l!,,,,,l,ll,l,,11,,,,ll,,,,!l,,l,,ll,,l,1,,l,,ll,ll,,,,1,l,I Flhode Island Jewish Healthwise PAGES 8 & 9 I HERALD The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXX, NUMBER 4 KISLEV 30, TH URSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1999 35c PER COPY News at a Glance ASpirit Of Hope In The Fight Against AIDS A controversy surround­ ing the Temple Mount is Breaking The Federation of Rhode Island, being debated on the a long with 20 other agencies government's pennission Deafening Silence and organizations, participated for tht: Muslim Waqf to by Luke O'Neill in World A IDS Day 1999. The construct a new entrance Communi ty Reporter American Association for World to a Mustim prayer room n recognition of World AIDS I lea 1th coordinates many of the under the Temple Mount. Day on Dec. 1, a somber, yet, World A IDS Day activities According toHa'aretz,At­ Iconsoling service of hope throughout the country. torney Gen. Elyakim and healing was held at The Service of I lope and Rubinstein s tated tha t, Temple Beth-El, Providence. Healing at Temple Beth-El "remnants of the history The service was led by Rabbi rooted those in attendance with of the Jewish people are Michael Cahana and was filled a positivC" sense of persever­ being trampled. We have with a message of hope for ance. Prayers, meditations and a tolerance for ritual, but people of a ll faiths touched - songs gave hope to the gather­ we must tell the Waqf a nd directly or indirectly - by the ing of nearly 60 people in the the Muslims that we, too, A IDS epidemic. Music and Herman L. Bennett Chapel to have a history." Rubin­ s inging were led by Cantor Ida reflect on how they have been stein argues that a door Rae Cahana and singer/ afflicted by A IDS-directly or which is 10 meters wide songwriter Laura Berkson. The indirectly. and 10 meters high is not moving and interactive meeting Prayers reached out to those a small emergency exit, was sponsored by the A IDS who sought healing, "We pray but in fac t a large en­ Task Force of the Community fo r those w ho are affected by ill­ trance. Director General Relations Council of the Jewish ness, anguish and pain. Heal of the Antiquities Author­ Federation of Rhode Island. them." Songs led by Cantor ity Amir Drori believes World AIDS Day, in its 12th Cahana and Berkson awed that the construction is year of worldwide observance, much of the group while con­ potentially damaging to had a theme this year of "End soling much of their pain. antiquihes in the area. the Silence: Listen, Learn, Live!" According to the Rhode ls­ Palestinian lawmaker Despite the new hope for treat­ land Department of Health, in Mouawiyah Masri, who ment, the purpose of this year's the all-time history of the state, signed a leaflet accusing theme and rnmpaign is to pro­ as of Nov. 1, 1999, 1,950 Rhode Palestinian Authority mote communication and in­ Islanders have been diagnosed Chairman Vasser Arafat crease awareness of the sever­ with AIDS, of whom more than of encouraging corrup­ ity of theAlDS/HIV global epi­ 1,000 have died. The department tion, was shot and demic, one of the most devas­ has received more than 3,700 wounded in Nablus on tating epidemics in modern his­ I IIV-posltlve test results. Dec. 1. Masri said three tory. Approximately 190 coun­ Debbie Blitz, an AIDS Task gunmen accosted him in tries observed World AIDS Day •Force member, remembered the front of his house after he 1999 to draw attention to AIDS/ spirit of Julie Gutterman at the returned from a meeting HIV ser vice. Gutterman passed of the Palestinian Legisla­ A calendar of more than 20 away earlier this year of cancer AS PA RT O F Wo rld A IDS Day 1999, Lau ra Berkson (left) a nd tive Council at which he events was scheduled from and was a fellow AIDS Task Can tor Ida Rae Cahana w ere mus ical leaders at a service to he lp and eight other lawmak­ Nov. 29 through Dec. 14 in the Force member. those affected by A IDS. The service was he ld Dec. 1 at Tem ple ers refused to denounce Providence area. The Jewish (Continued on Page JO) Beth-El, Providence. Herald plroto by Luke O'Neill the leaflet they signed. Two Nablus men, one a Palestinian policeman, were arrested by the Pal­ Hillary Clinton Visits Shaare Zedek Jerusalem Medical Center estinian Authority for the During her recent two-day T he 100-year-old hospital Jerusalem'smulti-culturalcom­ religion. Shaare Zedek is one of shooting of Masri. trip to Israel, First Lady Hillary serves a ll segments of munities, irrespective of race o r only two hospitals administer• • The U.N. General Assem­ Clinton made a special visit to ing pediatric dialysis treatment bly pas~ed on Dec. 1 three the pediatric dialysis unit of in Israel. draft resolutions regard­ Shaare ZedekJerusalem Medical As a guest of Nava Barak, ing Israel and the Middle Center which offers treatments wife of Israeli Prime Minister East. The draft resolutions to 00th Arab and Jewish children Ehud Barak, the first lady also called for Israel's with­ s11ffering from kidney failure. toured other areas of JeruSakm drawal from the Gola n During her hospital tour, including the grave<,ile of the l--leightstotheJuly4, 1967 Clinton was joined by Menno late Prime Minister Yitzha\... borders, canceling of the Ratzker, president of the Ameri­ Rabin and Yad Vashein I lolo­ Israeli Parliament deci­ can Committee for Shaare caust Memorial. In addition, sion to apply Israeli law to Zedek, who noted, "As she is a she attended a conference on the entire territory of major advocate and spokesper youth violence al Tel Avi\ Uni­ jl'TU'-alcm and calling to son for children's healt h issues, versity. remove intC'mationaJ em­ W('aregrateful the first lady has Shiiart' Zede\... Jeru~.ilem bcJ<;'>i(•<; from Jerusalem mnde a priority of visiting the Medical Center. one of the The ( ,eneral As~mbly ac­ children at Shaare Zedek I los­ world's leading o.:riti..:,1l -1..·,1rc n·ptt.'d the PalC'.,tinian pita\." mt."dical center-., opened it<. Liber.ition Org;ml/ation's Clinton was c<,pecially Joors 111 1402 ,1nd h,1<. been ~tam.. e th,11 call'> for rcach­ moved by the peaceful co-exi<,l pracliung. ,1d\'o..:alin~ .rnd ,et tmg tlw <.t,mdard, ll1r "kwi,h ini,; ;m unckr<.landmg bt:· enct.' of Jew<, ,rnd Ar,,b'> in the tw~·n J<.r,wl and th(' l',11- l<,rJeli hm,pit,11, where the pa­ llll'liiLine" e,·1..•r ... inn'. RootL,i m I IRST LADY III LLARY C LI NTON receives a g ift (rom .1 child the .,pirilu,11 ,md t.'lh1L,1l pre l' tini,1n<; bt.· b,ist.·d on tient., ~ing tn•,1ted for the di<.­ in the pediatric dialysis unit al Shaare lcdek Jerusalem l\'1cdi­ kt.'<1olut1on 181. wh1£.h t.'.l"t.' an· prt.•dnmin,intly Arab n•pl<. ot tr,1di1um,1l ludai'-lll c,1 I Center. Looking on is ProfessorYonalan 11 .ilevy, dircctorgcn­ Sh,1.lrl' Zl'cil-J... blend., -.1,1tl ol cc1ll fortht·C5-t,1!:'lh<.hmt·nt (A high pcrLl'nt,1gt.•of marr1,lf;L'" of l\.",(J<..l,lh.'S,,Jn(I ~('S(1lu hl'lween cou<,111<, in thl' Arab eral of the hospit,1 1, and Or. Rachel Ad.itto·Lcvy, deputy medi• tlw-,ut ted1m1l1)~\ ,1nd k, h c.11 director of Sh.iare Ledck .ind advisor on women's health is­ t1on IY~ ""hii.h rd,Ht•s to Lommumtv rt.·.,ult m n•n·<.<..1ve 11iqu1'<. with u,mpa,.,uinak sues for Israel's Ministry of Health. L",lfl' Tlh'fl' thcl',1lt hmm nh1g(, w·nd1( di<o0rdt·r., lc,1thng to kid nwJK,ll Ill tn.•,lling lll'Y dt<.('<l"-t' ) l'lmtoru~rlt•~ of \,,rrrr(IIII C",u,r1t11ltrt f,1t ~/i<IRIT /r,frl \lr,lmtl ( rnt, r ,., /rnt•lllr"1 than ,;n 000 r,1lln1t l\l~h \l'.ll 2-THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH H ERALD, 11-IURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1999 HAPPENINGS ,., Ent=,trtainm=,tnt f@r Calendar: December 9 thru December 15 9 The University of Rhode Island's Theater Deparhnent presents "Fiddler on the Roof," on Dec. 9 and 10 at 8 p.m. in the Robert E. WiU Theatre, URI Fine Arts Center, Kingston. $12 Childr=,¢ '.t\ adults, $10 seniors/students and children under 12. Ca\1874-5843. The Providence Children's Museum, 100 South St., Provi­ 10 Legendary blues man 8.8. King takes to the PPAC stage,along with "Lucille." 220 Weybosset dence, announces the following activities. Call 273-KIDS. St., Providence. Call 421-ARTS for tickets. The Rhode Island College Symphony Orchestra perfonns al the Nazarian Center for the December Perfonning Arts Auditorium at 8 p.m. General admission is $7; $5 senior citizens and non­ RIC students. Free for RJ C students with identification. Call 456-9883. 9 Play & Leam. 3 to 4:30 p.m. Join Gramma Hope in the Authors Jon Land, David Macaulay and R.W. Alley will be among the Rhode Island au­ cozy and safe environment of Littlewoods where tod­ thors, iUustrators and artists who w ill sign their works at Gateway's second annual Light of dlers, ages 2 to 4, play festive games designed to encour­ Hope Book Festival at the Warwick Mall.
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