of Im- WASHINGTON, DC, who draws a red line and actually peachment to the Senate. This would January 8, 2020. means it, that if you harm an Amer- seem to fly in the face of common I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY ican or any American interests, we will sense, the Constitution, and precedent. CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on respond swiftly, decisively, and, yes, It is not just Republicans who have this day. disproportionately. been saying how ridiculous this is. NANCY PELOSI, For Kansans, it is pure and simple Speaker PELOSI’s refusal to transmit Speaker of the House of Representatives. common sense that the American the articles is now coming under scru- f President protect our country, protect tiny from her own fellow Democrats in MORNING-HOUR DEBATE our people from imminent threats the Senate. One Senator said, ‘‘She posed by those who seek to do us harm. should send the articles over’’; another, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- If you are a known terrorist who has ‘‘Let us do what we have to do over ant to the order of the House of Janu- brutality murdered hundreds of Amer- here’’; and, finally, a third Democratic ary 7, 2020, the Chair will now recog- ican soldiers and is actively planning Senator, ‘‘I’m hoping they will come nize Members from lists submitted by to kill more Americans, our leaders, over here soon. I think most people are the majority and minority leaders for our President has the authority to ready to get this moving on.’’ morning-hour debate. quickly stop that threat by any means The only thing that Speaker PELOSI’s The Chair will alternate recognition necessary. This power is a core execu- 3-week charade has done is show the between the parties, with time equally tive function of the Commander in public the weakness of Democrats’ case allocated between the parties and each Chief under Article II of the Constitu- and show, indeed, he has not been given Member other than the majority and tion. a safe political process and it is all for minority leaders and the minority This resolution that may be offered theater. whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no by Democrats today—and I say ‘‘may.’’ Please, Ms. PELOSI, please, Speaker event shall debate continue beyond It sounds like now they are back-walk- PELOSI, allow the Senate to get on with 11:50 a.m. ing it, that they have probably done the people’s work: to pass USMCA, to f some type of a polling or some type of lower healthcare costs, and to improve a study group that says this is not our infrastructure. AIRSTRIKE AGAINST GENERAL going to poll very well. But they have The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- SOLEIMANI been threatening to offer a resolution bers are reminded to address their re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that would undermine the President’s marks to the Chair. Chair recognizes the gentleman from ability to swiftly respond to Iran and f Kansas (Mr. MARSHALL) for 5 minutes. its proxies’ acts of aggression against Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, in re- our Nation and our interests. In other IMPROVING EFFORTS TO ATTACK sponse to a successful, precise United words, it would undermine the Presi- SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYN- States airstrike against Iranian ter- dent’s ability to protect our homeland DROME rorist General Soleimani, a strike that and protect the American people. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The was carefully thought out, that was By eliminating Soleimani, President Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from vetted, that was carefully planned by Trump took decisive action to protect Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE) for 5 minutes. our President, the Secretary of State, Americans and to rid the world of an Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, today White House leadership, and the Pen- evil terrorist who was actively plan- marks a sobering anniversary. Three tagon, my Democrat colleagues are ning more death and destruction. The years ago today, Scarlett Lillian threatening to force a vote to restrict President was doing his job to deesca- Pauley, a magnetic, vibrant, 16-month- b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H15 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:59 Jan 08, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JA7.000 H08JAPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H16 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 8, 2020 old died suddenly and unexpectedly. Scarlett’s mom, someone who took her lucky to have him and so is Min- She was born at 11:25 a.m. on August grief and turned it into activism, and I nesota’s Sixth Congressional District. 31, 2015, a happy and healthy 6-pound, believe she is going to speak elo- HONORING STAN NELSON, A MINNESOTA HERO 4-ounce, 20-inch-long baby. quently of the challenges that families Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise This vibrant little girl loved her across our country who experience today to honor Stan Nelson for his dec- mama and her dada and her pets. such a tragedy face. ades of service to the United States Scarlett loved books. She could read Though Scarlett is gone, she is not and to the city of Anoka, Minnesota. for hours. Her favorite book was forgotten. Passing this bipartisan bill Stan is well known throughout his ‘‘Barnyard Dance!’’ by Sandra Boyn- is one way we can honor her and save community as a man of faith, family, ton. She loved and she was loved. lives. If this bill helps save one life— and football. Some know Stan as Unfortunately, this is not an isolated and I am confident that it will do more ‘‘Coach.’’ Others know him as ‘‘Lieu- story. Each year, hundreds of children than that—it is worth it. tenant Junior Grade.’’ Others know die unexpectedly and their deaths go I urge my colleagues to cosponsor Stan as a Minnesota Senior Olympic unexplained, even after an investiga- this legislation. gold medalist. Today, we add ‘‘Hero’’ to tion. Each year, nearly 3,500 children f the list of titles that accompany his up to age 1 die suddenly. Among in- CONGRATULATING REESE DEHEN name. fants, my colleagues may have heard of ON HER OUTSTANDING ATH- Stan was a student and football play- the leading cause being SIDS, Sudden LETIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS er at Augsburg College who went on to Infant Death Syndrome. enlist in the Navy following the bomb- These devastated families want an- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing of Pearl Harbor. Stan operated one swers which, unfortunately, don’t Chair recognizes the gentleman from of the first boats to land on Omaha come. One reason is that States and Minnesota (Mr. EMMER) for 5 minutes. Beach on D-day. municipalities all over the country col- Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Following his service in World War lect inconsistent and often incomplete today to congratulate an outstanding II, Stan went on to coach the Anoka data on these unexplained sudden athlete from Anoka, Minnesota. High School football team for 26 years, deaths; and, even with these efforts, Reese Dehen, this year, became a re- becoming a legend in Anoka and a they are irreconcilable. peat State champion in swimming. She mentor for generations of players. In If we can’t even collect good and con- won the State swimming title in the honor of his repeated sacrifices, Haven sistent data, how can we expect to re- Class AA 200 individual medley, and for Heroes, a local nonprofit that pro- verse this trend or even prevent it? then the sophomore from Anoka con- vides transitional housing for veterans, Mr. Speaker, we can and we must do tinued to add a second State champion- recently dedicated their auditorium in more to save the lives of our most vul- ship in the 100 breaststroke during the honor of Stan. nerable, which is why I introduced the swimming State championships at the Men like Stan deserve to be honored. Scarlett’s Sunshine on Sudden Unex- University of Minnesota. He has lived a life as a servant leader. pected Death Act, H.R. 2271, named in Reese is an outstanding young talent And at age 99, he hasn’t slowed down.
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