Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 4-19-1956 Spectator 1956-04-19 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1956-04-19" (1956). The Spectator. 554. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/554 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Sally Rude To Reign SEATTLEUNIVERSITYSpectator At Annual ROTC Ball Sally 'Rude has been named queen of this year's annual ROTC Ball. Inher court are Sandy Dod- son, Pat Hogan, Barbara Meagher Vol. XXIII SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1956 ®«^R*> No. 23 and Lorraine Moore. "I want to thank the cadets for the honor of being chosen Queen,'.' beamed Sally, a junior education Students Partake major from San Francisco. "I am Alumsand the sure Iam speaking for entire court when Isay we appreciate- the beautiful job the cadets have In Fund-Raising Campaign done of planning the dance and activities, from $5,700 out of of $25,000. The court and the considera- The Seattle University Alumni sale is Mike Weber, a senior a total tion they have given us." conjunction with the in the of Commerce proceeds went towardsthe furnish- Associationin Seattle School court, which chosen by today and Finance. Weber reports the ing of Loyola Hall. This year the The was Student Body launches one University's ROTC units, of the biggest projects of the year. student goal is $6,000. The portion Seattle until June 3, which the students raise will go will be presented on King's Kiim- It will extend 1956. at 2 lucky person towards 'student parking facilities era, KINO TV, this afternoon ' On June 3 some will be a 1956 super de- oncampus. The overallbenefits of p.m., and at a later date will be awarded reviewinga parade. luxe V-8 Fordomatic Country the drive will be used to furnish honored by Photo by JonArnt Wagon new classroom building which Crowning of Sally will Squire Station plus $1,000 the Queen QUEEN SALLY RUDE cash. ■ will be under construction later take place during the ROTC Ball in dates, Student chairman for the ticket this summer. Friday, April 27, at 10:30 p.m. The ROTC cadets and their will The drive will be organized on ball will be held in the Spanish be formal and non-cabaret. A Phi O News a competitive basis with the men Ballroom of the Olympic Hotel Chairmen working on the dance studentsvying against the coedsfor from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., announces with Major William Adams,ROTC top honors. The goal for both Jim Quinn, publicity director for advising officer, are James King Named, groups is $3,000 each. Other sub- the dance. Thomas Mahoney, Paul Mernaugk Officers divisions have been made to facili- The Ball, which is open to all and Jim Quinn. tate the handling of the tickets. Blood Drive Set Books of ten tickets each are ' Bob Bruck waselected president being distributedduring 10 o'clock in the Alpha Phi Omega elections classes this morning, April 19. Where Charlie?' Cast held last March 28. Other officers Those who didn't receive these are Santos Contreras, vice presi- tickets may pick them up at the dent in charge of projects; Dave MIKE WEBER Dean of Men's office. Readies for May Opening Morris, vice president in charge of headquartersfor will be Teams of students are being or- Friday Saturday, May zer, Roger Ford are assuming the drive go On and 4 and pledges; Bill O'Connell, corre- in theDean of Men's office which is ganized to to various buildings 5, Department the tasks of direction and set de- day begin- and the Music will sponding secretary; Jim Higgins, located on the second floor of the throughout Seattleeach Loesser George signing. recording secretary; Gene Fabre, ning Monday, April 23. Heading presentFrank and Student Union Building. Abbott's "Where's Charley?" the The tentative list of dancers in treasurer; Oakie Oaksmith, his- Last year the students raised these teams arePat Dennehy, Don the show Cole, Barrett, musical adaptation of Brandon includes Barbara torian; DonCain,sergeant-at-arms. Ray Weber andSteve Cer- Janyce Overholt, Lucina Weber, Alpha Omega regional ruti. Students interested in going Thomas' "Charley's Aunt." The Phi Charley, Jack, Penny Simonsen, Marsha Rodelle, convention be held here at with these groups should meet in Starring roles of will by Cathy Burke, Mary Alfrey, Ginny Seattle U April and 29. It will Banquet Dean of Men's at 12:50 Amy and Kitty are portrayed 28 Education the office McMeiuunin, Stevens, Mary Ann Short, Sue p.m. day. Fred Lanouette, Bill include delegatesfrom Washington, each Hohl, Marilyn Seering and Helen Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Ne- April Arrangements for the issuing of Jaclyn Judy, and Berniee Baum- ' Planned 21 tickets and turning in of money gartner respectively. Others In the Marti. vada. Men dancers include Bill Wall, Plans for the annual A Phi O The first annual SeattleUniver- willbe establishedat the Informa- cast areBill Taylor,Carolyn Steig- sity School of Education banquet tion Booth in the Liberal leder, Rod Pierce, George Mc- Cal Crow, Ken Rusch, Gary Miller, Blood Drive are now definite. It Arts Mernaugh, Tony Cozzetti, Wednesday Thurs- for graduates 'from the School of Building and in special booth Cleave, and Ron Randall. Judy Paul will beheld and a in Lane, Holt, and Leon- Gym. Educational and under-graduates the Chieftain.Hours willbe11 a.m. Etchey will do the'choreography. Mike Tom day, May 2 and 3 in the SU presently for Lynch. Lost Found has enrolled is slated to 12:30 p.m. dally. Mrs. Mary Egan, Mr. Carl Pit- ard The and asked Saturday, April 21, 6:30 p.m., Singers Carol Schnur- that brought to at include several rules be in the Student Union Building. inger, Janice Morgan, Mary Kay the attention of the students. 1. Winfleld Fountain, president of Schaaf, Peggy Jo Pasquier, Judy Not responsible for articles left Washington Associa- Parking Gosha, Julie Hoven, Jeannette days. the Education Success of Area over thirty 2. Students are tion and principal of Moses Lake Guitterez, Ron Bentz, Ron Sailer, to outside the door asked remain Hjgh School, will be the principal Paul Horiuchi, EdStasney, Vaughn when claiming lost articles. 3. Stu- speaker. In his entitled Hinges On Cooperation Thomson, Lynch, help address Leonard Dick dents are asked to recover "Coming of Age," he will speak By MIKE GALVIN lack of cooperationon the part of Anderson. articles, to turn in things lost and about the problems involvedin at- negotiation the students, so please conform to found campus. After months of a that are on taining a status in Education. partial solution to the student the provisions of this permit." The buffet dinner is sponsored parking problem Three lanes of cars will be Clark College Glee Club will was announced by Eta Alpha chapter of Kappa by Jim Ray, A3SU president, at parked on this street Monday Foreign Service present a concert in the Chief- Delta Pi, the national education through Friday, and it will be ex- today p.m. the Student Body meeting. tain Lounge at 3 Ad- honorary society. clusively for U students. is free are urged Eleventhavenue between Spring Seattle mission and all Tickets $3.25 and they are It is urged again that all students Career Explained to attend. are. and Marion has been set aside by available in the Education office.* the City of Seattle for SU parking. remove their cars before 3 p.m. Barricades will be set up April 18 Monday At Noon p.m. from 8 a.m. to 3 This will con- W. Tapley Bennett Jr., a repre- tinue through Spring Quarter. It Knights Announce sentative of the Department of Named is necessary thatall cars bomoved Gen'l Gruenther State, will visit Seattle University by S p.m. or they will be towed Officers, Pledges next Monday, April 23, to present away. information on career opportuni- Speaker Jim Ray, president, By DAN ZIMSEN Commencement ASSU asks ties in the U. S. Foreign Service everyone's cooperation mat- By National War College, Washing- in this On April 9, the new officers of and to explainthe examining pro- SUE HOHL seven Rev. A. Lemieux, S.J., an- ton, D.C. ter. "It has taken us months Seattle U's Wigwam Chapter of cess for entry into the Foreign A. to secure this permit, a lot of nounced this week that General In 1947, General.Gruenther was' the Intercollegiate Knights were Service as acareer officer. The dis- Gruenther, head of appointed as the first Director of work has gone into this, and it installed. Dick Vargo was sworn cussion will take place at 12 noon Alfred M. will all for nothing if NATO, will speak at this year's. the Joint Staff,'whichserves as the have been into the office of Honorable Duke, in room123,Liberal Arts Building. May 29. staff for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. this permit is canceled. All it will Phil McEchern took over the posi- Commencement exercises cancelled will be Recently the general wasaward- In September 1949, he became take to have it a tion of Worthy Scribe, and Andy ed the Laetare Medal by Noire Berg was installed as Chancellor Dame University as the outstand- of the Exchequer. ing Catholic layman of the year. Vets Also given an oathof office were Almost simultaneously, he an- Schedule Expansion Officer, Pat Raney; nounced his retirement, effective Worthy Recorder, Tom Hamilton, later this year, which will end a 'Senior Dance' and Worthy Historian,John Smith.
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