"Tap! •»' »j ". w.f-n ^^mmmrmim Firefighters Ball on its way back. A3 om^Jbwn IMniminifouiflna rntT,TiuiMi Thursday Putting you In touch November 25,1999 Serving the Westland Community fi>r90ymrg with your world |$ VOLUME 35 NUMBER 50 WESTLANO, MlCHK.AN http: ob' •Wliii, .COM Sr'UNTY Hl£ Gt'M^ Iffmrtr'n "'^•••luilim Ttiiii i ifcuT <******fhW**«*4* ^^^^^^BS^M|IS»|ipM*SMj I ihj^MMMBSMajSMSMfjrtMISSSSWBBI Jolly old elf A man is all right after being has robbed of $55,000 and attacked around 2 p.m. Tuesday. The store owner of Mitch's Party Store, at Michigan and Newburgh, had gone banking to get cash fox cash­ plans ing check*, said Lt. Marc Stobbe of the Westland Police Department. 'He had a large amount of money," Stobbe said. The man got a flat tire at Palmer and Newburgh. At that time, two men on ice approached, smashed out his window, sprayed him with Mace and took the • Plans for a new ice rink . money, Stobbe said. in Westland took an unex^ . "We're investigating right now." ected turn Monday when I Mace in the eyes was the man's only Sfayor Robert Thomas pro­ injury, the lieutenant said. posed tearing the current - . The man had just left the bank facility down and building where he got cash to accommodate the early payday crowd at his store. two rinks in a new rec cen-- He didn't require hospitalization, Sto­ ter near the library. - bbe said. BY DARRELL CLEM STAFF WRITER dcl«ni9o«.homecomm.net i i N THE PAPER Mayor Robert Thomas dropped a bombshell Monday evening by propon­ ing to tear down Westland Sports Arena and add two new ice surfaces to STAFF PHOTO ST BST/W MrrCBHX his plans for a new recreation complex. TODAY *Td like us to look in that direction Here's Santa: Santa Claus arrived this past Saturday morning by horse and carriage at West- now and see if it's feasible," he said. Thomas startled some council mem­ Millennium: Be a part of a land Center, eager to greet all the good girls and boys. Among the waiting youngsters were bers, recreation employees and archi­ very special first edition 11 (left) and Vincent Murray, 9 months, of Garden City. Santa is holding court tects by unveiling his latent proposal near Hudson's from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun­ during a study session on •ce arena of Jan. 1, 2000, by plac­ day. Santa and Westley Holiday Bear were accompanied Saturday by the John Glenn High needs. ing your photo and mes­ School Marching Band. He later estimated it would cost $15 million to $18 million to huild a new sage in your hometown recreation center which would iruvuii1 Observer. See page A12 two indoor ice surfacc-s. for details. Ideally, Thomas wants to build tin1 state-of-the-art complex near the West- land public library on Central City ENTERTAINMENT Police dog solves odd mystery Please see PLANS, A2 BY DARRELL CLEM ter was visibly upset, accused a down­ stood atop a bed and started barking Theater: Erin Billy's com­ STAFF WRITER stairs suspect of trying to kill her after loudly. ing home as Bertrande, ' acrusin* her of cswhinV one of MB wet- ^Looking inside the bedroom," Allen A Westland man accused in the fare checks, the reports said. wrote in his report, "I noticed canine the female lead of the U.S. attempted strangling death of an The victim said the suspect, accom­ Zeke was on top of the bed scratching premiere of "Martin upstairs neighbor was arrested Mon­ panied by his live-in girlfriend, pound­ and biting at the mattress. I noticed Guerre" at the Fisher The- day after a police dog found him hiding ed on the door, made the allegations, there to be a slight hump in the mat­ inside a mattress. punched her and put the cord around tress. charged aire. /El Police dog Zeke chewed and clawed her neck, police reports said- "Canine Zeke had by this time ' his way through the bedroom mattress "She added that at one point (the reached inside a hole in the mattress, BY LARHY O'CONNOR STAFF WRITER until he uncovered the 38-year-old sus­ suspect 1 dragged her by the cord caused by the scratching and Kiting! loconnor&o*;.homeoomm.net INDEX pect, who had slit open the mattress to around her neck over to the living room and apprehended the subject by the hide in it. floor near the couch ...."•the reports arm," Allen wrote. Authorities art ^editing the father • At Home D "The dog chewed right through the said. Police believe that the suspect's girl­ of a..14-year-old L'vnnia'boy for helping mattress until he got hold of the guy's Police saw rug burns and cuts on the friend may have tried to help conceal them arrest a Westland man who is • Classified Index F5 charged with assaulting the Livonia Autos J2 arm," police Lt, Marc Stobbe said. victim's body, and her eyes were him by throwing a comforter over the • Officers went to Scotsdale Apart­ swollen and red. mattress where he was hiding. man's son. Home aV Service Guide He ments, 8131 N. Newburgh, following "They found her near death," StoblM" Even after Zeke found him, the sus­ Jeffery Clay Lacey. 26, is charged Jobs G3 reports of a woman and a young child pect refused to get out of the mattress. with two counts of rape and tine fount said. of using the Internet to solicit sex from Rentals Gl screaming from a second-floor apart­ After learning that the suspect had forcing officers to cut him out and place a minor, ment at 2:20 a.m., Stobbe said. him under arrest, police reports said. • Community Life Bl fled the apartment, officers called in He was arraigned in 34th District II Crossword F6 Police found a 27-year-old woman police dog Zeke and his owner, Officer Stobbe said the suspect may face -" Court in Romulus Sunday. The judge dressed in a blood*spattered shirt, Grant Allen. They went to the first- charges as serious as assault with • Entertainment E set cash bail at .$ 150,000. " ' . gasping for breath whh an electrical floor apartment where the suspec^ intent to murder. He also said the girl­ A2 Wayne County Sheriff and Livonia • Obituaries cord wrapped around her neck, police lives. friend may face similar charges police arrested Lacey Saturday as part • Opinions A14-15 reports said. "Zeke-went directly to the rear bed­ because she allegedly accompanied the iThe victim, whose 2-year-old daugh­ room," a police report said, and the dog suspect to the victim's apartment. • Real Estate Fl "' Please soe CHARGED. A6 • Sports CI HOW TO REACH US Newsroom:734-953-210 4 FY .ftnig Hani™ Wflyn««W&4t;fa"nH Jnnmr Miaa ftntiirdny ~~~-—newsroom Fax. /34-W1-7279 STAFT WRITER night. AH 20 participants, however, f-/7fd//.'Jbrown#ot. nonwcoown.nst jbrownOo«Jtoitaeeoaun.oet were winners. Nightline/Sports. 734-953-2104 Brooke Robertson of Wayne Memori­ "Most of all, they've had six weeks of Reader Comment Line.734-953-204 2 al High School was,named 2000 just run/ said Pat.JHermatz, co-chair* woman of Wayne-Westland Junior Classified Advertising,734-191-090 0 Miss. The high school seniors have Display Advertising:734491-230 0 developed friendships, too, she said. Horne Delivery.734-891080 0 Saturday night at the Norman O. Stoekmeyer Auditorium st Wayne Memorial featured plenty of song and dance. The theme was Swingin' 2000, Robertson will go on to the state level March 25 in Alpena, Mich. That win- her will go on to nationals in June 2000 ^Mobile, Ate .Saturday's event included Courtney Cagnon, 1999 Michigan Junior Miss and a Wayne Memorial graduate, and Kristen F*dh, 1999 Wayne-Westland Junior Miss, Fidh talked about how the participants this y»ar xrere energetic, *\in to work with and willing to learn. 1 went home and 1 cried' after the dreaa rehearsal, Fidh said. The Univer- excit afty of Michigan student saw how mirth suea~g}UM(i if* the awt year.. Wgr^agiftkin **You alwaye change, you always Winners all: Above is Brooke today's edition of you f learn and you always grow," Fidh said. *In such a short time, (learned so Robertson, the 2()00 Wayne- HomcfTbwn aewtptpert touch* Westland Junior Miss. She is a The Wayne-Westland scholarship senior at Wayne Memorial program started in 1967 Hermatt High School. At right is the thanked the program's many support­ 1999 re present a five. Kri sten ers for making it possible. Juttipfft' ltt|0!fe« Brooke nobtrtBon Charlotte Sherman, assistant super Fidh. with Junior Prince and perform* for the Junior Miss intendent for general administration, Junior Princess representatives judges Saturdayiftgftt Si&UWayne^Weeuatr a »cno<ws, said 18 John Aaron Kentala, DeMiny Daws the new Wayne-WeetUnd Glenn students and eight Wayne and Qabrielfc Lvnn. Junior Mite. •~vtzizrzz. umaimuKgm rivjuw mm? «vii»*nwiii tw * .u*. ^^ wamm tm mmmmmmmmmm m mtmmmmmmmm The Obteroer ft Eccentric/ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1999 from page At P»rkway north of Ford Road. gested poesibly tearing down the -',.•! Increase traffic in a residen­ He touted his plan by saying it current Bailey Center and City tial neighborhood. would; Hall to accommodate a new •'Require an architectural ft Give the iclty two new ice municipal building south of deaign Chat, due to land restric­ ahaata iraifcarjthajii adding one Ford* tions, might not have the mdst new surface to tha axiating City Hail is 35 years old, the appealing layout aporta arena, 6210 N.
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