UW-Green Bay Theatre Revised: November 2012 Script Library Author Title Anthology Abb. Ackermann, Joan Batting Cage, The HF96 Ackermann, Joan Stanton's Garage HF93 Adams, Liz Duffy Neon Mirage HF06 Aerenson, Benjie Lighting up the Two-Year Old HF97 Aeschylus Agamenmnon GT1, ATOT Aeschylus Eumenides, The GT3 Aeschylus Libation Bearers, The DD, GT2 Aeschylus Prometheus Bound GT1 Aeschylus Prometheus Bound WD1 Aeschylus (tran Grene) Prometheus Bound CTGR Aeschylus (tran Harrison) Oresteia, The CTGR Albee, Edward A Delicate Balance Albee, Edward American Dream, The 2EA Albee, Edward American Dream, The Albee, Edward Death of Bessie Smith, The Albee, Edward Fam and Yam Albee, Edward Sandbox, The AE, TOD5 Albee, Edward Three Tall Women Albee, Edward Tiny Alice Albee, Edward Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 23IA Albee, Edward Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Albee, Edward Zoo Story, The 2EA Albee, Edward Zoo Story, The FAP50 Alexander, Ronald Time Out For Ginger Alfieri, Vittorio Saul WD2 Anderson, Jane Last Time We Saw Her, The HF94 Anderson, Jane Tough Choices for the New Century HF95 Anderson, Maxwell Bad Seed AE, BMSP Anderson, Maxwell Bad Seed BMS Anderson, Maxwell Elizabeth the Queen Anderson, Maxwell Feast of the Ortolans, The 10SP Anderson, Maxwell High Tor AE, TDAI Anderson, Maxwell Joan of Lorraine Anderson, Maxwell Mary of Scotland AE, TGA Anderson, Maxwell What Price Glory? FAP20 Anderson, Maxwell Winterset 6MA Anderson, Maxwell Winterset AE, MAD, MD, SMAP Anderson, Maxwell and Laurence StallingsWhat Price Glory? FA20s Anderson, Robert Tea and Sympathy NVAT, FAP50 Anderson, Sherwood I'm a Fool Anderson, Sherwood Triumph of the Egg, The 10SP Anderson, Sherwood Winesburg, Ohio Andreyev, Leonid He Who Gets Slapped TGA Anonymous Abraham and Isaac ATOT Anonymous Abstraction WD1 Anonymous Adam WD1 Anonymous Arden of Feversham ED Anonymous Chalk Circle, The WD1 Anonymous Christian Ritual Beginnings, The MT Anonymous Cornwall Death of Pilate, The MT Anonymous English Passion Play, The MT Anonymous Everyman 23IA Anonymous Everyman ATOT Anonymous Everyman MT Anonymous Everyman WD1 Anonymous Farce of the Worthy Master Pierre Patelin, The WD1 Anonymous Play of St George, The MT Anonymous Play of St George, The WD1 Anonymous Second Shepards' Play, The WD1 UW-Green Bay Theatre Revised: November 2012 Script Library Anonymous Second Shepherd's Play ATOT, PFTT Anonymous Wise Virgins and the Foolish Virgins, The WD1 Anonymous (Edit by Heilman) Second Shepards' Play PFT5 Anouilh, Jean Antigone WITP Anouilh, Jean Ardele Anouilh, Jean Becket Anouilh, Jean Cecile OA Anouilh, Jean Ermine, The Anouilh, Jean Eurydice Anouilh, Jean Lark, The DD Anouilh, Jean Mademoiselle Columbe Anouilh, Jean Medea TMT5 Anouilh, Jean Point of Departure Anouilh, Jean Rehearsal, The Anouilh, Jean Restless Heart Anouilh, Jean Ring Round the Moon Anouilh, Jean Romeo and Jeannette Anouilh, Jean Theives Carnival Anouilh, Jean Time Remembered Arbuzov, Alexei It Happened in Irkutsk DMW Aristophanes Archanians, The Aristophanes Birds, The GC, Aristophanes Clouds, The 8GC Aristophanes Clouds, The WD1 Aristophanes Frogs, The ATOT Aristophanes Lysistrata TOD4, TOD5, GC, WID Aristophanes Peace GC Aristophanes Plutus, The GC Aristophanes Poet and the Women, The Aristophanes Wasps, The Aristophanes (tran Kerr) Birds, The CCGR Aristophanes (tran Sutherland) Lysistrata CCGR Athayde, Roberto Miss Margarida's Way Auburn, David Proof Auerbach, Arnold Army Way, The GRS Augier, Emile and Sandeau, Jules M. Poirier's Son-In-Law WD2 Axelrod, George Seven Year Itch, The NVAT Ayckbourn, Alan Bedroom Farce Ayckbourn, Alan Woman in Mind Balderston, J. Dracula BMSP Balderston, John Berkeley Square Ball, Alan Bachelor Holiday Ball, Alan M Word, The Ball, Alan Made for a Woman Ball, Alan Power Lunch Ball, Alan Your Mother's Butt Baraka, Imamu Amiri Dutchman 23IA Barker, Granville Marrying of Ann Leete, The Barker, Granville Voysey Inheritance, The Barker, Granville Waste Barlow, Anne M. Mr. Biggs NAP Barrie, J.M. Admirable Crichton, The DID Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan Barry, P.J. Octette Bridge Club, The Barry, Philip Holiday FA20s Barry, Philip Holiday FAP20 Barry, Philip Hotel Universe TGA Baxter, Alan Chin Up GRS Baxter, Alan Dead Cow, The GRS Beber, Neena Misreadings HF97 UW-Green Bay Theatre Revised: November 2012 Script Library Beckett, Samuel Act Without Words (In Endgame) Beckett, Samuel Act Without Words I 23IA Beckett, Samuel All That Fall AE, DD Beckett, Samuel Endgame Beckett, Samuel Happy Days AE, TOD5 Beckett, Samuel Waiting for Godot Behrman, S.N. No Time for Comedy Behrman, S.N. Rain From Heaven TGA Benchley, Robert Treasurer's Report, The GRS Benet, Stephen V. Devel and Daniel Webster, The 150AP Beolco, Angelo Bilora WD2 Berger, Glen Great Men of Science BG Bergman, Ingmar Wild Strawberries TOD4 Bernard Shaw, George Arms and the Man GBS Bernard Shaw, George Candida GBS Bernard Shaw, George Man and Superman GBS Bernard Shaw, George Mrs. Warren's Profession GBS Beumont, Francis and John Fletcher Maid's Tragedy, The WD1 Bishop, John Harvesting, The Bishop, John The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 Bitterman, Shem Job, The NP98 Blessing, Lee Eleemosynary Blessing, Lee Fantasy League BBP Blessing, Lee Two Rooms Bobrick, Sam Murder at the Howard Johnson's Bobrick, Sam Norman, Is That You? Bock, Adam Five Flights BG Bock, Adam Three Guys and a Brenda HF06 Bogosian, Eric Pounding Nails in the Floor With My Forehead Bogosian, Eric Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll Bogosian, Eric Suburbia Bolt, Robert A Man for all Seasons Bradbury, Ray Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, The Brecht, Bertolt Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 23IA Brecht, Bertolt Caucasian Chalk Circle, The TAOD Brecht, Bertolt Good Woman of Setzuan AE, DMW, PFTT Brecht, Bertolt Mother Courage and Her Children AE, DD Brecht, Bertolt (revised Bentley) Caucasian Chalk Circle, The Brecht, Bertolt (revised Bentley) Good Woman of Setzuan, The PFT11 Breslin, Jimmy Contract with Jackie HF96 Brevoort, Deborah Women of Lockerbie, The ND01 Brooks, Laurie Wrestling Season, The ATM Nov 00 Brooks, Mel Of Fathers and Sons GRS Brown, Caryle Negro of Peter the Great, The ND01 Brown, Lew Feud, The GRS Brown, William F. Double-O Or Nothing GRS Browne, Felicity Family Dance, The HF96 Brustein, Robert Nobody Dies on Friday NP98 Bryne, John Slab Boys, The Buchner, Georg Danton's Death ATOT, TMT5 Burrows, Abe Highlights From The World of Sports GRS Busch, Charles Lady in Question, The Busch, Charles Psycho Beach Party Busch, Charles Red Scare on Sunset Busch, Charles Tale of the Allergist's Wife, The Busch, Charles Vampire Lesbians of Sodom Butterfield, Catherine Sleeper, The Byron, Lord Cain GLET Cahill, Laura Home 3EST Calandra, Dale Lysistrata 2411 A.D. UW-Green Bay Theatre Revised: November 2012 Script Library Calderon de la Barca Life is a Dream CT3S Calderon de la Barca Love After Death CT3S Calderon de la Barca, Pedro Constant Prince, The WD2 Cameron, Kenneth Hundred and First, The NAP Camoletti, Marc Boeing- Boeing Camus, Albert Caligula Camus, Albert Just Assassins, The Camus, Albert Misunderstanding, The Camus, Albert State of Siege Capek, Karel R.U.R. MD Caron de Beaumarchais, Pierre AugustinBarber of Seville, The WD2 Carrol, Paul Vincent Shadow and Substance Cartwright, Jim Bed Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Cave of Salamanca, The WD2 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Don Quixote Cervantes, Miguel de Siege of Numantia, The CT3S Chapman, John Key for Two Chayefsky, Paddy Mother, The MBSP Checkhov, Anton Cherry Orchard, The 23IA Chekov, Anton Cherry Orchard, The MD, FMP, TAOD, DMW, TOD4, TOD5 Chekov, Anton Marriage Proposal, The MBSP, BOP Chekov, Anton Seagull, The SMD Chekov, Anton Three Sisters SGMP Chekov, Anton Uncle Vanya 8GC Chiarelli, Luigi Mask and the Face, The IMP Chorpenning, C. Emperor's New Clothes, The Chorpenning, C. Jack and the Beanstalk Christie, Agatha Witness For the Prosecution BMS Christie, Agatha Witness for the Prosecution BMSP Churchill, Caryl Cloud Nine Churchill, Caryl Vinegar Tom Clark, Brian Who's Life is it Anyway? Clark, Ron Murder at the Howard Johnson's Clark, Ron Norman, Is That You? Coble, Eric Natural Selection HF06 Coburn, D.L. Gin Game, The Cocteau, Jean Infernal Machine, The IMP Cole, Tom Medal of Honor Rag CTT Comden, Betty Space Brigade GRS Comden, Betty Triangle GRS Congreve, William Way of the World, The ATOT, GLET, SRP Corneille, Pierre Cid, The SPCR Corneille, Pierre Cid, The WD2 Corneille, Pierre Cinna SPCR Corrigan, Kevin Imagine SITP Corthron, Kia Breath, Boom ATM Nov 01 Corwin, Norman My Client Curley 10SP Coward, Noel Family Album Coward, Noel Hay Fever Coward, Noel Private Lives Coward, Noel Way and Means Cowen, Ron Saturday Adoption AAOP Cristofer, Michael Shadow Box, The Crothers, Rachel A Man's World PAW30 Crowley, Mart Boys in the Band, The Cruz, Nilo A Bicycle Country ND01 Cummings, Benard Your Obituary is a Dance HF95 Dahlquist, Gordon Delirium Palace BG Davis, Ossie Purlie Deane, Hamilton Dracula BMSP UW-Green Bay Theatre Revised: November 2012 Script Library Deane, Hamilton and John BalderstonDracula BMS DeGhelderode M. Christopher Columbus WITP DeGhelderode M. Escurial TMT5 Dekker, Thomas Shoemaker's Holiday, The ED Delaney, Shelagh A Taste of Honey Dewberry, Elizabeth Flesh and Blood HF96 Dewberry, Elizabeth Head On HF95 Dickens, Charles A Christmas Carol Dietz, Dan Tilt Angel BG Dietz, Howard Audience Waits, The GRS Dietz, Howard For Good Old Nectar GRS Dietz, Howard Gigolo Buisiness, The GRS Dietz, Howard Great Warburton Mystery, The GRS Dietz, Howard Lost in a Crowd GRS Dietz, Howard On the American Plan
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