Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 5 No 4 Winter 2015-16 incorporating Islington History Journal Restored and reoccupied The former Milford Haven pub comes off the Heritage at Risk Register Angel terrace saved in Crossrail U-turn l New River Head flat rejected l Obituary: Kathleen Frenchman l Mary Tealby, Battersea Dogs Home founder l Bruce Kent looks back l The world’s first model railway club l How to build a Georgian house l The medieval Jewish cemetery l Books plus special offers l Events and exhibitions l Your local history questions About the society Our committee What we do: talks, walks and more Contribute to this and contacts heIslington journal: stories and President Archaeology&History pictures sought RtHonLordSmithof TSocietyishereto Finsbury investigate,learnandcelebrate Wewelcomearticlesonlocal Vice president: theheritagethatislefttous. history,aswellasyour MaryCosh Weorganiselectures,walks research,memoriesandold Chairman andotherevents,and photographs. AndrewGardner,andy@ publishthisquarterly Aone-pagearticleneeds islingtonhistory.org.uk journal.Wehold10 about500words,andthe Membership, publications meetingsayear,usuallyat maximumarticlelengthis and events IslingtonTownHall. 1,000words.Welikereceiving CatherineBrighty,8 Wynyatt Thesocietywassetupin picturestogowitharticles, Street,EC1V7HU,0207833 1975andisrunentirelyby butpleasecheckthatwecan 1541,catherine.brighteyes@ volunteers.Ifyou’dliketo reproducethemwithout hotmail.co.uk getinvolved,pleasecontact infringinganyone’scopyright. Treasurer ourchairmanAndrew Thejournalispublishedin PhilipAnderson,phlpandrsn6 Gardner(detailsleft). www.facebook.com/ printandonlineinpdfform. @btopenworld.com 8www.islingtonhistory.org.uk groups/islingtonhistory.org.uk Deadlineforthespring Academic adviser issueis1February. LesterHillman,former visitingprofessor,London Journal back issues and extra copies Ever wondered…? MetropolitanBusinessSchool, Doyouhaveanyqueriesabout LondonMetropolitan Journaldistributionis Islington’shistory,streetsor University overseenbyCatherine buildings?Sendtheminfor Journal editor Brighty(detailsleft). ourtirelessresearcherMichael ChristyLawrance Contactherformore Readingandotherreadersto Committee members copies,backissues,ifyou answer.Pleasenotewedonot MichaelHarper movehouseandabout keepanarchiveorcarryout AlexisMagness membership.Backissues familyresearch. DerekSeeley canalsobedownloaded lSeeLetters,page6 SamirSingh viaourwebsiteatwww. ZenaSullivan islingtonhistory.org.uk Copyright Copyrightofeverythingin $ (photocopiesacceptable) thisjournallieswiththe Join the Islington Archaeology & History Society creatorunlessotherwise stated.Whileitcanbedifficult Membershipperyearis:£12single;£15jointatsameaddress;concessionssingle£8/joint£10; totracecopyrightownership corporate£25;overseas£20;life:£125(renewalformssentoutwhendue) ofarchivematerials,wemake everyefforttodoso. I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembershipandenclose achequepayableto“IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety”for....................... Contacts Editor:ChristyLawranceat Name(s)..................................................................................................................................... [email protected]. uk,c/o6Northview,Tufnell Address...................................................................................................................................... ParkRoad,N70QB .................................................................................,................................................................... The Journal of the Islington Tickheretogoonouremaillist.Emailaddress................................................................ Archaeology & History Society ispublishedfourtimesayear Telno(incaseofmembershipqueries).................................................................................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:CatherineBrighty,IslingtonArchaeology &HistorySociety,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU PrintedbyPrintSet,15 Palmer Wewillnotgiveyourdetailstothirdpartiesunlessrequiredtobylaw Place,London, Cover: Christy Lawrance Cover: N78DH,www.printset.co.uk 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Winter2015-16 Vol5 No4 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety IncorporatingIslington History Journal Vol 5 No 4 Winter 2015-16 Local pressure led to the right decision e were delighted to hear that a row of historic buildings at WAngel were no longer going to Contents be knocked down for Crossrail 2 works (news, page 4). Given there was a large, much-disliked News 4 building across the road, it was somewhat Angel terrace saved in Crossrail U-turn, united over a rescued shop, New River surprising that Transport for London had Head flat rejected on heritage grounds, and our Facebook group grows and grows earmarked a terrace containing listed buildings for demolition. Perhaps they Yourlettersandquestions 6 just looked at a map and planned what Head teacher of vanished school, several long-lost buildings and Girdlestone suited their underground plans best Estate’s architect. Plus Joseph Thomas Burgess: soldier and boxer 8 without even considering what was above. After some vociferous campaigning by Obituary:KathleenFrenchman 9 local people, the council, amenity bodies A local historian who loved language and business groups, TfL changed its mind. As a councillor said when voting against Adog’sbestfriend 10 the redevelopment of Norton Folgate, Mary Tealby set up Temporary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs in Holloway, “Heritage belongs to the people.” the forerunner of Battersea Dogs Home Anunusualnewuse Fromarmymantopeacecampaigner 11 In Islington since last year, a pub has Veteran peace activist Bruce Kent talked to the society been taken off the Heritage at Risk register, and a house and a set of railings Modelhistory 12 and gate added (cover image and news, The story of the world’s first model railway club and a socially progressive hobby page 5). In England, 327 assets have been added to the register and 604 removed. ThemedievalJewishcemeteryatCripplegate 14 Often, the best way to save a heritage Near Clerkenwell was once the only cemetery in England where Jewish burials asset is to find a modern, viable use for it. were permitted However, this is easier said than done with some structures – such as the biggest HowtobuildaGeorgianhouse 16 19th century gasholder in King’s Cross. How a house in Canonbury Square was rebuilt to match its original predecessor So, next time you’re in King’s Cross, seek out Gasholder Park, and welcome Publications 18 back the iron frame of gasholder no 8, A glimpse of lost London through bomb damage maps, life during the First World after its refurbishment in Yorkshire, War, a Camden compendium, four Crouch End walks and special offers which has been reassembled for its new life as a circular park. Reviews 22 West African history, glorious Indian jewellery, faith in Egypt and Japanese design Happybirthdaytous In December, we’re holding a party to Eventsandexhibitions 24 mark the society’s 40th birthday (inside Days and evenings out back page). See you then. Directoryofsocieties,museumsandresources 28 Christy Lawrance Editor IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySocietyevents 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Winter 2015-16 Vol 5 No 4 3 news In brief Angel terrace saved in Crossrail U-turn Kathleen Frenchman Planstodemolishaterraceat TheRBShasbeendescribed attendedandmadetheir KathleenFrenchman,a Angel,whichcontainsa asoneofIslington’sugliest oppositionveryclear. long-servingmemberofthe historicformercinemaand buildings. TfLandNetworkRailare society’scommittee,diedon theCo-opBank,for TfLhaspublished comingtotheendofaseries 16September.IAHSchairman Crossrail 2buildingworks consultationdocumentson ofpublicdrop-insessionsto AndyGardnersaid:“Kathleen havebeenabandoned. itsnewproposals.Itis outlineplansandanswer wasatremendoussupporter TheRoyalBankofScotland plannedthattherailwaywill questions.Theeventsheldin ofIAHS,theIslingtonSociety buildingwillnowbeknocked openby2030. Islingtonareover,butonewill andtheFriendsofIslington downandthesiteusedforthe Earlyin2015,councillor takeplaceinHaringeyat Libraries,alongwithmany Crossrailstationentrance. MartinKlutetoldajoint AlexandraPalaceStation,N22 otherorganisations.Shewas TheU-turnfollowsahostile meetingoftheIAHSandthe 7ST,12pm-8pmonThursday verysupportiveofmywork, responsebylocalbusinesses IslingtonSocietythatitwas 17Decemberandtwowillbe includingbehindthescenes.” andresidentstoTransportfor importanttorespondtoplans heldnearSevenSisterstube lSeeobituary,page9. London’soriginalplans. atanearlystage,asitwould station,onthecornerofHigh Twoothersitesarealso befarmoredifficultto RoadandBroadLane,N15 End for Festival of earmarkedfordemolition. challengethemlateron. 4AJ,onWednesday16and Britain architect’s school Thesearethepubliccarriage Healsodemandedthat Friday18December. officeinPentonStreetand membersofthepublicwere Theconsultationwillclose TheformerAshmountSchool, partofWhiteLionStreet; allowedtoattendameeting onFriday8January2016.To designedbyHTCadbury- ChapelMarketshouldbe betweencouncilandTfL commentonproposals,visit Brownin1953,twoyearsafter unaffected. officials.Some200residents www.crossrail2.co.uk. hehadbeenachiefarchitect oftheFestivalofBritain,faces A 1914 charabanc has been demolition.InOctober, acquired by the London IslingtonCouncil’splanning Transport Museum. committeeapprovedplansto
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