2021 STANDINGS Thursday,April Feb. 22, 12, 2021 2020 ACC Overall ATLANTIC W L T Pct. Hm Rd w/in Div. W L T Pct. Hm Rd Nu Top 25 Streak Louisville 14 6 0 .700 7-2 7-4 11-3 23 11 0 .676 15-5 7-6 0-0 8-6 W3 Notre Dame 16 7 0 .696 7-4 9-3 7-4 18 7 0 .720 9-4 9-3 0-0 11-4 W1 Florida State 13 11 0 .542 7-8 6-3 4-5 18 14 0 .562 12-10 6-4 0-0 11-6 L1 NC State 9 12 0 .429 2-10 7-2 5-7 16 13 0 .552 7-11 9-2 0-0 4-2 L1 Clemson 9 12 0 .429 4-5 5-8 6-3 15 18 0 .455 9-8 5-9 1-1 2-11 L7 Wake Forest 6 14 0 .300 2-7 4-7 4-5 13 17 0 .433 6-9 7-8 0-0 3-8 W1 Boston College 5 16 0 .238 3-9 2-7 1-11 15 19 0 .455 5-9 10-10 0-0 7-11 L1 COASTAL W L T Pct. Hm Rd w/in Div. W L T Pct. Hm Rd Nu Top 25 Streak Virginia Tech 15 9 0 .625 4-5 11-4 8-4 21 12 0 .636 11-8 10-4 0-0 8-4 W1 Pitt 14 10 0 .583 6-6 8-4 8-7 20 11 0 .645 9-6 9-4 2-1 8-4 L1 Georgia Tech 14 10 0 .583 4-5 10-5 6-6 18 14 0 .548 7-9 11-5 0-0 8-4 W2 Miami 13 10 0 .565 9-5 4-5 6-6 21 11 0 .656 12-5 9-6 0-0 5-8 W4 North Carolina 12 12 0 .500 7-5 5-7 6-6 18 16 0 .529 12-7 5-9 1-0 9-9 L1 Duke 8 13 0 .381 6-6 2-7 4-8 17 16 0 .515 12-7 5-9 0-0 2-8 W3 Virginia 9 15 0 .375 3-9 6-6 5-7 17 18 0 .486 10-10 7-8 0-0 6-12 L3 NOTING ACC BASEBALL UPCOMING SCHEDULE • SSixix ACCACC seriesseries rremainemain sslatedlated fforor tthishis wweekend,eekend, bbutut CCOVID-19OVID-19 aandnd tthehe wweathereather Friday, April 23 Miami at Boston College ............................ 7 pm fforecastorecast hhaveave aalreadylready aalteredltered tthehe sschedule.chedule. NNo.o. 3 LLouisville’souisville’s hhomeome sserieseries Miami at North Carolina .................... 3 pm (DH) Virginia at Virginia Tech (ACCN) ............... 7 pm vversusersus NNo.o. 1166 PPittitt wwasas ccanceledanceled ffollowingollowing ppositiveositive rresults,esults, ccontactontact ttracingracing aandnd Duke at Virginia ......................................... 4 pm Notre Dame at Boston College ..............5:30 pm Saturday, May 1 ssubsequentubsequent qquarantininguarantining wwithinithin tthehe PPanthersanthers bbaseballaseball pprogram.rogram. MMeanwhile,eanwhile, Wake Forest at Clemson ............................6 pm Troy at Florida State ................................... 2 pm NNorthorth CCarolina’sarolina’s hhomeome sserieseries vversusersus MMiamiiami iiss nnowow ssetet ttoo bbeginegin wwithith a 3 pp.m..m. Florida State at Georgia Tech .................... 6 pm North Carolina at Notre Dame .................... 2 pm ddoubleheaderoubleheader oonn FFridayriday ddueue ttoo tthehe tthreathreat ooff hheavyeavy rrainain iinn CChapelhapel HHillill oonn SSaturday.aturday. Virginia Tech at NC State ...........................7 pm Miami at Boston College ............................ 3 pm TThehe sstartingtarting ttimeime fforor VVirginia’sirginia’s hhomeome ggameame vversusersus DDukeuke oonn FFridayriday hhasas bbeeneen Louisville at Clemson ................................. 3 pm ppushedushed uupp ttwowo hhoursours ttoo 6 pp.m..m. Saturday, April 24 Kennesaw State at Georgia Tech ................ 4 pm Virginia Tech at NC State (ACCN) .............. 2 pm NC State at Wake Forest ............................. 4 pm • BBothoth AACCCC ddivisionsivisions aarere iinn tthehe mmidstidst ooff ttightight rracesaces hheadingeading iintonto tthehe fi nnalal mmonthonth Notre Dame at Boston College .................. 3 pm Northern Kentucky at Pitt ........................... 5 pm ooff tthehe rregularegular sseason.eason. LLouisvilleouisville ccontinuesontinues ttoo lleadead NNotreotre DDameame bbyy a ffewew ppercent-ercent- Wake Forest at Clemson ........................... 3 pm Virginia at Virginia Tech (ACCN) ................ 7 pm Duke at Virginia ......................................... 4 pm aagege ppointsoints iinn tthehe AAtlantictlantic DDivision.ivision. GGeorgiaeorgia TTechech aandnd PPittitt ssitit oonene ggameame bbehindehind Florida State at Georgia Tech .....................4 pm Sunday, May 2 fi rrst-placest-place VVirginiairginia TTechech iinn tthehe CCoastaloastal DDivision,ivision, aandnd MMiamiiami iiss jjustust 11½½ ggamesames Georgia Tech at Kennesaw State ................ 1 pm ooutut ooff fi rrstst pplacelace iinn tthehe CCoastal.oastal. Sunday, April 25 Miami at Boston College ............................ 1 pm Miami at North Carolina .............................Noon Northern Kentucky at Pitt ........................... 1 pm • TTwowo AACCCC teamsteams rrankank aamongmong tthehe nnation’sation’s ttop-op-fi vvee iinn fi eeldinglding ppercentageercentage wwithith Notre Dame at Boston College .................. 1 pm North Carolina at Notre Dame .................... 1 pm NNotreotre DDameame lleadingeading tthehe ccountryountry aatt a ..988988 ccliplip aandnd NNCC SStatetate ccheckinghecking iinn aatt NNo.o. 3 Wake Forest at Clemson ............................1 pm NC State at Wake Forest ............................. 1 pm wwithith a ..985985 fi eeldinglding ppercentage.ercentage. TThehe FFightingighting IIrishrish hhaveave mmadeade jjustust 1122 ttotalotal eerrorsrrors Florida State at Georgia Tech .....................1 pm Troy at Florida State ................................... 1 pm iinn 2255 ggamesames tthishis sseason,eason, wwhilehile tthehe WWolfpackolfpack hhasas oonlynly ccommittedommitted 1166 iinn 2299 ggames.ames. Virginia Tech at NC State (ACCN) ...............2 pm Louisville at Clemson (ESPNU) ...................2 pm Duke at Virginia (ESPNU) ...........................2 pm Virginia at Virginia Tech (ACCN) ................ 6 pm • AAss GGeorgiaeorgia TTechech ppreparesrepares ttoo wwelcomeelcome FFloridalorida SState,tate, YYellowellow JJacketsackets hheadead ccoachoach Tuesday, April 27 Tuesday, May 4 DDannyanny HHallall ssitsits jjustust oonene wwinin sshyhy ooff 11,300,300 fforor hhisis ccareer.areer. HHallall iiss ppoisedoised ttoo bbecomeecome Liberty at Virginia (ACCN) ......................... 3 pm Notre Dame at Central Michigan ............... 3 pm jjustust tthehe ffourthourth aactivective NNCAACAA DDivisionivision I ccoachoach ttoo rreacheach tthehe 11,300-win,300-win pplateau,lateau, aandnd Stetson at Florida State ............................. 5 pm Liberty at Wake Forest (ACCN) .................. 3 pm hhee ccurrentlyurrently rranksanks 220th0th oonn tthehe DD-I-I aall-timell-time llistist iinn ttotalotal wwins.ins. Valparaiso at Notre Dame ......................... 5 pm Elon at NC State .........................................4 pm NC State at Appalachian State ................... 5 pm Boston College at UMass .......................... 4 pm • SSeveneven AACCCC tteamseams aarere rrankedanked iinn aatt lleasteast oonene ooff tthehe ssixix mmajorajor ppollsolls tthishis wweek,eek, Gardner-Webb at North Carolina ................6 pm Campbell at North Carolina (ACCN) .......... 6 pm wwithith LouisvilleLouisville rankedranked aamongmong tthehe ttopop 1100 bbyy fi vvee ppublicationsublications ((asas hhighigh aass NNo.o. 3 Davidson at Wake Forest (ACCN) .............. 6 pm William & Mary at Duke ............................ 6 pm bbyy PPerfecterfect GGame).ame). NNotreotre DDameame oownswns tthreehree ttop-10op-10 rrankingsankings ((asas hhighigh aass NNo.o. 6 E Tennessee St. at Virginia Tech ................6 pm VCU at Virginia .......................................... 6 pm Georgia Tech at Georgia ............................ 7 pm bbyy BBaseballaseball AAmerica).merica). Georgetown at Virginia Tech ......................6 pm Vanderbilt at Louisville (ESPNU) ................7 pm Friday, April 30 • AAll-sessionll-session tticketicket bbooksooks aandnd wweekendeekend ppassesasses fforor tthehe 22021021 AACCCC BBaseballaseball CCham-ham- North Carolina at Notre Dame .....................5 pm Wednesday, May 5 ppionship,ionship, scheduledscheduled fforor MMayay 225-305-30 aatt TTruistruist FFieldield iinn CCharlotte,harlotte, NNorthorth CCarolina,arolina, Louisville at Clemson ................................. 6 pm Bryant at Boston College ............................5 pm aarere nnowow oonn ssale.ale. VVisitisit CCharlotteKnights.comharlotteKnights.com oorr bbyy ccallall tthehe CCharlotteharlotte KKnightsnights Troy at Florida State ................................... 6 pm USC Upstate at Clemson ........................... 6 pm TTicketicket OOfffi ccee aatt 7704-274-8282.04-274-8282. NC State at Wake Forest ............................. 6 pm Pitt at West Virginia ............................. 6:30 pm Kennesaw State at Georgia Tech .................6 pm Northern Kentucky at Pitt ........................... 6 pm 2021 ACC BASEBALL LEAGUEPRESEASON DIRECTORY AWARDS ACC VS.PRESEASON NON-CONFERENCE AWARDS PLAYERSPRESEASON OF THE AWARDS WEEK Boston College Brendan Flynn Conferences 2021 Player of the Week 617-552-2004 fl [email protected] America East ..................................................................1-0 Feb 22 Christian Del Castillo, OF ..........................Miami Press Box 617-552-0530 Cameron Masterman, OF ....................Louisville American Athletic ............................................................5-4 Clemson Brian Hennessy ASUN ............................................................................11-2 Mar 1 Kevin Parada, C ...........................Georgia Tech Mar 8 Sal Frelick, OF .......................... Boston College 864-656-1921 [email protected] Atlantic 10 .......................................................................8-3 Press Box 864-656-7731 Mar 15 Clemente Inclan, 3B ....................North Carolina Big 12 .............................................................................1-0
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