Avwtm Daihr N«t P n m Rm TIm Wm IImt m » WMk am*u* I i( u. a. WMtiMf ANtwrt U, iN t 13,550 tMrfcM, IMV ki M n«M r «M Sumtttg B^raUi Bm m «k d n i Jlfanefc^cter— >/4 C<fy of Viliage Charm VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 27S (EIQHTEBN PAGEU MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 23. 1965 (CnaMifM A4verttilac <>■ 1^) PRICE SEVEN CEKfl . Name Switch Dam Site MAIDENHEAD, England (AP) — Peter Jenklns-Godd has changed Ms name tor Gemini Flight in 3rd Day; the sake of the cMldren be hasn’t had yet. “ At school I was called By U.S. Planes Ftshface and Ood-ears,” he said. "Kids even grabbed my hand and sold ‘nsh fin­ gers.’ No child of mine will SAIGON, South Vl«t N»ni‘ (A P )—^Twtnty-four U.S. have to face that.” planes pounded a hydroelectric pUmt and dam site in Jenklns-Oodd, 31, now will Chasing Phantom Satellite rr."< North Viet Nam today for the tiiird succcMive day, a be Imown aa Hayward, hla U.S. military spokesman said. mother’s maiden name. atrikinr Uia Ban Diaoh piant^ His fiancee, Paula Oold- twice, ptlota aald th ^ damaged also wounded three Viet Cong smith, 18, said she agreed a generator building and a dam and captured seven In the oper­ with the switch, though it 80 mllea aouth*aoutnweat o< Ha> ation northwest of Nha Trang, was not her idea. Full trip nol. 800 miles northeast of Saigon. “I was quite prepared to Klght Air Force Ft Phantoma, U.S. casualties were described be Mrs. Jenkins - Oodd,” “ eight Fiot Btarfighten and (our as light. said Paula. •upport aircraft bombed the A U.S. Marine patrol wiped Of 8 Days "plant thle afternoon after four out a three-man Viet Cong mor other Phantoma hit It aatUar in tar team Sunday lust as It was the day. getting ready to launch an at­ State News Heavy damage waa reported tack, a spokesman announced. "Inflicted on the aame target in He said me leathernecks used E x p e cte d two raida over the weekend. an M78 grenade launcher In the FishKilled The Bite waa firat bombed Sat- operation 4 miles south of the MANNED SPACE urday In what waa deacHbed aa Da Nang air base, 880 mllee CENTER, Houston, Tex. the flrat dam reported atruek by north of Saigon. By Pollution; I A P)—The Gemini 6 as­ ' American planea ainoe air Elsewhere In Viet Nam: atilkea In Hbilh Viet Nam be­ Oommunist guerrlllaa at­ tronauts began chasing a gan more than alx montha ago. phantom satellite acrosa (O^ tacked a government outpost 70 All of the planea return^ miles south of Saigon early to­ Tons Buried i;he skies today as they - aafply from the la<ateat atrlka, the day but Vietnamese artillery swept through the third '^apokeaman aald. drove them back, a U.S. spokes­ WINDSOR LOCKS In another atiike, 16 Thunder- man said. There were no gov­ (A P )—Two and a half day of t h ^ marathon imM- chiefs flew within 81 mllea at ernment casualties he said, and tons of brown and rainbow space flight. leltM Communist China, hitting a Viet Oong casualUea were not As L. Gordon Cooper Jr. and bridge 43 miles north-northaaat known. trout—Skilled by brook pol­ Charles Conrad Jr. neared tha of Dlen Blen Phu. U.S. planes About two companies of Viet lution—were buried over million-mile mark of Uieir jour- penetrated to within 80 miles of Oong- inflicted heavy casualties the weekend by workers at nay, they were reported well* the border on a previous raid on a government platoon in on the hatchery of the State rested after sound aleepe and in 8««». military spokesman have re- ambush 13 mllee from Saigon excellent physical condiUon. loAu ported. Sunday. The spokesman said Board of Fisheries and A high-spirited Conrad even In the ground war, the U.S. Viet Oong losses wore not Game. broke into an impromptu song r tM Army's 1st Division made its known. ' X Cole W. Wilde, chief of the more than 1(W miles above the I her biggest kill ao far in the Viet board’s Division of Fish, said earth: bMU* Ouerrtllas also destroyed a I iMr Nam war — 3S Viet Cong guer- watohtower 86 mllee south of It was the largest fish kill at Over the ocean, over tha >wB*r -riUas in a search and destroy Saigon, and government cusual- a hatchery that anyone in Uie Mrs. Jane Conrad and Her Father, Winn DuBose, Watch ProgreM of Cremini Flight blue; here’s (3aminl ringing operation last Thursday and tleo were reported heavy. No division could remember. Over to you.” Friday, a U.S. spokesman Sn' Vifit Oong casualties 11,000 fish died. Flight controllers ware oonfl- 0) nounced. ported. TTw fish were each about a dent the miselon could continue « •• f The spokesman said the 18th half, pound In weight, seven to Ita full eight days, which would - Battalion of the “ Big Red One" (flee Fags Two) eight Inritee long, and were des­ Communists Boost Action PoKce Name ecUpee the Soviet man-ln-spaca tined for stocklnig state fish­ record by three days. By ll:3< a.m. EBT, Oeminl g It ~ ing areas. All the fish In four ponds died. Officer Who bad completed 82 otbita. State Investigators have not In Latin American Region The pursuit of tha ghoatly sa> yet determined the source of telUte was a rriiearsal for ^ ■Priest Is StiH Critical the poUuUon, but Wilde said the Shot Suspect Gemini 6 flight scheduled In Oc­ violator would be subject to WASHINGTON (AP)— t* " the western Hemisphere.” * Uruguay, which like Mexico tober. On that mission astro­ prosecution for polluting brooks Four months ago the State Hundreds of Latin Americans has long been regarded by Latin ENFUCUD (AP) — SupatnU' nauts Walter M. Schlrra Jr. and are trained yearly in Cuba in and streams. Americans as a focal point for mery Robert Rauschbach was Thomae P. Stafford wiU atten^it i'After Raciid Shooting Department informed a sabotage, civil disorders, guer­ Communist activity, reported to rendezvous and Hnk up with Not Routine congressional committee rilla warfare, propaganda and this month the bombing of a the policeman who shot and an Agena satellite laimchad tqr subversion, U.S. officials say. killed a burglar suspect Sunday, >r. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A young (Catholic WESTPORT (AP) — What that the threat of in­ drug firm by an extremist an AUas-Agena rocket. creased Communist activ­ Not a country in Latin Ameri­ group which circulated a state police said today. Success of the maneuver stola spriest who volunteered for civil rights work in the started' out as a routine arrest ca appears to have escaped untU , for speeding on the Merritt ment to newspapers saying the Chief Walter J. Skowar had would aalvagO^’^at least part of lerlc.k - South remains in critical condition today, three days ity in Latin America is troubles with the Communists. attack was to protest U.S. policy tha rendasvoua experiment Coo­ tdr^ ' Parkway early today turned out “ very much with us.” These include eyep Mexico.— declined Sunday to name the after he and another clergyman were shot ki a rural to bb a stolen car case as w«ll. in Viet Nam and to exinreaa per and Cmrad had manned “ Difficult and dangerous days only hemisphere nation to con sympathy (or the Viet Ckmg. policeman who fatally wounded with a sataiUto wWeh th ^ Alabama town State police said that When still lie ahead,” the department tinue diplomatic relations with er, Viola O r ^ UusBo of Do- the car driven by Albert Gra­ In Chile, where Oommunlsta 22-year-old Ratua MUnar ejected from thalv spaoecraft on — r V A spokesman at M< added. Communist Cuba, and the coun­ Saturday, tha first day of tha ' BspUat KospttM aeih tt<^ Mlob. The Jury was unabla ham, 36, of 888 Brookslde Ave., suffered a jarring defeat in the Hartford. ~Jr\ to reach a vSrdi^. Since then, a buildup In Oom­ try where Fidel Castro found last presidential elections, Skower said he was trying to fllg M .- tlon of Father Richard Morris- Roosevelt, N.Y., passed a:radar munist bombings, killings, kld- hospitality, financial aid, and B afonrui March, a white Un­ speed check the equipment indi­ Marxists are active in the Con­ protect the officer’s family from A power syatom probiam In (oe, 38, o f Oldeafo had not napings, riots, demonstrations training grounds (or an invasion Gemini ■ forced them to ahato changed idnoe Friday whiil a itarian mMstsr, the Rov. cated It was exceeding the speed gress, in labor unions, in some possible reprisals by memben Jamas J. Roeb of Boeten, waa and subversion has been report­ against the regime of Fulgencio universities, sind are helping to of a gang of burglan. don dm attOihpt to' maniuver to shotgun blast tore Into Ms abdo­ lim it.. ed. Batista in Cuba. beaten fhtiU^ in Selma, Ala., (haham was halted after a block economic and social legis­ Skower decided after confer^ within 30 feet of that oatelUte, rt men and right side. which carried electronic devicea The other clergyman, Jona­ where he had. gong to take part brief chase. U.S. officials privately ex­ Last April - Mexican police lation sought by the Christian ring with Town Manager Fran­ In civil rights aotlvify. press deep concern over the sit­ raided the headquarters of the Democratic regime headed by cis J. Tedesco today to nleaae ot aid them.
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