Refer to this map as: Wet Tropics Bioregion ROCKINGHAM BAY SERIES WTMAveg 1:50 000 Vegetation Survey QUEENSLAND SHEET 8161-4 EDITION 1 95 96 97 98 99 400 01 02 146°05'03 04 05 06 07 08 09 410 11 146°10'12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 420 146°15' Hull Road 61c 56a 2c 56a 56a 28b 61c31b61c66b lly 56a 55a 18°00' Tu 61c 61c 2a 18°00' 5 4a 2c 31b 61c 56a 56e 61c 31a 66b 55a 61c Bedarra Island 31b 102 56a 61c 61c 61c 61c 31a 31b 56a 55a 56a 61c 61a 61c 47e 47e 64a 2a 2a 61a 55a 61c 09 61c 61c 61c 55a 61c 61c 41a 70e 56e 09 70a 31b 61c 56a 61c 61c 61a31b Pee-Rahm-Ah Island (Battleship Rock) 61c 21a Googarra Beach 61c 61c 56a 56a 70a 49b61c 66b 61c 56a61c 55a 61c 61c Richards (Bedarra) Reef 61c 55a 56a HULL RIVER 61c 61c 61c 2d 55a 55a 61c 61c 61c 55a 2a 55a 2d NATIONAL PARK 61c 61a 8 64a 08 55a55a 61a 2a 55a 70a 61c 08 70a 61c 55a 55a 9 55a 61c 61c Tu 56a lly R 4 iv 61c 56a 2a er 4a 56a 70a 70a 70a 28a 56a 70a Wheeler (Toolgbar) Island Reef 07 56a 70a Tully Heads 2d 55a 55a 61c 2d 07 55a 47e 52b Toolgbar Island 9 55a 52b Lagoon 86 56a 70a 2d 55a 55a 47e 56a 56a 31b 31b FAMILY ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK 47e 55a 70a 55a 2d55a 64a 2d 55a Ck 55a 28a 55a 52b 47e 49b 56a 52b 52b 70a 06 28a 28a 55a 47e 31b 49b 49b 28b 55a 56a 56a 2d 49b 56a 06 61c 56a 56a Family Islands 47e 59a 49b 49b 49b 52b 6 49b 28a 49b 59a 59a 28a Karramban Island EDMUND KENNEDY 58 56a 49b 59a 49b47e 59a 109 28a 49b 28a 31a 64a Coombe Island Smith-Bowden Reef 05 56a 47e 49b 47e 49b 49b 56a Budg-Joo Island 41 49b 47e 05 55a 49b NATIONAL49b PARK Coombe Reef 47e 2a 52b 56a 47e 56a 49b 49b 10c FAMILY ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK 61c 55a 55a 47e 59a 52b 28a 47e 18b 47e 49b 59a 55a 47e 31a 9 04 49b 2a 49b Coolah Island 61c 47e 49b 49b 04 49b 56a 59d 49b 64a 56a 55a Hudson (Coolah) Reef 28a 28a 56e 49b 31a 56a 28a 56a 56e 56a 49b55a 28a 55a 47e 10c 70a 56e 56a 49b 31b 56a 03 55a 49b 56a 55a 10c 03 56a EDMUND KENNEDY 47e 56a 10c 28a 55a 55a 70a 31b NATIONAL PARK Yingalinda Beach 55a 31a 02 70a 55a 55a 52b 10c 02 70a 41a 55a 55a 52b 01 Coral 70a 28b 01 70a 21a M u 4 rra 70a y R 64a64a 18°05' 55a iver 55a 18°05' 80 55a 00 31a 64a 80 55a 00 55a 70a 3 55a 55a 55a 70a 55a 55a 55a 64a 99 55a 56a 56a 64a 52b 99 EDMUND 56a KENNEDY 10c 31b 64a 55a NATIONAL PARK 64a 98 49b 49b 10c 4 98 59a 31a 31b 55a 59d 10c Sea 97 21a 97 55a 31a 10c 10c 96 64a 96 Rockingham 55a 95 4 10c 95 64a 31a 10c 94 Bay 55a 94 55a 31b 93 93 Hayman Point 66c 60e 31a 31b 66c 47c 60e43b 66a 56e 70a 31b 25a 55a 43b 47c 5 196 2a 2a 43b Goold Island 92 70a 10c Ck 47c 47c 66c 2a 43b 92 2a 59a 55a 64a 25a 47c 59a 60e 59a 70a 60d GOOLD ISLAND 409 70a 70a 31b 47c 43b 60e Dallachy 31b 43b 22c 41 18°10' 2a 31b 31b 18°10' 91 NATIONAL PARK 230 66b 70a 66c 2a 66b 52b 64a 2a 43b 91 10c 70e Goold Reef 47c 2a 55a 31b 31b 70e 66c 2a 55a 55a 162 25a 10c 31b 66b 55a 31b 31b 43b 31b 79 43b 90 70a 21c 55a 55a 43b 7990 31b 70e 70a 55a 31b Garden Island Garden Reef 10c 64a 64a43b 2a 89 55a 34 31a 31b 10c Sail Rock 89 55a 64a 10c 52b 55a 64a 5 70a Ck 88 55a 37d Cape Richards 37d 88 31b Wreck 55a EDMUND 31b 99 31a 2b 43b 2a 21a 66b 70f 70a 31b 181 31b KENNEDY 64a 55a 87 55a 43b 55a 28b 87 NATIONAL 64a 21c 70a 55a 55a55a 31b 31b Shepherd 59a 70e 70e 55a 55a 55a 8a Bay 4 PARK 55a 70a 86 59a 59a 70f 59a 55a 86 55a 59a 31a 55a 64a 31b 31a 47e 70e 70a 56a 22a 56a 31a 31a 55a 61c 61c 85 61c 4 31a 22a 31b 85 70a 43b 31b 67b 2a 115 60e 31b 355a 31a 55a Kirkville Hills 66b67b 64a 43b 60e 2a 167 2a 55a 31b 60e 21c 55a 10c 55a 43b 61c 70a 8a 55a 31b 55a 55a Ck 31b 84 HINCHINBROOK ISLAND 28b Meunga 84 61c 70a 56a 55a 70a 64a 43b Hinchinbrook Island 56a 70a 70a NATIONAL PARK 55a 55a 8a 31b 55a 47e 31b 56a 55a 43b 55a70a Hinchinbrook Island 109 N 61c 70a 31b 31b 28b 55a 34a 34a 43b 2a 47c 55a 2a 61a 34a HINCHINBROOK 43b ISLAND 55a 55a 64a 67h 55a 000m 43b 70a 31b 55a70a 43b 83 83 66c 55a 55a 79 25a 10a 43b 60d 70a 70a 70a 61c 34a 43b 55a 2a NATIONAL PARK 31b Missionary Bay 43b 61c 28b 61c 2a 25a 59a 43b 70a Hecate Point 70a 439 25a 31b 70a 56a 64a 47e 25a 20a 25a 70a 61c 43b 34a 21c 2a 60d 34a 43b 60e 34a 43b 19a 395000m E 96 97 98 99 400 01 02 03146°05' 04 05 06 07 08 09 410 11 146°10'12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 420 146°15' 012345Kilometres Date of map production: January 2009 © Wet Tropics Management Authority 2009 FULL LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE ARE SHOWN WITH FIVE MINUTE TICKS INSIDE THE NEATLINE GREY NUMBERED GRID LINES ARE 1000 METRE INTERVALS OF THE UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSE MERCATOR GRID, ZONE 55 (MAP GRIDAUSTRALIA ), GDA Tully Clump Point ISBN 978-1-921591-38-9 GRID VALUES ARE SHOWN IN FULL ONLY AT THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF THE MAP GN MN VERTICAL DATUM: AUSTRALIAN HEIGHT DATUM; HORIZONTAL DATUM: GDA94; TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION; ELEVATIONS IN METRES TN Atherton Railway Rockingham GRID Bilyana Brook Islands CONVERGENCE Allanton Hill Bay (0.5°) GRID-MAGNETIC 221 ANGLE (7.7°) Rainforests Sclerophyll and sclerophyll Sclerophyll forests and woodlands Vegetation complexes and mosaics Shrublands and heathlands Unvegetated, cleared or non-native rainforest transitions Mount Graham Cardwell Hillock Point True North, Grid North and Magnetic North are shown 2a Mesophyll rainforests 31b Eucalyptus forests and woodlands 64a Coastal beach complexes 67b Shrublands and heathlands Naturally unvegetated diagrammatically for the centre of this map. Magnetic North is correct for 2008 and moves easterly by 0.1° in 18b Closed Acacia forests about four years. 4a Palm-leaf rainforests 55a Melaleuca forests and woodlands 61c Secondary successional complexes Rural, agricultural or urban areas 19a Mangroves Closed Eucalyptus forests Rock pavement and coastal 10c Notophyll rainforests 60e Syncarpia forests and woodlands 66b headland complexes 70a 20a Closed Lophostemon forests Mangrove forests Vegetation not mapped 22a Casuarina forests and woodlands Mangrove grasslands 70e and herblands 49b Lophostemon forests and woodlands SERIES WTMAveg SHEET 8161-4 21a Acacia forests and woodlands EDITION 1 Vegetation codes in legend boxes above are examples only. For a complete listing of vegetation codes and description see back of map. VEGETATION MAPPING INFORMATION Abstract 14e Simple microphyll vine-fern forest characterised byUromyrtus tenella . Very wet uplands on suaveolens (on rock pavements). Dry uplands on granites. Lophostemon suaveolens±± Timonius timon Ficus rubiginosa ± Acacia leptostachya This series of vegetation maps of the Wet Tropics of Queensland Bioregion depicts the vegetation metamorphics. (subtype of 14a) 43g Low woodland + subsp. + (on shallow soils and rock pavements). Wet to dry foothills and uplands on granites and rhyolites. community types identified by J.P Stanton and D. Stanton. The mapping is based on their interpretation of Eucalyptus portuensis Corymbia citriodora citriodora Syncarpia 14f Microphyll vine-sedge forest characterised bySyzygium kuranda + Pouteria euphlebia + Podocarpus glomuliferasubsp. glomulifera + shrub layer of Lophostemon confertus (on rocky slopes). Moist and 66f Variable shrubland complex +Acacia leptostachya ± Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta ± Lophostemon 1:25,000 aerial photography. Marked-up photography was scanned and orthorectified to the Authority's + + . Wet (± cloud) uplands on dry uplands and highlands on rhyolites. ± Moist and dry uplands and highlands on granites and rhyolites. 1:50,000 GIS drainage coverage using an 80 metre digital elevation model (DEM). Vegetation polygons grayae Musgravea stenostachya Stenocarpus cryptocarpus confertus Lophostemon suaveolens. metamorphics. (subtype of 14a) 44a Medium to tall open forest + subsp. + 66g Medium deciduous var. / woodland ± were extracted digitally from the scanned images while their vegetation attributes were inputted manually. Eucalyptus reducta Syncarpia glomulifera glomulifera Bombax ceiba leiocarpum Cochlospermum gillivraei Microphyll vine thickets (MVT) Allocasuarina torulosa. Wet to dry highlands mainly on granites. Erythrophleum chlorostachys complex. Wet foothills on granites and metamorphics. Citation 15a Microphyll vine thicket characterised by emergentAraucaria cunninghamii var. cunninghamii. Moist 44b Medium openEucalyptus reducta forest + Corymbia citriodora subsp. citriodora ± Eucalyptus 66h Medium semi-deciduousCanarium australianum woodland complex. Moist and dry uplands on WTMA (2009). 'name of map sheet ' [map] Edition 1. 1:50,000. Vegetation of the Wet Tropics of and dry foothills and uplands on granites and rhyolites. portuensis. Moist and dry uplands on granites and metamorphics. granites. Queensland. Wet Tropics Management Authority. Cairns. 15b Microphyll vine thicket (restricted to Mount Fox on unconsolidated pyroclastic volcanic cones). Dry 44c MediumEucalyptus reducta woodland + Eucalyptus granitica + Corymbia citriodora subsp.
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