THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE HISTORIC FORT MARCY EARTHWORKS SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO Edited by Mary June-el Piper Based on a Report by Cordelia T. Snow, Historic Sites Archaeologist and David J. Kammer Ph.D., Historian 1996 The publication of The History and Archaeology of the Historic Fort Marcy Earthworks, Santa Fe, New Mexico has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Interior, nor does the mention of any trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement by the Department of the Interior. The archaeological and historical research that led to the production of this document was conducted through funding provided under the Certified Local Government Program as administered by the New Mexico Office of Cultural Affairs, Historic Preservation Division. This program receives Federal funds from the National Park Service. Additional funding sources include the National Park Service Long Distance Trails Group Office (Santa Fe), the Santa Fe Trail Center (Larned, Kansas), and the City of Santa Fe Archaeological Review Committee Fund. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental Federally Assisted Programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program activity or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, P.O. Box 37127, Washington, D.C. 20013-7127. THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE HISTORIC FORT MARCY EARTHWORKS SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO Edited by Mary June-el Piper Based on a Report by Cordelia T. Snow, Historic Sites Archaeologist and David J. Kammer, Ph.D., Historian City of Santa Fe Planning and Land Use Department 1996 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CITY OF SANTA FE Debbie Jaramillo Councilors Mayor Patti Bushee Peso Chavez Frank Montano Larry Delgado Mayor Pro Tem Amy Manning Christopher Moore Frank DiLuzio Art Sanchez City Manager Molly Whitted William C. Kueffer Planning and Land Use Department Director Anne M. Condon Planning Division Team Leader Archaeological Review Committee Steve Koczan, Archaeologist, Chair Michael Hurlocker, Developer, Vice Chair Michael Bremer, Archaeologist Alexa Roberts, Archaeologist Laurel Seth, Historian PUBLICATION TEAM Archaeological Review Committee Project Oversight Mary June-el Piper Editor Peggy Gerow, Historical Archaeologist Historical Consultant Charles Haecker, Archaeologist Technical Review Mary Grzeskowiak, Historic Preservation Planner Project Coordination Bob Hill, Graphic Artist II Cover Layout Cover Image: "PLAN OF SANTA FE AND ITS ENVIRONS," drawing by John T. Hughes from Doniphan ’s Expedition and the Conquest of New Mexico and California, by William Elsey Connelley, (1907), reprint of 1848 edition. Bryant and Douglas, Kansas City Missouri. I TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface .................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3 Natural and Cultural History.................................................................................. '. 5 Historical Background of Fort Marcy and Its Construction ............................................ 10 Archaeological Work on and around Historic Fort Marcy ................................................. 15 Research Questions .............................................................................................................. 19 Results of the Archaeological Tests ............................................................................. 20 Discussion of Findings........................................................................................................ 28 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 31 Glossary .............................................................................................................................. 33 References Cited ................................................................................................................. 35 Figures ................................................................................................................................. 39 Appendices A. Historic Fort Marcy Project 1995: Research Design (Susan Swan, David Kammer, and Cordelia Snow) B. Fort Marcy: Its Significance and Relevance to Santa Fe (David Kammer) C. Lithic Artifact Analysis (James Moore) D. Analysis of Faunal Remains (Linda S. Mick-O’Hara) E. Analysis of Corncobs from Prehistoric Levels (Mollie S. Toll) F. Old Fort Marcy. FORT MARCY HILL, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO: The Prehistory and History of the Site and an Inventory of Records Regarding the Use of the Site (Frank E. Wozniak) G. Results of Archaeological Investigations of Old Fort Marcy, Santa Fe County, New Mexico (John C. Acklen, ed.) FIGURES 1. Site Location (not to scale) 2. José Urrutia’s Map of Santa Fe, 1766-1768. History Library, Palace of the Governors. Museum of New Mexico Negative No. 10948. 3. 1846 Map of Santa Fe and Its Environs, by Lts. W. H. Emory and J. F. Gilmer. Museum of New Mexico. 4. Plan of Santa Fe, New Mexico, by Lt. J. F. Gilmer, 1846-1847. Museum of New Mexico Negative No. 121985. 5. Elements of a Bastioned Fort (from Mahan 1836) 6. View of Santa Fe, New Mexico, by Lt. Abert (published in 1848). Photo Archives, Museum of New Mexico. 7. Mansfield’s 1853 Drawing of Fort Marcy (from Frazer 1963) 8. Ruins of Old Fort Marcy around 1880, by W. P. Bliss. The view is toward the southeast. Museum of New Mexico Negative No. 117647. 9. Fort Marcy Ruins, 1912, by Jesse L. Nusbaum. Museum of New Mexico, Negative No. 61547. 10. Fort Marcy Ruins, 1912, by Jesse L. Nusbaum. Museum of New Mexico, Negative No. 1725. 11. Location of 1995 archaeological testing (not to scale) 12. Plan view of Trench C (not to scale) 13. 1912 Map of Santa Fe Showing Street, Park and River Improvements Proposed by the City Planning Board. Note park around Fort Marcy in upper right. Museum of New Mexico Negative No. 61530. 14. Aerial View of Fort Marcy around 1964, by Tony Perry. Photo Archives, Museum of New Mexico Negative No. 38348. PREFACE This report presents the results of a multi-phase project initiated by the City of Santa Fe to document the history and guide the management and public interpretation of Historic Fort Marcy. The first phase of the project was identification and review of published and other written sources of information on the fort (Wozniak 1992). The result of Wozniak’s research was a comprehensive documentation of the history of Fort Marcy, included in this publication as an appendix. One major question uncovered by the first phase was whether or not the fort was built on top of the remains of a prehistoric pueblo. Preliminary archaeological testing two years later during the second phase of research yielded abundant evidence of prehistoric occupation of the hill but little information on the historical features of the fort itself (Acklen 1994). The report on this work is also included here as an appendix. The following year, the project’s third phase involved limited archaeological excavation directed by Susan Swan that confirmed the presence of prehistoric remains and revealed the method of the fort’s construction. At the same time, additional research and analysis of the written records enabled David Kammer to describe the historical context of the site. Cordelia Snow and David Kammer prepared the report on the third phase of work in 1995. Their report (Snow and Kammer 1995) provided the basis for this document. This document incorporates information from the three phases of work completed to date. The committee intends this report to be used as a resource in public meetings concerning management of Historic Fort Marcy and by professional historians, archaeologists, and planners as they prepare interpretive materials. Therefore this publication is divided into a summary of the research results and a set of technical appendices outlining analytical methods and results. • The report begins with an introduction to the project. Descriptions of the natural and cultural history follow, as well as the historical background of the fort and previous archaeological work in the area. These sections are important because they provide a framework for the current research and a background for future interpretation. • The next section explains the research design that outlines the scope of this study. These research questions allowed us to learn as much as possible about the site, while disturbing it as little as possible. • Following the research questions is a discussion of the findings of the archaeologists and a summary of those results in light of the historical research conducted during this and previous phases. • The final section provides conclusions and makes suggestions for future research, management, and interpretation. Technical terms appear in bold in the text and are defined in the glossary. All books, articles, maps, and other written documents cited in this report (generally in parentheses by author and year) are listed in the “References” section. 1 The technical appendices to this report contain the
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