Canadian Monarchist News Les Nouvelles Monarchiques du Canada Autumn/Automne 2018 — No. 44 An occasional Newsletter for members and friends of The Monarchist League of Canada The Monarchist League of Canada / La Ligue Monarchiste du Canada, PO Box 1057, Lakeshore West PO, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K 0B2 905-855-7262 (800) 465-6925 www.monarchist.ca THE MONARCHIST LEAGUE OF CANADA – 48th ANNIVERSARY 1970-2018 PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU – Makes Most Extensive Comments So Far About Canada’s Monarchy COMMENTARY veals that the Crown is an institu- tion whose many advantages are Robert Finch, little taught in Canadian schools, Dominion Chairman, The and so is ill-understood as a key Monarchist League of Canada component of our national identity Président, la Ligue Monarchiste and polity, as something to be proud du Canada of rather than merely tolerated. The Prime Minister’s response to It is good that Mr Trudeau said a question about the role of the Can - “we now have more than 150 years adian Monarchy during a YES Youth of tradition that has worked.” What Town Hall in Toronto on June 27, he went on to say is unfortunate: while generally tepid, quite possibly “That isn’t directly harming us or reflects the views of that significant preventing our success or self-deter- number of the population for whom mination as a nation.” This was a that such constitutional debates Prime Minister Trudeau the matter is simply not an issue. To rather negative assertion; does it “take a tremendous amount of time answers YES Youth questions on Monarchy at Town Hall be fair, we should remember at the imply that it could be harming us and energy without significantly… meeting in Toronto on June 27. outset that M. Tru deau had not seen indirectly? Better he should have improving the day-to-day lives of the questions in advance, and so his said, “It is a positive part of our dis- many Canadians.” He also observed reply was not as nuanced or com- tinct identity on this continent, and that: “[abolishing the monarchy] plete as he might have wished. deserves to be better understood as wouldn’t actually have a massive im- This is good in the sense that, to- such.” Instead of suggesting “Is this pact on our daily lives.” As the gether with the Prime Minister, holding us back in things we want League has often said, it would not, The Princess Royal lauded some most Canadians have no appetite for to do?”he might better have said, for instance, reduce crowding in one 25,000 Rotarians from around the massive constitutional change – “The Crown promotes volunteerism, classroom, provide more support for world during a brief Toronto stay. they see that our system of gover- tolerance, unity and many other core one single parent or reduce waiting HRH impressed her fellow Rotary nance works. But at the same time, values of which we are all proud.” times for medical attention. members with her insight and as long warned by the League, it re- The PM was correct in stating continued on page 2 expertise about its campaign to eradicate Polio in Africa. PRINCESS ROYAL IN TORONTO ON FLYING VISIT – Addresses 2018 Rotary International Convention June found HRH The Princess and was greeted at Pearson Airport have always since then been aware Royal greeting nearly 25,000 fellow by the Lieutenant Governor. HRH of Rotarians. My other major inter- Rotarians from around the world opened the Rotary International est at that time was Riding for the gathered at Toronto’s Air Canada Convention, and departed for the Disabled... I was conscious that Centre. In characteristic thoughtful UK the same day on an overnight often when I went to their events, style, and with expertise gained over flight! they would have people who would many years, Anne lauded the close help them out with those events, connections between Rotary and EXCERPTS FROM THE particularly car parking...which was the Save the Children Fund, of PRINCESS ROYAL’S ADDRESS crucial to the day’s ability to run, which she has been President for (Watch the entire speech by pasting into and which was done by Rotarians. decades, using the striking example your browser vimeo.com/ 276921055) Perhaps you can answer the ques- of Rotary’s effectiveness in nearly ...I am here as an Honorary Mem- tion: Is there a hierarchy in Rotary eliminating the scourge of Polio in ber of the Rotary Club of Elgin... I which requires you to start parking parts of Africa. have been President of Save the cars before you get the better jobs? The famously-busy and commit- Child ren since 1970, and they have Probably not. But that showed me ted Princess arrived in Toronto from taught me something about the just how interested you are in mak- London the afternoon of June 24, work you now do. I suppose that I ing the best of all opportunities, continued on page 2 TRUDEAU... continued from page 1 But again, the PM would have This might lead Canadians to as- Monarchists have been generally been more on the mark to add that sume in fact we send some amount supportive of Prime Minister Tru - a very high bar of specific advantage of funds to The Queen directly, deau’s respect for the Crown since would need to be met to justify when in fact the cost of the Cana- he took office. He obviously has a abolishing an institution which dian Crown lies entirely at home, particularly warm relationship with works and is part of our heritage for mainly for the support of the Gov- The Queen, the Prince of Wales and many centuries; that we should be ernor General and Lieutenant Gov- Prince Harry; he led his fellow proud of our distinct, inclusive, tol- ernors and the historic homes in Commonwealth Heads of Govern- erant society which has evolved, like which many of them live; for hon- ment in coming to the decision that the Crown, in an especially Cana- ouring outstanding Canadians, ar- Charles will one day follow The dian way which makes us the envy ranging royal homecomings to Queen as its Head. of most of the world, and always Canada, promoting our identity and While we have no quarrel with places Canada high on the UN maintaining our constitutional ar- much of what Mr Trudeau said in Human Development Index. rangements. Toronto, we might wish he had used If quoted correctly by iPolitics, The League’s most recent trien- the opportunity to speak more pos- the PM also made the perhaps inad- nial study on the cost of the Cana- itively about the institution, and vertently-misleading statement that dian Monarchy www.monarchist.ca commit his government to advanc- “the value-for-money question is / files/publications/costofthecrown ing a more informed citizenry about moot because Canadians pay ‘very 2016.pdf reveals this comes to $1.53 our Monarchy – without which in- minimal amounts’ to the monar- annually per Canadian. Not a penny formation no real debate on its chy.” of this is sent overseas. value could take place. PRINCESS ROYAL... continued from page 1 particularly locally, to help others model wouldn’t mean we could roll sense to evaluate where you as an Ontario Lieutenant Governor raise funds, as well as raising funds out the program. And that’s what organization and the people you Liz Dowdeswell greets yourself. you did. Rotary grasp ed the impor- represent can do most, and how Princess Royal Now in this context I am espe- tance of that model, of that chain, each of your clubs can inspire lo- and the importance that your mem- cally – and will want to inspire lo- bership could add real impetus to a cally, because of their knowledge genuine program to stop polio. You and understanding. And you bring have an astonishing global reach, together like-minded people across and that has been proved by the suc- the world to understand where they cess of this program. You also un- can share their interests and enthu- der stood the importance of cooper- siasms in the most productive way... ation, of making the delivery much This Convention is about as close more efficient; and you have an en- as you can get to having a good rep- dearing habit of leaving your egos at resentation of the world’s Rotarians the door, so that you work well with in once place. And therefore it gives others when you have a real focus. me an opportunity on behalf of so Of course the key to any of those many of those children in particular vaccination programs is getting the that Save the Children has worked right people in the right place at the with over many years – that runs right time. Not always easy to do if into millions – for the efforts that language, culture and priorities are you have put in to changing their different. I was particularly remind - life expectancy in terms of health in ed of that in Somalia where the particular, and proving that humans women and children were not really really do share more similarities allowed to go to the clinics to get than dissimilarities by working so their vaccinations. But the farmers, well together to conquer that. the nomads, took their livestock to But you have also brought to- IN THIS EDITION cially pleased with the work that the vets to the markets for them to gether a whole range of organiza- OF CMN you have done in supporting so be inoculated. So we changed the tions – the UN, international orga- many through your global Polio pattern and gave the vets the vacci- nizations and global businesses – Governor General Eradication Initiative..
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