Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT ABOUT THIS WORK This work has been broadly taken from the original Urdu text titled: Qurani Soorton Ka Nazm-e-Jali by Sheikh Khalil ur Rehman Chishtee. This is a DRAFT copy and in no form or shape is it implied that this is a final copy. The purpose of distributing this DRAFT is to receive feedback and suggestions in order to improve it and bring it up to a standard worthy of being published. Please provide feedback where possible. HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE One of the ways in which to make use of this resource is to use it to guide the reader while reading Quran, e.g. to view the QDO of a sura and then recite with meaning the subsequent sections of the Quran with constant reference to the QDO. It is essential to read the translation and tafsir in order to not misunderstand the QDOs and to not view them out of context. When in doubt, ask a person of knowledge. A PLEA Please make use of this resource during Ramadan and make duaa that Allah guides us to benefit from this and develop this further for the benefit of the ummah (ameen). First Draft: 30 Sha`ban 1434 / 9 July 2013 Second Draft: June 2014 Third Draft: Sha’ban 1435 / May 2015 Masood Khan London UK [email protected] Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT Surah al-Fatiha - 1 4. 1. Ayat 7 Ayat 1 - 4 Elaboration of the dua. Etiquette of making dua. Path of those who are Praise using the most favoured and blessed. beautiful attributes of Allah. Not those who earned anger, nor those who Central went astray. Theme Request for guidance towards the straight path. ا1َِ34ِ ا0/. -َاطَ +*ُ)'&َ%ِ#"َ 3. 2. Ayat 6 Ayat 5 The main dua. One most deserving of making dua to. Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT 2014 Surah al-Baqarah - 2 4. 1. Ayat 284 - 286 Ayat 1 - 39 Success in your task lies in following the Three attitudes in commandments to the response to hearing the best of your ability. message. Adopt the attitude of believing and submitting to the message. Central Theme Transfer of the responsibility to convey the message. 3. 2. Ayat 142 - 283 Ayat 40 - 141 Submit to the final Explanation of the messenger and act on causes of the disposition all commandments in of the Bani Israeel and order to fulfill your an invitation to them to responsibility of believe in the final conveying the message message. to the rest of humanity. Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT Surah al-Baqarah - Ayat 1 - 39 3. 1. Ayat 30 - 39 Ayat 1 - 20 Human responsibility Characteristics of 3 of khilafah. types of humans 38 - 39 1 - 5 The law of guidance Characteristics of the and the law of reward true believers. and punishment. 6 - 7 35 - 37 Characteristics of the The taubah of Prophet disbelievers. Adam alaihis salaam. Central Theme 8 - 20 34 Characteristics of the The character of iblees. Three attitudes in munaafiqoon. 31- 33 response to hearing the The history of khilafah message of tawheed. and human potential. Adopt the attitude of 30 believing in and The responsibility of khilafah. submitting to the message. 2. Ayat 21 - 29 Invite the whole of humanity to believe in tawheed and the Quran. Join the first group. Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT Surah al-Baqarah - Ayat 40 -141 6. 1. Ayat 124 - 141 Ayat 40 - 46 Invitation to adopt the way Invitation to adopt Bani of the forefathers: Ibraheem Israeel to and Yaqoob. accept Islam. 5. 2. Ayat 90 - 123 Ayat 47 - 48 116 - 123 Warning Bani Israeel of Shirk, attitude to the the day of judgment. revelation & warning of the day of judgment. Central Theme 110 - 115 The invitation to Islam An invitation to Bani Israeel and their racial to believe in the final prejudice. shariah and an explanation 106 -109 of the cause of their The reason for the dismissal from leadership changing of the shariah status. and the jealousy of Bani Israeel. 3. Ayat 49 - 79 92 - 105 The crimes committed The favours shown to by Bani Israeel. Bani Israeel and their disobedience and 90 - 91 crimes. The racial prejudice and rebellion of Bani Israeel. 4. Ayat 80 - 89 80 - 82 83 84 - 89 The boasting A covenant The sin, and racial with Bani aggression prejudice of Israeel. and Bani Israeel. selective obedience by Bani Israeel. Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT Surah al-Baqarah - Ayat 142 - 283 12. Ahkaam of 1. Fulfill the duty of being witnesses unto mankind. Interactions Ayat 141 - 152 Ayat 275 - 283 Ayat 143 Ayat 144-150 Ayat 150 Ayat 151 Ayat 152 Ayat Ayat Ayat 275 - 281 282 283 The Muslims Change of Do not fear Objective of A are obliged to direction of the people of Messengerhood conditional Interest Loans Pledge on be witnesses qibla the book promise possession unto mankind 11. Ayat 243 - 274 2. Ahkaam of salah, sabr, jihad, Hajj and umrah Ahkaam of Infaaq and Jihad. Ayat 153 -158 Ayat al Kursi.(Ayat 255) Salah, Sabr, Hajj and umrah jihad 10. Social Apostasy and belief commands Ayat 153 - 157 Ayat 158 Ayat 217 -242 Ayat 217 - 218 Al-eila (oath to Alcohol stay away from & Punishment for ones wife) gambling hiding Tawheed Ayat 226 Ayat 219 Ayat 159 - 162 Central Divorce Orphans Tawheed of Theme Worship Ayat 227 - 232 Ayat 220 Submit to the final 3. Belief in Ayat 163 Suckling Nikah messenger and act on all Tawheed Ayat 159 -167 Tawheed of Ayat 233 Ayat 221 commandments to fulfill Lordship your responsibility of Salah of fear Menstruation conveying the message Ayat 164 Ayat 238 Ayat 222,223 to the rest of Tawheed and humanity. Shirk Dowry Oaths Ayat 165 - 167 Ayat 239 - 242 Ayat 224,225 Halal rizq 9. Ahkaam of Infaq & Jihad Ayat 168 - 172 Ayat 215 - 218 4. Ahkaam regarding Haram rizq Ayat 215 Ayat 216 - 218 halal and Ayat 173 Infaaq Jihad haram rizq Ayat 168 -176 Hiding the true commands 8. Enter fully into Islam Ayat 174 - 176 Ayat 208 - 213 Ayat 208 - 212 Ayat 213 5. The spirit of ahkaam Ayat 177 Enter into Islam The `bagha` of fully Bani Israeel The spirit behind the ahkaam 7. Ahkaam of Jihad, Infaaq and Hajj 6. Ahkaam (commandments) Ayat 190 - 207 Ayat 178 - 189 Ayat 190 -194 Ayat 195 Ayat 196-203 Ayat 204-207 Ayat 178,179 Ayat 180 -182 Ayat 183 -187 Ayat 189 Qitaal & Jihad Infaaq Hajj & Umrah Thaguth Qisaas Will Fasting Islamic calendar Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT Surah Al e Imran - 3 Second Part First Part Related to the Muslim Related to the People Ummah. of The Book (Ayat 102 - 200) 1. (Ayat 1 - 101) Ayat 1 - 9 Introduction. 7. 2. Ayat 190 - 200 Ayat 10 - 32 Invitation to the people Conclusion. of the book. Central Theme 4 Actions in order to give victory to Islam: 1. Invite people of the book 2. Benefit from their positivity. 3. Avoid their negativity. 4. The unity, organisation and 6. mutual support between 3. Ayat 121 - 189 Muslims. Ayat 33 - 63 The defeat at Uhud and The story of Maryam and commentary on Nifaaq. Eesa in order to refute the concept of trinity. 5. 4. Ayat 102 - 120 Ayat 64 - 101 Advice to the Ummah to Details of the positive be organised. and negative characteristics of the people of the book. Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT Part 1: (Ayat 1 - 9) Introduction. •Quran is the Al-Furqan which discloses the changes made to the previous books. •The Christians have been misled due to the muthashaabih i.e. that which is not clear. •The attitude towards the muhkam and muthashaabih should be that of believing in both being from Allah. Only those people who have a crooked intention, pursue the muthashaabih which leads to misguidance. •Duaa to protect against this has been taught. Part 2: (Ayat 10 - 32) Invitation to the Christians (people of the book). • Deen with Allah is only Islam. • Invitation to believe in the message. • Obey the final Messenger. Part 3: (Ayat 33 - 63) The story of Maryam and Eesa in order to refute the concept of trinity. • Hannah takes an oath to dedicate Maryam to the service of Allah. Maryam is born and Zakariyyah is selected as her guardian. • Zakariyyah makes dua for a son in his old age and he is given Yahya. • Invitation to believe and obey the message and the messenger. • Eesa and the miracles given to him are mentioned and he invites people to worship his true one Lord. • The creation of Adam without a father or mother is given. • Invitation to mubahala. Part 4: (Ayat 64 - 101) The Muslims are informed of the evil plots of the people of the book and to keep away from them. • Invitation to discuss the matters concerning the true revelation. • Ibraheem was haneef and he is the common ancestor. • Some people of the book think it is allowed to take the wealth of the non Jews, while other scholars change the book to suit their desires. • Belief should not be based on lineage, but on the truth. • No other deen is accepted by Allah. (Ayat 85), so follow Ibraheem (95). Quranic Diagrammatic Overview (QDO) DRAFT Part 5: (Ayat 102 - 120) Advice to the Ummah to attain taqwa and be organised. •Hold fast to the rope of Allah. •Best of Ummahs: Invite to good and forbid from evil. •Invitation to the people of the book. •Some examples of the bad and good in the people of the book.
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