THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL: BEING THE JOURtNAL OF THE BRITISH MIEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED FOR THE ASSOCIATION, BY ERNEST HART. VOLUME I FOR 1884. JANIJARY TO JUNE. PRINTED AND PUB3LISIHED BY THE BRITISH MEDICAL AS OCIATrON AT THEIR OFFICE, is4jSTRANZI) MDCCCLXXXIVr INDEX TO VOLUME I FOR I884. A. Academy of Medicine of St. Petersburg, honorary Alleni, Mr. A., proposed miiedical section of Postal Abadie, M., syphilis and tabes, 215 + members, 443 Microscopical Society, 1229 Abattoirs in Liverpool, 644, 1016 Acland, Dr. H. W., address to General Medical Allman, Mr. J. D., the Boast fund, 137 Abdomen, tumour of, 12, 320, 862, 9 1; curious Council, 637; dignity of K.C.B. conferred on, Aloes in pregnancy, 41, 445 disease ot, 26; Dr. H. de Tatham ohi wound of, 1066 Altlmaus, Dr. J., sclerosis of the spinal cord, 893, 983, with protrusion of intestine, 811; Mr. J. Molony Acne keloid, 668 1035 on removal of a pitchfork prong from, 994 - rosacea, 857 Alum in whooping couglh, Dr. D. H. Cullimore on, 219; Abdominal sections in 1883, Dr. T. Savage on, 453 Actinomycosis, supposed case of, 61, 74, 904 letter on, 249 ; in bread, 736 - surgery, Dr. T. J. Walker on cases of, 263, Action for defective drainage, 184; of Mr. Wheeler Alveolar abscess, 1152 446 ag,ainst Irish Government, 342; for slander, Page Amaurosis and herpnianopsia, 166; temporary, from Aberdeen, special correspondence friom, 925, 1182 versus Harrison, 838; for recovery of fees, 584; vapour of dilute hydrocyanic acid, Dr. H. de Tat Abortion, criminal, cases of, 175, 483, 584 against Messrs. Bower and Keates, see Bower; for hamii on, 409 ; uraumic 721 ; recovery from in infanits treatment of, 541, 590, d64, 936 bad drainage of a house, 1020 ; for libel by a coroner, 1152 Abraham, Mr. P. 5. tumour of the nose, 419; epi- 1217 Anibler, the late Surgeon J. M., 783 physal lamina on lasi-occipital bone of a tapir, 767 Addison's disease, case of, 462 Amblyopia, and henmiopia, 416; reflex, 819; froi scapulo-humeral dislocation in the horse, 1048 Address on snake-poison, Sir J. Fayrer, 205; to tobacco, Mr. C. Shears oii, 11]V9 Abscess, alveolar, 1152 Dubli)I Branch, Dr. E. Hamilton, 305; on antiseptic Ambulance carriage for hospitals, i49 of brain, 222, 764 surgery, in its application to field-service, Surgeon- - company of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, -- gluteal, following injury, 1044 Major C. H. Godwiin, 350; to Royal Medical anid 570 of liver, dyseliteric, 224 miultiple, in a boy, Chiirnrgical Society, Mr. J. Marshall, 479; on opiumti drill, for the army, 882; order concerning, 560; Mr. E. 0. Milward on, 1086; tropical, Sir J. as anl aid in surgery, Mr. G. Pollock, 799; on cholera 1120 Fayrer on, 1129 and sauitaiy work, Surgeon-General Cornish, 845; - horse, proposed, in Liverpool, 1017 lumbar,Nvith peculiar symptoms, 14 on the national vtaluie of public health, Sir James proposed, in Edinburglh, 184 of lung, 464 ; paracentesis anid drainage of, Paget, 1191; on pnemnilonia, Dr. Burney Yeo, 1242 -- system, police in Chicago, 557 1045; Dr. J. Waugh oni, 1144 Adenoma, multiple, of colon anid rectumi, 410 - work iu Scotland, 738; and police, 749, of mediastinum, 63 Adeno-sarcom-a of breast, 721 1060 of orbit, communicating with brain, Dr. Adulteration of food in Glasgow, 429; of butter in Ameiiorrhsea, treatment of doubtful cases of, 41 Emrys-Jones on, 355 New York, 623; in County Antrim, 629; in County America, special correspondence from,,782 pericoecal, 411 Down, 777 Aimerican retaliatioln, 282 Academy of Medicine in Ireland, dinner to Dr. Banks, Advertisements of candidates for hospital appoint- food, importation of into France, 645 383 ments, 397 Ainidon, Dr. R. W., Year-Book of Therapeutics, ie-., Medical Sectiqp, specimens exhibited by Advertising, medical, 40, 83, 490, 843, 936, 982, 1020 1050 card, 167, 371, 1153; proteani skin-affection in Affieck, Dr. J. O., antipyretic treatment of typhoid Amnesia, peculiar form of, 1149 children, 167 ; pulsating liver, 168 ; brachial mono- fever, 945 Amputation, high, for senile gangrene, 33 ; early, iii plegia with anaesthesia, ib. ; living specimens, 37,1, Africa, West, colonial servi& of, 1019 gangrene, ib.; by oblique circular incision, Dr. J. 1153 ; bronchitis and emphysema with reiiiarkable Agnew, Dr. D. 1g., Priniciples anid Practice of Sturgery, Hardic on, 98; of knee by lateral flaps, 110; Stokes's, symptoms, 371; pneumonia with paradoxical tem- rev., 373 111; through joints of the lower limb, 464; At the peratures, ib.; poisoning by tainted meat, ib.; Aickin, Dr: W., new form of Hodge's pessary, 322 hip-joint, Dr. T. F. Chavasse on, 849; imodiJ;catioi ilisease of spinal cord, 565; scarlet fever, ib. ; con- Aitkeen, Dr., memorial of, 920 of Syme's, 906; of hip-joint, Dr. R. Maclareii on, ,enital cardiac disease with interventricular com- Alnany, the Duke of, death of, 690 ; votes of condo- 1079 ; at shoulder-joint for sarcoima of biceps, 1091 munnication, 819 ; rare form of skin-disease, lb. lence of Medical Society of London, 672; of Genieral Amyl, nitmite of, Dr. R. L. Batterbury on a stubstituite paralysis in a child, 820; climatic fevers in India, Medical Council, 678, 679; of Royal Medical and for caipsules of, 854 820, 1152; disease of bladder, 1153; progressive Chirurgical Society, 732; of Royal College of Sur- Anseiiiia, with neuro-retinitis, 10; idiopathic, 41S mnuiscular atrophy anid labio-glosso-laryngeal para- geons of England, 739; ofRoyalCollegeofPhysicians, Anaesthesia, nmode of produtcing, 781 lysis, ib.; double optic neuritis with paralysis, ib. 740 of Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chlest, Ancesthetic, bromide of ethyl as an, Mr. WV. 1t. WVil- reflex paralysis, ib. 795; of Obstetrical Society of London, 817 ; of COun- liaiiis oIn, 402; letters on, 484; Dr. J. C. Reeve oni, - Obstetrical Section, submuicous fibroid cil ofBritish Medical Association, 833 812 tumou., 168; uterine polypus, ilb. ; macerated twin Albo-carbon light, 1075, 1188 - ethylate of sodiuim as aui, 1152 fcetus, ib. ; chronic inversioni of uterus, 169; in- Albumen, in urine, picric acid as a test for, 10 ; Dr. Anwesthetics, Dr. B. C. A. Wiiidle oni apparatus for duction of premature labour, ib. G. Johnson on picric acid asa test for, 103 ; determi- administrationi of, 18 ; Mr. R. T. Freemiyani on, rel., - Pathological Section, pseudo-glioma, 64 nation of in uirine, 860; Dr. H. Veale on Esbach's 17,2; deaths fromms in 1883, Dr. E. H. Jacob omi, 351 pervious urachus with disease of bladder, ilb. ; cysto- method of estimating quantity of, 898; and Sugar Mr. C. E. Jennings on poisoining by, 809. See Chlo o- sarconma of breast, ib.; tumour of dura nater, 65; in Urine, Dr. G. Johinson on Various Modes of Test- form, Ether, Methylene, and Nitrous Oxide. spontanieous rupture of pulmonary artery, 419 ; ing for, rev., 1095 Anwsthletisation of cattle,before slaughter, 1057s eleplhantiasis of scrotumii, ib.; epithelioina fromii local Albuminuria, chlorodyne in, 203 ; with genieral dropsy, Anialysis of Planits, Dr. G. Dragendortf on, ree., 467 imritation, ib. tumour of niose, ilb. ; fracture of 221 ; pathology aisd clinical significanice of, 319, :369, Anatomist, a royal, 377 ipper part of hunmerus, ilb. ; stricture of rectuimi, 460, 719 ; in surgery, 721 ; Mr. R. C. Lucas oni asso- Anatomy, teaching of in Queen's tollege, Birmimingmlai i, 608; acute diabetes amid pancreatic disease, ib., ciation of flat foot, weak ankle,- etc., with, 852; 434; report of Commiiiiittee of Medical Coummicil oin initestinial conicretionis, ib. ; meniingitis after eiiucle- with strangulated hernia, 923 ; physiological, 1010; subjects for, 679 ation of eye, 609; recent ColIes' fracture, 81; in apparently healthy persons, inquiry of Collective Ainderson, Dr. A. Mr., Duriationi of Life in Dundee, re., nitral obstructioni with complications, ib. ; tuber- Investigation Conimittee, 1055, 1113; with paraine- 321 cular disease of thulmb, i). ; umainiiiiary tuiiiour, tritis, 1150 Dr. Wigmnore on, 1206 - Dr. James, nervous disease with ocular' 862; jeqtuirity inflammlilationt, 1047,; scapulo- Alcohol in typhoid fever, 81; influence on action of syniptomins, 955 hiimneral dislocation in the horse, 1048 ; rare ttumtiour clhloroformn, 132; poisoning by 358; conisuinption of in - Dr. MIcCall, malignant disease of lheal- otf of orbit, it). ; miiultiple diverticula of large intes- Paris, 645; Dr. Norman Kerron the Truth about, rev., pancreas, 167, tine, ib. ; fi-actiire of head and artictular suirface of 673 ; toxic effects of various forms of, 781; abuse of - Mr. W., pyelo-litlhotomimy, 1092 tibia, ih. in Switzerland, 922 ; in the tissues, 1116; influence Andr-ew, Dr. J., Lummuilciami lectures oii etiology 1)1 -- Sturical Sectioim, living- specimiens, 15, 113, of oni sight, 1201 plithisis, 655, 707, 751 463 ; specimens exliibiteil by card, 15, 113, 465 Alcoholic leg-painis, 197, 844 Aineiirysiim of ao-ta, abldoimminal, 414 fractured patella, 13; remioval of inaso-pharyngeal Alderson, Dr., extra-uiterine pregnancy, 1208 of aorta, tlhoracic, Cases of, 111, 7S0, 109 tumours, 113; gulslsot injuiry with thomacic compli- Alexander, Dr. W., Colles's fractuire, 463; sypliilitlic electropunctiue in, .`126 cations, ib. ; radlical cure oflhernia, 465, 466 ; foreigim calvaria, ib. ; imperfect ossification of skutll; l. ; de- of carotid artery, ilternial, 412, 996 bodies in knee-joinit, 766; pistol-wouind of cerle- pressioin of sknill, M7. ; Treatimient of Displacemnents -- of cereb-al arteries, 1(u;, 017 bellumn, 767; abdomninal tumotur, 862; excisioni of of the Uterus by Shortening tIme Rounid Ligaments, of gluteal artery, 858 tongtue for epithelioma, ib. carbolic treatmiient, ib. lev., 1094 -of iliac artery, external,'] 218 - Subsection of Anatomy anid Physiology, Alexandria, special corresponidenice fromii, 388, 329, of inmiomniiiate artert, (i;i nmicro-pllotography, 169), 767; homologies of inuscles, 924 of poplitoal artery,314; Mr. A. E. J. Bar- Vb. experinsleiits Oni pneuniogastric nierve, ill. epi- Alkarain, 42 ker on case of, treated by (digital pressure, l147 physal lainiina on basi-occipital bonie of American Allahabad, temperature at, 932 - of 1limm nary artery, 62, 997 tapir, 767; accessory nerve of Willis, ib.
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